• Published 9th Nov 2021
  • 2,272 Views, 70 Comments

Horizons - Battwell

The sequel to Sonic the Hedgehog X My Little Pony: Chaos & Harmony. But a new player is added to the adventure of a lifetime

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Vs. The Sinister Egg Core


The Sinister Egg Core roared a mighty roar as missiles launched from its back and lasers fired from its tentacles. With Captain America leading the charge, with Spidey swinging beside him, the heroes charged forward to finish this fight.

Rainbow Dash got right into action as she flew in the air at high speeds towards the monstrous mech. She turned her head to see Iron Man flying right beside her.

"Y'know, you're pretty fast for a little cartoon horse," Iron Man quipped.

Rainbow arched an eyebrow, "Pretty quick? I'm the FASTEST flyer around!"

"Uh huh."

The Sinister Egg Core roared as it swung one of its many tentacles at the two flyers. Rainbow Dash swooped below the giant appendage while Tony flew over it, firing tiny rockets from his shoulders, damaging the mech slightly. As the mech roared and opened its mouth to fire its mouth laser, Rainbow Dash uppercut it from below, causing the villains inside to lose focus for a moment.

The mech recovered and fired lasers from its tentacles, directed at the streets below. But Thor wasn't going to allow that. As the God of Thunder flew up with Mjolnir gripped firmly, Celestia and Luna flew beside the thunder god.




The mech raised its tentacles into the air, causing the skies to darken. Suddenly, red lightning shot down from the darkened clouds. Thor nodded to the two alicorn sisters as they split up to avoid getting struck by the bolts of darkness. Thor swung Mjolnir around in a circular motion before releasing it, sending it flying right into the mechs eye, sending it back. Right into Celestia and Luna, who were ready to attack as they both fired beams of magic from their horns, damaging the mech.

Eggman growled in anger, "THAT WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN!!!"

The mech roared as it was then surrounded in a dark mist. As Iron Man and Rainbow Dash flew towards the mech, the monstrous machine released a wave of darkness, sending them crashing into a nearby building.

Hulk roared and hit the ground with his hands, "HULK TEAR ROBOT APART!!!"

Applejack walked up beside the green monster, "Ah like the way ya think, big guy."

Knuckled smashed his fists together, "Me too."

Hulk roared and leaped into the air while Knuckles jumped up and glided towards the machine of darkness. Applejack prepared her lasso and readied herself for the right moment.

Hulk leaped through the air and reeled back a fist, only to be stopped mid air, much to his confusion.

Otto laughed, "Oh, Banner. You short sighted fool. With our reactor still functioning, nothing can stop us!!!"

Hulk was then sent flying back to the ground by one of the mechs tentacles.

Eggman eyes the other two villains, "Don't draw too much power from the reactor!"

Sombra and Otto looked confused.

"But the reactor is powered by The Chaos Emeralds! YOU SAID their power was LIMITLESS!!!" Otto replied to the egg shaped man.

Eggman sneered, "POTENTIALLY! My concern is for the Multiversal Reset Wave! At this fragile stage, we don't want--AHH!"

Eggman screamed as Knuckles landed on the eye of the mech, ready to lay into it with a barrage of punches, "You three ready to call it quits? Or do I have to rough you up?"

Otto snarled, "There's no stopping us NOW! Not when we are this close to victory! AWAY WITH YOU!!!"

Just as the mech was about to release another blast of darkness, an explosive arrow hit the mech dead center in the eye, causing it to crack, luckily Knuckles had a good grip otherwise he would have fallen off. The arrow came from none other than Clint Barton, who was stationed on a nearby rooftop.

He smirked, "Heh, I never miss."

Before the villains could react, a grappling hook attached itself to one of the mechs tentacles. Natasha Romanoff, The Black Widow, aimed her wrist directly at the eye and fired an electric taser as she swung off of her grappling hook and rolled to a stop on a building close by.

The mech screeched as the taser did its thing. As Knuckles began laying into the thing, Tails flew up with his twin tails and readied his arm cannon. He fired a shot at one of the mechs tentacles, damaging it, not much, but it gave Sonic the distraction he needed to run up the side of a nearby building and bounce off of it to hit the mech with a Homing Attack.

The villains had had enough of these games and decided to take things up a notch. Knuckles was sent flying through the air thanks to being pushed off by the burst of darkness released by the mech. Applejack swung her lasso and tossed the end of it to Knuckles, who grabbed onto it as Applejack swung the echidna through the air. Once enough momentum was gained, Knuckles let go of the lasso and flew straight towards the mech.

The villains saw this coming and swiped at Knuckles with a tentacle, sending Knuckles to the ground, landing next to a nearby car.

Black Panther readied his claws as Starlight, Trixie, and Rarity stood next to him.

"This monstrosity made of darkness will not endanger anymore lives," said the King of Wakanda.

The three unicorns lit up their horns, casting a spell to hold the mech in place while Black Panther ran towards it, his claws ready.

Omega aimed his guns at The Sinister Egg Core and fired a barrage of bullets and missiles.


While Rouge hit the top of the mech with a Spin Kick, Amy jumped off the edge of a building and wacked the mech with her Piko Piko Hammer, giving T'challa the opportunity to jumped off the roof of the car and slash at the tentacles of the giant mech.

While Big and Blaze protected Cream, Cheese, Vanilla, Froggy, Spike, and Fluttershy, Shadow and Miles charged towards the mech with the intent on demolishing it.

Eggman saw this and growled angrily, "THIS IS NOT HOW IT ENDS!!!"

Suddenly, the mech roared as it teleported out of sight. Before anyone could react, six giant wormholes opened up around the heroes. Six giant tentacles shot out of the wormholes, smashing down on the ground and battering some of the heroes down to the ground.

Once that was done, the tentacles re-entered the wormholes as they closed. The mech reappeared in front of all the heroes and roared as a portal of darkness opened behind it. From within the portal, strands of darkness shot out towards the heroes, making it clear that they needed to move and avoid getting hit.

Cap blocked the strand of darkness with his shield while everyone else tried to outmaneuver them. The strands dissipated as The Sinister Egg Core slammed its many tentacles onto the ground, sending waves of dark energy towards the heroes. They were too slow to react as they were all sent back to the end of the street.

Up above, Iron Man boosted downward towards the villains' mechanical monstrosity. His chest lit up as he had The Sinister Egg Core in his sights. Tony then fired a Unibeam blast at the mech, sending it back into the building behind it.

Rainbow looked impressed, "Okay, I'll admit it. THAT was pretty awesome!"

Tony pointed to himself, "Makes sense since I'm the most awesome hero around."

"Well, the spider guy might disagree with you on that."

"Really? Tony looked down to see Spider-Man swinging into action, "HEY PETE! WHEN THIS IS OVER, YOU AND I ARE GONNA HAVE WORDS!"

Peter looked upwards towards the armored avenger, "Noted!"

His Spider-Sense went off as he turned back towards the robot, only to be hit by the tentacle and sent crashing through a window.

"HAH!" Otto cheered.

The villains then turned their sights towards a certain alicorn who was heading right towards them.

Sombra smiled, "Ah, decided to finally join the fight, Twilight? No speech about Friendship?"

Twilight glared at the mech, "We're WAY past that!"

Sombra slammed his hooves down onto his console, "FINALLY, SOMETHING WE AGREE ON!"

Twilight flared her horn and prepared to fire a magic blast.... only for nothing to happen, much to her confusion.

Eggman grinned, "Performance issue?"

Twilight was taken out of her thoughts as a giant tentacle slammed her to the ground.

Suddenly the mech was hit from behind multiple times. This was thanks to Sonic, who was hitting the mech repeatedly with Homing Attacks.

"Fall down. Fall Down. FALL DOWN!" Sonic said as he kept hitting the mech.

As he went for another Homing Attack, he was grabbed by the claws of The Sinister Egg Core and brought up towards its eye.

Eggman beamed at this, "FINALLY! I have you RIGHT in my clutches, hedgehog! This is too good of an opportunity to pass up."

As the mech was about to crush the blue hedgehog, he was suddenly freed from its grasp thanks to a vibranium shield. As Sonic landed on the ground, Captain America stepped forward and pointed at the mech.

"You may destroy our buildings. Break our bones. But we will never fall to you! If we can't save this world, we'll be sure to AVENGE it!" Cap declared as everyone stood behind him, ready to end this.

Otto scoffed, "Feh! Stand together."

"DIE TOGETHER!!!" The three villains shouted in unison.

But just as the mech was about to attack, glowing bands held the mechs tentacles in place.

Everyone then turned to Dr. Strange.

"By the Crimson Band of Cyttorak!!!"

The mech was also engulfed in a cyan aura as Silver held it in place.

"You're not going anywhere!!!"

As the mech struggled to break free, Peter jumped out of the building he crashed into and landed on the ground below with his allies. He then took notice of how damaged his suit was.

"Not good. Can't save the multiverse with everyone seeing my three chest hairs. Not to mention how exposed I am."

Then, a thought occurred to him, "Of course!" he turned to Twilight and Sonic, "SONIC, TWILIGHT!!! I HAVE SOMETHING THAT CAN HELP US!!! IT'S IN MY LAB!!!"

The two looked at one another before realization dawned upon them. They nodded and made their way over.

Peter then turned to Strange, "Strange, we could use your help! Can you get us to my lab?"

Strange nodded, "Of course, my friend."



Peter then nodded to Dr. Strange, who held his left arm out while he swirled his right arm around, opening a portal to Peter's lab. The four then entered the portal while the other heroes held off The Sinister Egg Core.

(End song)

A portal opened up in Peter's lab as the four heroes stepped out of it. As the portal closed, Sonic turned to Twilight.

"Soooo, can't use your magic, huh?"

Twilight rubbed the back of her head sheepishly as she blushed, "Yeah, I kinda forgot about that."

Peter walked towards his bench, "That's what we're here to fix. Remember our little project we were working on?" the two nodded, "Well, Strange here," he pointed to the Sorcerer Supreme, "Is gonna give our projects a little boost."

"What do you need me to do?" Strange asked.

"Help us destroy their creation, with a little creation of our own."

The heroes fell down to the ground in exhaustion, they weren't gonna throw in the towel just yet, but they were running out of time.

They looked up to The Sinister Egg Core as the villains laughed at their supposed victory.

"All this wasted effort. And for what? Just so you could die knowing that there was nothing you could do to stop us?" Sombra mocked the heroes.

"Soon our new multiverse will be born. But you all won't live to see it!" Eggman threatened.

"THIS IS THE END!!! THE DIE IS CAST!!!" Otto shouted as the mech loomed over the heroes.

(End song)

Suddenly, a portal opened up in front of the mech. Before the villains could react, a blue and silver blur burst through and hit them dead center in the eye, sending them back down the street.

The heroes watched on as Dr. Strange stepped out of the portal, but he was not alone.

First, out stepped Peter Parker. But he looked different. He was wearing a new suit. One to wear in the final battle. An armor fit for the final showdown. As he clenched his right fist, he touched the side of his head with his left hand, making sure his lenses were working as they squinted.

It was then that they all got a good look at Peter's new suit.

Peter turned to his left as someone else stepped out of the portal. Or rather, somepony else.

Yes, Twilight had gained some new attire. As the alicorn smirked, she flared her wings out as the lights on her suit lit up, as did her horn. Her suit was powered by artificial magic, thanks to Peter and Dr. Strange. As the alicorn princess turned to the group of heroes, they saw what what she was wearing.


As the shout made itself known, all the heroes looked upwards to see a certain hedgehog flip through the air and land next to Peter's right. Sonic had gained an upgrade as well as the sun shined off of the silver on his body, slightly blinding their eyes.

Sonic smirked as they all saw what he was wearing.

As the green gem on his forehead glowed, he was engulfed in a green flaming aura, boosting his speed thanks to Dr. Strange.

The three heroes glared at their adversaries as the mech roared at them.

"Looks like the rabble got some upgrades," Sombra observed.

"It won't help them," Otto declared.

"Not. One. Bit." Eggman finished.

As the mech roared, Sonic turned to the exhausted heroes, "You guys take a break and tag in when you're ready," he turned back to The Sinister Egg Core, "we got a score to settle with these guys."

Sonic looked determined, "For Mobius."

Peter clenched his fists, "For Earth."

Twilight flared her horn, "For Equestria."

"FOR THE MULTIVERSE!" The heroes shouted in unison.

"BURN! BURN TO ASHES!!! BOW TO YOUR NEW MONARCHS!!!" The villains shouted as The Sinister Egg Core roared.

(End song)

The mech sent one of its giant tentacles towards the heroes, causing them to split up. Peter ran forward and jumped onto the mechanical tentacle. The villains saw this and swiped another one at Peter as he ran up the tentacle, but the web head saw this coming and flipped over the approaching tentacle. He then shot a line of web at the eye of the mech and Web Zipped towards it. Peter reeled back a punch and then delivered a nasty blow to the eye of the mech, causing it to crack more as it was sent back into a nearby building.

As the mech tried to recover, Sonic, who was engulfed in a fiery green aura, ran on the side of the building and bounced off of it, putting him in the perfect position to attack. Sonic curled up into a ball and began charging up a Spin Dash. As the mech roared, Sonic shot forward and hit the mech dead set in its eye, sending it through the building and crashing down on the road.

As the mech tried to get back up, Twilight flew over and fired a beam from her horn, to which the mech responded with a beam of its own. When the two beams collided, The Sinister Egg Core was sent flying down the road while Twilight stumbled a little but recovered mid flight.

The mech roared as it took flight once again. Twilight smirked and flew forward at high speeds towards the mech.

"She's still coming!!!" Otto exclaimed.

"EVASIVE MANOEUVRES!!!!" Eggman shouted.

The mech roared as it teleported away as Twilight approached.

Before she could react, a giant tentacle smacked her to the ground. Sonic saw this and boosted forward to help his friend....only to be grabbed by one of its claws and smashed down onto the road below. As the villains laughed, their vision was suddenly covered by webbing.

While they were distracted, Peter let go of the webbing he was swinging on and kicked the mech straight in its eye, sending it down to the ground.

The mech used one of its claws to tear off the webbing. The mech then released a burst of darkness, sending the heroes back. As the mech rose, so did the other heroes.

Cap turned to his allies, "This is it. Give it everything you've got!!!"

Everyone nodded as they charged forward to finish this once and for all.

"IMBECILES!!! WE ARE INVINCIBLE!!!" The villains shouted as the mech roared.

The heroes that could fly took to the air and provided cover fire as the ground team approached. Hulk roared as he leapt into the air and grabbed one of the mechs tentacles. The mech was too distracted by the likes of Celestia, Luna, Thor, Tails, Rainbow Dash, and Iron Man as they kept it busy while Hulk got to work.

Before Hulk landed on the ground, he used his mighty strength to swing the mech around in a circular motion and threw it to the ground to give the ground team some of the action. All the unicorns flared up their horns and fired beams of magic while the likes of Knuckles, Applejack, Blaze, Shining Armor, Black Panther, and more got up close and personal with the mech and laid into it.

Cap threw his mighty shield as Sonic hit the mech from multiple angles with several Homing Attacks, damaging the mech severely. The villains had had enough and pushed them all back with a swipe of one of its tentacles. As they were rising, Hulk wasn't going to let them go anywhere and grabbed hold of one of its massive tentacles.

With a mighty and beastly roar, Hulk tore off one of the mechs massive limbs, causing strands of darkness to seep out of where the tentacle used to be. Before they could recover, Hulk hit the mech with the tentacle, sending them flying through the air.

The mech was severely damaged, the villains looked panicked. But Eggman looked at his console and smiled.

"Well, this has been delightful. But I'm afraid that this little game of our ends now. TIME TO START AGAIN!!!"

Eggman slammed his fist onto a giant big blinking red button, causing the mech to roar as it was engulfed in a flaming rainbow aura. The sky started to become distorted as the mech began charging up the Multiversal Reset Wave.

The heroes looked on in terror as everything was about to be reset.

"WELL?! ANYPONY GOT AN BRIGHT IDEAS?!" Discord asked, genuinely afraid.

Sonic then pondered for a moment before coming up with an idea.

"If I can pierce through its eye and tear through the mech, it might shut it down for good!"

Iron Man then crossed his arms, "But the amount of power you'll need to pierce through it.... We don't have that kind of power!"

Strange's eyes then widened as he turned to the other heroes, "HEROES! LEND MORE YOUR STRENGTH! I WILL CHANNEL IT INTO HIM!!!"

Before anyone could question him, Sonic was suddenly hovering in the air as an orange symbol appeared beneath the heroes' feet. As Strange did his thing, orange strands of energy seeped out of the heroes' bodies and made their way into Sonic.

Sonic felt the power surging through him as he closed his eyes tightly. Once he opened them again, they were a bright blue as his armor spread across all of his body, covering it. Then, something else formed on his body, something familiar to the ponies.

Their eyes widened as they saw none other than the Elements of Harmony appear on Sonic's body.

Celestia smiled, "It appears that the Tree of Harmony is still with us."

The villains saw this and their eyes widened in terror.

Eggman had a deadpanned look on his face, "I hate those ponies."

Otto pointed a finger towards the hedgehog, "Oh don't you dare...."

Sombra looked terrified, "AHHHH!!! ABANDON SHIP!!! EJECT! EJECT!!!"



Sonic smirked, "Well, looks like it's game over, boys! You travelled across dimensions and still came up short! You know, you three didn't count on one thing."

Twilight stepped forward, "You didn't count on the friendships we would make on this adventure!"

Peter stepped beside Twilight, "You three brought us together! And that was your downfall!!!"


The mech fired a massive blast from its mouth as Sonic curled up into a ball and shot forward and collided with the beam, easily overpowering it.

"HE'S OVERPOWERING US!!!" Sombra shouted in worry.


Eggman clenched his fists, "I. HATE. THAT. HEDGEHOG!!!!"

Once Sonic made it to the mech, he tore through the mech through its eye, but he wasn't done yet. He tore through it from the left, and the right, he tore through it from multiple directions, making sure it would stay down for good.

"AHHH! SYSTEM OVERLOAD!!!" Sombra screeched in terror.

"NONONONONONONO!!!" Otto panicked.

Sonic then hovered in front of the robot and curled into a ball one last time.


Sonic then shot through the mech and pierced through its reactor. Once Sonic pierced through the other side of the mech, it began to explode.


The Sinister Egg Core exploded in a blaze of glory as Sonic shot downwards and landed on the ground in a superhero landing pose as the mech crashed down onto the ground in a fiery heap of machinery, ending this battle once and for all.

As Sonic depowered, Twilight flew up to him and tackled him in an embrace, laughing happily at their victory.

(End song)

"WE DID IT!!! HAHAHA!!! WE DID IT! WE WON!!" Twilight shouted happily.

Everyone present cheered in victory. Thor raised Mjolnir into the air and shot lightning into the sky in victory. Shadow even cracked a smile as he crossed his arms.

As Sonic and Twilight's friends rushed over, the three villains inside the now destroyed Sinister Egg Core were coughing as smoke entered their lungs.

However, Eggman was not happy. In fact, he was absolutely livid.

"RRRRGH! No-No-NO! We had them. RIGHT in our grasp!!! Victory was finally mine!!! How could this happen!!!"

Sombra sighed in defeat, "Then... That's it..... We lost. We crossed dimensions, tried to rewrite reality, altered time and space and..... and... That's it.... All for nothing."

Eggman wasn't having it though, as he got his console back online and started tinkering with it, "It's not ending like this!"

Otto shook his head in disapproval, "Ivo, it's over. I know it's a challenge for you, but show a LITTLE grace and dignity."

Eggman had heard enough as he pulled a secret lever underneath his chair, ejecting Otto and Sombra's seats out of the cockpit.

"IVO!!!" They both shouted as they were launched into the sky.

The cockpit of the mech then hovered into the air as the canisters on the mechs back started to glow.


The heroes then turned around to see Eggman inside the cockpit of The Sinister Egg Core rising up into the air. The canisters on the mech started glowing brightly.

Iron Man took a scan of the mech, "Uh, guys. Hate to ruin the mood, but those canisters are overloading!"

Tails looked fearful, "The Elements magic, he's overloading them!"

Shadow clenched his fist, "And with The Chaos Emeralds as well. If that thing explodes...."

"This dimension's done for."

Sonic stepped forward and pointed at Eggman, "EGGMAN, CUT IT OUT, YA NUT!!!"


As the canisters glowed, they started to crack open. It was then that Tony got a familiar energy signature pop up on his hud.

"Wait a second.... Is that?"


(End song)

But suddenly, the canisters stopped glowing, much to everyone's confusion.

"Wait. What?" Eggman questioned.

Suddenly the canisters exploded, causing the mech to lose all of its remaining power.

"Why me?" Eggman said in a deadpanned look before the mech fell down to the ground below, "AHHHHHHHH!!!"

As the cockpit crashed down onto the ground, the magic of the Elements started to swirl around in a storm. But inside the storm, something was forming.

Iron Man crossed his arms, "Huh? So that's where we sent them."

Inside the storm of magic, were six stones.

The storm disappeared and the pebbles fell to the ground in front of the heroes. The Mane 6 rushed over to the stones and looked on in confusion.

"WHAT THE HAY?!" Rainbow shouted.

"What happened to the Elements magic?" Rarity asked.

Iron Man then approached the mares and knelt down, looking at the stones on the floor.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he turned to the ponies, "Ponies...." he turned to the Mobians, "Anthro's...." he then turned his gaze to the six stones before him.

"Say hello to the Infinity Stones."

Author's Note:


Turns out The Elements were none other than the six Infinity Stones this WHOLE time!!!

Time to wrap everything up in a nice little bow in the final chapter of this story.

Thank you to everyone for sticking by this adventure.

This has been an experience.

Stay tuned for the finale.