• Published 4th May 2024
  • 188 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 13: Destruction In Ponyville

The bell rang when Noah and Fluttershy entered the Carousel Boutique, belonging to Rarity, which is also her home, who's been waiting for them, wearing her thick red rimmed glasses on her muzzle, balancing it, while she had a tape measure draped over her shoulders.

The rest of Noah's friends are here, too, including Fluttershy's. Noah looked around, seeing a lot of fabric, spools, and other things that the white unicorn has in order to make clothing.

A white persian cat was on one of the fabrics on the floor, laying on it, licking her paw, and rubbing it over her ear. She had this serious look to her, and when she saw Noah, she got up, stretched, and padded away.

Rarity walked up to Troy and his pals with Emma by her side. "Thank you all for coming," she smiled. "You may be wondering why I called you all here. I called you all here to get measurements from each of you so I know what size each of you are when I'm creating your suits and dresses." Using her horn, she picked up six, white pieces of paper. "I drew what your outfits should look like for the Gala that's going to be here around the sixth of May. I have to admit, it was hard to choose which Ranger style each of you should go with." Setting all the papers back on the table, she flipped her curls in a precise manner. "Now, let me get your measurements. Troy, you first."

Stepping up to her, he stood still as she measured him with the tape measure, swifting it around quickly. She also was levitating an ink pen and a notebook while she was levitating the tape measure all at the same time, humming to a similar song she sang with the Pony Tones.

After she finished him up, each of his friends went next, until Rarity got done with Emma, writing down her measurements like she did with the others.

"My, I cannot wait to see what your outfits are gonna be like for the Gala," Twilight said.

"We can't wait either," Troy replied.

"Yep." Noah nodded. "Fluttershy did say that you had plus ones go with you last time," he brought up, looking at the pegasus. "I was wondering since this me and my friends first Gala ever, we should do plus ones again."

"Funny how you said that, Noah, because Celestia sent me the tickets to give to you guys to find your plus ones." Bringing out the tickets, Twilight used her magic to hold them. "My plus one will be Starlight Glimmer. She'll go as my 'date' for the Gala." She gave the ticket to the unicorn, who took it with her own magic.

"Thanks," she said, once she has the ticket.

"Can Rarity be my plus one, please?" Spike begged. He went up to Rarity, taking a bow. "May I be your plus one?"

"Sure thing, Spike," Rarity appreciated, when the tickets went over to them, and they took them.

"Wait, what about Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle?" Rainbow suddenly said. "Last year, I was Scootaloo's plus one. They're still too young not to have a grownup with them."

"Hmm..." Twilight counted the remaining tickets she had. "Is there somepony in particular you want to bring?" she questioned the sporty pony.

Rainbow brought a hoof to her chin. "There's Soarin, but he'll be with the Wonderbolts at the Gala. Mm..." She gazed at Orion. "You mind being my plus one?"

"I won't mind," he nodded as he spoke, the tickets coming up to them. He took one into his hoof. "I'm guessing when you say plus one, it doesn't mean an actual date, right?" he assumed, already regretting what he said.

"It's kind of like a date, but you're not exactly dating. It's basically a friendly date and not a romantic one," she told him and to the others.

"Yepper," Pinkie piped up. "My sister Maud Pie was my plus one last year, but this year, she's bringing her coltfriend." Looking at Applejack, she went up to her, but the cowpony spoke first.

"Sorry, Pinkie Pie, but I'm deciding to let Apple Bloom be my plus one again," she told her.

"Phooey." The energetic mare made a sad face.

"Hmm. I should write to Celestia about this. Normally, a plus one is two ponies going together, not three. But let's see what we have here. Troy, who do you want to be your plus one?" The alicorn faced the Red Ranger.

"Emma," he shortly answered. This got Emma smiling.


"I choose Gia." Jake grinned at her.


Her face blooming, she tossed her head to the side. "I want Noah to be my plus one."

"Okay, we got Jake and Gia, Noah and Fluttershy, Troy and Emma, Rarity and Spike, Starlight and me, and Orion and Rainbow Dash. So it looks like it's just you two, A.J. and Pinkie."

"Oh, alright," the cowgirl finally gave in. "I can be Pinkie's plus one."

"Yeah!" The pink earth pony let out a cheer.

"I'll just have to write to Braeburn about having Apple Bloom to be his plus one. My brother would be her plus one, except he's bringing Sugar Belle."

"A.J., I will write to the princess, telling her to send three extra tickets for the little ones. They can just hang out with us. They can still go to the Grand Galloping Gala even if they don't have plus ones like they had last year," Twilight said.

"Good idea, sugarcube," she agreed. "I'm starting to think he may already have one."

"I'll write to her tonight about it," the alicorn responded.

Pinkie got close to her face. "Do you Pinkie Pie promise?"

Sighing, she did the Pinkie Pie swear. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Doing the motions, she did the promise by making an X over her heart, flapped her arms like a bird, and shut one eye to place a hoof on it, pretending to place a pastry there. "Luckily, I shut my eye this time. The last time I did this, I jabbed a hoof in it. It hurt like hay."

"Hahaha, yeah. There was this one time where you broke a promise when you shouted, 'Spike has a crush on Rarity'." Rolling on the floor, the pink earth pony let out belly laughs.

"Rarity knows." The dragon couldn't help but blush. "I told her when we were falling to our doom, unknowingly that Rainbow and Fluttershy were going to save us." This got him a hug from the girl he likes. "We may be different, except I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She's the prettiest pony I've ever seen ever since Twilight and I first arrived here in this town."

Applejack chuckled. "Alright, lover boy, simmer down," she said by the time the girly unicorn let the little guy go.

Spike giggled, along with everyone else laughing. That is, until a loud explosion caused the shop to shake. The loud sound startled Fluttershy. She scrambled, darting underneath the work table rather than underneath Noah who went over to her while the rest went over to the window.

Looking outside, everyone saw the changelings running amuck, chasing the Ponyville ponies all over the place, except Twilight nor her friends recognized the gray and blue ponies who were also there. "What are those things?" The ones being carried by the winged ones were dropped onto the ground by the time the alicorn finally figured it out. "No, it's those ponies that I saw in my dream!" she declared, watching one of the gray goons going after a mare and a child. "Are those the x-borgs and bruisers Gosei explained?"

"Yes, those are the ones..." Stepping back, the leader of the Ranger team stood where he stopped. "It seems like the Armada found us," he told everyone.

"And those must be the changelings that Noah and Fluttershy saw before we saw them, too, at the gates at the palace," Emma said. "I never knew what changelings were when they were mentioned. They're gross looking."

"Yeah, they don't even look like ponies," Jake observed them.

"Guys, there's no time for chit-chat," their leader stated firmly.

"He's right," Twilight agreed. "We cannot stand here and talk about what's happening out there."

"Th-Then what do we do?" Fluttershy stuttered after she was coaxed out of her hiding spot thanks to Noah, standing close to him.

The screams rang from outside, followed by other loud sounds. They heard the civilians out there.

"Help us!"

"What are these things!? I've never seen these types of ponies in my life - and they're not friendly!"

"The changelings are back to being evil?! Please, somepony, anypony, help!"

"Come everyone, they need us." Everyone followed Troy when he stated his phrase, galloping out of the dress shop. There, they saw all the x-borgs, bruisers, and the changelings terrorizing the locals. They didn't waste any time, going after the baddies, fighting them off. And while the local Ponyville ponies are running around in fear, the leader of the Ranger team pulled out his morpher and key. "It's Morphin Time!"

"Right!" The rest followed suit, pulling out their keys and morphers. "Super Mega Mode!" They inserted their keys into their morphers.

"Super Megaforce Red!"

"Super Megaforce Yellow!"

"Super Megaforce Green!"

"Super Megaforce Pink!"

"Super Megaforce Blue!"

"Super Megaforce Silver!"

"Earth defenders, never surrender!"

Twilight's mouth dropped open when she saw them transform into heroes, the ones she saw in her dream. The outfits look to be like a pirate, with pirate symbols on their helmets and on their chests.

Pulling out his Saber, Troy charged at the henchmen with his team right behind him. Their new allies continued to help them out, and the Rangers saw how they fought. Twilight and Starlight shot out beams from their horns. Pinkie used her party cannon as her weapon, using it against the bruisers, giving them a huge surprise when she pressed the red button. Applejack used her apple bucking skills, kicking them to Rarity who used her martial arts techniques. Fluttershy, of course, used her own method the last time she fought, only this time she never had to fight x-borgs and bruisers before, ducking at them, letting them run into each other, and Rainbow was in the sky, punching at the x-borgs, the ones that can fly, along with the changelings, hitting them as well. As for Spike, he used his dragon breath.

The Rangers helped out. Troy sliced and diced with his sword at the henchmen, helping Twilight and Starlight, including the dragon. Emma and Gia helped out with the farm pony and the fashion designer, using their Blasters. Jake was with the party animal, slashing at a few changelings, while Noah is with Fluttershy, defending her with his own sword, and Orion was in the sky with the rainbow maned pegasus, his Silver Spear creating blue streaks with every strike he made.

An x-borg got close to a stallion and his family. Quickly, Noah came to them, knocking it down with one shot of his Blaster. "Get out of here. Find somewhere to hide," he told the family, shooting another gray pony with his gun. "My friends and I got this." The family understood him, galloping somewhere to hide. When they were gone, Noah looked over at his teammates. "Let's double up our power."

"You got it, dude. Catch!" With a quick toss, his best friend gave him his Saber, getting another Blaster in return, shooting at the bad guys.

"Emma!" Getting her friend's attention, Gia threw her Blaster at her.

The Pink Ranger caught it with her wing. "Thanks. Here you go." Using her other wing, she tossed her Saber to the other pony.

With two Sabers in each hoof, Gia was surrounded by changelings. "Saber Whip!" The changelings have no idea what she meant at first, until finding out in two seconds flat when they were getting hit nonstop at the incoming weapons.

While she did that, Troy saw a bruiser running up to the dragon. "Spike, right behind you!" Spike turned his head, and blew out some green flames, burning the bruiser. "Good job, buddy," he praised, rubbing the dragon's purple scales.

"Heh, thanks," Spike thanked, then went after another bruiser. "You're doing a fine job yourself." He blew out some more green fire. He then gasped. "Twilight, Starlight, look out!" he called, waving his arms.

Twilight saw a few x-borgs running towards her and her friend. Tapping their horns together, their magic flared, shoving them away, knocking them to the ground.

Up in the sky, Rainbow looked down, seeing a familiar pony backing away from two x-borgs. "Scootaloo!" Recognizing the orange coated pony with a purple mane and tail, she waved her arms. "Get away from her, you hunks!" The x-borgs seemed to ignore her shout.

On the ground, the filly tried to be tough. "Go away, you freaks!" She backed up some more when she ended up tripping over backwards, landing on her back. This gave the x-borgs an opportunity to draw out their clubs

The blue pegasus shouted even louder. "Up here! Don't you dare hurt my sister!" Again, these things decided to plug in some cotton balls in their ears. "Get away from her!" She was about to go after them when Orion used his Spear to stop her.

"I got this, Rainbow." Using his silver speed, he zoomed to where the child is at, standing in front of her. "Spear Blaster!" he called out, the Spear turning into a Blaster, shooting at the two bad ponies, until more came. "Super Silver Spear!" His weapon back to its original form, swinging it from side to side, going after the next one and the next one.

Scootaloo's mouth was agape, surprised to see a suited up pony wearing a helmet over his head, unable to see his face. She watched in amazement at this pony until Rainbow landed in front of her. "Who is he, Dash?" The little filly pointed her hoof at the person who was still fighting off the x-borgs. "And who are they?" Her hoof directed to each pony in different colored outfits and helmets.

"Let's go Legendary!" the red one called out as the rest joined him, pulling out a different key. The others followed his lead.

"Legendary Ranger Mode - In Space! Let's Rocket!" They all inserted their keys into their morphers.

"Red Space Ranger!"

"Yellow Space Ranger!

"Black Space Ranger!"

"Pink Space Ranger!"

"Blue Space Ranger!"

"Silver Space Ranger!"

"Power Rangers Power Up!"

Scootaloo's jaw dropped to the ground - literally. "Wow!" she got out, getting in front of her older sister, watching the suited ponies in action. "Go get them, whoever you ponies are!" she cheered out widely, fluttering her wings, moving her hooves inches off the ground.

"Scoots." Scootaloo dropped to the ground, looking up at her big sister. "You need to go and hide somewhere," she told her. "My friends and I, and those ponies in the colorful suits are fighting these bad ponies and the new evil changelings out of our town, so you need to do me a favor and hide somewhere safe."

The little pony arched her brow when she heard Rainbow say new evil changelings. Instead of questioning her, the filly galloped away, her short legs going as fast as they could go.

With the Spiral Saber, Troy had the weapon in its normal mode, performing a blue energy slash against the henchmen.

His team pulled out their Legendary Ranger weapons. Jake used his Lunar Lance against the x-borgs, along with Gia using her Star Slinger, firing pellets at a rapid rate.

Using the Super Silverizer, Orion put it in Blaster Mode, firing quick shots at changelings from above the sky. He opened up his wings, switching the Blaster Mode to Sword Mode, delivering a powerful, blue slash at the other ugly, looking ponies who are buzzing all around him.

Back on the ground, Noah used his Astro Axe, putting it on Booster Mode, creating an Astro Blaster, firing shots at the bruisers with the help from Emma who is using her Satellite Stunner, projecting pink rings of energy at them.

Twilight and her friends kept helping their new friends fight off the bad ponies until none of them were left, exploding when they got defeated. Even changelings got so beat up, buzzing away, but the Rangers and their allies know they'll come back once they're healed.

The Rangers went back into their Super Mega outfits, while the ponies came out of their hiding spots.

Fluttershy went up to the Blue Ranger. "You were amazing, No-" She stopped when all the ponies looked at her, and Noah and his friends stiffened up. "You were amazing, guys." The Rangers relaxed, and the blue one smiled behind his helmet. Fluttershy smiled back at him, sending him a wink before going back to her pals, waving her hoof with him doing the same.

He and his teammates huddled up, talking about how Armada found them, wondering if he's with the foes Twilight and her friends have dealt with in the past. And while they spoke, Mayor Mare went up to the purple alicorn.

"Princess Twilight." The Mayor dipped her head, bowing it.

"Mayor Mare, you don't need to be formal around me. I may be a princess, but I'm normal like everyone else," she responded to the pony's extra polite manner. "You also don't need to bow to me, either."

The Mayor picked her head up. "Sorry." After she apologized, she went up to the ponies she and the others had never seen before, a look of curiosity written all over her. She tapped the red one and he turned around. "Who are you?" she questioned him. "Who are you six, I mean?" She was about to ask again when Scootaloo came up to them, getting in front of the Mayor.

"You. Guys. Are. Amazing!" she declared, getting all wild again. "You fought those baddies like they were nothing, especially with those weapons. And when you changed outfits by using those keys and those things you put them in - amazing." She went up to the silver suited up pony. "You saved my life, and it's all thanks to you."

The pony in his silver outfit smiled behind his helmet, roughing up the little girl's mane. She laughed and trotted away all happy.

"Uh, yes, anyway, who are you?" the Mayor questioned them the third time.

Troy and his friends backed up. "We're your friends - the Power Rangers," he told her.

"Power what?" She thought she hadn't heard him right. "How can we trust you? What if you are foes?"

"We're not foes," he continued to grin. "We're Power Rangers."

"Yeah, Power Rangers," Scootaloo called out, standing next to Dash. "I heard them say, 'Legendary Ranger Mode', before they changed their outfits."

"Power Rangers? Legendary Ranger Mode? This doesn't convince me to believe-"

"We're your pals," the red one repeated gently. "We won't hurt you and your citizens," he told her, taking out his morpher. "Tensou," he spoke into it. "Teleport us somewhere, where we can un-morph so none of the ponies know what our true identities are."

"You got it," a chirpy voice responded, having the Mayor widen her eyes, and before she can ask any other questions, the suited up ponies, the ones they call themselves Power Rangers disintegrated in the colors of red, pink, blue, green, yellow, and silver.

By the time they're gone, the Mayor saw Twilight coming up to her. "I still don't understand. What are Power Rangers? Why did they yell out 'Legendary Ranger Mode'? The red one keeps saying they're our friends. But we shouldn't trust them."

"You can trust them," Twilight assured her. "They're Power Rangers Super Megaforce for a reason."

"That's right." Applejack crossed her legs.

"They'll always help us," Pinkie grinned with joy.

"Really?" Now the Mayor is starting to believe that these suited ponies can be trusted. "How long will they be around? Or is this a one time thing?"

"They'll be around with us for awhile, darling," Rarity told her.

"Yep, those heroes will keep us safe from those bad henchponies who tried to hurt you," Fluttershy nodded.

"I see... But how come the changelings are back to being evil?" The Mayor couldn't believe that the good changelings are back to their evil ways.

"Oh, no, no, no." Shaking her head, Starlight explained this question shortly. "These are new evil changelings, all made by Chrysalis so they can take over Equestria, but the Power Rangers Super Megaforce will be on our side."

The Mayor seemed to understand. "I see..." Going over to the stage, she got on the platform, going up to the microphone. Tapping on it, she got everyone's attention. "As you all heard from Twilight and her friends," she began speaking, "Chrysalis had made new evil changelings, so she seemed to have team up with bad ponies we've never seen in our lives, but they won't ever hurt us all thanks to six new spirits who will always protect us at any cost, calling themselves the Power Rangers Super Megaforce!"

The Ponyville ponies rang out cheers, stomping the hooves on the ground, excited to have super heroes in Equestria.

This got Twilight and her friends smiling, and they all knew that the bad guys don't have a chance to win because heroes always win and bad guys always lose.

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