• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 5: Battle Against Changelings

The two ponies chased the stallion around the corner, him tossing boxes and bins across the alleyway, wanting to slow them down except they dodged each object, Noah jumping over them while Fluttershy ducked in order not to get hurt due to an already accidental injury.

They went on, following the pony. Noah wanted to give this guy a piece of his mind for what he tried to do to her, his blood fueling.

The stallion stopped, kicking a cart down filled with junk, covering up the entire street, causing them to slow down, stopping from the other side of it. Smirking, he faced them, his tail waving from side to side.

"Come and get me, you slowpokes," he taunted before running off, laughing loudly. "You'll never catch me!" he called over his shoulder.

Shoving everything out of the way, they burst through the trash. "Get back here!" Noah hollered out, refusing to give up. Fluttershy said nothing, following him. "When we catch you, you will say you're sorry." When he said it, the stallion let out another laugh, picking up the pace with them doing the same thing.

It wasn't until he got trapped between a wall and them, skidding to a stop. Looking back, he saw the two coming to a stop as well with Fluttershy panting from the speed she had to use. "Now..." she wheezed. "...tell me you're sorry this instant," she demanded in a bold voice.

The third pony grinned, followed by two more who emerged from the shadows. "I don't need to apologize..." A burst of green flames came from the ground, the other two doing the same thing. Once the flames went down, there stood three creatures in the color of black with fangs like a vampire.

Fluttershy gasped in fright unlike Noah who is processing what he's seeing now. "Changelings!"

"Huh?" Noah turned to her, confused. "What are changelings?" he asked, unaware by the species despite being a nerd.

"Changelings can transform into anypony, feeding off love. But these are new evil changelings," she explained, for he was more confused than ever. "I know it's hard to understand, but..." A loud hiss came from one of them, its tongue slithering out like a snake. "Let's...back away slowly," she suggested.

Nodding his head, Noah moved backwards. "Good idea." Eyeing at them, they carefully moved back, making sure the creatures don't follow them. "Alright, I think we're safe," Noah confirmed when they're back on the main street, looking around. Until a bunch more came, possibly over a hundred stepping out from the corners.

"Uh, I think you spoke a little too soon." Fluttershy used him as a shield, wanting to hide from them but they were trapped; surrounded by all the changelings. "There's no way out. What do we do?" she panicked, fear getting the best of her.

Noah stood his ground. "We fight them!"

Hearing this made her feel nervous to the point where she shook her head. "Noah...I'm not a great fighter. I can't fight at all."

"Then do your best. I'm not a perfect fighter either. Besides, I learned you don't need strength to be a good person. I can barely lift up heavy objects unlike my best friend. We have no other choice, the only way through is to battle them."

Unwilling to do so, she decided to help him. The two got up on their hind legs, going back to back. While she had terror in her eyes, Noah's was full of fury, waiting for one of the changelings to make a move, watching them stalk, their mouths parted open, licking their lips.

The first changeling, the closest one, jumped forward, and Noah punched it across the face, knocking it down onto the ground, the fight now up at its game. He punched, kicked, throwing the ugly things off of him while Fluttershy used her own moves - ducking.

One changeling released a growl at the Blue Ranger, leaving him to hit it across the face, stomping on top of its head when he saw another one going after Fluttershy, for he charged at it, giving it a good kick in the neck.

Yelping, the timid pony heard a hiss behind her, having her buck at it when a screech popped out of the changeling's mouth.

The more changelings went after them, the more they kept up the battle. They're never going to stop once these things are down and out, running through them, wanting to get away from them as possible.

Changelings yelped, getting beaten up by the two, trying to hit right back at them for they dodged each move they made.

Noah spun around, kicking the one right in front of him, causing it to flung back, smacking against the stone wall of a house, falling to the floor.

By the time all of them are down, something fell off of him, clattering right next to him. Fluttershy noticed this, examining the item. It looked strange to her, having her tilt her head in curiosity, pointing at it. "What's this?"

Before he could answer, the object beeped, startling the poor pegasus. Picking up the object in his hoof, he spoke into it. "Yes?"

"Dude, where are you?" It was Troy, calling him. "We lost you around the corner. Tell us where you are."

"We're outside the alleyway," Noah told him, speaking into the device like a phone. "We ran into a problem."

On the other end of the line, he heard Troy questioned him. "Was it the stallion you were after?"

"It wasn't a stallion, it was a changeling!"

"Who's that?" the other one exclaimed. "Who's with you? Was it the pony who went with you?" he said. "Never mind, tell us where you want us to meet you at."

"Meet us at the castle gates," Fluttershy spoke up. "If you can't find it, look for the Canterlot Library. There, you'll see one of my friends, a lavender alicorn, along with a lilac colored unicorn. After you get them, look for the others."

Once she sent her message, Noah went back to the device. "You got that?"

"Got it. We'll meet you there." There was a beep when it got hung up.

Putting the thing away, the two galloped, with Noah right behind the young mare since she knew where she was going.

Reaching the gates, they waited for the others, seemingly the first ones there. As they waited, Fluttershy wanted to know what the object was, facing him. "Tell me, Noah, what did you have there?"

Noah bit his lip. "I'm not sure... I don't want someone to get mad."

"Why not?" She saw how hesitant he was. "I know we met about twenty minutes ago, but you can trust me. I'm only curious." She gave him a smile.

Sighing, he was about to tell her when their ears picked up the sound of buzzing, grabbing their attention to the sky, now being filled with black. It was more changelings, a lot more than they could handle.

Getting onto the ground, the changelings' eyes glared at them, letting out aggressive hisses and snarls, their legs creating breaking sounds.

Pressing against the gate, Noah got ready, even though there's a thousand of them with Fluttershy covering her face with her arm, ready for another attack when something fired at them.

Something shot on the ground, making the changelings back away when they turned to see who - or what - did it.

Following their gaze, both Noah and Fluttershy saw the other ponies running to them. Noah saw Troy running alongside with a lavender pony with wings and a horn, his Mega Blaster out, giving another shot, forcing the evil things to back up more.

All eleven ponies, plus a dragon, stood in front of Noah and Fluttershy. Gia was the first one to step forward. "Get lost or else we'll shoot you for a third time." The threat seemed to work, the changelings looking at each other. They moved their insect wings, flying away from the seen, knowing all too well they'll be destroyed within minutes.

When they're gone out of sight, Troy put his weapon away, directing over at Noah. "Why did you run off? You shouldn't have done that," he seemed to scold.

"Sorry, Troy, I was with Fluttershy." Noah placed his arm around her, causing her face to turn red again.

"Fluttershy?" Emma questioned, seeing the pegasus lower her head, her long mane draping over her face. "This was the pony who was with you when you ran off?"

Nodding, he took his arm away from her. "Yes," he answered. "She was the one who was with me."

Fluttershy peeked out from behind her pink mane, moving it out of the way. "I don't mean for him to run off like the way he did."

"Hey, it's alright," Troy smiled. "By the way, what are your names?" he directed to the other colorful ponies.

"Oh, I'm Twilight Sparkle," the lavender one introduced. "This is Starlight..." Starlight closed her eyes in greeting. "...Spike..." The young dragon waved. "...Applejack..." Applejack tipped her cowboy hat forward releasing a grin, showing her straight rows of her teeth. "...Rarity..." Rarity gave them a graceful bow. "...Rainbow Dash..." Rainbow gave them a salute in mid-flight. "...and this is-"

"I'm Pinkie Pie!" The Rangers got startled by the pink pony's sudden appearance. She pressed her face against Jake's, their noses touching. "I never seen you before because I know everypony and everypony is my friend," she brightly smiled. "And since I never seen you guys before it means you're new, and when you're new it means you have never been here before," she babbled on. She took a breath in. "Are you the ponies from a different world where you have a tiki head as your mentor alongside with a little robot who helps you guys when you need any help?" Gasp. "Like, you have these keys where you can transform into any kind of hero, is that true? Is it? Is it? Is it?" Another gasp. "I figured out what this story is. It's a crossover! Yay!" She clapped her front hooves together, finally giving him space.

Emma turned to Rarity. "Is she always like this?"

"Yes, darling," she responded. "She's like this all the time."

"Yeah...she's random," Twilight chuckled. "Anyway, what are you're names?"

"Oh. Well, I'm Troy Burrows," the one in the red shirt introduced. "This is Gia Moran, Jake Holling, Emma Goodall, and Orion. I already stated Noah's name."

All of his friends waved their hooves, giving them a greeting smile. Rainbow brought her attention to Orion. "Awesome jacket, it makes you look twenty percent cooler."

"Thanks, the girls helped me pick out some new clothes." Orion fixed his sleeves. "They're good at picking out outfits."

"Yeah, only you guys wear the same clothes all the time because you have your own TV show like us." Pinkie's statement had Troy lift an eyebrow. "Like the one episode where he-" She placed a hoof on Noah. "-had a hard time lifting Jake's weapon."

Everyone seemed at a loss to what she was talking about, only they never asked. Pinkie is being Pinkie. During her hopping, two royal guards came over to them, opening the gates, their spears gripped by their right front hooves.

"We saw what happened out here," the first one informed in a gruff voice. "Are you alright?" he asked Twilight.

"Yes, she seems to be fine." Princess Celestia stepped between the guards with them bowing their heads, stepping back. "Twilight, I saw what happened. I know you look fine, I only came out here to make sure."

"Don't worry, we're fine. All thanks to them." Twilight gesture her head at the newbies. "They scared off the new changelings with whatever Troy had," she said, explaining it to her.

Celestia walked over to Troy, bowing her head. "It was nice of you, ponies, to help out my student. It's such an honor."

Troy, taken aback, swept his hoof over his hair. "You're welcome." A beeping sound was then erupted. He retrieved it off his belt, the device beeping non stop. "Mind for me to take this?" Celestia gave him a warm smile, allowing him to do so. Answering, he spoke into it. "Yes, Tensou?"

Tensou's voice came through. "Rangers, where are you at? I saw these crazy creatures. I was about to teleport you guys back here in case you wouldn't be able to use your powers."

When Celestia heard him, she couldn't help herself, going over to Troy. "Tensou, is it really you?" Her gentle voice swept over the item into the speaker.

"Princess!?" A happy joy came through it, having her chuckle. "Princess Celestia, it's you! You have no idea how much I miss you," he chirped.

Laughing, she gave him a response. "I missed you too. Does Gosei need me for anything?"

There was a pause before he spoke again. "Yes. Gosei has a feeling that something isn't right, wanting to talk to you about it right away."

Celestia, gazing at Troy, smiled. "Can he teleport us to wherever he and Gosei are at?" She waited for his answer.

The stallion nodded. "Yes. Tensou, teleport..." He counted silently in his head, making sure the number is right. "...all fifteen of us at the Command Center."

"You got it."

Everyone disintegrated, heading back to the Command Center, finally bringing the Princess of the Sun to their mentor who's waiting for them.

Arriving at the Command Center, Twilight saw five panels in the color of red, green, blue, yellow, and pink, the walls made out of stone, the floor feeling cool to the touch. On the walls, she saw rows of different color keys from red to gold, all of them a different type.

Making her way to the right side of the wall, she went up to the first set of keys, taking a good look at them.

"Wow, pretty colors!" Catching the sound of Pinkie Pie, she moved out of the way as the pink pony started jumping to see the keys. "Look at all the pretty colors!" Jumping higher, she pointed at one of them. "Pink! There's pink ones! I love the color pink. And my name is- Oh, robot!"

Stopping, Tensou saw her zooming towards him, unable to move out of the way in time. "Ah!" he yelped, getting knocked to the floor with her on top of him.

Grinning a big grin, she pressed her face towards him. "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie, what's your name?" Before she could say more, she was yanked off of him.

Spitting out her tail, Applejack gave her a stern look. "Pinkie, give the little guy some space, would ya?"


"Give him space," the farm pony proceeded through tight teeth clenched together. "Mind giving me a hoof, Gia?" she turned and asked.

"No problem." The two tomboys helped him up. "You alright, Tensou?" she asked once they got him back up on his wheels.

He nodded his rectangular head, his eyes blinking. "Yes, I'm fine. It's a good thing I don't have lungs."

Applejack patted him. "It's a good thing you're fine. Forgive her, she loves making new friends." Glancing over her shoulder, she watched the pink pony jump all over the place. "And please excuse her excitement," she pardoned with a small laugh.

While they chatted with him, Rarity took off her sunhat, glancing around the place. Seeing this made her shudder, disliking the way it looks. To her, it was too dull, having the urge to prim it up.

To her, the place needed some decorating. Gems shall work to brighten it up from all the dullness. Only she doesn't have any with her as for right now. Maybe there are gems inside the cave walls.

Lighting up her horn, she went over to one of the walls, her horn aglow. She hummed, searching for anything sparkly until Emma tapped her on the shoulder, causing her to lose her concentration. "Yes, darling?" Rarity kept her horn lit.

"What are you doing?" Emma questioned.

"Why, I'm looking for gems," she answered, sweeping her head side to side. "The issue is..." Her horn went off like a candle on a candlestick. "...I'm not finding any."

Emma fluttered her wings, seemingly amazed by what this unicorn can do. "Oh, well, you're not going to find gems here."

"Yes, you're right." Picking up her hat, she placed it back on her head. "I have the urge to make this...place more..." She twirled her hoof, thinking. "More...glamerious. You know, with gems everywhere."

Emma glanced around the Command Center. "I can see your point. But like I said, you're won't find gems in here." The statement had Rarity's ears slightly down. "I know it's a cave, except there are no gems in these walls," she shrugged.

Seeing she has a point, the fashionable horned pony licked her lips. "You're right, dear. Do you like fashion like I do?" She showed the sunhat as an example.

"Nah, I'm into nature, taking pictures of it, although Gia and I were the ones who helped Orion pick out his new outfit." She directed a hoof at him, who is chatting with Rainbow Dash, having her wonder what the rainbow maned pony is telling him.

"...Seriously, I really do like the silver jacket you're wearing, dude," Rainbow complemented, her hooves off the ground, flapping her wings gently to make sure she's not too high off the ground. "I would like to have one. I think now silver is my favorite color." She lowered herself back down, folding her wings together, giving her tail a good flick. "Though I could beat you in a race..." she bet, sending him a challenging expression.

Orion tilted his head to the side, his lower eyelid going up, showing her a questioning look. "What's a race?" he asked, not recognizing the word in no detail.

Gasping, she grasped her hooves on his shoulders. "You don't know what a race is?!" she exclaimed, her face close to his, using her wings to lift herself up higher from the ground. "What kind of stallion doesn't know what a race is? Orion, dude, I - Rainbow Dash - will show you what a race is. To me, you seem slow, so I believe I can win at any race," she bragged, placing a hoof on her chest in full of pride, eyes closed to show it.

"Rainbow, don't boast; it's rude," Twilight hissed scoldingly.

"It's fine. I can be awesome too at times," Orion admitted.

"Yeah, like when you fused two keys to form into one Ranger," Troy recalled, remembering the time when it happened.

Ranger? Twilight thought, unaware by the term, seeing all the keys, the dream flashing back to her.

As she was thinking about this, Fluttershy saw a large tiki head on the wall, her curiosity getting the best of her. She moved towards it with precautionary measures, seemingly to inch her way to it. Once she was close enough, she reached up her yellow hoof to touch the tiki head made of metal.

"Hello there!" it boomed in a loud voice, the mouth flashing red as it spoke.

"Eeeeeeeeeek!" Jerking her hoof back, she let out a startled scream, scrambling backwards, tripping, and hid behind the first thing she saw - Noah, hiding between his front arms and back legs, her hair covering her face up along with her hooves, her body quivering.

Standing there, Noah watched Celestia walk up to the mascot of the Rangers. She stopped, the smile on her face. Opening up her mouth, she spoke to him.

"Hello, Gosei," she greeted warmly.

Seeing her being this way, the Blue Ranger turned his head at the frightened pegasus. "It's okay, he's not going to hurt you."

Moving her mane out of her eyes, she peeked out at him, unknowingly to trust him or not. But the way he gave her the smile made her feel that she can trust him. Carefully, she crawled out from underneath him.

Standing next to him, her eyes looked up to Gosei. "H-Hello, I'm Fluttershy," she shyly introduced herself, lowering her head down, her mane covering her face. She used her hoof the put it behind her ear. "I'm sorry for screaming like the way I did," she apologized, picking her head up to look at him. "I...get startled easily..." she did her best to explain, wanting him to understand so she wouldn't have to hear any harsh yelling from the metal face.

"It's alright, Fluttershy." It doesn't seem he was mad at all. "I apologize for scaring you. Like Noah said, I mean no harm to anyone." For him being made out of metal, his voice showed kindness in the whole room. Then he spoke to Celestia. "Celestia, it's nice to see you again. How are you and your sister doing?"

The Princess of the Day closed her eyes in a happy way. "We're fine, thank you. Me and her missed you very much when you had to leave when we had to defeat Discord, all thanks to the Elements of Harmony you made for us years later," she returned gracefully. "The same goes for the weapons we have to use against King Sombra to save the Crystal Empire."

"You're most certainly welcome. Do you still have the Elements to this day?" Chuckling, the white alicorn shook her head. "Oh, then who wields the Elements now?" Gosei persuaded in interest.

"Yeah," Tensou chimed in. "Who now has the Elements of Harmony I made for you?" he questioned rather curiously about it.

"We do!" Pinkie answered for the tall pony.

Celestia smiled. "Yes, like Pinkie said, Twilight and her friends each have an Element that they hold dearly thanks to their friendship. Twilight Sparkle, my private student, bears the Element of Magic and is the Princess of Friendship. She's even going to take my and Luna's place to become the new leader of Equestria."

Twilight bowed her head in respect. "I'm worried about it..." she spoke softly, the needing to tell her she doesn't want to take their place. But all she has to wait until the right time. "This is Spike," she then directed to the baby dragon. "He's my number one assistant."

"Hi," he waved. "And this is Twilight's student - Starlight Glimmer."

"Nice to meet you," Starlight smiled. "I don't hold any Element, but I'm a good friend."

"Except when you had the ponies back at your town to have the same cutie marks with equal signs to make everybody the same- Ow!" Twilight had smacked the dragon behind the head, with him rubbing the pain away.

Getting to his level, she looked at him in the eye. "Don't bring up her awful past. We all know what happened; don't bring it up." She took a deep breath, letting it out. "Don't mind him," she excused to Gosei. "He's young."

"Quite alright, Princess Twilight. I'm sure he never meant it. Celestia, since you told me about her Element, what about the others? Which Elements do they hold?"

"Glad you asked. Applejack, a farmer here, represents the Element of Honesty. Her honest ways makes her the friendliest ponies I ever met."

Applejack gave out a wink. "I sure am, partner." She tipped her hat forward.

"Rarity, a fashion designer, wields the Element of Generosity. She's known to give and share, her heart the color of gold."

Rarity giggled. "Thank you," she expressed delightfully. "I'm also a singer too. I work with the Pony Tones."

"Over here is Rainbow Dash. She keeps the Element of Loyalty. She's the fastest one I have ever seen in my entire life, much faster than any other pegasi I've met."

"Don't forget that I can create a legendary move - the Sonic Rainboom," the athletic pony reminded. "Also, I'm a Wonderbolt as well." She puffed out her chest, flipping her mane in full triumph. Applejack rolled her eyes to the side. "Fluttershy owns the Element of Kindness. She's caring and takes care of critters, to where she has her own animal sanctuary."

Smiling, the timid one nodded. "It's true. And Pinkie Pie got the Element of-"

"Laughter," the hyper pony beamed out brightly. "I like to throw lots of parties, make new friends, and love to make all the ponies happy."

"Nice to meet you all," Gosei expressed. "Just like me, it seems like these little ponies who each owns an Element are the heroes in your world."

"What do you mean?" Rainbow asked with an arched brow.

"I mean, I have people that I guide - the Power Rangers Super Megaforce!"

"Huh?!" Twilight and her friends couldn't grasp at what he was talking about.

"I'll explain. After me and Tensou left, we've been asleep for a thousand years. When we woke up, we noticed an attack at our home - earth - from the Warstar Aliens led by Prince Vrak. I had Tensou teleport five teenagers - Troy, Gia, Noah, Emma, and Jake. They started off with cards to morph in Megaforce Rangers. They started off with animals. Troy, a martial artist, is the leader of Rangers. He's the Red Ranger; Fury of the Dragon, controlling the Dragon Zord. Jake, an athlete, is the Black Ranger; Venom of the Snake, having the Snake Zord. Gia, a strong person, is the Yellow Ranger; Claw of the Tiger, with the Tiger Zord by her side. Emma, who is very caring, is the Pink Ranger; Flames of the Phoenix, to where she has the Phoenix Zord to guide. And Noah, the brains of the Rangers is the Blue Ranger; Bite of the Shark, possessing the Shark Zord. With their powers and Megaforce weapons, alongside with their Zords, transforming them in Megazords."

"Hold on, hold on," Applejack interrupted. "What about these here keys?" She directed at the row of keys before gesturing her head at Orion. "And what about him?" she questioned.

"I'm getting to the part about the keys right now," he stated. "When Vrak left with us unknowing about his return, another threat came to earth - the Armada, led by Vrak's older brother known as Prince Vekar. I knew it was time to give the Rangers new powers..." One of the panels - the red one - turned on where everyone saw different Rangers in different colored costumes. "...to fight against the x-borgs and bruisers. These Rangers you see here are the Legendary Rangers from Mighty Morphin to Samurai. Each of my Rangers have their keys indecating to their colors. Troy has the Red Ranger keys, Noah gets to have the Blue Ranger keys, Emma deserves the Pink and White Rangers, Gia is free to have the Yellow Rangers, Jake as the Black and Green Rangers, and Orion, who came later, is the Silver Ranger, who has all the sixth Rangers in the past. They use Legendary weapons and Legendary Zords to create Legendary Megazords, becoming the Power Rangers Super Megaforce."

As they saw the Megazords, Rainbow turned to Orion. "For somepony who doesn't know what a race is, your Zord looks awesome. Wish I had it."

When Twilight saw this, her eyes widen. "My dream..." she murmured.

Her mentor placed a hoof on her. "Indeed," she spoke.

"Okay, since we know these here ponies are Rangers who live on earth, then how come you guys are in Equestria?" Starlight asked, picking her hoof up.

"Noah accidently hit a device made by Levira when he was fighting against Argus, having it go off, sending us here," the robot explained.

Feeling bad, the Blue Ranger lowered his eyes. "...I never meant to hit it, I was trying to get Argus. I always fight him."

"It's completely fine, Noah," the Rangers' mentor assured him. "However, I'm having a bad feeling..."

"And what may that be?" Celestia inquired, stepping forward.

"Since we came here, I got the feeling that the Armada came with us from the wormhole. I don't know where they are, but I know they're here somewhere in your world, Celestia. You're subjects aren't safe from them." His voice is filled with concern. "I hope you don't have anything to worry about."

Sighing, she gazed at him. "Actually, we do have a problem. It turns out Queen Chrysalis , a changeling queen, created new changelings. Her first horde got reformed all thanks to Thorax, the new leader of the changelings. I know there are many of them, and I'm guessing it's the same for the Armada's x-borgs and bruisers... I don't think my student and her friends can fight them. Plus, there are other villains with her all together by Grogar."

"Hmm." Thinking about, Gosei had an idea. "How about I'll let the Rangers help them."

"But Gosei, what about earth?" Gia piped up. "Our real home?"

"Yeah," Orion nodded. "I have to work for Ernie at the Brainfreeze. I don't want to be late for any day I work there."

"Don't worry, I'll build something for all of us to take us home," Tensou assured them.

"How long would it take?" Jake asked, examining his pony body, probably still in the same shock for what he and his friends have now become. "I have soccer practice next week for the next game," he said, worrying about his coach yelling at him for being late at for it.

"To answer your question..." Bringing out a blueprint, Tensou grabbed a pen, drawing the thing he'll be building. "It'll take up for a whole year to finish," he told him.

Emma put her hoof on her forehead. "Great. Where are we going to stay at?"

Celestia smiled. "I believe my student and her friends will let you stay at their places. However, I want to know if you all are in to help out my ponies in this kingdom. Are you in?"

The first one to step up is Noah. "I'll stay to protect your citizens." This made Fluttershy smile.

"Even though I'll miss my soccer practices..." Jake stood next to Noah. "I'm ready for anything."

"I'm there too," Gia stepped in, standing next to him, her hoof close to his.

Orion smiled, also stepping forward. "I had lost my world before I joined the Rangers on earth, so why not do the same for your world." Opening up his wings, he flapped them, moving himself off the floor.

Then there was Emma, a bold grin on her face. "Count me in. I don't want anything to get hurt from the Armada and the bad guys you're dealing with."

Everyone then glanced over at Troy. He has his hoof up to his chin, his head down, completely deep in thought. Being a unicorn is crazy to him, even though he doesn't show it, and it's s been confirmed by Gosie's assistant that whatever he's building won't get done within a year, having him wonder what ponies do here in this world. Nevertheless, staying here wouldn't be so bad. To him, Equestria is like earth - filled with ponies.

"Troy?" His name was called by Emma, getting his to snap out of his thoughts. "Well...?" She smiled at him.

Seeing her smile made him smile as well. "You guys do need my leadership, so yeah, I'm in."

"Great!" Beaming with delight, the white alicorn raised her hoof invitingly. "I now welcome you to Equestria, Power Rangers Super Megaforce!" She bowed her head at them, and they bowed back.

"We'll do anything to keep your ponies safe, princess," Troy promised.

"Please, call me Celestia," she answered. "Any friend of Gosei is a friend of mine. I'm proud of you all are going to help us, making me please."

"You're welcome," the brown haired pegasus spoke with closed eyes.

"Alright, Rangers, have a great time here in Equestria," the tiki head wished. "And may the power protect you."

"And since I'm honored to have you all here, you're welcome to spend the night at my palace." The invitation got everyone beaming. "Though tomorrow you are going to get up early for the train to get to my pupil and her friends' home," Celestia told them.

"Don't worry, it's fine by us," the Red Ranger replied. "Tensou." He turned to him. "Teleport us back to her castle."

"You got it, Troy." Going over to one of the panels, he got ready to teleport everyone back to Canterlot.

Before they left, Pinkie got between Jake and Noah, wrapping her arms around them. "I'm going to throw you guys the most greatest welcome party ever. Eeee!" By the time those words got released from her mouth, they had disintegrated.

"Good luck, Rangers and Elements of Harmony," Gosei wished them one more time once they're gone. "Tensou, get started with the device."

Tensou nodded his rectangular head. "Yes sir." He went off to grab some tools to get ready to build a new device to help him, Gosei, and the Rangers to get back on on earth. It may take up to a whole year to finish, but he'll be done in no time.

The Rangers are going to have a great time here in Equestria, helping their new friends fight against the bad guys, along with theirs. It's going to be a Super Mega awesome.

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