• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 437 Views, 111 Comments

Sparkling Harmony EQG: Agents of SMILE: Operation Sundown - Captain_Cosmos

It's the Halloween Dance and Sparkler and her friends are gearing up for a fun night. But a blast from the past threatens to destroy it all

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Episode 6: Operation Sundown Pt 3

Canterlot High
Canterlot City
October 31st, 2022

Sunset and Daydream watched the crack get bigger and bigger in the shield that protected them from Sundown’s horde. Sunset gulped. “I don’t suppose you got any tricks up your sleeve?” She asked Daydream, seeing as how she herself was apparently powerless in her own mind.

“I’m giving everything I have to the shield. Even if I did, I can't risk lowering it to do anything else.” Daydream said.

“So we’re cooked basically.” Sunset responded.

“Unless a miracle happens.” Daydream said.

As if in cue, a bright blue orb of light appeared within the shield, and while it formed into something else, it shot magic at the shield and much to sunset’s and Daydream’s shock, it actually fully repaired the shield.

Sunset and Daydream watched as the orb formed into a girl, one Sunset recognized immediately. “S-Sparkler?” Sunset asked.

The girl before them smiled. “I’m not the real Sparkler Sunset, rather I’m the representation of your love for her. Sundown had me stuck in a pit, but I escaped and came right here to help you.” She said.

Sunset smiled and crashed into Manifestation Sparkler, hugging her tight. “Thank goodness you’re ok.” She said.

Manifestation Sparkler smiled as she hugged Sunset back. “Like I was going to let down the one to bring me into existence.” She said. “Now.” She pulled away from Sunset. “What do you say we kick Sundown’s butt back to the dark corner she came from.” She said.

“We can’t do much with this horde.” Sunset said.

“Don’t worry Sunny.” Manifestation Sparkler responded. “Nothing the best secret agent the world has ever seen can’t handle.”

Back in the real world, Pinkie popped her head out of a bush, glanced around to make sure the coast was clear, and smiled. “Coast is clear.” She whispered.

Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Rainbow Dash popped out of the bush too and smiled when they saw the sports field. “Perfect.” Rainbow said. “Hopefully Sparkler’s distracting the zombies so we can set things up.” She said.

“Given what we’ve seen so far.” Rarity responded. “I say we can trust her to make this plan work.”

“We need to do our part Y’all, let’s go.” Applejack said.

Everyone nodded and hopped out of the bush, AJ pulling out Pinkie’s drum set.

Meanwhile, Sparkler, Twilight, and the SMILE Agents snuck their way through the halls until they reached the front door. Once they were outside, Sparkler nodded. “Right, get to SMILE HQ as fast as you can.” She told Chase.

“Copy that Sparkler.” Chase responded as he, Lyra, Bonbon, and Microchip dashed for the parking lot.

Twilight watched as they got into a car, and her jaw dropped when the car they got into started up and TRANSFORMED INTO A FLYING CAR! And took off away from the school. “Flying cars?!” She exclaimed.

Sparkler placed a hand over her mouth and shushed her. “Quiet.” She said. “We need to be as silent as possible. For all we know a zombie could come at any moment.” She said as she gestured to the Sparkmobile.

Twilight nodded as they raced to the car, while Autumn stayed back to keep watch. Sparkler opened the trunk and unfolded the inside of it to reveal a highly advanced computer. “I’ll reprogram the field generator, you hook up your device.” She told Twilight as she tapped at the keyboard until a hatch opened up in one of the…we’ll refer to as the flank of the car. Where the gas port would be.

Twilight stared at the Sparkmobile, a lot of thoughts going through her mind. “So there IS more to this car then meets the eye!” She exclaimed in a hushed voice.

“Yes.” Sparkler said. “I told you we’ll talk when this is done. Focus Twi.” She said.

Twilight nodded and started pulling out cable from the insides of the car and started hooking them up to her Hypno defryer. The two worked in silence for a few minutes, until Twilight spoke up again. “I do have one question that I’d like answered now.” She told Sparkler.

“What is it Twi?” Sparkler asked.

Twilight sighed. It had been on her mind ever since Sparkler revealed herself as a secret agent. That single revelation called everything into question regarding her relationship with Sparkler. Was it all a hoax? Did she really love her? Or was it all SMILE. “Did SMILE have a hand in us getting together?” She asked Sparkler. “Am I just a mission to you?”

That question stabbed Sparkler in the heart. She saw it coming from a mile away, and yet…It still hurt to know that she basically made their entire relationship questionable by telling Twilight the truth. Sparkler stopped what she was doing, walked to the side of the car Twilight was working from, and knelt down beside her. “The only thing SMILE did was transfer me here to begin with.” She told Twilight. “After that. It’s been all me.” She said. “From me asking you out to teaching you how to dance, to that kiss we shared in your lab. I may have lied about a few things. But cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye, I never, EVER lied about my feelings for you. They are as genuine and real as the stars in the sky are sparkly and bright.” She told her.

Twilight studied Sparkker’s expression, and found no hint of her girlfriend being insincere. She smiled as her eyes glistened. “S-sorry.” She said as she looked away from Sparkler. “I shouldn’t have—“

“Twilight.” Sparkler cut Twilight off. “If ANYONE should be apologizing it’s me. I had permission to tell you for some time now, but I could never bring myself to. I couldn’t risk you getting caught in the crossfires of my world.” Sparkler said.

“I can take care of myself…” Twilight said.

“Trust me Twilight, the dangers I face make the dangers you face look like mere arguments over what movie to watch.” Sparkler said. “There are people out there. Dangerous people that would happily murder innocent people go get what they want. And if any of them found you…I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened to you. I love you too much to put you in danger…” Sparkler said.

Twilight let out a soft gasp. Sparkler just said… “You…you just said it…” Twilight said.

Sparkler sighed. “Yeah.” She said. “And it’s true. I love you Twilight. And the thought of losing you scares me more than any threat I’ve ever faced as a secret agent. So much that Sundown appearing might possibly have been the only way I would’ve ever been able to tell you what I am.” She explained. “I-I’m sorry Twilight.” She said, her eyes getting more wet.

Twilight set down her device and pulled Sparkler in for a hug. “It’s ok Sparky.” She said.

Sparkler felt Twilight’s arms around her and heard what she said. She glanced at her. “Y-You’re not mad?” She asked.

“I could never be mad at you for wanting to protect me.” Twilight responded. “And…it’s actually kinda cool. Knowing I have an elite secret agent as my guardian Angel.” She said.

Sparkler couldn’t help but giggle as she smiled. “I’ll always be here to protect you Twi. Whenever you need me.” She said.

Twilight sighed in content as they stayed hugging for a minute. Until a thought came to her. “Y-you’re not gonna break up with me right?” She asked.

Sparkler laughed in a hushed voice. “If ANYONE is ending this relationship it’s either going to be you, or my demise.” She said. “I may be scared as all heck that you now know my secret, but there’s no way I’m giving up the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” She said.

Twilight smiled as she squeezed Sparkler lovingly. “Then I guess we’re stuck with each other forever then.” She said.

“If that’s what is to be.” Sparkler said. She finally pulled back from the hug. “Let’s finish our job here, take down Sundown, and get Sunset back.” She said.

Twilight nodded and the two got back to work. Both happier then ever.

At that moment, Flappy decided to speak up. “Ahem. In case you were wondering, Ms. Sparkle. Sparkler has not lied when she said she DIYed a new sound system into the Sparkmobile. She really did do that.” He told her.

Twilight chuckled at at. “So what are you really Flappy?” She asked.

“I apologize Ms. Sparkle. But I must refrain from answering too many of your questions.” Flappy responded. “However everything I have told you so far has been true.” He added.

Twilight smiled and shook her head. “Fair enough.” She said.

Sparkler inwardly sighed in relief. Glad that now she didn’t need to hide anything anymore from Twilight. They continued to work until finally, Flappy reported that the device had been fully and successfully integrated into the Sparkmobile’s systems. Sparkler smiled. “Heheheh. And Sundown’s hypnotic reign comes crashing down with the touch of a button.” She commented.

“Now all we need is for everyone to get to the field.” Twilight said.

“Right. Flappy, go with Twilight to the field and lure everyone in for the trap.” Sparkler said.

“What about you Sparkler?” Twilight asked.

“Autumn and I are gonna go say hello to Sundown.” Sparkler responded.

“WHAT?!” Twilight asked. “You’re joking.”

“I’m not. Autumn and I will keep that demon busy long enough for you and the Rainbooms to free everyone.” Sparkler explained.

“Sparkler, she’s a magical demon.” Twilight said.

“And now she sees what happens when humanity bites back.” Sparkler responded. “Now, go.” She said.

Twilight looked to the school, and then back to Sparkler, before she leaned in and kissed Sparkler. A kiss Sparkler returned. She pulled back after a few seconds. “Don’t die.” She said simply.

“Something tells me if anyone’s gonna die it’s not gonna be me. You heard Sundown.” Sparkler commented.

“I wish I didn’t.” Twilight responded.

Sparkler nodded as she started walking towards the building. “I’ll see you soon Twi.” She said.

“I love you Sparkler!” Twilight called after her. If Sparkler could finally say it why couldn’t she.

Sparkler turned back and smiled at Twilight. “I love you too Twilight. See you on the other side.” She said.

Twilight watched Sparkler and Autumn disappear into the building, and sighed. “Please make it back…” she whispered.

“Ms. Sparkle. It’s go time.” Flappy said as he started up the car and began pulling away.

Twilight nodded. “Right, let’s get to the field.”

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Sparkler and Twilight sitting in the lot, upgrading the Sparkmobile and being adorable. :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Sorry, Couldn't resist.

Now we get to the fun part. Let's see how magic stacks up to technology and human cleverness.