• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,586 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Avians and Insects

In a canyon field, we find Mistymon jumping around the large rocks.

The Ultimate Level landed on a rock and no sooner did he, that something shot down towards him at incredible speed and forced him to leap away from it. A blue fireball collided with the rock and exploded, as Mistymon used his sword and cape to protect himself from the debris.

As he landed, the one responsible for the rock's destruction appeared. Strikedramon.

The Champion's back and claws were ablaze, as he let out a mighty roar before charging forward again. A trail of blue flames passed by him as he attempted to delete Mistymon, who jumped to the side and held up the orb in his hand.

"Core Dart!" The crystal flew out of his grasp and shot towards the Champion, slamming into him and knocking him backwards. Strikedramon roared as he crashed into a rock, but didn't let that stop him as he charged whilst running on all fours. But as he tried to slash at Mistymon, the wizard Digimon leapt to the side and raised his sword. "Blast Fire!"

Strikedramon looked up and didn't have time to avoid the flaming sword, as it swung down and cut him in half.

Strikedramon roared as his body exploded, Flash and Veemon falling to the ground. Mistymon leapt back, as the battlefield around them began to dissolve back into the Beta-Stadium Dome. Moments later, Mistymon split into Micro and Tentomon.

The victorious pair turned towards Flash and Veemon, the pair moaning as they sat up. "Well at least you lasted five minutes longer than last time," Tentomon told them as they stood up.

"Not long enough," Flash told him. "If we wanna be able to use Strikedramon and Cyberdramon, we gotta learn to control that insanely wild spirit."

"It seems the problem mostly stems from Strikedramon," Micro pointed out. "You don't seem to have a problem when you're Cyberdramon. It's just the Champion stage you need to be careful with."

"Yeah," Veemon nodded, "maybe we should just stick with Veedramon and go into Cyberdramon from that?"

"We can't just give up when things get tough," Flash told him. "We need to learn to control that power if we wanna use Strikedramon when he's the best option." They headed out of the stadium and towards the foyer. "But you're right about Veedramon being way easier to control than Strikedramon."

"Veedramon's Veemon's natural Digivolution," Micro replied. "So of course that one would be easier to control."

"Natural evolution?" Flash asked.

"You have tried to fight as Veemon and just see what happens, right?" Micro asked, with Flash shaking his head.

"Nope. Why? Should we?"

"You don't have to, but every player gets curious about their partner's natural evolution. A lot of players try it by putting just their Rookie into a deck and see what happens when they put the evolution up to what comes naturally to the Digimon." Flash nodded, remembering this conversation from before.

As he considered testing out Veemon's natural evolution, his and Micro's Digivice beeped and they took them out. "What's up?" Veemon asked, as Micro smirked.

"Friend list update. Someone on our friends list is about to have a Stadium Battle." They opened the message and saw the name.

"Twilight?" Flash asked, remembering Twilight was a Champion Level player. "This should be good." Micro nodded and the pair rushed to grab a seat, their Digimon in hot pursuit.

They managed to find a table the in the perfect spot to watch Twilight's match, the TV screen right in front of them showing her and her Digimon partner step into the dome. "I wonder who her opponent will be?" Tentomon asked, the others wondering the same question.

Twilight stood anxiously, as a battle normally made her.

Tawnimon saw this and knew why, given they had lost the last two matches they had played. Twilight didn't want to make it three in a row, so of course she was nervous. "Don't worry, Twilight." She looked down at her partner. "No matter what happens, you've got this. You've been training hard to win this battle."

"Thanks Tawnimon," Twilight smiled. "But I'm still nervous. Losing three matches in a row will be humiliating." As she said that, the door opened and someone stepped inside. He was a teen her age, with light green skin and orange hair, wearing a dark green shirt and orange pants along with a purple jacket over his shirt.

On his shoulder was an insect Digimon, who looked just like the Digimon Twilight knew as Kunemon. It had the same body, but its colouring was different. The parts of its body that should have been red and yellow, were instead white whilst its head was black in colour. Its beak and antenna were white in colour, whilst the lines on its head where its eyes should have been were light blue. Its six front legs and the stinger on its rear were light blue.

"Hey," the teen waved at her, "nice to meet you. Name's Thorax."

"Twilight," she nodded back before focusing on the Digimon. "I don't think I'm familiar with your friend there. Looks like a Kunemon Variant."

"The name's Grubmon," the worm told her. "And I hope you're ready to get your butt kicked."

"We'll see," Twilight smiled as she and Tawnimon smiled at one another.

"Twilight Sparkle," the overhead voice stated, "Thorax Hiveborn! You are both here to compete in a Codex Battle. Are both players ready to compete?"

"Yes," they nodded.

Then place your Digivices into the battle podiums and select your decks." Thorax took out a light green Digivice and placed it in the podium before the two of them started selecting their decks.

Twilight gave one last glance towards Grubmon and had a feeling Thorax would pick him, so decided to design her deck with battling bug Digimon in mind. She made a few tweaks to a deck she had and locked it in, Thorax doing the same.

Thorax Hiveborn. You have been randomly selected to choose the battlefield you would like to use." Thorax said nothing and opened up his locations, selecting one and locking it in. "Infest Mountain has been selected. When both players are ready, hit the start button."

Twilight and Thorax locked eyes before a smile appeared on their lips. "LET'S GET DIGITAL!" They both cried before slamming the start button. The dome filled with light as Thorax and Grubmon merged into one.

Twilight smirked at her correct guess, as she also merged with Tawnimon. Then, they were both blinded by the light of the dome.

Flash watched as the battlefield began to form. "I don't think I've heard of Infest Mountain."

Micro slurped his shake, "it's a mountain surrounded by a lush jungle. The entire mountain was hollowed out by insectoid Digimon and acts like a giant ant hill. Not a great place for large Digimon. Let's just hope Twilight picked something small." Flash nodded, also hoping them. Twilight did have Aurumon, so hopefully she picked that Digimon instead of her Champion.

The battlefield was finally revealed as a large domed structure with many holes in the walls, likely leading to a maze of different tunnels. And as the area finished forming, the two Digimon appeared with Flash quickly bringing up Grubmon's data.

Name: Grubmon
Level: Rookie
Type: Free
Attribute: Plant
Species: Larvae
Family: Jungle Troopers, Nature Spirits

As soon as the Digimon materialised, Tawnimon leapt into the air. She quickly got up high, as Grubmon's tail stinger glowed purple. "Poison Stringer!" From his stringer, multiple needles exploded outwards and flew towards Tawnimon.

The owl Digimon started flying around, doing his best to avoid the stringers. But one managed to hit her in the leg. "Augh!"

Grubmon: 5-100%
Tawnimon: 5-90%

She didn't let this stop her and quickly dived down, as Grubmon prepared a second volley of poison projectiles. "Hooting Cry!" She let out a powerful screech attack, which slammed into Grubmon before he could count and blasted him back.

"Augh!" He slammed into the back wall, his health dropping.

Grubmon: 5-90%
Tawnimon: 5-90%

As he hit the ground, Tawnimon landed and rushed forward to with her claws at the ready. "Sharp Talon!" She slashed at Grubmon, the worm getting sliced in the face and knocked back again.

Grubmon: 5-80%
Tawnimon: 5-90%

But as Tawnimon tried to slash at him again, Grubmon dodged the attack and spun around. "Strong Poison Stinger!" He stabbed her right in the chest and Tawnimon screamed as she was knocked backwards.

Grubmon: 5-80%
Tawnimon: 5-75%

As she staggered back, Grubmon picked himself up and took a deep breath. "Slime Thread!" He started spitting dollops of green slime all over the place. The slime slammed into the ground and on the walls, sticking them them and creating a minefield.

"That could be an issue," Micro gulped.

"Ya'h don't know the half of it." Flash and Micro looked around and saw Rarity and Applejack, they and their Digimon walking up to them. "A've fought Thorax before," Applejack stated as they sat down. "He totally wiped me out usin' that move. Labramon and a'h were running around and we got stuck in it. It made us an easy target for Grubmon to use his Poison Stinger attack on me."

"I remember that," Rarity nodded. "You got poisoned and for the rest of the match, Thorax controlled the flow."

"So Twilight can't let herself get trapped by that stuff," Flash realised. "Good thing she can fly."

Sure enough, Tawnimon leapt into the air and started flying, as Grubmon used his insect qualities to climb the walls.

As he crawled, he started firing more green slime balls towards the ceiling. "Hooting Cry!" She launched her sonic blast at him, Grubmon flinching as the attack buffeted his body.

Grubmon: 5-70%
Tawnimon: 5-75%

Tawnimon quickly flew towards him, preparing to hit him with her claws. But before she could, something flew down in front of her. "WOW!" She stopped and pulled back, finding that something was actually a long string of the green slime Grubmon had fired. It had slid down from the ceiling and had solidified enough to stop and act like a long piece of sticky rope.

Tawnimon looked around and was shocked to see the entire room had these sticky lines hanging from the ceiling.

"Oh yeah!" Grubmon leapt off the wall, "now it's a playground!" He grabbed one of the slime lines and used it to swing around, improving his mobility. "Poison Stringer!" The poisonous needles exploded off his tail and shot towards Tawnimon, who gasped as she took evasive maneuvers.

"Hooting Cry!" She screamed, the sonic blast firing at him. But Grubmon let go of the line and grabbed another one, continuing to swing around as he fired another poison needle spray. Eventually, one of these attacks hit her. "AUGH!"

Grubmon: 5-70%
Tawnimon: 5-65%

She fell to the ground and by a miracle, she didn't land in any of the slime traps. But when she picked herself up, she was suddenly struck by purple energy. "GYAH!"

Grubmon: 5-70%
Tawnimon: 5-60%

"Oh no," Salamon gasped.

"She's been poisoned," Flash frowned. He remembered how much that status had weakened him in his recent battle, making it so he had barely managed to win. "This isn't good." But as he said that, Tawnimon stood up as something suddenly appeared in front of her.

It was some kind of memory card, being white with a purple sticker on it that had white bubbles inside.

"What's that?" Veemon asked, as the object exploded into energy that flowed into her.

"A Poison Recovery," Rarity explained. "There are recovery items for every status condition. But you can only use one and it takes up your item slot."

"Which means Twilight didn't use her Digimental," Flash realised as Tawnimon took to the air again.

As she flew up, Grubmon swung himself over to a nearby hole and landed on it.

As he did, he turned towards Tawnimon. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" As he said that, something appeared on his back. It was a larger tube-like cannon with thee spikes sticking out the end. It was attached to his back, with some kind of vest wrapped around his body. "Electro Cannon!" Lightning sparked around the end of it, as the energy charged up.

But before it could fire, Tawnimon got in close enough. "Hooting Cry!" She unleashed the sonic blast, which slammed into him and he barely managed to keep from being blown backwards.

Grubmon: 5-60%
Tawnimon: 5-60%

"Electro Cannon, FIRE!" As soon as Tawnimon's attack ended, a blast of electrical energy exploded out of the cannon and shot towards her. She gasped and tried to escape, but the electrical blast slammed into her and she screamed in pain.

Grubmon: 5-60%
Tawnimon: 5-40%

She fell towards the ground and crashed into it, her body sparking as she moaned. Being a Wind Attribute Digimon, the electrical attack did serious damage to her.

Grubmon smirked and began to head down the tunnel, whilst Tawnimon picked herself up and shook of the electrical pain. "I'm not done yet," she panted before taking to the air again.

She flew up to the tunnel, being careful in case Grubmon attacked with the cannon again. But when she looked inside of it, she found the place was deserted.

She flew down the tunnel and looked around. "He couldn't have gotten too far." But then she found another tunnel entrance, which had been completely filled by the green slime.

She flew down the tunnel she was already in, hoping to cut him off. And as she flew down it, she spotted a Digivolution Coin and grabbed it.

"Alright," Flash smirked, "that's the way, Twilight." The screen was currently split in two, allowing them to watch both Digimon as they made their way through the tunnel system.

Grubmon had also grabbed a Digivolution Coin, as he made his way through the passageways. It was as if he knew the place like the back of his hand, the lot of them realising he likely spent a lot of time there.

He kept crawling through the tunnels until he reached the end and exited out onto a bridge-like structure. The area he had entered was a larger vertical shaft, leading straight up to an opening that lead out the top of the mountain. Multiple holes covered the walls of the tube and a spiralling ledge encircled it, stone bridges connecting higher and lower levels for faster travel.

He smirked as he looked around, seeing no sign of Tawnimon. But as he stepped across the bridge, he heard the Digimon's voice. "Hooting Cry!" The sonic screech exploded up from below and slammed into him, knocking him staggering towards the edge of the bridge.

Grubmon: 5-50%
Tawnimon: 5-40%

Tawnimon flew up from below, heading straight towards Grubmon. But the larvae Digimon crawled onto the bottom of the bridge and charged up his Electro Cannon.

The bird managed to pull to the left and avoid the Battle Gear's attack, flying up above Grubmon and he crawled back onto the top of the bridge. "Poison Stringer!" He launched the poisonous needles, but Tawnimon avoided them before diving down.

"Sharp Talon!" She slashed at Grubmon and hit him in the face, the insect flinching but firing another shot from his Electro Cannon.

Grubmon: 5-40%
Tawnimon: 5-20%

Despite the electrical blast hitting her, Tawnimon forced her way through the pain and slashed at Grubmon three more times.

Grubmon: 5-10%
Tawnimon: 5-20%

"Augh!" Grubmon was knocked backwards and barely managed to keep from landing on his Battle Gear, jumping up as Tawnimon flew away. "Slime Thread!" He launched the green slime ball and it shot towards the owl Digimon, who tried to fly away only for the slime to hit her in the foot.

"Augh!" She cried, as the slime stretched down. And as soon as it hit one of the bridges, it hardened and she was was stuck. "Not good!"

"Very not good," Grubmon laughed as he charged up an electrical attack. "Here we go. Electro Cannon, FIRE!" The electric blast exploded out of the cannon and flew towards Tawnimon, who pulled on the slime rope holding her but was unable to escape.

It struck and she cried out, the blast exploding and electrifying her as she took serious damage.

Grubmon: 5-10%
Tawnimon: 5-0%

The electrical explosion also melted the slime, causing Tawnimon to fall as she was too shocked to fly. Grubmon smirked at this, but before he could celebrate Tawnimon's eyes opened. "Hooting Cry!" The sonic blast exploded out of her beak and shot towards Grubmon, slamming into him.

"AUGH!" He cried, getting knocked off the bridge.

Grubmon: 5-0%
Tawnimon: 4-100%

The two Digimon fell and as they did, they noticed their Digivolution Counters had both filled up.

Tawnimon spread her wings, trying to slow down as she closed her eyes. "Digivolve!" Her body exploded with light and started to grow, Grubmon instead spitting out a stream of green slime. It went taut and he stopped falling, as Tawnimon began to grow. "Tawnimon, Digivolve to..." The light exploded off of her and revealed the larger version of Tawnimon, who let out a mighty screech as she spread his wings. "HooTawnimon!"

The Champion Digimon stopped falling and as she did, Grubmon pulled himself up onto the bridge. "Nice, but you're not the only one who can go big!" As he said that, he started glowing. "Grubmon, Digivolve to..." The light began to grow and his body changed before he broke out of the cocoon, revealing a large green praying mantis Digimon four legs, scythe arms and a head with no eyes. "Snimon!"

"Pretty standard bug Digimon," Flash realised as Micro brought up Snimon's data.

Name: Snimon
Level: Champion
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Wind
Species: Insect
Family: Virus Busters, Jungle Troopers

"A Vaccine type," Micro pointed out. "HooTawnimon's a Data Type, so Twilight has the advantage." But as he said that, they noticed the now much larger Electro Cannon on his back. "But that Battle Gear's gonna still be a problem to deal with."

Snimon leapt off the bridge, his larger size causing it to break apart, and flew up towards HooTawnimon.

"Twin Sickle!" He swung his scythe blades around and sent wind blades flying towards the owl. HooTawnimon managed to avoid them, but the many bridges around them made flight difficult.

She looked up and realised she had to escape the mountain, so started flying up towards the hole in the mountain. As she did, Snimon started powering up his Battle Gear. "Defence Gale!" She looked back at Snimon and beat her wings, causing a burst of wind to explode off of her and formed a barrier.

Snimon fired his Battle Gear and the electrical sphere slammed into the barrier, pushing against it for several moments and allowing HooTawnimon to fly up towards the hole.

But the sphere eventually broke through the barrier and flew up. The Champion bird looked back and gasped when she saw it, the sphere exploding and making her cry out. The electrical energy had been weakened by the barrier, but it still did damage.

Snimon: 4-100%
HooTawnimon: 4-90%

HooTawnimon barely managed to keep herself in the air. But she only hovered as Snimon shot up towards her. "Raaah!" He slashed at her before she could recover, HooTawnimon flinching at the slash.

Snimon: 4-100%
HooTawnimon: 4-85%

HooTawnimon finally recovered from the electrical blast and as she did, her glared at Snimon before yelling out. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" Her head and chest were consumed by light and when it faded, HooTawnimon was revealed to be wearing a helmet on her head along with a metal chest, which had some kind of twin gatling gun on the back. "Aero Blaster!" Her eyes were covered by a red visor, which seemed to help her lock on as the gatling guns folded down and was now located on her waist beneath her wings. "Fire!"

Snimon gasped, as the gatling guns started launching air bullets towards him. "Augh!" he cried, as the first bullet slammed into him.

Snimon: 4-99%
HooTawnimon: 4-85%

The rest of the bullets quickly followed suit and slammed into him, the barrage knocking him backwards more and more as HooTawnimon flew higher and higher. Eventually, he stopped firing and was able to fly out of the mountain's top.

Snimon: 4-85%
HooTawnimon: 4-85%

"Finally," HooTawnimon sighed, "I've got some room to fly!" But as she sat that, Snimon flew up after recovering from the barrage he had suffered. HooTawnimon saw this and started firing her Battle Gear again, Snimon flying straight through it and fighting with everything he had to get to her.

Snimon: 4-65%
HooTawnimon: 4-85%

Snimon quickly slashed at HooTawnimon, knocking the Champion bird backwards as he charged up his cannon and fired.

The blast flew towards HooTawnimon as she attempted to defend herself, preparing to use her wind barrier. But the electrical blast was too fast and slammed into her. "AUGH!" She screamed, as the lightning surged around her and she began to fall towards the ground.

Snimon: 4-65%
HooTawnimon: 4-60%

She eventually managed to spread her wings and stop herself from crashing into the side of the mountain, instead gliding down it a little above the rocky surface. And as she did, she noticed a Digivolution Coin straight ahead of her.

Snimon flew down to attack, but was forced away from HooTawnimon as she fired her gatling gun behind her. This allowed the owl to grab the coin in her beak before flying back up, heading straight for Snimon as he fired his Electro Cannon. But HooTawnimon dodged the attack as energy formed around her.

"Sky Strike!" Her head crest morphed into a shining battering ram, as she smashed straight into Snimon and made him cry out in pain.

Snimon: 4-45%
HooTawnimon: 4-60%

Snimon was knocked backwards, but refused to be defeated so easily. "Twin Sickle!" He slashed his blades through the air and sent out a pair of energy blades, then fired his Electro Cannon.

HooTawnimon tried to escape, but was too close to avoid getting hit the the attack and was knocked back. Moments later, the electrical sphere smashed into her and exploded. "Augh!"

Snimon: 4-45%
HooTawnimon: 4-30%

HooTawnimon fell towards the ground, with Snimon following after. She attempted to spread her wings, but as she did more lightning sparked around her and her body was frozen.

"That's not good," Micro gulped. "Twilight's been paralysed." The others frowned, wondering how unlucky Twilight had to be to get two status conditions in a single battle.

HooTawnimon continued to fall until she was right above the mountain, when she was finally able to spread her wings and slow down. But not enough to keep from crashing into the side of the mountain. She screamed in pain, losing her balance and going rolling as her Battle Gear was ripped off of her.

Snimon: 4-45%
HooTawnimon: 4-25%

She eventually came to a stop and groaned as she pushed herself up, only to find a blast of lightning shoot down towards her.

She gasped and leapt back, the electro sphere crashing into the ground and exploding. She tried to fly up, but the paralysis struck her again and allowed Snimon to get in close. "Shadow Slash!" His blade glowed black and he slashed at HooTawnimon, making her cry out as she was knocked backwards.

Snimon: 4-45%
HooTawnimon: 4-15%

She fell to the ground and Snimon leapt into the air, charging up his Electro Cannon. But before he could fire, HooTawnimon opened her eyes and beat her wings. "Defence Gale!" The gust of wind flew up and slammed into Snimon, knocking him back and causing him to fire his blaster straight up.

Snimon: 4-35%
HooTawnimon: 4-15%

HooTawnimon used this opening to leap into the air and fly straight up, as the energy formed around her. "Sky Strike!" She morphed into the aerial battering ram and dived down towards Snimon, flying at high speed until she smashed right into Snimon.

"AUGH!" He cried, being knocked down towards the ground as his Battle Gear vest began to break.

Snimon: 4-15%
HooTawnimon: 4-15%

HooTawnimon flew back up, planning to circle around and dive down for another attack. But as she did, Snimon managed to stop his fall and aim his Electro Cannon at her. "FIRE!" He cried, as HooTawnimon shot towards him. But as he fired, the vest of his Battle Gear finally broke and the weapon fell from his back.

"Sky Strike!" HooTawnimon cried, as she charged at Snimon. But this made it impossible for her to avoid the incoming electro ball, which exploded against her and made her scream as she fought through it and smashed into Snimon.

Snimon: 4-0%
HooTawnimon: 4-0%

The explosion knocked them both backwards, both struggling to regain control of the flight. HooTawnimon spread her wings to try and stop herself, but was struck by the paralysis against whilst Snimon's insect wings weren't able to slow it down fast enough.

They both crashed into into the ground, screaming as they began to fall down the side of the mountain.

Snimon: 3-95%
HooTawnimon: 3-95%

Snimon managed to stab his blade into the side of the mountain and stop himself, whilst HooTawnimon continued to fall. The insect began to beat his wings and took off, flying around the mountain whilst HooTawnimon finally came to a stop. As he did, the Vaccine type spotted a Digivolution coin on a ledge and grabbed it.

As the energy flowed into his body, HooTawnimon picked herself up and groaned as she shook her head. She then noticed a glow and looked around to see an SP coin, the bird rushing over and grabbing it. As her SP refilled, she took to the air and spotted Snimon flying towards her.

Inside her head, Tawnimon spoke to Twilight. "He doesn't have his Battle Gear anymore, so he can't attack with electrical blasts."

"Maybe," Twilight nodded, "but that doesn't mean he's defenceless." Sure enough, as they approached Snimon the insect suddenly shifted directions and was at her side.

"Shadow Slash!" He cried, slashing at HooTawnimon and knocking her away.

Snimon: 3-95%
HooTawnimon: 3-85%

HooTawnimon cried as she tried to gain control, but Snimon then shot around behind her and slashed her again. This then happened three more times, until HooTawnimon managed to slash at the champion insect with her talons. "Raaah!" She slashed him across the face, making him cry out in pain.

Snimon: 3-90%
HooTawnimon: 3-65%

Knowing her paralysis was likely to kick in, HooTawnimon chose not to use Sky Strike. Instead opting to use her wind barrier. "Defence Gale!" She beat her wings and the air shot forward and smashed into Snimon, knocking him down to the ground near the base of the mountain.

Snimon: 3-80%
HooTawnimon: 3-65%

HooTawnimon was then struck by her paralysis and fell as well, but managed to keep her wings open so she still glided.

"Twin Sickle!" Snimon roared before he hit the ground, the air blades flying off his arms and slamming into his opponent right as he landed.

Snimon: 3-75%
HooTawnimon: 3-55%

HooTawnimon landed, still reeling from the Twin Sickle. Snimon then rushed forward and slashed at her, but HooTawnimon was able to avoid it before leaping up and clawing at him with her talons.

Snimon: 3-65%
HooTawnimon: 3-55%

Snimon staggered back, right towards the trees behind him. And before he could recover, HooTawnimon beat her wings. "Defence Gale!" The wind flew out and slammed into him, knocking Snimon backwards into the tree.

Snimon: 3-50%
HooTawnimon: 3-55%

Snimon smirked, knowing something HooTawnimon didn't. And as he staggered into the trees, he slashed at one of them and revealed a Digivolution Coin. He quickly stabbed it and absorbed the power, as HooTawnimon flew and swung around to dive towards Snimon.

"Sky Strike!" She smashed into Snimon and knocked him flying backwards, crashing through several trees until he hit the ground.

"AUGH!" He roared, his life points dropping.

Snimon: 3-15%
HooTawnimon: 3-55%

HooTawnimon flew back up, as Snimon began to pick himself up. "Not bad," he told her. "But now things get interesting." HooTawnimon wondered what he meant, only for Snimon to leap into the air before he started glowing. "Snimon, Digivolve to..." A sphere of light completely enveloped him and started growing larger, then exploded to reveal the new Digimon. "MetalSnimon!"

Everyone was shocked to see Snimon's evolution. His body was now a mixture of red and black, his armor appearing to be made out of coloured steel. He was about five feet taller and his body was about the same shape, though it had a few differences. His abdomen was now gone and instead of wings, he had a black bullet-shaped protrusion on his back that was firing energy out and allowing him to fly. His previously green body was now red in colour, though his lower mouth, shoulders, knees, upper legs and lower arms were black.

His scythe hands were gone, replaced by a pair of black chainsaw-like weapons that pointed straight. This allowed its lower arms to be longer, with scythes like his champion form had. Finally, on his face above his mouth, was a black shape that looked like a three-pointed leaf without a stem.

"Wow," Flash whispered, "never seen that Digimon before." Micro quickly brought up his stats.

Name: MetalSnimon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Wind
Species: Insect
Family: Virus Busters, Jungle Troopers, Wind Guardians, Metal Empire

"He's still a Vaccine Digimon," Micro pointed out. "So Twilight should still have an advantage against him."

HooTawnimon charged, hoping to get in some more damage. But as she did, MetalSnimon raised one of his chainsaw arms as they started spinning.

"Razor Destroyer!" He flew forwards and slashed at HooTawnimon, hitting her with his chainsaws before she could escape.

"AUGH!" She was knocked downwards and crashed into the ground, feathers flying everywhere after she was hit.

MetalSnimon: 3-15%
HooTawnimon: 3-35%

She moaned at the impact, MetalSnimon diving down as his lower arm blades glowed. "Sickle Strike!" He slashed them through the air and unleashed an attack similar to his previous form's Twin Sickle.

HooTawnimon gasped as the attack flew towards her, the owl Digimon rolling along the ground and barely managing to avoid the attack. As MetalSnimon landed, HooTawnimon took of and shot towards him. "Sky Strike!" She was surrounded by the energy and smashed into him, the larger Digimon too big to move faster than her.

The impact knocked MetalSnimon staggering, as HooTawnimon flew up to a safe distance.

MetalSnimon: 3-0%
HooTawnimon: 3-35%

MetalSnimon snarled as the rocket on his back began to power up and exploded, launching him into the air at high speed. He was aimed directly at HooTawnimon, making her gasp as she tried to escape. But his speed boost was too much and he swung his chainsaw arms right at her.

"AUGH!" She cried, the Ultimate cutting her down the chest.

MetalSnimon: 2-100%
HooTawnimon: 3-25%

"Try this!" He cried, as he pointed his booster rocket at her. "Metal Swarm!" The device stopped firing for a moment before the end lit up and a massive surge of energy exploded out of it.

That energy split into hundreds of energy meteors, which shot down towards HooTawnimon as she struggled to balance out her flight. As such, she barely managed to move a foot before the meteors came crashing down upon her. With every impact, she took a small amount of damage. But with so many hits, they quickly added up.

MetalSnimon: 2-100%
HooTawnimon: 3-0%

The rest of the meteors smashed down on the forest, causing the whole place to be blown to smithereens.

When the smoke finally cleared, it showed HooTawnimon laying on the ground looking pretty beat up. She groaned as she pushed herself up, but flinched when the paralysis made her freeze. MetalSnimon saw this and chuckled. "Are you gonna give up?"

"Never!" She cried, Twilight digging deep as she forced herself to her feet. As she did, she thought about Shining Armor. Ever since coming to Codex, she had seen him prove he truly was the best. That had always brought her great pride.

Many expected the same great things from her, though Shining had always told her to walk the path she wanted. And she intended to. She wanted to learn so much about the Digital World. Everything there was to know. And to do that, she would need the strength to survive and learn.

She then thought about Flash, who had proven himself to be someone worthy of even Shining's respect. Even when everything was against him, he powered through and overcame great challenges.

"I won't...give up!" She stood tall and spread her wings, as she let out a mighty cry and was surrounded by light.

"HooTawnimon, Digivolve to..." She began to grow larger and as she did, her body began to change. Her head crest changed shape, morphing into more of a V-shape with the middle upwards spike remaining whilst more of the feathers grew out the back of the chest up and around her head before going down the back and joining at the back of her neck to then circle around said neck to form a collar. Some of the crest grew downwards, splitting around the beak and stopping just below her chin to resemble a moustache.

Her wings grew longer and as they did, the outer feathers changed to a more whitish colour with black stars appearing on them. The same black stars replaced the triangles on her puffier chest, then also appeared on the back of her tail feathers whilst her feet-feathers grew down to cover everything except her talons.

Transformation over, she had grown by about half her original height and let out a mighty hoot as she spread her wings. "CresTawnimon!"

Everyone stared at the new Digimon in amazement, as Micro brought up her stats.

Name: CresTawnimon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Data
Attribute: Wind
Species: Giant Bird
Family: Wind Guardians, Nature Spirits

They watched, as CresTawnimon leapt into the air and flew up towards MetalSnimon. As she did, the insect swung his blade arms around. "Sickle Strike!" The energy blades flew towards her, but CresTawnimon dodged the attack as her wings glowed.

"Wing Burst!" She suddenly shot forward as the light around her wings turned into energy blades and when she shot passed MetalSnimon, they cut into him.

MetalSnimon: 2-80%
CresTawnimon: 2-100%

"AUGH!" MetalSnimon growled, as CresTawnimon flew around and faced him once again.

MetalSnimon quickly spun the blades of his chainsaw and he charged, as the star shapes on CresTawnimon started glowing. "Gale Star!" The light flew off her body and she beat her wings, causing the lights to shoot towards MetalSnimon.

The insect Digimon started slashing at the shooting stars, cutting them away from him as he got closer to her. "Razor Destroyer!" He roared, swinging his blade at her. She tried to dodge, but the paralysis struck and she was frozen.

The attack landed and she screamed as she was cut by the chainsaw, eventually being thrown down away from MetalSnimon.

MetalSnimon: 2-80%
CresTawnimon: 2-90%

She fell towards the wasteland that had once been a forest and managed to open her wings long enough to keep from crashing down, as MetalSnimon flew down towards her. The pair began to clash with one another, MetalSnimon using his faster scythe arms to slash at her whilst CresTawnimon used her wings and talons.

The pair slashed, stabbed, slapped and struck one another constantly, with MetalSnimon still proving to be the faster Digimon. He eventually knocked her wing attack away before slamming the bottom of his foot into CresTawnimon, knocking her backwards.

MetalSnimon: 2-60%
CresTawnimon: 2-60%

As CresTawnimon regained control, MetalSnimon flew up as he prepared his best attack. "Metal Swarm!" The energy from his booster rocket charged up before exploding out, splitting into hundreds of meteors that threatened to destroy the battlefield again.

CresTawnimon saw this and her head crest began to glow, as she flew up towards the oncoming attack. "Crested Guardian!" The light flew off and formed a sphere around her, the Metal Swarm slamming down on it and bouncing off with little to no damage done.

She kept flying higher and higher, as the shield morphed into a bullet shape. She eventually reached MetalSnimon and smashed head first into him, the attack knocking him backwards as he cried out.

MetalSnimon: 2-30%
CresTawnimon: 2-60%

He fell towards the ground, his rocket refusing to fire due to the recoil of his attack. Eventually, he smashed into the ground with enough force to make the destroyed wasteland shake.

MetalSnimon: 2-20%
CresTawnimon: 2-60%

"YEAH!" Twilight's friends cheered, as CresTawnimon flew down.

"Who knew she had an Ultimate Level that strong," Flash laughed. "Come on Twilight. Show 'em what you're made of!" Rarity and Applejack smirked, clearly knowing something he didn't.

"Wait until you see her Mega form," Rarity told him. "That's certainly something special." As she said that, MetalSnimon began to pick himself up. "But I doubt this battle will last long enough for her to reach it. Unless Thorax is able to pull a trick out of his hat." The others nodded, as CresTawnimon flew down towards the Ultimate Insect.

"Raaah," he growled, "you think you got us beat?"

"No," CresTawnimon told him. "I know a battle isn't won until the last health point is lost. You could only have ten percent of your last security whilst I have six and you could still win."

"Exactly," MetalSnimon nodded. "Now, time for me to take the lead back." As he said that, his chainsaws started spinning at high speed. CresTawnimon expected him to charge and attack, but instead he brought the weapons down to the ground. As soon as they touched the dirt, the blades cut through the ground and sent a large cloud of dust flying into the air.

"WOW!" CresTawnimon flew up, but was soon overcome by the dust. "What are you doing?"

"You're an owl Digimon. And an owl's greatest sense is its sight. Take that away and the owl will be in serious trouble." She heard this, but the dust in the air made it impossible for her to keep her eyes open.

"Gale Star!" She summoned the stars off of her body and beat her wings, sending the stars flying down where she thought MetalSnimon might be. But the attacks collided with the ground and hit nothing else. "What?"

"Surprise!" She heard coming from behind her, making her spin around before something hard and shard slashed into her.

MetalSnimon: 2-20%
CresTawnimon: 2-50%

She cried out, as she was knocked towards the ground. As she crashed into it, MetalSnimon flew down and once again used his chainsaws to kick up dirt. This once again blinded CresTawnimon, preventing her from seeing where her opponent was.

And once again, MetalSnimon was able to locate her and slashed at her with his chainsaw arms. "AUGH!"

MetalSnimon: 2-20%
CresTawnimon: 2-40%

"I don't get it?" Veemon asked, "how's he able to see in that dust cloud?"

"The dust is effecting Twilight's eyes," Rarity told him. "But MetalSnimon doesn't have any. As an insect Digimon, he's able to locate Twilight without the need for sight. He's using another method to do it. But which one?"

"Twilight needs to stop relying on her eyes," Applejack frowned as CresTawnimon was once again slashed. "She's got other senses that are just as good. She's gotta remember that. They watched, as CresTawnimon was once again slashed from behind.

"Augh!" She cried, as her power dropped.

MetalSnimon: 2-20%
CresTawnimon: 2-20%

"What do we do?" Tawnimon asked, looking worried as the Ultimate flew down and landed on the ground. "What are you doing?"

"We can't beat him in the air," Twilight told him. She closed her eyes and instead, simply listened. Tawnimon saw this and kept quiet, the pair listening for any sound that might give MetalSnimon away. And after a moment, she heard the sound coming from behind her. "There you are!"

She leapt straight up and as she did, MetalSnimon flew under her attempting to slash at her.

"Gale Star!" She beat her wings and sent the stars flying off her body, resulting in them smashing into MetalSnimon and doing serious damage.

MetalSnimon: 2-0%
CresTawnimon: 2-20%

"AUGH!" He cried, as CresTawnimon beat her wings and blew the dust around them away. MetalSnimon turned to growl at her, as CresTawnimon smirked.

"It's true an owl's best sense is their sight, but their hearing isn't half bad either. And with all that machinery covering your body, you make one heck of a noise if you just listen." MetalSnimon smirked at this as his scythes began to glow.

"Not bad, but I'm not down yet! Sickle Strike!" The air blades flew towards CresTawnimon, who unfortunately ended up getting hit with paralysis before she could dodge.

MetalSnimon: 1-100%
CresTawnimon: 2-10%

MetalSnimon then flew up as his chainsaws began to spin, the insect slashing at CresTawnimon before she could recover and hitting her with both. But despite the attack, CresTawnimon fought through the pain and once again slashed at MetalSnimon.

MetalSnimon: 1-90%
CresTawnimon: 2-0%

The two Digimon pushed away from one another before flying straight up, neither able to outspeed the other with their current states.

Once high enough, the pair started dancing around, unable to get a hit on the other. They dodged and flew around to try and get an advantage on the other, completely unaware that they had moved back above the mountain they had started their fight in.

"Gale Star!" CresTawnimon launched the stars towards MetalSnimon, who launched his Sickle Strike attack to block them.

"Razor Destroyer!" He quickly shot forward and slashed at her with his chainsaw, as the paralysis froze his opponent. CresTawnimon flinched at the spinning blades as they cut into her, but quickly fought through the pain and managed to reach up and grab the chainsaw hands in her claws before pushing them away.

MetalSnimon: 1-90%
CresTawnimon: 1-90%

"Wing Burst!" Her wings were covered in energy and as she threw MetalSnimon away from her, she then flew around to pick up speed before shooting forward and slashing at MetalSnimon.

MetalSnimon: 1-70%
CresTawnimon: 1-90%

MetalSnimon fell back and had to push his rocket to max power in order to stop himself, as CresTawnimon prepared to attack again.

Thorax checked his SP and saw he had enough for a Sickle Strike, but didn't want to leave himself without any options. As such, he instead swung his blades around to try and push CresTawnimon away. The owl Digimon pulled back in time to prevent the slash and flew around him before he could recover, slashing at his back with her talons.

MetalSnimon: 1-60%
CresTawnimon: 1-90%

But before CresTawnimon could fly away, MetalSnimon spun around and slashed at her face.

MetalSnimon: 1-60%
CresTawnimon: 1-85%

And when she was off balance, he grabbed her and rocketed back towards the ground. Eventually, they crashed into the side of the mountain and MetalSnimon pinned her wings under his feet. "Razor Destroyer!" With that, he started grinding into CresTawnimon's chest.

She screamed at this, unable to pull herself free as he continued to grind into her for several moments before his chainsaws stopped.

MetalSnimon: 1-60%
CresTawnimon: 1-45%

CresTawnimon panted as MetalSnimon continued to pin her down, his SP zeroing out being the only reason he stopped his attack. But he wasn't done and prepared to simply slash at her to end this. But before he could, CresTawnimon took a deep breath to focus herself. And in doing so, her head crest glowed.

"Crested Guardian!" The light flew off her crest and slammed into MetalSnimon, making him cry out as he was knocked back.

MetalSnimon: 1-45%
CresTawnimon: 1-45%

CresTawnimon took to the air, as the energy around her continued to make her glow. As she did, MetalSnimon spotted an SP coin nearby.

He quickly rushed over and destroyed it, his power raising as his rocket powered up. It then exploded and sent him rocketing into the air, up above CresTawnimon as the energy around her continued to build. Once he was high enough, he cut his rocket and started powering it up.

"Time to end this!" He cried as the energy built to bursting point, "METAL SWARM!" The energy exploded out of his booster and split into hundreds of energy spheres, which began to rain down upon CresTawnimon as she finished builting up power.

"You're right," she told him. "It is time to end this!" With that, she rocketed upwards as the energy continued for form a shield around her.

The shield then changed shape, morphing into a form that perfectly fit around CresTawnimon and mimicked her shape. The first meteor crashed into her and she flinched, the shield not protecting her as well.

MetalSnimon: 1-45%
CresTawnimon: 1-40%

She continued to force her way through the meteors, dodging as best she could but doing her best not to lose any speed and getting hit several times.

MetalSnimon: 1-45%
CresTawnimon: 1-5%

But eventually, she flew through the last one and shot straight towards MetalSnimon. He dodged her as she attempted to slam into him, but CresTawnimon wasn't going to be beaten so easily and pulled around as fast as she could.

As she did, the energy surrounding her began to channel itself into her wings and she dived towards him.

MetalSnimon charged at her, his chainsaw arms primed to attack. "RAAAAH!" He roared, as the pair got closer and closer and he was about to slash at her.

"CRESTED WING BURST!" She screamed as she slashed at him with her wings, MetalSnimon attempting to block with his blade. The two forces collided and pushed against one another, but the energy of CresTawnimon's attack overwhelmed MetalSnimon. And to his absolute shock, she managed to push his arm back and slash her with all the energy she had built up.

MetalSnimon: 1-0%
CresTawnimon: 1-5%

"AUGH!" He cried as his last Security broke, causing him to fall towards the ground.

He attempted to stop himself, but his booster refused to fire after the punishment it had been put through. All he could do was brace himself, as he fell through the hole in the top of the mountain and smashed into the first bridge he came across before exploding into data.

Twilight's friends began to cheer for her victory, knowing it was a very close fight.

They watched as the battlefield disintegrated and reverted back to the dome shape, where Thorax and Grubmon were laying on the ground. CresTawnimon was consumed by light and split into Twilight and Tawnimon, the pair landing on the ground and celebrating as Tawnimon leapt into his partner's arms.

"We did it!" Twilight cheered, Tawnimon nodding before they turned to Thorax and Grubmon. "That was a great fight."

"Thanks," Thorax stood up and rubbed his back where he had hit the bridge. "I almost had you. If only my SP had lasted a few seconds longer." Twilight nodded as the voice announced her victory and gave her points. Now she was one step closer to becoming an Ultimate Level, though she was still a long ways away from that.

The four headed out of the dome room and towards the exit, leaving the stadium and heading towards the main foyer. And as they did, they saw Flash, Micro, Rarity and Applejack heading their way. "Twilight!" Flash cheered, "that was a great match."

"You watched?" Twilight asked, with the lot of them nodding.

"Yeah," Micro smiled. "You did great. Had me on the edge of my seat."

"You were great too," Applejack told Thorax. "Ya'h got better since a'h last fought ya'h."

"Thanks," Thorax smiled as he scratched Grubmon's head. "But I can't take all the credit. Grubmon was the one helping me the whole time." Grubmon nodded, though still clearly annoyed at his loss.

"Well," Tentomon told him, "from one bug Digimon to another. You did a fine job out there. Maybe next time, Micro and I can take you on in a battle. I'm interested in seeing which of our Champion lines can better stand against one another. Your Snimon, or my Kabuterimon."

"Yeah," Micro liked the sound of that. "What do you say? Wanna battle against one another some time?"

"Sure," Thorax nodded. "But I'm actually gonna be taking a break from battles for a while." This confused them. "Grubmon and I have been searching for a special location for a while now and we've almost located it. A rare jungle, that's said to house some really powerful insect Digimon."

"Really?" Twilight asked, "what kinds of insects?"

"Not sure yet," Thorax told her. "But one legend says there's a Digimon in there called Hudiemon, who rules the jungle and protects it from threats. If I can get a scan of it or one of its insect warriors, I'm sure I'll be able to win whatever fight I end up in next."

"That sounds awesome," Flash smirked. "You mind I come when you go? Exploring a location like that sounds awesome." Twilight agreed, though Rarity didn't seem interested in exploring a hot and humid jungle. Applejack and Micro also declined, Micro wanting to prepare for his own next battle.

Thorax smiled, gladly agreeing to let them come once his investigation found something. Flash and Twilight smiled, excited to see what this area was like.

Author's Note:

Thorax is now part of the team. Hope you liked my new Digimon forms and I know Digimon don't usually have two main characters with the same type of Digimon, but Micro has already branched out into other types of Digimon whilst Thorax will be mostly bugs.

Also, I wrote this before I remembered this was a thing, so any similarities you see are by total accident.

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