• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 438 Views, 111 Comments

Sparkling Harmony EQG: Agents of SMILE: Operation Sundown - Captain_Cosmos

It's the Halloween Dance and Sparkler and her friends are gearing up for a fun night. But a blast from the past threatens to destroy it all

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Episode 13: Clear-Cut Meets World...And Daydreams.

Canterlot High
Canterlot City
November 2nd, 2022

The Monday after the Halloween Dance Debacle, Sparkler pulled up into a parking space next to Sunset at Canterlot High. She put the car in park and turned to Twilight and Autumn. “Alright, here we are. You two and Sunset go ahead to Celestia’s office. Tell her I’ll be there in a few…with someone who’s pretty stubborn.” She said, glancing at Clear-Cut.

Twilight and Autumn nodded. They had received an email the previous day that Celestia wanted to talk to…pretty much everyone involved in the Halloween Dance Debacle. “Hurry up. Don’t know if Celestia will be patient.” Autumn said as she and Twilight got out of the Sparkmobile.

Once the doors closed. Sparkler took Clear-Cut in her hands and looked right at him. “Alright little guy. Assuming Celestia agrees to allow you in the building. You only get ONE chance. No snapping at anyone, no scaring them off, and if I tell you to stay somewhere, you do it. Got it?” She asked.

Clear-Cut roared in response. Sparkler gave him a stern look. “I’m serious Clear-Cut. You only get one chance before I bring you right back out here and put you in the cat carrier. So behave.” She said.

Clear-Cut roared at her in response. Sparkler nodded. “Ok. I’m holding you to that.” She said as she got out of the car, Clear-Cut taking up position on her shoulder.

Sparkler walked into the school and headed right for Celestia’s office. Right away she could tell people were confused when they looked at her and saw a freaking dragon on her shoulder. Sparkler ignored it for now and kept walking. She soon made it to Celestia’s office and was given permission to enter. She saw her friends and fellow agents already there.

To say Celestia was surprised to learn that the girls weren’t kidding when they told her Sparkler now had a dragon was an understatement. “Well…this is Uhm…surprising.” She said.

Sparkler nodded. “Yeah.” She said. “And here’s another shocker…Clear-Cut here wants your permission to come to school with me so that he can, and I quote “keep me safe at all costs.” Sparkler explained. “I told him pets weren’t allowed but he was insistent we at least ask you.” She said.

Clear-Cut let out a roar directed at Celestia. Sparkler glanced at Clear-Cut, and then at Celestia. “He says he’ll be on his best behavior and not scare everyone.” She said.

“You can understand him?” Luna asked.

Sparkler shrugged. “Not sure why, but somehow…I can.” She responded.

Celestia and Luna glanced at each other. Luna shrugged, and Celestia sighed. “I suppose it would be Ok for…Clear-Cut? to remain by your side.” She told Sparkler. “So long as he behaves.”

“I already told him he only gets one chance before I bring him out to my car and put him in the cat carrier.” Sparkler responded.

“Sounds reasonable.” Celestia responded. “With that out of way, what happened during the Halloween dance after Sundown hypnotized everyone?” She asked.

Canterlot Mall
Canterlot City
November 2nd, 2022

After school, Sparkler had work, and much to her chagrin, Clear-Cut insisted he remain by her side there too. So she begrudgingly agreed to talk to Airwave too, and this time she was a LOT less confident that Clear-cut would be able to stay by her side while on duty. So she arrived earlier and fortunately, Airwave was in so she walked into his office, and explained the situation.

“So…let me get this straight.” Airwave said. “Over the weekend, you battled a demon, and during that battle, this little guy here was brought into existence?” Airwave asked.

“Yep. I know it sounds unbelievable, but it’s true.” Sparkler said.

“And now he’s insisting that he be allowed to stay by your side, on your shoulder, everywhere you go.” Airwave said.

“Yep.” Sparkler responded. “He says he’ll be on his best behavior.”

“It’s not just that.” Airwave responded. “He may have scales and not fur but having an animal stuck on your shoulder while on duty, even if they’re a support animal, is pretty sketchy. There will probably be complaints from both patrons and government officials.” Airwave explained.

“Why do you think I’m not trying to convince you to let Clear-Cut stick around?” Sparkler responded. “I wouldn’t have even brought it up to you if he wasn’t so insistent.”

Airwave nodded. He opened his mouth to say something, before the door opened and a staff member came in. “Excuse me, sorry for the disruption.” She said.

“What is it Cherry?” Airwave asked.

“Some of the younger children are asking about the dragon they saw with Sparkler. Seems he’s gained some fans.” Cherry responded.

Airwave and Sparkler gave her perplexed looks. Cherry shrugged. “Just relaying what I’ve been asked.” She said.

Sparkler and Airwave looked at each other. “...We technically don’t have a mascot.” Sparkler commented.

“True…” Airwave responded. “And sometimes being around animals is calming…”

Soon, Clear-Cut was flying around the restaurant, doing loop the loops and barrel rolls in the air. While also stopping for a moment so kids could pet him and such.

Sparkler and Lyra watched as Clear-Cut entertained his apparent adoring fans of all ages. “I can’t believe Airwave actually agreed to this.” Lyra commented.

“Good thing I can pull some strings to make sure we don’t get shut down over this.” Sparkler commented, making a note to talk to Derrick. She walked on over to a table she was serving. “Hey there guys. Have you decided on what you want for dinner?” She asked.

“Can we pet the dragon?” The kids at the table asked excitedly.

Sparkler chuckled and glanced around til she found Clear-Cut. “Hey Clear-Cut! Over here!” She called.

Clear-Cut flew right over to Sparkler and landed in her outstretched hands, which were low enough that the kids could reach him. “Careful. He likes to snap so don’t touch his muzzle.” She warned.

The kids obeyed and pet Clear-Cut’s back and wings. “So scaly!” One of them commented.

“I can’t believe there’s a real life dragon! I thought that was just fantasy!” Another said.

Sparkler chuckled. “Yeah. Well, sometimes you find the last thing you’re expecting.” She said.

Over at a booth, Twilight and Sunset, both of whom were off work, watched as Clear-Cut gained a following. “Oh that is just cute.” Sunset commented.

“Not what I expected. But I can’t argue with the results.” She said.

“Yeah.” Sunset said. She looked over at Twilight and smiled warmly. “Did you ever think you’d have two girlfriends when Sparkler asked you out?”

Twilight laughed. After the talk they had, Sparkler, Twilight, and Sunset spent Sunday together doing whatever. And ultimately, found that there was a mutual spark between all three of them. Which had ignited into a full on flame of love. “No. But I’m excited to see where this goes.” She said. “And. This time I won’t be nervous about bringing you over for dinner since my family’s already met you.” She said.

“Glad you won’t be agonizing over it.” Sunset responded as she scooted closer to Twilight.

At that moment, Clear-Cut landed on their table. Sparkler coming up behind him. “So.” She said. “Have you two decided on what to order?” She asked.

“A moment of your time if you’re able.” Sunset responded.

Clear-Cut roared, making Twilight laugh. “You seem to be enjoying your new job Clear-Cut.” She said.

“People of all ages are loving him.” Sparkler said. “I think this is going to be a long-term thing.”

“So that means he can stay by your side.” Sunset responded.

“Yes.” Sparkler responded. “He can.”

Clear-Cut roared again. Twilight raised an eyebrow. “What did he say Sparkler?” She asked.

Sparkler smiled and pet his back. “He says he’s glad to finally be out of the pendent. And just in time for me to go into this new stage of my life. I assume that means having you two in it.” She responded.

“Aww.” Twilight said. “That’s sweet.” She said.

“Yeah…yeah it is.” Sparkler responded. She glanced around, before looking back at Clear-Cut. You brought SO many questions. And very few answers. But you’re definitely another piece of the puzzle. And I suppose I can’t argue with the other results of Saturday. She thought as she glanced at Twilight and Sunset…her two girlfriends. Mom and dad are gonna flip when they come over for thanksgiving. She thought.

Just then, Clear-Cut stopped smiling and whirled around. The girls glanced at what had made him get all serious, and saw something they did not expect, something that made Sunset cover her mouth in shock. “Oh god…” She said. They saw a familiar girl that had majestic white wings affixed to her back, pony ears where human ears would be, and her hair was in a long ponytail.

It took all of two seconds for Twilight and Sunset to piece together who she was, while Sparkler, having never seen her before, just stared at her. “Uh…Hi?” She said.

“Hello there girls…It’s nice to see the three of you again.” The girl said.

“Again?” Sparkler asked.

“Sparkler, that’s–”

“Daydream Shimmer.” Twilight and Sunset told her.

Sparkler’s eyes widened. “Wait, Sunset’s good alter ego?!” She asked.

“Yes. That’s me.” Daydream said.

Sunset, Sparkler, and Twilight all looked at each other, and Sunset managed to piece together how Daydream was here the fastest. “The De-Evilizers sucked you out too…” She surmised.

Sparkler blinked, several questions forming in her Oh dear god what did those De-Evilizers do? She thought. She had come to the same conclusion as Sunset as to where Daydream came from and how she was here, but it also should have been flat out IMPOSSIBLE since the De-Evilizers were only supposed to target the EVIL alter egos.

Clear-Cut meanwhile looked at Daydream curiously. Unsure of what to make of this. Daydream smiled at Clear-Cut. “Hello there. I remember you from Saturday. You sure can deliver a mean tail whip.” She said.

Twilight meanwhile couldn’t come up with a response for several seconds, until she decided to point out the obvious. “So, we’re just going to ignore the fact that she has wings and pony ears, and a ponytail? And where have you been since Saturday night?” She asked. “Just…WHAT is going on here?!” She asked.

“Honestly? I’m not sure. But I can surmise that it’s irreversible.” Daydream said.

“So…You’re just…now in the mortal realm forever?” Sparkler asked.

“I think so.” Daydream said. “Not that I mind.”

Sparkler, Twilight, and Sunset looked at each other again, all thinking the same thing. Anything ELSE come out of Saturday night that we haven’t found yet?

To be continued next time…

Author's Note:

And with this, Operation Sundown comes to an end. Sundown and Midnight are now on the loose. Daydream is now her own physical entity. Twilight knows Sparkler is a secret agent, Sparkler has a new guitar weapon thing, and a new dragon pet named Clear-Cut, and Sparkler, Sunset, and Twilight are a triple, rather than Sparkler and Twilight being a couple.

So overall I'd say things came out alright. So, what's next in the immediate future?

Two Chapters of Sparkling Storytime that I now owe you lovely readers.
A story of Sparkler and Twilight getting frisky.
Continuation of both Season 3 and Camp Little Hooves.

So, stay tuned for that. And EQG SH will return over the holidays with a Christmas Special. Featuring Sparkler taking her girlfriends to her hometown of KiliHima Town. That's gonna be fun.


Comments ( 15 )

Interesting indeed.

So...in a matter of speaking, clear cut takes flappy's place as her flying pet?

Yes. Flappy in this world is an AI.

Then i hope clear cut wont exist in the pony universe for flappy's sake

He does exist in the Ponyverse.

He’s that cloaked figure we’ve been seeing

Sparkler shrugged. “Not sure why, but somehow…I can.” He responded.


Twilight meanwhile couldn’t come up with a response for several seconds, until she decided to point out the obvious. “So, we’re just going to ignore the fact that she has wings and pony ears, and a ponytail? And where have you been since Saturday night?” She asked. “Just…WHAT is going on here?!” She asked.

Well thats a sign to keep her away from public because of the government

Just feared if it would be the same as here, that flappy might feel down and obsolete through cut

More likely that SMILE already informed the government that magic exists and the President has ordered the magic not to be interfered with unless necessary. So Daydream is safe.

Still doesn't make her safe from the public and the 2 loose monsters

Eh, public wise, it’s Canterlot City. I’m sure they’ve seen stranger since magic is rampant.

I will give you the part about the two demons though

when is the special exactly?

great story wonder what is going to happen next time on sparkler ball z

Wonderful ending yet so many questions, can’t for more Sparkling Harmony XD

wow its finally over and what's going to happen next time on the show find out next time on the show and everything

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