• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,272 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Vs. Rhino & Zomom

"It's just..... Ever since I became Princess...... I....... I feel like me and my friends are slowly drifting apart," Twilight explained as she sniffled, "I've just been so lonely lately. And sure I've got Spike, but I can't exactly talk to him. I mean I can, but.... Well.... You know what I mean."

Sonic sat next to the sad alicorn on the edge of the Empire State Building, his hand on her shoulder in comfort.

"Hey, I get it. There are some things that you can't talk to him about. He's too young to understand, heck, I have the same problem with Tails believe it or not." said Sonic in understanding.

Twilight turned to the hedgehog and arched an eyebrow, "Why do I find that hard to believe?"

Sonic chuckled and sighed, "I mean, I don't blame you for not believing me. Tails and I are pretty much inseparable. But there are some things that I can't talk to him about, after all, he's eight years old," Sonic then wrapped his arm around Twilight, "But just because you haven't seen your friends in a while doesn't mean you guys are drifting apart. Have you made an effort to see them?"

Twilight sighed and looked down, "Yes, on multiple occasions. But they're always too busy with their own lives. Not to mention that they never send letters to me anymore."

Sonic then looked determined, "Then that's on them, not on you. You're making an effort to keep in touch, sure they may have other plans, but if they aren't writing you as much as they used to, then that's not your fault. Not at all," Twilight then turned to the hedgehog comforting her, "And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart. I am so sorry for making you feel like you don't matter, and I promise you, that I'll never make you feel like that ever again."

Tears then fell down Twilights cheeks as she wrapped her forelegs around the hedgehog, to which Sonic returned. As Twilight sobbed, Sonic stroked her mane with his hand in hopes of calming her down. The embrace ended and Sonic smiled at Twilight.

"Feeling better?"

Twilight nodded and returned the smile.

Sonic then stood up and gazed into the sunset, "Alright then," he then turned to Twilight, "Come on. We got some villains to stop."

Twilight smiled and nodded as she stood up next to Sonic.

Suddenly, an explosion went off near Harlem. It was so large that it could be seen from the Empire State Building. Sonic and Twilight's eyes widened in horror.

Sonic then turned to Twilight, "Twi."

"On it!" Twilight replied, already knowing what her friend was going to say.

She charged up her horn and teleported them both to Harlem.

Down in Harlem, NYPD officers were shooting their guns at the raging villain known only as, The Rhino. Rhino roared a a beastly roar and charged right towards the officers. Said officers quickly made the smart choice and ran away as Rhino plowed right through their police cruisers.

Zomom picked up a nearby parked car with his strength and threw it towards the officers of the law. The officers braced themselves, but suddenly, the car exploded as a green spear looking projectile destroyed the car before it crushed the officers.

Zomom looked confused, until Shadow teleported in front of the officers with his arms crossed.

Shadow turned to the officers, "What are you waiting for? GO!!!"

The officers nodded and got out of there as Shadow walked towards Zomom. Rhino roared as he prepared to charge at the hedgehog, but he was interrupted by a Homing Attack to the face. As Rhino fell to one knee, he looked and saw Twilight and Sonic standing before him.

"Someone call for animal control?" Sonic quipped.

Rhino stood up and smashed his fist on the ground in an attempt to hit Sonic and Twilight. But Twilight saw this coming and quickly teleported her and Sonic out of harms way.

Rhino turned around and saw them reappear on the other side of the street, "I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!!!"

Rhino then charged down the street, causing destruction as he ran. Sonic saw this and ran after him with Twilight taking to the air and flying along side Sonic. Rhino plowed through the street, knocking parked cars into buildings and stores. He used his massive horn to knock any cars that were driving his way.

If it wasn't for Twilight teleporting the civilians out of the car before it crashed, they would've been toast. Sonic chased after Rhino, eventually catching up to him and running alongside the villain.

"Can I see your license and registration please?" Sonic joked.

"GET LOST!!!" yelled Rhino.

They were coming up to the end of the road. Sonic had an idea, he could hit Rhino as he's turning. But that idea went right out the window as Rhino leaped into the air and went through the side of a building. Rhino plowed through the building and landed on the road and continued to charge through the streets of New York.

Sonic slowed down and eventually came to a stop, looking in awe of the destruction that Rhino caused.

"So much for that idea." Sonic sighed as he sped up and continued to chase after Rhino with Twilight following close behind.

As they chased after the rhinoceros villain, Twilight decided that enough was enough. She created a barrier of magic in front of Rhino's path, in hopes of slowing him down. Those thoughts were short lived as Rhino charged right through the barrier, smashing it to pieces.

Twilight looked in awe, just how strong was he? She shook off her thoughts and continued after him.

(End song)

Shadow leapt into the air to avoid Zomom, who smashed down onto the ground, creating violent tremors that shook the street they were battling on. Zomom then charged forward at high speeds, but Shadow used his rocket shoes to propel himself into the air and fly behind Zomom.

Shadow then boosted forward and elbowed the Zeti in the back of the head, knocking him down.

Zomom then smacked the road with his fist as he stood back up, "I'M GONNA DEVOUR YOU!!!"

Shadow smirked, "Sorry, but I'm not into that."

Zomom roared as he spun around at high speeds, creating multiple dust tornadoes around him. The tornadoes moved towards Shadow, tearing the ground beneath them apart as they moved. Shadow simply teleported away, letting the tornadoes do their thing before they dissipated into nothingness.

Zomom slowed down and stopped spinning. He looked around to see where Shadow teleported off to.

"You're pathetic." Shadow said to Zomom, who looked upwards and saw Shadow standing on a rooftop.

Zomom roared and jumped up onto the roof to continue the battle. Zomom landed on the roof and glared at Shadow. Zomom threw a punch at the Ultimate Lifeform, but Shadow simply ducked under the attack and punched Zomom in the gut.

As Zomom wretched in pain, Shadow took this chance to walk towards Zomom.

"I underestimated one of you creatures once," Shadow then clenched his fist and boosted forward, "Never again."

Shadow then uppercut Zomom in the chin, sending the Zeti flying off of the building and crashing on the street. Zomom got back up and leaped into the air, only to start spinning around and dive back down towards the street. Zomom then burrowed into the ground and made his way to the building.

Shadow arched an eyebrow in confusion before he could feel the building start to shake. Before Shadow could do anything, Zomom shot out of the roof and hit Shadow in the chin. As the building crumbled to the ground, Shadow jumped from one piece of rubble to the next until he landed on the ground.

Zomom landed on the street and charged forward towards Shadow.

(End song)

That is until a line of web attached itself to the Zeti's back, stopping Zomom in his tracks. Zomom turned around, only to receive a Venom Punch to the face, curtesy of Miles. The punch sent the Zeti straight to the ground while Miles flipped over the Zeti and landed next to Shadow.

Shadow and Miles nodded at one another as Zomom got back up.

Miles shot web into Zomom's eye, blinding the Zeti, "Hey, tubby! Ya got some web in your eye!" Miles exclaimed as Shadow boosted forward.

Shadow then jumped up and knocked Zomom to the ground with a roundhouse kick, finishing this battle.

(End song)

Miles walked over towards Shadow, who turned to face the young hero.

"Took you long enough." Shadow said with a slight smirk on his face.

Miles responded with a hand gesture that would confuse Twilight, but Shadow knew it all to well. He chuckled and turned to the defeated Zeti.

"Where's the other spider?" Shadow asked Miles without facing him directly.

Miles glanced towards the fallen Zeti, "Rhino duty."

(Start from 15:20)

Rhino leapt into the air and landed in one of Fisk's old construction sites. Sonic and Twilight both landed behind him as Rhino slammed the ground.

Rhino then turned around to face the interdimensional heroes, "And what are you two creatures going to do?"

Sonic and Twilight both glanced at each other and smirked before turning back to Rhino.

"We're gonna send you back to the zoo." Sonic replied.

Rhino roared and leaped into the air before smashing his fist on the ground, but not before Sonic and Twilight moved out of the way. Rhino's punch caused tremors that shook the ground something fierce. Rhino turned to his left to face Twilight. Rhino smirked as he charged right towards the alicorn.

Twilight took to the air before Rhino could inflict any harm upon her. She then used her magic to levitate some scaffolding into the air before throwing it at Rhino. After being hit, Rhino stumbled before falling to one knee, giving Sonic the opportunity to hit him in the face with a Homing Attack, sending him to the ground.

As Rhino tried to get up, Sonic ran circles around the villain, creating a blue tornado around him. While Sonic blinded Rhino, Twilight fired multiple blasts from her horn, hitting Rhino several times. Sonic then skidded to a stop in front of Rhino, as the tornado disappeared, Sonic quickly leapt towards Rhino and punched him in the face.

Rhino fell to the ground as Sonic landed behind him. Twilight then levitated Sonic into the air with her magic. Sonic then curled into a ball and started revving. Rhino got back up and faced the two heroes. Twilight then launched Sonic at the villain, only to be caught by Rhino.

"Uh, how you say? BATTER UP!!!" Rhino yelled as he hurled Sonic directly at Twilight.

Twilight was hit in the chest by Sonic and they both fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Rhino approached the two fallen heroes and loomed over them.

"Awe. You look broken," Rhino said as he raised his foot, "Now to put end to this chase of goose!"

(End song)

But before he could finish them off, Peter swung down and kicked Rhino in the face, knocking him down.

"Pick on somebody.....Or pony......Or hedgehog your own size, Rhino!"

Rhino got back up and roared at the hero, "I TOLD YOU, THERE IS NO ONE MY SIZE, PAUK!!!"

Rhino then charged forward, but Peter ran forward and reeled back a punch. Peter then punched Rhino in the face as hard as he could, sending the villain to the ground. Twilight and Sonic then noticed a crane holding a cylinder object above Rhino. They smirked at one another before Sonic dashed forward and ran around Rhino again, creating another blue tornado.

Twilight then used her magic to release the cylinder from the crane. Sonic then ran out of the way as the cylinder landed on top of Rhino, defeating him.

(End song)

Twilight landed as Sonic skidded to a stop in front of her. Sonic and Twilight hoofed/fist bumped as Peter swung over and landed in front of the two.

"You guys all good?" Peter asked.

Twilight nodded as Sonic gave him a thumbs up, "We're all good here," Sonic turned to Twilight, "Just had to have a little talk with a friend."

Twilight blushed in embarrassment as Peter chuckled. They then heard a whooshing noise coming from where Rhino was laying down. They turned and saw Rhino fall into a portal in the ground, escaping capture.

The portal closed as Sonic groaned in frustration, "SERIOUSLY?! AGAIN?!"

Peter turned to Twilight and Sonic, "Come on. We've gotta come up with a plan if we're gonna fix this mess."

Sonic and Twilight nodded as they left the construction site and headed towards the apartment, ready to come up with a plan.

Author's Note:

Next chapter is the conclusion to Act 2.

Stay tuned.