• Published 15th Oct 2022
  • 438 Views, 111 Comments

Sparkling Harmony EQG: Agents of SMILE: Operation Sundown - Captain_Cosmos

It's the Halloween Dance and Sparkler and her friends are gearing up for a fun night. But a blast from the past threatens to destroy it all

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Episode 7: Operation Sundown Pt 4

Canterlot High
Canterlot City
October 31st, 2022

Sundown growled in the Gym, clearly getting ticked off at this point. “Where ARE they! They should’ve been found by now!” She growled. “And why did five of my zombies drop off!” She said as she turned her head away from the door.

Sparkler and Autumn poked their heads in from the door to the gym. Autumn glanced at Sparkler. “You and me VS a magical demon from across the dimensional barrier…you sure about this Sparkler?” She asked.

“If nothing else we can distract her…and maybe even get that Geode away from her.” Sparkler responded.

“Applejack once said the Geodes can’t be removed by force.” Autumn commented.

“I got an idea for that.” Sparkler responded. She stepped out from her hiding place and walked into the gym. “Hey! Sundown!” She called out.

Sundown’s eyes widened as she whirled around and saw Sparkler standing there. She smirked. “Well well well. If it isn’t the object of my deepest desires.” She said.

Sparkler nodded. “So I’ve heard.” She said, using a hand behind her back to signal for Autumn to get behind Sundown for an ambush while she kept the demon talking. “Must say I never expected someone like you to actually fall for anyone. What made you decide I was the one?” She asked.

Autumn couldn’t help but snicker as she slipped into the gym and stuck to the walls to avoid Sundown seeing her. Sundown smirked as she landed on her feet. “You’re funny, kind, caring, a superb gamer, and you have a nice juicy mystery surrounding you. Most of those I find vile and invidious but my goody two shoes self’s love for you seeped its way into me. And, well, a queen needs her knight in shining armor.” She said.

Vile? Insidious? Oh the absolute IRONY! Sparkler thought as she smiled. “So that’s where Sunset’s feelings came from. I was told it was because we had so much in common.” She said.

“And there’s one more reason that came about tonight.” Sundown said. “You, without having a Geode, resisted my brainwashing. That is intriguing.” She said.

Sparkler shrugged. “I mean I can Crystalize and pony up without a Geode. At this point anything is possible with me.” She said.

Sundown smirked. “I guess so.” She said.

Inside the mind, Sunset and her two companions watched in horror as Sparkler actually seemed interested in Sundown’s advances. “No. No, no this is not happening.” Sunset said. “T-this is just a ploy for a secret plan or something. Yeah, Sparkler has something up her sleeve.” She said. “There is NO WAY in Tartarus she would be unfaithful to Twilight, let ALONE actually show interest in Sundown.” She said.

“I hope you’re right Sunny.” Manifestation Sparkler responded.

Back out in the real world. Sparkler’s mind was racing. If this actually works I am gonna laugh. She thought. “Ya know Sundown.” She said.

“Yes Sparky?” Sundown asked slyly.

“If I may see your Geode for just a minute, maybe touching it to my pendent will reveal the secrets we do desire.” Sparkler said. Not actually believing that Sundown…

Sundown smirked as she took off her Geode and handed it to Sparkler. Much to the hidden shock of Sparkler and total shock of Autumn, who was now behind Sundown. “Do it.” Sundown said, smiling.

“Oh I’ll do something alright. Autumn now!” She said.

It happened too fast for Sundown to react. No sooner had Sparkler said that she felt a stunning blast to her back. With a soft Ugh. She fell to the ground, motionless.

Sparkler and Autumn watched her fall, and looked at each other. Both of them in total shock that had actually worked. “Holy crap did that actually work?” Autumn asked.

Sparkler glanced at the Geode Sundown just gave her, and couldn’t help but laugh as she pocketed the Geode. “Not gonna lie, I was totally expecting that to fail.” She said.

At that moment, they both heard a growl as Sundown woke up and rose into the air. “YOU TRICKED ME!” She growled at Sparkler.

Sparkler and Autumn backed away and took combat ready stances while Sundown made it clear she was furious. “Give me back that geode!” She growled.

“Not a chance you psycho.” Sparkler responded. “Your reign of terror ends tonight.”

Sundown roared and her hands glowed with magic. “You will PAY for this!” She said as she blasted magic at Sparkler and Autumn, who dodged out of the way. Autumn looked at Sparkler.

“Least we got the Geode away.” She said.

“Yeah.” Sparkler said as they dodged another magical shot from Sundown. “I hope the others made it to SMILE HQ by now.” She said as she produced a pair of glowing blue rods. “Let’s take her down a peg.” She sakd.

Autumn nodded, raised her laser pistol set to stun, and blasted at Sundown while Sparkler charged right for Sundown.

Canterlot City
October 31st, 2022

Microchip, Lyra, Bonbon, and Chase raced through the halls of SMILE HQ, headed right for the lab. “Anything we need to do with the De-evilizers before they activate Micro?” Chase asked.

“Just need to set the countdown and then nothing will be able to stop it.” Micro responded.

“Except for their destruction.” Bonbon commented.

“Sundown’s gonna be too busy to notice them until it’s too late.” Micro responded as they reached a highly secured door. Micro began typing in codes and submitting to identity scans when they all heard a voice from behind.

“Agents? What are you four doing here?” Asked Director Derrick.

“We’re here for the De-Evilizers sir. We have a plan to stop Sundown.” Bonbon said.

“Well, technically not STOP her but rather separate her from Sunset Shimmer so that should we need to, we can use lethal force against Sundown without endangering Sunset.” Micro corrected.

“It’s a start.” Derrick responded, having been briefed on the plan. “What about agent Medley?” He asked.

“She and Agent Autumn are engaging Sundown Directly.” Lyra responded.

“While the Rainbooms are dealing with the zombies Sundown brainwashed.” Chase added.

Derrick nodded. “If only FOWL stayed quiet tonight. We could spare—“

“Oh for the love of pizza!” Microchip exclaimed in exasperation. “We have a problem!”

Everyone turned to see what he was talking about, and saw something missing from the vault. “You gotta be bleeping me right now.” Bonbon said as they stared inside a very EMPTY vault.

Canterlot High
Canterlot City
October 31st, 2022

“Alright, you’re sure the field generator can reach the whole of the sports field from here Flappy?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sure Ms. Sparkle. However it comes at the cost of me not being able to provide further assistance should it be needed, as the field would be extended further than it was ever intended.” Flappy responded. He had parked the Sparkmobile behind the stage that CHS had adjacent to the Sports field…for some reason. Hidden away as to lure the zombies into a false sense of security.

Twilight bit her lip and nodded. “Then we better hope we don’t need your assistance after this.” She said as she stepped away from the car and rejoined her friends on stage.

Rainbow saw her coming and smiled. “So Flappy’s all set?” She asked.

“Yep. All set...” Twilight responded, trailing off.

“Something wrong darling?” Rarity asked.

Twilight sighed. “It’s Sparkler. I’m worried about her facing Sundown.” She said.

“She’s got Autumn with her. So at the very least she’s not alone.” Applejack pointed out.

“Still…I’m nervous. Especially with Sunset’s feelings also in play…” Twilight responded.

“What? You afraid Sundown’s gonna seduce Sparkler?” Rainbow asked.

“It could happen.” Twilight said, feeling guilty that her confidence in her girlfriend wasn’t higher.

Rarity smiled and walked over to put a comforting arm over Twilight’s shoulder. “Don’t you worry Twilight. We already know Sundown can’t hypnotize her for some reason. And I’m sure she would NEVER fall for such an evil creature being of sound mind and body. It’s a pretty safe bet that you shall still have her when this is over.” She said.

“And what about Sunset’s feelings for her? What’s there to be done with that?” Twilight asked.

Rarity bit her lip. “Ahem, Well I would suggest the three of you talk it out…If only to ensure your friendship remains intact.” She said.

“OR you three could try a date and see if you three are monogamous or not!” Pinkie Chimed in. “If none of you are then the three of you together would be awesome!” She said.

Twilight, upon hearing Pinkie’s two cents, blushed like mad. “Ahem…Well…” She trailed off, thinking back to the week she met Sparkler. She was reasonably sure no one knew this, but at the time, she had been trying to figure out if she had a crush on SUNSET. She had been feeling SOMETHING for her for a while. And she felt she was on the verge of finding the answer when Sparkler showed up. Suffice to say, Sparkler completely replaced Sunset and she hadn’t thought about her strange feelings towards Sunset since. But with how tonight was going, it creeped back into her mind, and with Pinkie mentioning Monogamy, Twilight was actually beginning to question whether she was monogamous or not. Is it possible the three of us would be happy together?

She didn’t have much time to think about it before she noticed Sparkler’s two SMILE drones, which Flappy revealed were the wings of the Sparkmobile spoilers, came back. Flappy had sent them to round up and lead the zombies out to the field. Everyone looked off to the distance and saw the zombie horde approaching. “Here comes the crowd.” Fluttershy said, gulping.

Twilight took a deep breath, and nodded. “Alright girls, let’s rock.” She said as she grabbed a microphone.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

Ok, full disclusure, Sparkler getting the Geode away from Sundown was supposed to go very differently. But my brain just wrote what is there now and...I mean score one for human ingenuity right? Lol.