• Published 27th May 2023
  • 1,623 Views, 401 Comments

Digimon Codex - Banshee531

Flash Sentry loves playing Digimon. So when he gets the chance to play a hardcore version, he jumps at the chance. But he soon discovers that Digimon and the Digital World, are more real then he could possibly imagine

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The Battle of Milk and Cookies

It was another interesting day in Codex, where we find Flash in the Digi-Lab working on something.

Currently, he and Veemon were staring at a copy of their ExVeemon scan. The scan stood there, completely lifeless as they brought up the rest of their Champion scans. Flash let out a hum as he tapped Seadramon's scan.

"Let's try this one. Maybe it'll make a more aquatic form of ExVeemon." He pulled it over to a box next to ExVeemon's Digivolution line. But as soon as he put it in the box, it bounced back into place. "Not that one, I guess."

"Try Airdramon," Veemon cried. Flash nodded and moved the serpentine dragon over to the box. But just like with Seadramon, it bounced back to show it wasn't what they were looking for. "Come on!"

Flash sighed as he tapped his foot. "ExVeemon's your natural champion, so it's a really old Digimon. Best guess, it needs another really old Digimon to DNA Digivolve."

"Do we have any really old Digimon?"

Flash hummed as he brought up his other scans and saw Agunimon and Lobomon. "Worth a shot." He pulled them over to the box, but like the others they both just bounced back. "Dang it!"

"Problem?" Flash looked over and saw Twilight walking towards him, Tawnimon right behind her.

"Not really. Just trying to find the DNA partner for ExVeemon." Twilight stepped up to him and hummed as she saw all the Digimon Flash had clearly already tried.

"What's got you so focused on finding out ExVeemon's partner? You didn't seem so interested in it before." She then noticed Flash looking a little worried. Clearly, something big was going on in his head.

"You remember what we told you happened in the Dark Ocean?" Twilight sighed. She should have known this had something to do with it. "Dagomon almost wiped us out. And Jijimon lost his life protecting us." Twilight nodded. She knew Flash was still a little disturbed by what had happened. "Then there's the Dragon Soul Stones. I promised Azulongmon I would help keep WarGrowlmon away from them. If I'm gonna do that, I gotta be stronger."

"I get it," Twilight nodded. "You've really been through a lot since coming to the Digital World. Most players would have been terrified by half the things you've seen. But you're not alone. Remember that. You getting stronger might not be what determines how things play out."

Flash sighed, "I guess you're right." He shut down his work station and removed his Digivice from the podium. "But still, I just wish I had a clue about what Digimon I needed to DNA Digivolve ExVeemon. It's gonna drive me crazy if I can't figure out what it is."

"Can't Gennai or one of the Codex Commanders tell you?" Tawnimon asked. "They have all of ExVeemon's data, so can't they just look into whatever Ultimate it creates and figure out what Digimon you need?"

"I tried that already," Flash sighed as they headed out the lab

"He said he couldn't show favouritism," Veemon replied. "If he told us what Digimon we needed, he would need to answer every question Codex players have and he'd never get any work done." The pair frowned, but knew that was kind of a good point. "AHHHH! It's no fair. What if that Digimon is my Natural Ultimate! Don't I deserve to know what it is?"

"I don't think a DNA Digivolution can count as a Natural Digivolution," Twilight replied. "If it was Natural, you'd be able to do it without another Digimon." They made their way through the foyer and as they did, they spotted Fluttershy and Terriermon watching one of the monitors with a worried expression. "What's up with Fluttershy?"

They made their way over to her seat and sat down beside her. "Hey, Fluttershy." The girl turned to them, "something wrong?"

"No," Fluttershy shook her head, "it's just..." She pointed at the monitor and they all looked up to see who was on it. And to their surprised, they saw two more of their friends. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie.

"They're battling?" Twilight was shocked by this. "How did this happen?"

"I think they just got matched up," Terriermon replied. "They looked pretty surprised to see each other when Pinkie stepped in."

"Really?" Flash smirked, "they ever battle before?"

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, this is the first time. And I have no idea who to cheer for." She looked worried. "If one wins, that means the other loses and I don't want that to happen." The others could see the problem. Fluttershy was such a caring person, picking between friends just wasn't in her wheelhouse.

"Relax," Terriermon told her. "Just watch and be happy that at least one of your friend is gonna get a win today." The others nodded as they watched Rainbow and Pinkie start looking through their decks.

Inside the battle dome, Rainbow and Pinkie smiled at each other as they chose their Digimon and Battle Gear.

"Rainbow Dash," Pinkie spoke up. "No matter who wins, let's have fun and be happy for the other. Okay?" Rainbow smirked at this, as she slotted her chosen Battle Gear into place.

"You bet. Let's have a blast and whoever wins doesn't rub it in the other's face." Pinkie laughed at this, nodding as she set her deck and Rainbow did the same thing. Dilemon and Kamemon both smiled at each other as well, glad their partners weren't letting this contest get the better of them.

Once their decks were locked in, the electronic voice spoke up. "Pinkie Pie. You have been randomly select to choose the battlefield you would like to use." Pinkie brought up her locations and smiled when she found one, laughing as she selected it. "Sugar Kingdom has been selected. When both players are ready, hit the start button."

"LET'S GET DIGITAL!" Both girls cried as they hit the start button and the battlefield began to light up. As they did, both their Digimon leapt up and they high-fived to transform.

"Dilemon!" Pinkie cried, merging with her partner.

"Kamemon!" Rainbow cheered, as the battlefield formed.

Everyone watched, as the battlefield materialised and everyone found themselves staring at every five year-old's dream.

The whole place was made out of edible treats. The ground appeared to be made of chocolate and shortbread biscuits, with rivers of milk and fudge mounts covered in ice cream and cherries. There were giant lollipops that acted like trees and atop one of the mountains was a castle made of gingerbread surrounded by a bunch of gingerbread villages.

"There's a place made of candy and I haven't been there yet?" Flash asked, knowing he would need to have a chat with Pinkie about trading for a copy of that location.

The others smirked, as Dilemon and Kamemon appeared.

Dilemon: 5-100%
Kamemon: 5-100%

As soon as they both appeared, Kamemon rushed forward and quickly rolled into a ball.

"Torto-Tackle!" Kamemon rushed forward and suddenly retracted into her shell, which shot towards Dilemon and threatened to slam into her. But Dilemon was able to leap into the air and as she did, her eyes glowed.

"Insight!" Her eyes began to glow, confusing some of the people watching.

"What's Insight?" Veemon turned to Tawnimon, but it was Twilight who answered.

"Insight gives Dilemon the ability to look through almost anything. It also gives her night vision and the ability to see far away like it's right in front of her."

"Wow," Flash whistled before frowning. "And she didn't think to use that when she was searching for huanglong ore?"

With her Insight ability, Dilemon was able to see everything around her as she span through the air.

By the time she landed, she smirked knowing the location of every Digivolution, Sp and even an HP coin. "Oh yeah," she snickered as Kamemon came to a stop and turned to her. Dilemon then took a deep breath. "Water Shot!" A powerful blast of water exploded out of her mouth and struck Kamemon before she could respond.

Dilemon: 5-100%
Kamemon: 5-85%

Kamemon landed on her shell and slid across the chocolate ground, Dilemon smirking as she grabbed part of the ground and broke it off. Taking a bite, she hummed as Kamemon managed to roll onto her back.

"Armored Arrow!" The back of her shell opened up and as it did, a missile of some kind folded out of it before it shot into the air.

Dilemon looked up and saw the missile curve around before flying down towards her. She gasped and began to run towards the milk river, the missile slamming into the ground and exploding with enough force to knock Dilemon flying and slam a piece of shortbread into her back.

Dilemon: 5-80%
Kamemon: 5-85%

She flew through the air and crashed into the river, sinking a good few feet into it before regaining her balance and beginning to swim up towards the surface. She surfaced and drank up some of the milk and broken biscuit. "Yum." She saw Kamemon running towards her and quickly let the current sweep her away.

Kamemon watched her disappear down river and raced after her, panting as she tried to keep up with the river's flow. But being a turtle Digimon, speed wasn't exactly her forte.

Deciding to take the plunge, Kamemon dove into the water and let it sweep her along after Dilemon. And with her swimming whilst Dilemon simply floated, she managed to catch up and the pair started fighting against each other. Kamemon punched Dilemon in the face, whilst Dilemon bit her opponent on the arm whilst scratching at her face.

They kept this up until they reached a section of the river Dilemon had been waiting for, giving Kamemon one final bite before kicking her away.

Dilemon: 5-55%
Kamemon: 5-60%

She swam towards the shore and pulled herself up onto it, running towards an ice cream hill as Kamemon followed behind her. As she ran up it, she turned towards her opponent and took a deep breath. "Water Shot!" The water bullet flew down and truck the ice cream, exploding and covering it in water. This caused the ice cream to go soggy, leading to Kamemon getting her feet stuck in the mud-like surface.

"Hey!" She cried, as she was forced to pull herself out of the ice cream and head back down the hill.

As she did, Dilemon reached the top where the Digivolution Coin she had seen was waiting. "Yay!" She smiled, grabbing it and feeling the energy flow into her. But as she did, a familiar looking missile shot into the air before flying towards her. "Yikes!" She ran down the side of the hill, but the missile impacted and caused the whole thing to explode. "WEEEE!"

Kamemon watched her fly through the air until she found herself slamming into a lollipop tree, the impact bending the stick as she found herself trapped on the sticky surface. "Now I gotcha!" Kamemon leapt into the air and pulled herself into her shell. "Torto-Tackle!"

Dilemon pulled on her arms and legs, managing to get one free until Kamemon suddenly slammed into her. She broke through the lollipop and sent Dilemon crashing towards the ground in pain.

Dilemon: 5-30%
Kamemon: 5-60%

Kamemon landed and jumped out of her shell, smirking as Dilemon laid on the ground. "Strike!" She laughed before running forward, as Dilemon picked herself up. As she did, Dilemon looked up at her and knew she couldn't let another hit like that land.

As such, she decided to take the more defensive approach until an opening presented itself. So when Kamemon tried to punch her, Dilemon jumped to the side. And she didn't just jump to one new spot, instead jumping from side to side and kicking her feet in the air so as to not be an easy target.

Everyone watching saw this and was amazed at now nimble Dilemon was.

She ducked, dived, weaved and leapt over any attack Kamemon sent her way. "Wow," Flash smirked, "never knew Dilemon had that in him."

Twilight nodded. "I think that's more Pinkie's personality bleeding through. She knows she probably can't hurt Kamemon the same way Kamemon damaged her before. That shell and armoring is just too tough."

Tawnimon hummed, as Dilemon landed and tried to snap at Kamemon's arm. "The only way to guarantee a hit is to get up close and personal. But that also leaves her open to a counter attack." They watched Kamemon throw another punch, but Dilemon did a back-flip into the air.

"Water Shot!" The ball of water exploded from her mouth and shot towards Kamemon, hitting her in the chest and knocking her backwards. Fluttershy flinched seeing this.

Dilemon: 5-30%
Kamemon: 5-45%

Dilemon landed and as she did, her back began to glow. "Battle Gear, BOOST!" The light extended upwards and formed a box attached to her back, with a gun barrel on the top that had many holes in the end. "Bubble Bomber!"

Kamemon picked herself up, then saw Dilemon unleashed a barrage of bubbles from the machine. "What the heck?" She stared at the approaching bubbles and hummed. "You realize I'm a Water Digimon, right?" The bubbles began to surround her, "a bunch of bubbles ain't-" One of the bubbles hit her shell and popped. And when it did, it unleashed a concussive sound that sent Kamemon staggering. "GYAH!"

Dilemon: 5-30%
Kamemon: 5-40%

She hit another bubble and it exploded, followed by another and another.

Dilemon: 5-30%
Kamemon: 5-25%

She managed to avoid any other bubbles, but now she was in a giant minefield. "You gotta be kidding me!"

Dilemon laughed as she ran around Kamemon, creating more and more bubbles to surround the turtle. "Bouncy bouncy bubbly fun!" She then leapt into the air and took a deep breath. "Water Shot!" The water exploded from her mouth and Kamemon tried to escape, but found all paths blocked by the bubbles.

The attack struck and knocked her flying backwards, only to stagger through several more bubbles and being it by the explosions.

Dilemon: 5-30%
Kamemon: 5-0%

Kamemon fell to the ground and groaned, as Dilemon landed and got ready to launch more bubbles. But before she could, Kamemon's shell opened up. "Assault Arrow!" The missile fired from Kamemon's back and shot towards Dilemon, exploding at her feet and blowing her backwards.

She shot through a few of her bubbles and was also hit by their explosions, knocking her down to the ground.

Dilemon: 5-5%
Kamemon: 4-100%

Dilemon groaned as she fell to the ground, whilst Kamemon got up and started running towards her. But as she did, Dilemon pushed herself onto her hands and knees before launching a barrage of bubbles towards her.

Kamemon saw this coming and leapt to the ground, sliding on her shell until she reached Dilemon. There, she slammed her foot into Dilemon's chest and knocked her flying backwards.

Dilemon: 5-0%
Kamemon: 4-100%

Everyone watched and smirked seeing the battle grow more intense, as Dilemon was knocked into a large pile of cookies.

The alligator Digimon found several manhole-sized cookies falling on top of her, one of which falling right into her open mouth. Kamemon laughed at this, only to find a cookie being thrown at her like a frisbee.

"Wow!" She ducked under it, as Dilemon threw more and more cookies at her whilst munching on the one in her mouth. One of the cookies finally slammed into her and crumbled, whilst also knocking her back enough to hit one of the remaining bubble bombs. "Augh!" The explosion knocked her forwards, as Dilemon laughed.

Dilemon: 4-100%
Kamemon: 4-95%

Dilemon then started climbing up the cookie pile, unleashing more bubbles as she climbed. Kamemon saw this and frowned before opening her shell. "Assault Arrow!" The rocket shot into the air and slammed into the cookie pile, exploding and sending the alligator Digimon flying.

She slammed into a giant cupcake, flying through the frosting and out the other side before slamming into the ground.

Dilemon: 4-90%
Kamemon: 4-95%

She slide along the chocolate floor as her face was covered in frosting, the alligator licking it off her face as she came to a stop. She the picked herself up and as she did, Kamemon ran towards her after escaping the bubble minefield.

"You're mine!" The turtle cried, getting ready to use her Torto-Tackle attack. But before she could, Dilemon smiled before her body started glowing. "No way!"

"Dilemon, Digivolve to..." She began to grow larger and larger, until the she was roughly nine feet tall. When the light exploded off of her, she was her larger adult form with a larger Bubble Bomber on her back. "Gatormon!"

"Not good," Kamemon gulped.

"Hydro Pump!" Gatormon launched a powerful jet of water from his mouth, which slammed into Kamemon and sent her flying backwards.

Gatormon: 4-90%
Kamemon: 4-70%

"GYAH!" Kamemon spun as she was knocked flying through the land of milk and cookies, soaring over the milk river before coming crashing down into a lake of chocolate pudding.

She splashed down into it, those watching all flinching at the belly flop she did. If it hadn't been for her shell, she would have taken some serious damage from that attack. As such, she sunk into the pudding as Gatormon headed her way.

The alligator swam across the river and continued to walk on her four legs, her Bubble Bomber ready to unleash more bubbles as she looked around. She eventually passed the pudding lake and as she did, it explode with Kamemon leaping out.

"Torto-Tackle!" She slammed into Gatormon's side and made her flinch as she staggered to the side.

Gatormon: 4-75%
Kamemon: 4-70%

She bounced off the alligator and flew back, her shell glowing as she did so. "Battle Gear...BOOST!" The back of her shell began to change and grew something out of it, the light fading to reveal a metal box no on her back with a vent on the bottom and a pair of jet wings sticking out the side. "Acceler-Wing!"

Gatormon jumped onto her back legs, as the Battle Gear's vent started letting out a blast of air.

Kamemon suddenly shot forward and was moving with incredible speed, Gatormon barely able to keep up as Kamemon morphed into a blur that spiralled around her. The next thing Gatormon knew, she was suddenly slashed at by something moving at high speed.

Gatormon: 4-70%
Kamemon: 4-70%

She was then slashed at again, the blue blur striking several more time and making her roar as she was unable to counter.

Gatormon: 4-45%
Kamemon: 4-70%

Gatormon eventually managed to dodge and attack and spin on her foot, the Bubble Bomber unleashing wave of bubbles to surround her.

Kamemon barely managed to avoid this and skidded to a stop, Gatormon seeing this and taking a breath. "Hydro Pump!" The water shot towards Kamemon, blowing up several bubbles along the way.

Kamemon spun around and shot away, outrunning the explosions and the water as she shot up another ice cream hill. When she did, she spotted a Digivolution Coin floating above a candy cane lamp post.

Using all her speed, she ran up to it and leapt into the air. The momentum carried her up and allowed her to grab the coin, as Gatormon arrived at the top of the ice cream hill. "Oh yeah!" She cried, landing with a slide as she began to glow. "Kamemon, Digivolve to..." She grew larger and larger, eventually outgrowing Gatormon as she fell onto all fours and the light faded to reveal her. "Tortomon!"

Gatormon smirked at this, seeing Tortomon still had the Acceler-Wing. Only now, the vent was behind her shell whilst her wings were sticking out of her sides. "This is gonna be fun!" She rushed forward, Tortomon doing the same.

The pair charged at each other and at the last second, Gatormon leapt into the air. "Hydro Pump!" She launched the water blast and Tortomon responded with her own attack.

"Strong Carapace!" The spikes on her back exploded off of her and deflected the water, as Gatormon landed. Tortomon then shot forward, her Acceler-Wing speeding her up. "Grand Dash!" She reached Gatormon and at the last moment, the alligator leapt to the side.

"I'll take that!" She opened her mouth and bit down on the wing in front of her, her strong jaws allowing her to tear it off the base.

Tortomon flinched at this, but wasn't gonna let her Battle Gear break without taking out Gatormon's. "Strong Carapace!" She launched the spikes again and Gatormon didn't have the time to avoid them, spitting the wing out before the missiles slammed into her and exploded.

Gatormon: 4-30%
Tortomon: 4-70%

She was blasted back, the explosions also destroying her Battle Gear.

"Nice," Flash nodded. "But it didn't look like the attack did much." Twilight nodded and brought up Gatormon's data.

Name: Gatormon
Level: Champion
Type: Data
Attribute: Water
Species: Reptile
Family: Nature Spirit, Deep Saver

"There it is," Twilight nodded. "Kamemon was a Data Type, but became a Vaccine when she Digivolved. She might have increased in power, but she's put herself at a disadvantage." They watched, as Tortomon charged towards Gatormon once again.

Once she was close enough, she slashed at Gatormon.

But the alligator Digimon leapt back and slashed with her own claws, hitting Tortomon on the face and making her cry out as she staggered back.

Gatormon: 4-30%
Tortomon: 4-60%

Gatormon then tried to slash at her again, but Tortomon was able to grab her claws in her own. With her larger body, Tortomon pushed Gatormon backwards towards a collection of trees made out of chocolate with cotton candy foliage. She slammed Gatormon into one of the trunks and raised her claw, ready to slash at her again.

But before she could, Gatormon took a deep breath. "Hydro Pump!" She launched a blast of water right into Tortomon's face, making her cry out as she was sent staggering back as she released Gatormon.

Gatormon: 4-30%
Tortomon: 4-40%

Gatormon then charge forwards, her claws ready to slash at Tortomon. But before she could, the spiked reptile spun around and Gatormon found herself slashing at his hard shell. The alligator Digimon flinched and staggered back, her claws hurting after that.

Gatormon: 4-20%
Tortomon: 4-40%

As this was happening, Tortomon pulled her head and limps into her shell. "Spinning Attack!" Morphing into a giant beyblade, she shot towards Gatormon and slammed into her.

Gatormon roared as she was pushed backwards, whilst the spikes on Tortomon's body ground against her.

Gatormon: 4-0%
Tortomon: 4-40%

Tortomon finally stopped spinning and Gatormon was smashed into one of the chocolate trees, causing it to go timber down next to her. The cotton candy foliage fell to the ground, one landing in Gatormon's mouth with the blue alligator quickly swallowing it and groaning in delight.

"Really?" Tortomon asked, "you just got slammed into a tree after getting buzz sawed and you decide to have a snack.

"Why not?" Gatormon rolled onto her front, "I'll need all the energy I can get if I'm gonna win this fight."

"Right, like that's gonna happen." Tortomon prepared to charge, but Gatormon began to run away. "Get back here!" She chased the alligator, eventually reaching the other side of the trees.

But before leaving the small forest, Gatormon slid to a stop in front of a tree. "Come and get me!"

Tortomon snorted at she picked up speed. "Rainbow!" Kamemon cried, "I think it might be a-" But Gatormon leapt into the air as Tortomon got close, "trick." Sure enough, Tortomon slammed into the tree and broke through it. The impact made her flinch, as the three then fell upon her.

Gatormon: 3-100%
Tortomon: 4-35%

As it did, more cotton candy fell out of the tree. Gatormon leapt up and grabbed it. And when she did, blue energy shot out of it and was absorbed by her body.

"I get it," Tawnimon smirked. "That tree had an SP Coin in it."

Twilight nodded. "Pinkie didn't have the SP to break it herself, so she used Tortomon higher strength to do it for her." They watched as Gatormon took a deep breath, whilst Tortomon pushed the remains of the tree off of her.

"Hydro Pump!" The water blast shot out of her mouth and slammed into Tortomon, making her cry out as she was blown backwards out of the forest.

Gatormon: 3-100%
Tortomon: 4-5%

Tortomon found herself falling onto the edge of a hill and rolling down it, straight towards one of the gingerbread villages. She eventually found herself crashing through one of the houses, causing it to fall upon her and destroy her security.

Gatormon: 3-100%
Tortomon: 4-0%

She moaned as she picked herself up, whilst Gatormon leapt out of the forest and slid down the hill. But as she pushed some gingerbread away, she spotted a Digivolution Coin within the wreckage. "Score!" She grabbed it as the power flowed into her. And as Gatormon reached the bottom of the hill, the spikes on her back glowed. "Strong Carapace!"

The spikes exploded off of her and shot towards Gatormon, who saw them coming and gasped as she tried to take cover. But the spikes collided with her and she was blasted through the air. "WOW!"

Gatormon: 3-85%
Tortomon: 3-100%

She slammed into another building and fell to the ground, as Tortomon pulled herself out of the wrecked house and rushed towards her. As Gatormon picked herself up, Tortomon slammed into her and smashed her through the house behind her. The impact did some serious damage as they broke through the other wall, then into and out of another house.

Gatormon: 3-65%
Tortomon: 3-100%

Tortomon finally slid to a stop and Gatormon kept flying, eventually crashing to the ground. Tortomon then rushed up and spun his tail around, as the smaller Champion saw it coming and raised her arms. "Gotcha!" She cried before her fangs began to glow blue. "Ice Fang!" She bit onto the tail and unleashed the frozen energy.

"Augh!" Tortomon cried, as she felt the freezing cold fly up her tail.

Gatormon: 3-65%
Tortomon: 3-75%

As Gatormon continued to bite on her tail, ice began to form and caused Tortomon to freeze up. "Get...OFF!" Tortomon swung her tail around and threw Gatormon off of her, causing her to go flying until she crashed into a house that had been made out of a giant cupcake.

The frosting was sent flying everywhere, as Gatormon quickly swam her way down the into the building until she came out the front door. As she did, Tortomon charge towards her. "Hydro Pump!" She fired a water blast and as she did, Tortomon leapt to the side and barely managed to avoid it as she leapt towards her.

"Take my icy tail strike!" She swung forward and slammed her tail into Gatormon's head, the ice breaking at the impact and knocking her back.

Gatormon: 3-55%
Tortomon: 3-75%

Gatormon fell onto her back, as Tortomon land in front of her. The tortoise Digimon raised her foot and tried to stomp on her, but Gatormon managed to grab it and keep from crushing her. "Hydro Pump!" Using the last of her SP, she blasted water out of her mouth and hit Tortomon head on.


Gatormon: 3-55%
Tortomon: 3-45%

She fell back and crashed onto the ground, her spikes embedding themselves into the shortbread ground.

Gatormon picked herself up and as she did, she spotted another Digivolution Coin atop one of the Gingerbread buildings. She smirked and began to make her way over to it, but Tortomon saw it and smirked. "I don't think so!" She started rocking back and forth until she eventually managed to roll onto her front. "Now, Spinning Attack!"

Gatormon heard this and saw the spinning blades of death flying towards her, making her gasp as she leapt out of the way at the last moment.

Tortomon continued spinning and smashed into the gingerbread house, causing it and the Digivolution coin to fall on top of Tortomon.

"Wow!" Flash cried. "She made it look like she was attacking, when she was really getting Pinkie out of the way so she could nab the Digivolution Coin."

"That Rainbow," Twilight sighed. "She has a tendency to leap before she looks. She loves speed and attacking as fast as she could. But when she slows down, she's able to come up with some pretty inventive ideas." They continued to watch, as Gatormon stepped up to the destroyed house.

She poked it, clearly wondering what was happening in there. Then, the wreckage of the house exploded.

She leapt back, as a glowing large figure began to grow out of the house. "Tortomon, Digivolve to..." The new Digimon was soon revealed to be double Tortomon's size, being light green in colour. She was standing on her back two feet, whilst her front feet had transformed into clawed hands.

Her arms now had gauntlets around them that looked like turtle shells and both looked like they opened up so something could fold out of them. Her head was the same, but the spikes on the back of them were longer. Meanwhile, her shell had been replaced by one similar to a Zudomon, except it was black and covered in yellow spikes. The front of her shell was like the bottom of a normal turtle, with the only exception being it wasn't actually connected to the top half. Finally, her tail was shorter than before, though it was more like it just hadn't grown like the rest of her body.

The Digimon stood tall and raised her arms, as the shell gauntlets opened up and something came out of them. From out of the right gauntlet, a cannon folded out, whilst from out of the left came the end of what appeared to be a harpoon. "KURMAMON!"

"What is that?" Veemon asked, as Kurmamon began to charge forward. Twilight then brought up his stats.

Name: Kurmamon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Vaccine
Attribute: Water
Species: Mighty Reptile
Family: Nature Spirit, Deep Saver

"Pinkie's gonna be in trouble," Fluttershy stated. "Kurmamon's one of Rainbow's best Digimon. If she's using that, she's really going all out in this fight."

"You think Pinkie can still win?" Tawnimon asked.

"She still has the type advantage," Twilight replied. "But...I'm not sure." As she said that, Kurmamon raised her cannon arm. "Be careful Pinkie."

"Hydro Cannon!" She roared, as the tank barrel suddenly fired a sphere of water towards Gatormon at high speed.

The alligator gasped as she tried to escape. But the sphere struck the ground and exploded with incredible force, sending a large wave of water out onto the battlefield. The wave knocked over every gingerbread house it hit, then struck Gatormon and swept her away.

Gatormon: 3-35%
Kurmamon: 3-45%

The wave slammed her into the ground, as several pieces of the gingerbread houses slammed down around her. She moaned as she picked herself up, then looked up as Kurmamon began to stomp towards her. "So strong."

"Pretty cool, huh?" She raised the harpoon gauntlet. "Check this out. Shell Shock Strike!" The harpoon suddenly shot off the gauntlet and flew down towards Gatormon.

The Champion leapt back, barely able to avoid getting hit by it. The harpoon slammed into the ground with incredible force, shattering the chocolate road. It was then retracted back, remaining connected to the gauntlet by a rope.

"Hydro Pump!" Gatormon used the SP she had regained to launch a water blast, hitting Kurmamon in the chest.

Gatormon: 3-35%
Kurmamon: 3-25%

The force knocked her back, but she didn't seem to take any damage from the attack. And instead, she regained her footing before spinning around. Her tail swung towards Gatormon and before she could escape, "AUGH!" She was slammed flying out of the village, causing her to fly through the air until she crashed into the ground beside a large gorge overlooking a milk river.

Gatormon: 3-25%
Kurmamon: 3-25%

She moaned as she picked herself up, whilst Kurmamon charged towards her. Gatormon looked around and spotted a chocolate finger bridge, the alligator rushing over it as Kurmamon reached the gorge. "Hydro Cannon!" The water blast shot out of her cannon and struck the bridge, exploding with enough force to obliterate it.

Gatormon cried as the force knocked her off flying, as the bridge collapsed beneath her.

She slammed into the side of the gorge, moaning as she dug her claws into it. She managed to hold on, but the cliff was made of fudge and already it was starting to break. "Not good," she gulped as Kurmamon pointed her cannon at her again. "Oh well." She let go of the cliff and fell towards the milk river. "WEEE!"

Kurmamon watched her splash down into the river and be swept away, the Ultimate following the river down towards a large lake of milk.

She walked around the edge, trying to see if she could spot where Gatormon might be. But as she walked passed a piece of the destroyed bridge, something shot out of the milk and slammed into her back. "Gotcha!" Gatormon cried, as she bite onto one of the spikes on her back. "Ice Fang!" The cold energy was sent into the walking tortoise.

Gatormon: 3-25%
Kurmamon: 3-5%

Ice began to cover her shell and Kurmamon flinched at this, but didn't let it stop her as she began to curl up. "Spike Defence!" The spikes on her shell began to glow, melting the ice before it flew off of her.

"AUGH!" Gatormon was burned by the energy, which formed a construct around her that was covered in energy spikes.

Gatormon: 3-15%
Kurmamon: 3-5%

Gatormon fell to the ground, as the shield disappeared and Kurmamon unfurled herself. She then charged forward and as Gatormon picked herself up, the giant tortoise swung her arm around and smashed the back of her shell gauntlet into Gatormon.

The Champion screamed as she was sent flying and smashed through several chocolate rocks, eventually hitting the ground and sliding to a stop.

Gatormon: 3-0%
Kurmamon: 3-5%

She moaned as she picked herself up, only to then see something that had been hiding behind one of the chocolate rocks. A Digivolution Coin. "Yes!" She moved along the ground and as she did, Kurmamon raised her cannon arm.

"Hydro Cannon!" The water blast shot towards her and Pinkie knew if she didn't move, it would hit and do serious damage. But she had to get the coin.

"Got it!" She snapped her mouth onto the coin and as it flew into her body, the attack struck and exploded. "AUGH!" She was sent flying backwards, as Kurmamon saw her SP gauge almost bottom out.

Gatormon: 2-75%
Kurmamon: 3-5%

Gatormon hit the ground and as she did, she saw her Digivolution gauge hit full.

Kurmamon began to make her way towards Gatormon, but the alligator Digimon pushed herself up and smirked, "My turn." Kurmamon raised an eyebrow, only for a veil of light to surround her form. "Gatormon, Digivolve to..." Brown metal began to form around her body.

The top of her head became covered in a brown version of a MetalGreymon's helmet, her neck and chest getting the same armouring as her skin turned to a bluish gray colour and the spikes on her body vanished. Her arms were soon covered in the same armor and connected to it were a pair of large rectangular cannons. Finally, her feet were transformed into mechanical feet with tank-treads and a mechanised claws.

Finally, she grew until she was a little smaller than Kurmamon and let out a mighty roar as she fired some of her cannons. "CROCANNODRAMON!"

Once again, everyone was amazed to see this new Digimon and Twilight brought up the biopage on her.

Name: Crocannodramon
Level: Ultimate
Type: Data
Attribute: Water
Species: Cyborg
Family: Nature Spirit, Deep Saver, Metal Empire

"Didn't think Gatormon would become a cyborg Digimon," Flash stated as Twilight hummed. Something about that Digimon seemed familiar. She knew she had never seen it before, but she felt like she had seen something similar to it.

Before Kurmamon could recover from the sudden transformation, the treads on her opponent's feet spun and shot her forward. The next thing Kurmamon knew, she was being tackled by Crocannodramon.

Crocannodramon: 2-75%
Kurmamon: 3-0%

As she staggered back, Crocannodramon raised her cannons. They then opened up, revealing a bunch of missiles that were inside of them. "Kaimen Barrage!" The missiles launched out of the cannons and went flying towards Kurmamon.

The giant tortoise gasped as she curled herself up. "Spike Defence!" Her shell spikes launched the energy and formed the protective shield, which the rockets slammed down into. They blasted the shield again and again, making it slowly crack. Eventually, one of them hit a weakened spot and the explosion completely destroyed the shield. This allowed a second one to slam into her and blast her back, "GYAH!"

Crocannodramon: 2-75%
Kurmamon: 2-75%

Kurmamon slammed into the ground, her brain feeling rattled at the impact of what had just happened.

Her friends watching were also amazed. They had never expected such a powerful blast to come from Pinkie's attack. And as Crocannodramon's weapons slowly reloaded, her tread feet revved up and propelled her forwards. "Croc Cruncher!" As Kurmamon picked herself up, Crocannodramon tried to bite her.

But at the last moment, Kurmamon raised one of her gauntlets and used it to stop Crocannodramon's attack. The Ultimate alligator bit on the gauntlet and couldn't damage it, allowing Kurmamon to raise her other gauntlet as the harpoon extended.

"Shell Shock Strike!" The harpoon slammed into Crocannodramon's chest and pierced her chest armor, forcing her to let Kurmamon go and stagger back.

Crocannodramon: 2-50%
Kurmamon: 2-75%

But the harpoon remained embedded in her chest and moved with her, until Kurmamon retracted it and pulled Crocannodramon back towards her. "Raaah!" She slammed a fist into Crocannodramon's face. Making her cry out.

Crocannodramon: 2-45%
Kurmamon: 2-75%

Crocannodramon fought through the pain and quickly slashed at Kurmamon slashing at her face whilst smashing her arm cannon into Kurmamon's chest.

Crocannodramon: 2-45%
Kurmamon: 2-50%

Crocannodramon used this moment to reach down and grab the harpoon, ripping it out of her metal chest as she flinched.

Crocannodramon: 2-40%
Kurmamon: 2-50%

Her treads span backwards and she pulled away from Kurmamon, only to pull the harpoon with her. And when it reached the end of its rope, Kurmamon was pulled forward and staggered around. This allowed her opponent to rush forward on her treads and body slam Kurmamon, pushing her backwards along the ground.

They moved across the delicious looking land towards the mountain that housed the gingerbread castle.

Along the way, Crocannodramon smashed Kurmamon through chocolate trees, rocks and through another tower of cookies. With each impact, Kurmamon flinched.

Crocannodramon: 2-40%
Kurmamon: 2-35%

They reached the base of the mountain and Crocannodramon prepared to smash Kurmamon into it. But at that moment she thrust her harpoon into one of Crocannodramon's treads and forced it to stop. "WOW!" She was thrown off balance and Kurmamon managed to pull herself free, leaping back as Crocannodramon fell to the ground.

As they did, Kurmamon spotted an SP coin and rushed over to grab it. Crocannodramon picked herself up, as Kurmamon absorbed the coin and refilled her SP. "Alright!" She pointed her weapons at her opponent. "Hydro Cannon!" The water pulse fired and before Crocannodramon could react, it slammed into her and explode.


Crocannodramon: 2-20%
Kurmamon: 2-35%

She slammed into the ground and Kurmamon charged forward. But as she did, Crocannodramon raised her arms as the missiles were revealed. "Kaiman Barrage!" The missiles launched and shot towards Kurmamon. But this time, she summoned her harpoon and used it like a rope javelin. Spinning it around her and hitting the missiles to blow them up away from her.

One did managed to hit her though, the explosion rattling Kurmamon but she soldiered through the pain.

Crocannodramon: 2-20%
Kurmamon: 2-15%

"Raaaaah!" Kurmamon slammed into Crocannodramon, tackling her backwards. But as she did, the cyborg Digimon bit down on her head as hard as she could and made them both flinch.

Crocannodramon: 2-10%
Kurmamon: 2-0%

Kurmamon pushed Crocannodramon away, pulling her jaws off her head before pointing her weapons at the mechanical alligator. But before she could fire, Crocannodramon flew on her treads to get out of the way. Kurmamon followed her with her aim locked and as Crocannodramon slowed down, she fired.

"Hydro Cannon!" The water exploded out of her weapon and shot towards Crocannodramon. But before it could hit, the cyborg Digimon shot out of the way again and it flew past her.

Instead, the attack flew up towards the mountain and slammed into it, resulting in an explosion that rocked the whole thing. And since it was made out of fudge and other easily damaged things, the whole mountain along with the castle began to break apart.

The two Ultimates looked up and gasped at this before attempting to outrun the landslide. Kurmamon running whilst Crocannodramon used her treads. But the mountain was coming down too quickly and the two found themselves beginning to be overtaken.

Crocannodramon was struck by the avalanche and was buried.

Crocannodramon: 2-0%
Kurmamon: 1-100%

Kurmamon looked back and saw it coming, then saw something up ahead and got an idea. "Cowabunga!" She grabbed a chunk of chocolate that had once been part of the ground, torn up by her opponent's treads, which she leapt onto just as the avalanche reached her.

Everyone was shocked to see the giant tortoise Digimon was surfing the sweet treat rock slide, on a chunk of chocolate.

"Well," Flash smirked, "I can safely say I never expected that." They continued to watch as the avalanche started to lose momentum, Kurmamon eventually flying off the end of it and sliding along the ground on the chocolate bar. She finally came to a stop, as the chocolate beneath her melted from the friction of the slide.

Jumping off the slimy substance, she turned back towards the avalanche and looked curious.

They were just as curious, wondering how Crocannodramon could have survived such a thing. And as they continued to watch, Kurmamon seemed to spot something.

"An SP coin!" She rushed over and grabbed it from out of the pile, crushing it as another part of the pile began to move.

"Must have been on the mountain or in the castle," Kamemon told her before he noticed the movement. "Rainbow, over there!" Kurmamon focused on the spot and saw the top of the pile break apart, as Crocannodramon pulled herself up out of the destroyed mountain.

"Wow!" She cried, "that was fun."

"You okay?" Kurmamon asked, as Crocannodramon laughed.

"Are you kidding? I feel great. I got to eat my weight in fudge and found an SP coin." Kurmamon was surprised by this, as Crocannodramon raised her rocket launchers. "Time to finish this fight. Kaimen Barrage!" The missiles fired with them all flying up before curving around, flying right towards Kurmamon.

Kurmamon saw them coming and knew her defensive attack couldn't protect against all of them.

Thinking fast, she summoned her water cannon and pointed it towards the ground. "Hydro Cannon!" The water exploded out of the weapon and struck the ground, exploding and sending out a large wave of water. The wave was struck by the missiles and exploded, as Kurmamon rushed forward.

When the missiles were destroyed, she leapt through the water and charged at Crocannodramon. But the mechanical alligator had already rushed forward using her treads and slammed into Kurmamon.

Crocannodramon: 1-100%
Kurmamon: 1-90%

She flinched at the impact and was knocked back, but quickly pointed her harpoon shell at Crocannodramon. "Shell Shock Strike!" The harpoon fired and hit one of the cannons on her arms, the impact allowing it to pierce into the weapon before retracting and ripping parts of it away.

This resulted in the cannon sparking and before Crocannodramon could do anything, it exploded right in her face. "Augh!"

Crocannodramon: 1-85%
Kurmamon: 1-90%

The next thing Crocannodramon knew, Kurmamon was pointing her cannon at her and launched the water blast attack. She raised her other cannon to protect, but the impact was still great and sent her flying back.

Crocannodramon: 1-65%
Kurmamon: 1-90%

Crocannodramon slammed into several trees that had still been standing, as Kurmamon rushed forward. The alligator fell on her back and the tortoise charged, ready to use her harpoon to attack. But at the last moment, the cyborg raised her feet and slammed her spinning treads into Kurmamon's shell.

"Gyah!" She cried, as the tread ground against her chest.

Crocannodramon: 1-65%
Kurmamon: 1-75%

Kurmamon staggered back, as Crocannodramon picked herself up and raised her remaining rocket launcher. "Kaimen Barrage!" She launched the missiles and before Kurmamon could save herself, they slammed into her and exploded.

"GYAH!" She cried as she was thrown through the air, taking a bunch of damage as she did so.

Crocannodramon: 1-65%
Kurmamon: 1-40%

She landed atop a small tower of cookies, breaking through them as she did. As laid on top of the crumbled up pile, whilst Crocannodramon rolled toward her. But as she got closer, Kurmamon picked up a large chunk of cookie and threw it at her.

Crocannodramon opened her mouth and let the cookie fly down her throat. But as she did, it got stuck and she gasped unable to swallow it. That allowed Kurmamon to pick herself up and charge at Crocannodramon, the tortoise slamming into her stomach.

Crocannodramon: 1-55%
Kurmamon: 1-40%

This sent the cookie chunk flying out of her mouth and caused her to stagger back, as Kurmamon pointed her harpoon at her. "Shell Shock Strike!" The harpoon fired and once again stabbed Crocannodramon in the chest, making her cry out as she was then pulled towards Kurmamon.

Crocannodramon: 1-40%
Kurmamon: 1-40%

But before Kurmamon could attack again, Crocannodramon slammed her remaining missile launcher right into Kurmamon's face.

Crocannodramon: 1-40%
Kurmamon: 1-30%

Crocannodramon grabbed the harpoon and pulled it out before it could do any damage, then pulled Kurmamon towards her.

"Spike Defence!" The energy shield flew off Kurmamon and slammed into Crocannodramon, the energy spikes stabbing into her and making the alligator cry out.

Crocannodramon: 1-30%
Kurmamon: 1-30%

But as soon as the energy disappeared, Crocannodramon attacked again. "Croc Cruncher!" She slammed her jaw onto Kurmamon's head and bit down hard, making her flinch. But as she did, Kurmamon raised her cannon and thrust it into Crocannodramon's chest.

"Hydro Cannon!" The water blast fired and slammed Crocannodramon point blank, the impact blasting her backwards but causing her fangs to tear at Kurmamon's head as she was pulled off.

Crocannodramon: 1-0%
Kurmamon: 1-0%

Crocannodramon barely managed to stay upright, the two panting as they looked up at their securities and saw they had none left. And when they turned to their opponents, they could tell just by looking that the others was also defenceless.

They stared one another down, then smiled at each other before laughing. They had both been having a blast throughout this entire battle and were glad this was how it would end, with neither of them having any SP to blast the other with and forcing them to use their bare claws.

"You ready?" Kurmamon asked.

"You have to ask?" Crocannodramon smirked. "LET'S DO THIS!" Her tank treads started spinning faster and faster, the cyborg Digimon suddenly shooting forward as she let out a roar of excitement.

Kurmamon let out her own roar, as she charged forward herself with her harpoon extended. The two got closer and closer and for those watching, it was like they blinked and the two were suddenly standing back to back.

Then, one of them fell to the ground and exploded whilst the other stood there limply. The girl and her Digimon fell to the ground, as the voice spoke overhead.

"Battle, over! Winner...Pinkie Pie" Crocannodramon fell onto all fours, as the battlefield began to fade away and she split into Pinkie and Dilemon.

The monitor suddenly froze and rewound before playing the final attack back again, only this time much slower. As such, everyone was able to see Kurmamon thrust her harpoon towards Crocannodramon. But at the last moment, the Cyborg Digimon blocked with her rocket launcher as the two flew past one another. And as they did, Kurmamon suddenly found herself getting slashed by Crocannodramon before they appeared behind one another.

Fast forwarding back to the battlefield, it completely faded as Pinkie, Rainbow and their Digimon laid there panting heavily.

"Well," Rainbow sighed, "I guess I lost."

"Yeah," Pinkie smiled at her, "but it was so much fun. I can't wait for the next time we battle." The two picked themselves up, their Digimon following suit. The girls then fist bumped, their Digimon smiling as the two headed out of the dome.

Back in the foyer, their friends were waiting and all smiled when they saw them. "Pinkie, Rainbow!" Twilight waved them over.

"HEY!" Pinkie cheered, "did you guys see us? I won!" The others nodded, clearly proud of Pinkie for her victory. She and Rainbow sat down with their Digimon, Fluttershy having ordered Rainbow her favourite drink and snack to help her feel better.

They all enjoyed their food, as the battle replayed on the monitor.

Rainbow watched as Pinkie leapt out of the milk like and grabbed her. "Man, I can believe I let myself get dropped on like that. I should have seen that coming."

"I'm just amazed you were able to swim down into milk," Flash stated. "Isn't it thicker than water? Figured you'd float or something." Twilight shook her head.

"Milk actually has a similar density to water. That's why it's so easily soaked up by cereal. I think I remember reading about rulers who liked to take a bath in it."

"That sounds gross," Rainbow frowned as she finished off her snack. She was still a little upset about losing, but knew Pinkie had earned that win. And as Flash spoke to Pinkie about possibly trading for her location scan, Rainbow assured herself she wouldn't lose again next time.

Another day, another battle in Codex. One that hopefully would help both Rainbow, Pinkie and all their friends grow a little stronger. For they would need all the strength they could get, for the battles that were yet to come.

Author's Note:

I know this is mostly a filler chapter, but I really wanted to show off Dilemon's and Kamemon's Ultimate Levels. Hope you liked them and next week, something special.

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