• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,620 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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Hook Line and Sinker

Night had fallen In the mountainous area near the village of Berry Town. As such, all the Digimon living there were fast asleep.

This included the mountain home of HooTawnimon and his Tawnimon brethren, HooTawnimon in a nest at the very top of the mountain whilst the Tawnimon were asleep in some of the lower nests. But a few were still awake, acting as lookout whilst they kept their eyes trained on the horizon.

Ever since the attack from Jazardmon and his Jazamon flock, the parliament had been extra careful to keep themselves safe. But in the two months since that situation had occurred, nothing out of the ordinary showed itself. Until now.

As the Tawnimon kept watch, one suddenly noticed something in the sky. Some kind of dark shape, which appeared to be getting closer.

"Hey," he shook his nest mate awake, "wake up."

"Huh?" He groaned as he opened his eyes, "what?" Then, Tawnimon pointed at the shape and he was very confused. "What is that thing?"

"I don't know. I didn't want to wake anyone else up unless it was nothing. You think it's dangerous?"

"I say we should get the parliament up, just in case." He nodded and the pair started hooting, the sound filling the air and causing the rest of the parliament to awaken.

"What is it?" HooTawnimon asked, as the Tawnimon pointed at the shape. He looked up and with his Champion Level eyesight, HooTawnimon was able to make out what it was. "A sail boat?" It was true. In the air was what appeared to be an old fashioned sailing ship, only there were a few differences to the standard one and the one currently in the air.

Whilst it was made of wood, metal covered a good portion of it. The front and back of it were completely covered, with metal lines running between them along the hull of the ship. And sticking out the side of the ship on either side, were three metal triangles that had some kind of vent on the bottoms of them. A metal spike was sticking out the front and coming out the back, was some kind of booster rocket like on a space shuttle.

The mysterious ship grew closer and closer, eventually flying closer to them. As it did, a blast of powerful wind flew down and struck the mountain. The wind was coming from the vents on the ship's triangles, which were pumping out air and keeping the ship aloft.

The Tawnimon cried out, as they did their best to keep their nest from being blown away. "What's happening?" One asked, as HooTawnimon flew up towards the ship. As he did, part of the ship suddenly began to open up.

The hull at the front, right above the metal spike, opened before a cannon barrel appeared and pointed down towards the mountain. HooTawnimon gasped and turned to his flock. "GET OUT OF THERE!" But it was too late. The cannon fired.

But instead of a cannon ball or an energy blast, it fired an egg shaped projectile that split apart when it got close to a nest and revealed a large net. The Tawnimon tried to escape, but they weren't fast enough and the net wrapped around them.

The other Tawnimon tried to flee, only for the cannon to fire more and more nets that wrapped them up. "NO!" HooTawnimon cried, growling as he flew up to the deck of the ship. If he wanted to stop this, he had to stop whoever was piloting this terrible ship. "Where are you? Answer me?" Then, he heard a voice call out to him.

"Captain Cannon!" He spun around, just in time to see a sphere of metal flying towards him.

Tawnimon gasped, as he woke up and found he was still in Twilight's Digivice.

The girl was currently in her bed, sound asleep with a content look on her face. Meanwhile, the Digivice was on her desk with Tawnimon taking deep breaths to calm himself down. He hadn't thought about that event in a long time.

The Rookie sighed as he tried to close his eyes, but the memory had made him be one hundred percent awake. Every time he closed his eyes, he thought back to the time. For the good and the bad that it did.

The next day.

When Twilight and Tawnimon arrived in Codex, they headed over to the foyer and found Flash, Micro and Rarity around a table. "Is there anywhere else we haven't looked?"

"Tones of places," Flash replied. "The Digital World is a big place. You can't expect to search every inch of it in just a few days." Micro frowned, as Twilight sat down next to them.

"Still no sign of him?" She asked, the others nodding as she sighed. Ever since Datamon's mysterious disappearance, Micro and his friends had been scowling the Digital World searching for any clue that might lead them to their friend's location. But so far, they hadn't been able to find anything.

"He's gotta be somewhere," Micro cried. "I won't stop looking until I find him." The others nodded at this, knowing how close Micro really was to Datamon. But so far, they had no clue where to even start looking.

"There has to be someone who knows where he is," Rarity pointed out. "Even if they weren't there, they must have heard something about Datamon. We need someone who knows where to find Digimon that seems impossible to locate."

Twilight thought for a moment, her eyes then going wide. Flash noticed the look and raised an eyebrow. "You know something?" He asked, making Twilight look away. "Come on. If you think it might help us find Datamon, you gotta tell us."

"I know that," Twilight sighed. "But..." She glanced over at Tawnimon, who looked back at her. As their eyes met, the owl Digimon gasped.

"No," he stated, "you can't seriously be thinking of asking him. Not after what he did!"

"We might not have a choice," Twilight told him. "I know you hate him, but that was a while ago. Maybe he's changed his ways. And if he hasn't, this just gives us an excuse to make him pay again."

"What are you guys talking about?" Flash asked, as Twilight turned to them.


"Hookmon?" Veemon asked, "who's that?"

"A dangerous pirate Digimon," Rarity frowned. "Twilight, are you sure going to him is a good idea? The last time we met him, he wasn't exactly friendly."

"Why?" Flash asked, "what happened?"

Twilight sighed. "It was right before Tawnimon and I became partners. We'd met before and had worked together to overcome a problem. But two months later, something new happened."

In an old fashioned Japanese city, a pair of Digimon were fighting.

One was a flower Digimon named Lilamon, said Digimon being a mix of pink and yellow with a large flower on her back and flower petals in place of her hands and feet.

The flower Digimon leapt into the air, flying above the Japanese buildings as she spotted her opponent atop one of them. Said Digimon being a human woman in a black body suit, with gold and purple fox-themed armor covering her. In her hands was a golden staff, with golden rings around it.

"Pollen Spray!" Lilamon cried, unleashing a blast of pollen from her flower hands. But the Digimon leapt into the air, doing several flips to avoid the cloud before landing atop another building.

Once she did, she spun her staff around. "Fox Drive!" She thrust the staff forward and unleashed a blast of blue fire, which shot towards the plant Digimon and slammed into her. The flames completely consumed her, making her scream as she was dealt some heavy damage. And as the fire began to fade, the woman leapt towards Lilamon and smashed her staff into her.

The Digimon screamed as she was deleted, the body vanishing as a girl and a Lalamon fell out of it and hit the ground.

The battle was over, the battlefield slowly disappearing as the other Digimon landed and transformed back into Twilight. "Woo!" She cheered, happy that she had been able to claim victory.

After she and her opponent said their goodbyes, Twilight headed out of the Rookie Dome and headed towards the foyer. There, Rarity and Rainbow were speaking with their Digimon conversing. In the two months since they had met, Rainbow and Kamemon had grown into a real team.

"Twilight," Rarity waved, "great battle."

"Yeah," Rainbow smirked. "You won, even though your opponent had another Security."

"Thanks," Twilight smiled, "but that extra security could have come in handy." She sat back and thought about what getting said extra security would entail. "Having a partner."

"You want a Digimon Partner?" Rarity asked. "Any idea what Digimon you'd want to work with?"

"I have no idea," Twilight sighed. "And I don't just want a partner for the sake of having one. If I had a partner, it would be because the two of us are the perfect team." They nodded at this, understanding perfectly. They could have had a bunch of Digimon as partners, but they all chose to wait until the perfect partner was revealed. And because of that, they had no regrets partner wise.

Before they could say anything else, Rainbow's Digivice beeped as she took it out. "I got a message from the Digital World." She opened it up and was surprised. "It's from Cherrymon."

"Really?" Twilight looked over at the device, "what does it say?" Rainbow read it and when she did, she gasped.

"Berry Town's been attacked!" Kamemon gasped and leapt off his chair, running towards the Digi-Port. "I hear you!" She got up and ran after her as well, Twilight and Rarity running with her. "We gotta get there right away!"

"But Berry Town's a Champion Area," Twilight pointed out. "We can't port directly there." Rainbow and Rarity frowned, the two both being Rookies just like Twilight. That meant they would need to travel to a nearby Rookie level and make their way over to it.

"Then we can't waste any more time," Salamon cried. "We have to get there as soon as possible." They all agreed and once at the Digi-Port, they transferred themselves to an area with a train leading straight to the town.

Luck seemed to be on their side, as when they arrived the train was just about to take off. They quickly got on board and rode it towards the town, whilst sending messages to the rest of their friends who had been there the last time.

Eventually, they reached the station outside of Berry Town and quickly disembarked. As they did, they were shocked to see the place was a total mess. It was in a worse state than when HooTawnimon and his flock had attacked.

"What happened here?" Rainbow asked, as she moved over to a destroyed house and picked up some of the wood. Kamemon frowned, seeing his former home in such a terrible state. They then heard movement and saw a Cutemon poking his head out the door.

"Are you okay?" Rarity rushed over to her, "what happened?"

"We were attacked," Cutemon started crying. "A big ship appeared in the sky and started firing nets on the town. When they caught the Digimon, they were pulled back up into the ship. Some of us tried to fight back, then we were attacked by cannon balls and powerful water blasts."

"That's horrible!" Twilight cried. "And they took the Digimon?"

"Not all of us," Cutemon cried. "But a lot. They came from the direction of HooTawnimon's flock. I don't know, but I think they attacked them first." Twilight gasped at this, as more movement made them look around and see someone walking towards them. Cherrymon.

The Ultimate Digimon was not in the best of shape, as his branches had bandages wrapped around them and band-aids were covering the cracks in his trunk body. "Kamemon," he sighed, "and everyone else. Thank you for coming. I just wish I didn't have to ask for your help like this."

"Are you kidding," Rainbow rushed over to him. "If you didn't tell us about this, I'd be super mad. I'm gonna make whoever did this pay a thousand times over. Just point me in his direction. Where'd he go?"

"I don't know," Cherrymon sighed. "They came in the dead of night and attacked without mercy. I tried to protect the others, but that ship was incredibly powerful. I didn't stand a chance against that onslaught." The girls frowned, since that could mean they went in any direction. "Please. Save my citizens. Who knows what that fiend is doing with them right now."

They nodded and as they did, Twilight turned in the direction of HooTawnimon's home. "I want to make sure the Tawnimon are okay," she told them. "And he might have an idea where this ship went." They agreed and after Salamon and Rainbow Digivolved, the group flew towards the mountainous area.

When they arrived, they frowned seeing the tree surrounded mountain was completely deserted.

The nests were all destroyed and several trees had also been knocked down. The place did not look great. "Oh, this is just awful," Rarity cried. "Why would anybody do this?"

"I don't know," Twilight sighed. "But they couldn't have gotten all the Tawnimon. Maybe one got away and-" She stopped when she saw a section of trees that had been knocked down. And laying in the mass of fallen trees was a familiar Champion Digimon. "HooTawnimon!"

They flew down and once on the ground, Twilight rushed over to HooTawnimon and started looking him over. He was in no serious danger, but he had taken a serious beating.

"I've got a HP Capsule," Rarity cried as she used her Digivice to summon the item. Once it appeared, Twilight used it on HooTawnimon and started healing him.

"Please, wake up." For a few moments, nothing happened. Twilight feared they might have been too late. But the Digimon slowly let out a groan and opened his eyes. "You're alright!"

He turned to her, "Twilight?" She nodded, "what are you doing here?"

"Cherrymon summoned us," Twilight explained. "Berry Town got attacked by a flying ship of some kind. And we're guessing the same thing happened to you." HooTawnimon began to pick himself up and looked around, "don't push yourself."

The Digimon growled before letting out a roar of frustration. "No!" He slammed his wings into the side of the mountain. "He took them. He took them all!"

"Who took them?" Rainbow asked. "Do you know who they are?"

"No," he growled. "They blindsided me before I could figure out who it was. But...I heard them say some kind of attack name. Captain Cannon."

"Captain Cannon?" Twilight hummed and gasped, "Hookmon!" They others looked at her. "I saw a battle before, where the player used Hookmon. Captain Cannon was definitely one of its attack names."

"Hookmon?" HooTawnimon frowned, "so that's the one that attacked us." He spread his wings, "I will make him pay!" But before he could take off, Twilight jumped in front of him.

"Wait!" She cried, "let's not get hasty. You can't just go running off randomly to look for him. You have no idea where he is. You can't afford to waste time going off somewhere at random." HooTawnimon sighed and lowered his wings.

"You're right. What do you suggest?" Twilight frowned as she tried to think, then nodded.

"So what did you do?" Flash asked, as the group made their way towards the location Twilight was taking them.

Twilight smiled. "I tracked down the Codex player who used the Hookmon scan," Twilight replied. "Turns out, he got it from the very Hookmon we were after. It's not an easy scan to find." Flash nodded, as they reached the edge of the cliff they had been walking towards.

They stared down at the ocean, then towards an outcrop of land that was acting as the perfect port. But by the state of the place, it had clearly seen better days. The boats there were nothing more than little dinghys. The wooden piers they were tied to were old, rotten and broken and the few buildings that were left standing, looked like they could be blown over by an extra strong wind.

"This place has certainly seen better days," Rarity frowned as they remembered the last time they had been there.

Arriving at the cliff, Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity and the Digimon stared down at the docks and saw it appeared to be a bustling location.

Many Digimon were preparing the boats to head out to sea, whilst others were working at stalls hoping to sell their wears. "Are you sure this is the place?" Rarity asked, as they stared down at the port.

"The kid I talked to said this was where he met Hookmon. It's the only lead we have, so we need to look into it."

HooTawnimon frowned. "None of these boats are the one I saw last night. He's not here."

"Maybe not," Twilight replied. "But someone here might know where to find him." She patted him on the shoulder, "maybe it would be better if you stayed here. No offences. But a large Digimon like you, might draw too much attention." HooTawnimon frowned, but nodded in agreement.

Twilight, Rainbow, Rarity, Salamon and Kamemon headed down into the port. Once there, they started asking around. Every Digimon at the port knew Hookmon, telling them about how he was once a great naval captain. He spent years chasing after a legendary White Whamon, but had never been able to capture it.

Apparently, his last boat had been destroyed by the beast and his entire crew had been lost. He had been stranded at sea, trapped there for days with threats appearing every few minutes. It wasn't until he was saved by a flock of Parrotmon, that he was able to return to dry land and recover. But after that, he was apparently terrified of the open sea.

"So do you have any idea where he might be?" She asked a Digimon, that looked like a blue human that had a fish's head, with a fishing rod on its back.

"Well, he used to come here all the time. But ever since he started his new business venture, he's not been seen. I guess he wanted to get as far away from the ocean as possible." Twilight frowned, fearing she might have run the lead dry. But then the Digimon thought for another moment. "Although..."

"Although what?"

The Digimon pointed to an area further along the cliff. "About ten miles that way, there's an ocean cave that Hookmon used to repair his ship inside. It's huge and the only way to get into it is by ship."

"Or a Digimon with wings," Twilight smiled as she thanked the Digimon and ran back to the others. By this point in time, Applejack, Pinkie and Fluttershy had finally caught up with them. The three were just as upset with what had happened to Berry Town as them, so were more than happy enough to help find and save the Digimon. Twilight just hoped this wasn't going to be a wild goose chase.

Back in the present, Twilight and the others walked through the pier looking for any Digimon that might be able to help them.

"Are you sure Hookmon is here?" Micro asked, Twilight unsure how to answer that.

"I'm hoping so," Twilight sighed. "If he isn't, I'm not sure where we'd find him." They continued to look around and Flash eventually spotted a Digimon.

"Maybe he knows where we'll find him." He pointed the Digimon out and Twilight smiled, seeing the same fish headed Digimon she had talked to once.

Said Digimon was sitting, cross legged, at the end of the pier with a fishing rod cast out to see. "Trawlmon!" He looked over his shoulder, as Twilight stepped over to him. "I know you probably don't remember me-"

"Oh, I remember you. The human that was asking about Hookmon. That whole situation certainly was the talk of the town for a while. At least..." He looked around and frowned, "when there was a town." He looked back out to sea. "Let me guess. You're looking for Hookmon again, aren't you?"

"Yes," Twilight replied.

"Well...I haven't seen him since you were last here. I guess he realised he couldn't show his face around these parts again. Not after what he did." They frowned, knowing that finding him might have just gotten a lot harder. "But..."

"But?" Micro asked, "you said you hadn't seen him."

"Yes, but I did hear a few rumours. Apparently, what happened got him over his fear of the ocean. I heard he's back out there, once again searching for the legendary White Whamon. At least...that's the rumours I've heard. You'll want to be careful, chasing rumours. They can only lead to trouble."

"We have no choice," Micro stated. "If this guy can lead us to Datamon, we have to find him." The others nodded, but then looked out at the Net Ocean. None of them were really big on going out to see, especially after what happened the last time they were near the water, but they had no choice. They had to find Hookmon.

Twilight rode upon HooTawnimon's back, as Nefertimon, Birdramon and Sunflowmon flew beside them.

They were following the cliffs of the coast, keeping a look out for any sign of the cave Trawlmon had told Twilight about. "Are you sure he'll be here?" HooTawnimon asked, as Twilight held up her Digivice.

A holographic image on the Digital World appeared above the device, with two areas highlighted. "This part of the Digital World isn't that far from your home. If whatever he's doing involves attack and then retreat tactics, it would make sense that he would use this location as a base."

"I think I see something!" Pinkie cried from Sunflowmon's hands. They all looked down and saw a hole in the side of the mountain, which was half way in the water so allowed the ocean to flow into it. They all flew over to it, attempting to look into the cave but couldn't see all the way to the back.

"What's the plan?" Birdramon asked, "do we fly in and attack?"

"We don't even know if he's in there," Rarity pointed out. "And if he is, charging in without knowing what's waiting for us is suicide."

"I'll go take a look," Kamemon stated as he leapt off Birdramon's back. Dilemon leapt out of Sunflowmon's hands and they both dove into the water, splashing down into it before swimming towards the cave.

"Be careful," Pinkie cried, as the rest of them flew up and out of sight of the boat.

The two water Digimon swam as best they could, their strong eyes allowing them to see just how deep the cave's pool was. A hundred meters into the cave, they finally found themselves reaching the end of the pool. And when they did, they saw something floating in the water. The bottom of a large ship, which was a mixture of metal and wood just like HooTawnimon had described.

The pair surfaced and looked up to see the massive ship that was anchored within the cave, the sails being up to avoid getting ripped. As they swam around the ship, they saw the cave continued to go deeper. It was another fifty meters or so, with large metal cages lined up against the back wall. And as they stared at the cages, they saw many Digimon trapped inside.

Kamemon frowned when he saw Digimon he knew from Berry Town, but that wasn't all.

There was Digimon he had never met before, along with several that looked like they had been in this cave for a good while. And in one area of the cave, he saw a bunch of cages containing multiple Tawnimon.

Kamemon and Dilemon shared a look, nodding before they went to head back outside. But before they did, they heard movement up on the ship and looked over at the gangplank. "Ahhh!" They heard, "come on!" Someone was pushing something down the plank, as a creature let out an angry squawk.

They kept watching, as the Digimon was revealed. It was a humanoid Digimon, wearing a purple overcoat and purple hat. It had white pants and black leather boots with red at the top. Its left arm ended in a cannon whilst, its right had a golden hook on it. Its face was hidden in the shadows of its hat and coat, but a single eye could be seen coming out of it whilst its other was hidden behind an eye-patch.

The Digimon pushed a metal box down the gangplank, which had several bars on the front of it that sealed the cage.

When he reached the bottom, he pushed the cage over to the wall. "There," he sighed, "that's the last of it." He looked around, seeing the many captured Digimon. "Don't give me those pouty expressions. We're going to be rich. Well...I'm going to be rich. With all those humans searching for Digimon to scan, they'll flock to this cave in order to buy the chance to scan you all. And I'll get some serious Digi-Dollar in return."

"That's why he's doing this?" Kamemon did not look happy. His anger distracted him, so much so that he accidentally lost his grip on the side of the boat and sank a little into the water. When his helmet hit the water, it made a small splashing sound. It might have been small, but the cave made it echo loudly.

"What?" Hookmon spun around, turning to the water and spotting the two Digimon. "Hey!" He pointed his cannon arm at them, "what are you doing here?" The Digimon gasped and dived into the water. "Oh no you don't!" He ran towards the water and the weapon charged up. "Captain Cannon!" A blast of energy fired out of the weapon and struck the water, causing it to explode.

The ship's metal plating kept it safe, but the water and sent rippling.

Kamemon and Dilemon tried to out-swim it, but the water began to wave and they lost control. Both were thrown out of the water and slammed into part of the cave's shore, the two moaning as they pushed themselves up.

"Liquid Bullet!" They then heard, making them look over and see a blast of water flying towards them.

"Water Gun!" Dilemon fired a stream of water, which struck the water bullet and caused them both to explode.

Kamemon then ran forward. "Get out of here!" He told Dilemon, as he charged at Hookmon. "Torto-Tackle!" He pulled himself into his shell and rolled towards Hookmon, Dilemon quickly using the distraction to dive back into the water and make for the exit.

Hookmon saw the Digimon approaching and braced himself, Kamemon slamming into him and causing the Champion Digimon to be knocked a few feet back. Kamemon then leapt away and came out of his shell, clearly not happy.

"Let my friends go!"

"I don't think so," Hookmon laughed as he pointed his cannon at him. "But if you miss them, how about I put you in a cage right next to them. "Metal Shot!" A cannonball exploded out of his arm and Kamemon barely managed to avoid it, the iron sphere slamming into the wall and causing the entire cave to shake.

Kamemon frowned, knowing he likely wouldn't be able to beat Hookmon without Digivolving. But with Rainbow outside, he couldn't. And with how large the cave was, Dilemon probably wouldn't be able to get outside for a while. "You kidnapped all those Digimon, just so you can sell them to Codex Players."

"Not them. Just their scans. The Codex players will come in, pay me a bunch of Digi-Dollars, then get their choice of any Digimon to scan."

"Then why capture so many?" Kamemon asked, remembering the large number of Tawnimon in cages. "All you need is one Digimon. Why capture so many of the same?"

"A kid scanned me once and said I had good stats. He said every Digimon has different stats based on what they do in their lives. When the humans come, I'll have one of them scan every single Tawnimon. And when I find the one with the best stats, I'll keep that one and get rid of the rest."

Kamemon knew he didn't mean he would release them. "You monster." He charged, but Hookmon side-stepped his attack. And as he ran past him, Hookmon spun around and used his hook to grab him by the back of his shell.

"Call me what you want!" Hookmon spun around and smashed Kamemon into the wall, "doesn't change what's gonna happen!" He spun around and slammed Kamemon down onto the ground. "I spent my life searching for that White Whamon, only to get my boat sunk and almost eaten by a bunch of sea Digimon."

"So what?" Kamemon groaned, "how does that give you the right to do this?"

"It just does. And nobody's gonna stop me!"

"I wouldn't be so sure of that!" They spun around and saw Birdramon flying towards them, Fluttershy and Terriermon on her back. The others were following behind her, though Birdramon was clearly faster and they wouldn't be there for another minute or so. "Let him go!"

Hookmon frowned and raised his cannon, firing a Liquid Bullet attack at her. But Birdramon dodged to the side, Terriermon leaping off as he did. Fluttershy held up her Digivice, which glowed as the bunny dog was surrounded by light. "Terriermon, Digivolve to...GARGOMON!"

Hookmon watched the new champion fall towards the ground, using his ears as parachutes whilst pointing his arm guns at him. But Hookmon leapt away from Kamemon before Gargomon could fire, shooting his own Liquid Bullet as he did so.

Gargomon swung his arms around, deflecting most of the bullets that slammed into him. But one managed to hit his ear and caused him to cry out, his ear folding and causing him to fall to the ground. "Ow!" He cried, as Hookmon began to run.

"Get back here!" Birdramon cried, as she soared after him. As she did, her wings began to smoke as she prepared to unleash a Meteor Wing. But just as she was about to fire, Hookmon launched another Liquid Bullet and a water blast slammed into her. She squawked as she fell into the water, Fluttershy falling in with her, splashing around as she was soaked to the bone.

Hookmon laughed, as he reached his ship and ran up the gangplank.

Fluttershy swam to the shore, as Birdramon continued to keep thrashing around. "You've got to change back!" Fluttershy told her, as Kamemon dived in and swam towards her. Birdramon groaned, but did as Fluttershy instructed and reverted back to her human form.

As she did, the others finally arrived and HooTawnimon gasped. "There! That's the ship that attacked us."

Hookmon had reached his wheel and stared up at them. "Oh, it's you. I didn't think I'd be seeing you again." They all glared at him, as he used his hook to spin the wheel. "Well, I might as well add you to my collection!" As he did that, the sides of the ship opened up and a bunch of cannons folded out.

"Scatter!" Twilight cried, as the cannons started firing nets. They shot through the air, the Digimon quickly avoiding them as they attempted to attack the ship themselves. Twilight, Rarity and Pinkie all took out their Digivices, leaping off the Digimon as they swung them around. "Biomerge!" The cubes of light appeared around them and they started to transform.

"Patamon, Digivolve to...UNIMON!"

"Salamon, Digivolve to...GATOMON!"

"Salamon, Armor Digivolve to...OPOSSUMON!" Pinkie had transformed into a strange looking Digimon, which was a black and white cat-like Digimon with red gloves, boots and a hat. In her hand was a bunch of strings, attached to balloons with faces on that kept the Digimon aloft.

"Aerial Attack!" Unimon launched a blast of light towards the deck, with Hookmon replying with his Captain Cannon. The two blasts collided and exploded, the shockwaves causing the cave around them to shake and form cracks in the ceiling.

Unimon frowned, as she realised this place wasn't stable enough to survive a drawn out battle.

As she thought that, both Gatomon and Opossumon landed on the deck. But before they could charge, multiple parts of the ship opened up and a bunch of cannons folded out. "Fire!" Hookmon yelled, launching net after net at the transformed girls.

Gatomon started jumping around, whilst Opossumon's balloons inflated and she was lifted into the air.

"Sunshine Beam!" Sunflowmon launched the blast from her face, which hit the side of the ship. This made it rock, but the ship's hull managed to stay intact. "What's that thin' made of?"

"I'm heading down," Labramon leapt down towards the water, splashing into it and quickly dog paddling towards the shore. Rainbow and Fluttershy had also reached the shore, where Kamemon and Gargomon were waiting for them. But as they pulled their partners out of the water, the cannons kept firing nets towards them.

"Look out!" Gargomon unleashed a barrage of bullets, which tore the netting apart. This allowed them and Labramon to pull themselves up onto the shore, as Hookmon unleashed more and more nets.

The humans shared a look and nodded, both taking out their Digivices. "Kamemon!" She cried, her Digivice glowing alongside her partner.

The tortoise Digimon ran forward, as his body was wrapped up in light. "Kamemon, Digivolve to..." The cocoon grew larger before the Digimon broke out of it. "Gwappamon!" The kappa Digimon reached up to his head. "DJ Shooter!" The CD disks shot out of his head and cut through the nets, allowing Rainbow and Fluttershy to perform a Biomerge.

"Lopmon, Digivolve to...TURUIEMON!"

"Falcomon, Digivolve to...PECKMON!" The ostrich Digimon rushed forward, spreading her wings as more nets flew forward. "Kunai Wing!" A bunch of metal tools flew out of her wings and cut through the netting, Turuiemon rushing after her. The others followed, as they charged towards the ship.

Unimon watched all this, whilst HooTawnimon glared at Hookmon. "HooTawnimon!" He heard Gwappamon yell, making him turn to the water Digimon. "Your friends are at the back of the cage. Hurry!"

"We'll cover you," Unimon assured him. HooTawnimon nodded and flew around the ship, Unimon blasting any nets that got too close to him. He reached the back of the cave and saw the many cages, his flockmate's screams making his heart squeeze.

"We'll get you out of there!" He assured them, as Gwappamon and Labramon also reached him. The others continued to attack the ship, as Hookmon fired at them from the deck.

"Get away from my merchandise!"

"They're not your merchandise!" Unimon cried. "You had no right to do that to them."

"I have every right to do whatever the heck I want!" He fired a Metal Shot at her, but she dodged it and the attack slammed into the ceiling. The impact caused the cave to shake again, causing more and more of the rock to break apart.

"Stop it!" Unimon cried. "Can't you see, you're going to tear this place apart!"

"Then you had better leave!" Hookmon cried. "And leave your partners here. I know I can't sell scans of you, but they should fetch a high price!"

"You're despicable!" Opossumon cried, as Gatomon punched a cannon and destroyed it.

"Call me what you want, but I refuse to let my new business venture be destroyed!" He fired his water cannon arm and struck Opossumon, hitting her balloons and causing them to pop. She screamed, as she fell to the deck and actually fell on Gatomon.

"HEY!" She cried, Opossumon apologising. As she did, a net shot towards them and the pair quickly found themselves getting trapped by it. They cried out, as Nefertimon flew down. "Cat's Eye Beam!" She fired a laser from her head ornament, which hit the deck and moved towards the net. But before she could reach the net, one shot at her and she was also captured.

"Nefertimon!" Gatomon cried, as her partner fell into the water. Unimon saw her trying to swim, but her armor was dragging her down. But before her head could fall under the water, something came up from beneath her. It then lifted her out of the water and kept her from sinking. Gatormon.

"Good boy," Opossumon cheered. But Nefertimon was still trapped in the net, unable to fly. And as Gatormon swam her back to shore, he was a sitting duck for the nets.

Luckily, Unimon was able to protect him from the nets and Hookmon growled. He then noticed Peckmon, Sunflowmon, Turuiemon and Gargomon were attacking the other side. And at the same time, HooTawnimon, Labramon and Gwappamon were beginning to free the captives. His number of enemies were growing larger by the minute.

"That's it!" He cried, pulling several levers on his console. "I'm out of here. I can always start over somewhere else. Plenty more Digimon to capture." The vents on the side of the ship began to unleash blasts of air, which caused the water beneath the ship to turn into waves that flew towards the shore.

HooTawnimon took to the air, but everyone else was struck by the wave. Unimon and Sunflowmon also managed to avoid it, the three watching as the ship was propelled upwards into the air.

"Time for you two to go!" Hookmon cried, pulling another lever that caused the section of the deck under the two cat Digimon to fly into the air. It was attached to a spring, which kept it from being lost. But Gatomon and Opossumon were thrown upwards.

The Digimon both screamed, as they flew through the air and were still stuck in the net. The ship began to fly away, leaving them with nothing to stop them from crashing painfully into the water. Luckily, Sunflowmon flew down and caught them before they could hit the surf. But as she did, the ship vanished down the cave's corridor.

"NO!" HooTawnimon flew after him, "you're not getting away." HooTawnimon refused to let him escape and start all this again. He would not allow other Digimon to suffer the same fate as his friends.

He chased after the ship, but the flying boat started firing nets towards him. "Sky Strike!" Energy swirled around him, the Digimon flying forward and ripping through the net before it could entangle him.

Hookmon frowned and started firing his Metal Shot attack. But he wasn't aiming at HooTawnimon, instead firing at the cave all around them. The cannon balls smashed into the walls and ceilings, causing them to shake and break apart. This forced HooTawnimon to slow down and avoid the rocks, which began to fall towards him.

He dodged one, blew another away before using his Sky Strike to smash through the third. But more and more rocks kept falling and HooTawnimon wasn't sure he could get through them all. "Aerial Attack!" A sphere of light shot up and struck one of the boulders, destroying it.

HooTawnimon glanced back, seeing Unimon flying up behind them. The pair flew side by side, as Hookmon kept firing at the ceiling. Together, they managed to keep the rocks from crushing them. And eventually, they left the cave and flew out to the open ocean.

Hookmon growled as he pointed his arm cannon back at them and fired, the pair dodging the attack as Hookmon let out a roar of annoyance. But then he saw the cannon back hit the top of the cave, which caused it to break apart. "Ha!" He laughed. "Go ahead. Chase me. That'll just leave your friends trapped." The two didn't hear this, or notice the cave's damage.

They continued to chase the flying ship out to the open sea, as Hookmon finally had some room to manoeuvre around.

He spun the wheel and the ship swerved around, the cannons on the side of it beginning to fire the nets. Unimon and HooTawnimon both avoided the nets, Unimon quickly launching her Aerial Attack and hitting the side of the ship.

The pirate vessel shook, as Hookmon continued to fly around and keep the ship under control. But no matter how hard they struck the ship, their attacks couldn't damage it.

"What is this thing made of?" Unimon asked, as she flew over the ship. Once above it, she launched an attack upon the deck. But like with the hull, the damage was practically nothing.

"Liquid Bullet!" Hookmon cried, firing the water blast into the air. Unimon managed to avoid it, but her wing was clipped by the shot and she lost control. "Now, Captain Cannon!" The energy blast exploded out of his cannon arm and Unimon, unable to fly right and dodge, was struck in the chest.

"AUGH!" She screamed, as her body began to glow and she reverted back to her human form.

HooTawnimon saw this and gasped, the owl flying beneath her and catching the girl as she landed on his back. He then flew up, out of Hookmon's range without throwing her off. "Are you okay?"

Twilight groaned as she opened her eyes, then realised where she was. "Wow!" She gripped his back and gulped, "I'm alright!" She watched, as the ship began to fly away. "He's getting away!"

"What do we do?" HooTawnimon asked, trying to fly after it. "Nothing we do damages that ship. It's like it's made of Chrome Digizoid or something!" Twilight frowned, unsure what to do either.

She stared at the ship, taking in every inch of it trying to locate a weakness. Then her eyes fell on the sails, which Hookmon had opened the minute her left the cave. If the ship was propelled by its jets, why have the sails?

She stared at them closer and realised the sails were actually glowing, as the sun's rays beamed down on them. "Solar panels!" HooTawnimon asked what she was talking about, "those sails are the ship's main source of energy. If we take them out, the ship's power will eventually run out!"

"I get'cha," HooTawnimon smirked before shooting forward. "Hold on!" Twilight did so and pushed herself against HooTawnimon, making them as aerodynamic as possible.

As they drew closer, Hookmon fired a bunch of blasts whilst the ship launched net after net at the pair of them. But HooTawnimon managed to avoid each and every attack, whilst barely losing any speed. And as they got closer, his body began to glow brighter than ever.

"Super...SKY STRIKE!" He shot forward, moving at an intense speed that turned him into a blur. As such, he slammed into the mast and shattered the wooden pole and all the wires inside of it.

"What?" Hookmon gasped, as his mast began to fall and hit another mast. The impact pushed the mast over, the two solar collectors breaking away from the main ship before falling over the side. As they did, HooTawnimon flew up and out of range. The light around him vanished, as he and Twilight saw what had happened.

The ship was already beginning to lose power, Hookmon screaming as he tried to call upon reserve power. But that had all been used up inside the cave, meaning the ship could do nothing except fall like a rock.

"No, no, no, no!" He screamed, as the ship smashed into the ocean. The force of the impact caused the wood on the hull to break apart, creating a large hole in the side that the water could seep into.

"Looks like it wasn't so indestructible after all," Twilight smiled. "Those sails were probably powering some kind of shield or something."

HooTawnimon smiled. "And now that they're gone, his ship's a sitting duck." They slowly flew down, seeing Hookmon pulling levers and switches trying to save himself. But he couldn't and the ship continued to sink. "It's over!" HooTawnimon cried, "give up!"

"Not gonna happen!" Hookmon yelled. "If you think I'm just gonna sit back and let you capture me, then you've got another thing coming!" He pointed his cannon arm at them and fired, HooTawnimon dodging it.

"What other choice do you have?" Twilight asked. "We know about your fear of the ocean. It's either come with us, or be stranded out at sea again."

"Don't you know, a captain always goes down with his ship!" He fired again, chuckling as he did so. "Besides, don't you think you have more important things to worry about than capturing me? Like saving your friends."

"What?" Twilight asked.

"The cave wasn't exactly stable when we left it. And that last shot I fired hit the cliff and caused it to start shaking. I'm betting the cave's completely collapsed by now. With your friends inside." The pair gasped, both knowing it could very well be a trick. But did they want to risk it actually being true?

HooTawnimon swerved around and flew back towards the mainland, Twilight looking back and seeing the ship disappear more and more below the waves. Hookmon remained on board, clearly determined not to abandon his vessel. She had to give him props for that.

They raced back to the cliff as fast as possible, praying they weren't too late. But as the mainland came into view, they gasped when they spotted the area where the cave was. Or more specifically, where the cave used to be.

"NO!" HooTawnimon cried, seeing the cave had completely collapsed. They stared in shock, at the caved in entrance. Their friends were likely trapped behind that pile of rocks, either buried under a collapsed ceiling or bobbing in the overflowing water.

"What do we do?" Twilight asked, trying to think but having no idea how they could save everyone.

But then, they heard a voice coming from above. "Twilight!" They looked up and saw Pinkie, standing atop the cliff above the entrance.

They gasped and flew up, seeing all their friends and every one of Hookmon's victims. "You got out!" Twilight cried, "how?"

"It wasn't easy," Applejack told her. "Everyone who could fly had to carry as many Digimon as they could." She held her back, clearly having gone overboard with the number of Digimon she had flown to safety. "What about you? Did ya'h get Hookmon?"

"We took out his ship," HooTawnimon stated. "We would have stayed, but he told us you were all going to be trapped under the rubble."

"We almost were," Rarity sighed.

Rainbow nodded. "We managed to get everyone out barely a second before the cave collapsed." The others nodded, whilst Twilight sighed. It had been a close one, but they had managed to save everyone. And now, Hookmon wouldn't be able to hurt anyone again. At least, she hoped that would be the case. And she also hoped, she would never have to see that horrible Digimon again.

Back in the present, Twilight rode HooTawnimon as they flew over the Net ocean.

Flash was riding atop ExVeemon, whilst Micro was on Kabuterimon's head and Rarity sat astride Nefertimon. The group flew over the water and searched every inch of it, but knew it wouldn't be easy to find Hookmon. "The Net Ocean is huge!" Micro told them. "Searching all of it is gonna take forever."

"Well it's not like we've got any better options," Flash told him. "Maybe it'd be easier if we split up and searched different parts of it." But the moment he said that, he didn't like the idea. Given what had happened last time they were out at the ocean, being alone there felt like it was just asking for trouble.

"There has to be some clue to help us find him," Twilight sighed. But as she said that, HooTawnimon looked down and noticed something in the water.

"What was that?" He pulled himself to a stop and everyone flew up next to him.

"What's what?" ExVeemon asked, as HooTawnimon stared at the water.

"I'm sure I saw something." They all looked down, but none of them could see anything. "Something was moving under the water." They continued to stare at the water. The sun's rays beamed down upon it, causing it to reflect the light and make it almost impossible to see anything beneath the surface.

"Are you sure?" Flash asked. "I don't see anything." The others nodded, whilst HooTawnimon sighed.

"Maybe I was just imagining-" He stopped when he saw it again. Something was definitely moving beneath the surface. "There's definitely something under there!" He stared deeper into it, his powerful eyes able to see a lot better than the others. There was something moving beneath the surface.

"What is it?" Twilight asked, but HooTawnimon couldn't answer. The movements were too random, so he couldn't get a good enough lock on it. It would appear, HooTawnimon would follow it, then it would move suddenly and he would lose track.

"I don't know." He kept staring and saw it again. But this time, it didn't seem to be moving. Instead...it was getting bigger. "What?" He kept watching, as it became a round object that grew larger and larger with each passing second. And by the time he realised what it was doing, it was too late. "MOVE!" He screamed, the other's reflexes kicking in and causing them to bolt.

But HooTawnimon wasn't fast enough and suddenly, the water's surface exploded as something shot out of it. Something so unbelievably massive, it completely dwarfed HooTawnimon.

The world seemed to slow down for everyone, as they stared at the gigantic creature in absolute shock. It was a Digimon they all knew, but there was something different about it. The creature looked like a giant whale, its head being covered in a brown covering whilst its back had no skin and revealed a bunch of red muscle. Its spine could be seen, along with some of its ribs that disappeared into the rest of its body. Its head had a bunch of cables running around the edge of it, where its eyes should have been. The rest of its body was a normal whale body, but that was where it was different.

Instead of being blue, which is what everyone else knew it to be, its body was a ghostly white.

The albino Digimon flew upwards, its colossal mouth opening and surrounding HooTawnimon as he tried to fly out of it. "Twilight!" Flash cried, seeing the girl on her Digimon's back looking horrified. And then, the mouth closed around them and the giant Whamon began to sink back down into the water.

It crashed into the ocean with so much force, the water around it was sent flying into the air.

It smashed into the others, knocking them all flying backwards as their Digimon fought to regain control. And when they finally did, everyone gasped before looking down to see the creature disappear beneath the waves. It vanished into the abyss, taking their friends down with it. "TWILIGHT!"

Author's Note:

Well, that's certainly a nail biting cliffhanger. How will Twilight and Tawnimon get out of this? Will Flash and the others find a way to save them? And what mysteries await our heroes in the next chapter? Only time will tell.

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