• Published 4th May 2024
  • 196 Views, 26 Comments

Power Rangers Super Megaforce: Equestrian Adventure - ariellewilson730

When the Super Megaforce Rangers got trapped in Equestria, a place filled with colorful ponies, by one of Levira's inventions, they meet up with Elements of Harmony.

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Chapter 19: In A Bad Situation

In the Armada Ship, the prince had been staring at the orb for almost three hours, watching the Rangers and their new friends enjoying themselves for no reason. He saw that Ponyville had scary decorations up all over the place, ponies dressing up as something else. He saw little ones collecting what looks to be sweet treats.

Seeing this made him want to go down there and ruin it. He wanted to know what's up with all the spooky decorations, costumes, and why everyone is collecting candy. He even saw the pink pony with the Green Ranger, going door to door. Like, aren't they too old to do such a childish thing.

Sitting in his seat, he swept his mane behind his ear, wishing he had fingers rather than having none.

Damaras had warned him that if he keeps on complaining, he's going to do something to him he'll never regret.

This got Vekar to quit is whining, though he is disappointed when Argus hadn't destroyed a single Ranger nor their friends. The x-borgs and bruisers got destroyed - as always - the changelings came back injured - like last time. Seems like only the prince's henchmen get destroyed, while the bug-like ponies get injured, coming back here to heal up.

Going up to him, Grogar placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Seems like you're mad..."

"Get your hoof off of my royal shoulder!" Vekar shoved it away. "And of course, I'm mad. I'm so mad, it makes me wanna destroy Cozy Glow!"

"You can never do a thing like that," Cozy said, flying up to him. "I'm adorable. Nopony hurts someone who's adorable."

"Fine, I won't destroy you. I'll just-" He stopped when he noticed someone missing. "Where's Chrysalis?" he asked, noticing her absence.

"Oh yeah." Tirek came up. "Chrysalis in Canterlot, getting something. She told us that she has an idea."

"How come you never told me?" The prince isn't happy for they didn't tell him anything. "I swear, the next time you guys keep something from me I'll-"

The doors slid open. Everyone saw a pegasus pony that is a peach color with blue mane with a green stripe through it like a ribbon.

Vekar got out of his seat. "Who are you? You're trespassing my ship."

"Vekar... it's me," the pony spoke. Before the prince can protest, green flames burst from the ground, revealing to be Chrysalis. "I'm a changeling. I can take the form of anypony or creature."

"You never told us that," Damaras replied. "Anyway, what do you have there?" He pointed his hoof at something.

Levitating it in front of them, the queen presented it to them. "It's a comic book."

"A comic book!? You went to Canter-whatever to get a comic book?!"

"Sire, you're going to be amazed at what I'm going to do," she promised him, getting to the center of the Command Room, placing the item on the floor.

Her horn glowing green, she aimed it at the comic.

The green flash is so bright, everyone had to shield their eyes.

When the flash went away, they saw seven ponies - three earth ponies, two unicorns, and two pegasi - with outfits on them.

The new ponies looked around, until one of them spoke up. "What in the world is going on?" It was one of the earth ponies.

"Yeah, what's going on here?" the other earth pony demanded. "We were busy with a villain..."

"And now we're in this dump," a brash pegasus completed.

"Who are-are you people...?" the second pegasus quivered, hiding behind one of the unicorns.

"I am Queen Chrysalis," the queen introduced. "This is Cozy, Damaras, Argus, Grogar, Tirek, and Prince Vekar. There someone named Levira, but she's doing something in another room. You can see her later once you destroy the Power Rangers and their allies."

The one unicorn cocked her head to one side. "Power Rangers?" she questioned.

"Destroy?" the second one added. "Um, we don't know who they are. And they sound like heroes."

"Of course, they're heroes!" Vekar said. "And you're going to destroy them."

"And what if we refuse?" the earth pony returned.

"Then we'll force you to destroy the Rangers and the Elements of Harmony!"

The brashy pegasus let out a laugh when hearing this from the queen. "What are you going to do?" she mocked. "Cast an evil spell on us?"

Smirking, her jagged horn glowed green again, and she shot out a beam at them.

The ponies eyes spun around, seemingly dizzy, falling to the floor.

"Like the prince stated..." Chrysalis spoke, watching her magic serge into them. "You are going to destroy the Rangers and their new allies."

The youngest one opened his eyes, which are now green. "Yes, we will destroy them as you wish."

"Great. Argus - send them to Ponyville."

"Sire, it isn't my job-"

"Send them to Ponyville! Send them anywhere. The Rangers could be somewhere in that village."

"Yes, sire." Going to the control panel, he pressed with some buttons, and he teleported the corrupted ponies somewhere in Ponyville.

Apple Bloom was happily walking alongside with Gia, who offered to bring her back home after she finished collecting her candy, and after giving some of it to the statue.

The yellow filly was smiling with joy because she got to go out for Nightmare Night with her best friends, receiving all the sweets she can get.

She has to thank Zecora for the potion when she visits her in the Everfree Forest someday.

"I cannot wait to eat my candy, sharing it with A.J., Big Mac, and you, Gia," she said, her candy bag bouncing against her chest.

Gia giggled. "That's nice of you, Apple Bloom. Your sister and I gave out almost all the candy apples."

"Uh, huh." The little pony looked up at her, lifting her Ranger mask onto her head. "Are you sure you're not a farm pony?"

"I'm sure."

The filly nodded. "Okay. I also cannot wait to go to the Gala, even though A.J. already has Pinkie for her plus one."

Gia can only smile at this as the two of them moved on to Sweet Apple Acres when she suddenly stopped, her ears perking up, the smile disappearing from her face.

Applejack's sister can also sense it. "Gia..." She hid behind her. "I feel like we're being watched."

"I know, I feel it, too." Whipping her head around, her mane swaying, she tried to see who's spying on them. "Rainbow, Orion, is that you?" she called out. No answer. "Come on, you two. I'm just walking A.J.'s sister home. Come out wherever you are."

Silence filled the air. They were close to the farm, but it seems like they couldn't go anywhere - until seven ponies jumped out of a bush.

The two let out a scream when they're faced with them. The one in the front came up to them. "We're gonna destroy you!" the unicorn vowed menacingly. "We're gonna destroy you and your friends."

"Gia, what is this unicorn in the outfit talking about?" Bloom peeked her head around from behind the earth pony. "They seemed to look like heroes... Yet, they want to destroy you."

One of the seven ponies zoomed up to her. "We aren't heroes," the one earth pony spoke evilly. "We are ordered to destroy the Power Rangers."

"You'll never destroy the Rangers!" the filly protested.

"Wanna bet?" the other unicorn challenged, raising her front leg that has a bracelet on it. Before she could do anything, the Yellow Ranger socked her in the face. "What the-!?"

"Run! Go get help! Get my friends! I can handle this from here!" When the child didn't move, the pony dropped her head, using the top of it to move her. "Get going. You need to bring my friends here," she repeated, continuing to shove her away from whoever these people are.

"But what about the Rangers? They know how -" the filly began to say when Gia spoke before she could finish.

"I can handle it. Go get help. Get your sister and tell her it's an emergency. She and the others will inform the Rangers what's going on." The Ranger waited for her to gallop off.

Seeing that she has no choice, Apple Bloom took off, yelling out for help.

With her gone, Gia charged at the ponies, ready to fight them. The first one she went after is the one that has tremendous speed, except she was too quick for her.

Gia felt a poke on her back. She turned around, but the one with the speed power came from the other side, tapping her again, seemingly to tease her, before running around in circles.

Remembering something Troy had taught her and her friends, she closed her eyes - and kicked the speedy pony in the chest.

The pony landed on the ground, next to the one with a lasso. "How did you-?"

"Something my friends and I learned from our leader," Gia answered, getting ready to fight again. "I have no idea who you are, but you're not gonna defeat my friends and I."

"Really?" The youngest member walked up to her, and the Yellow Ranger noticed something. His eyes. They were glowing green. Actually, all of the ponies' eyes are green.

It doesn't take long for this Ranger to figure something out. "Something happened to you ponies."

"What are you talking about?" the egotistic pegasus questioned. "Nothing happened to us. We were told by Prince Vekar to destroy you and your friends."

"Prince Vekar!?" Gia couldn't believe it. "You can't work for him - he's evil. You need to snap out of it." A shot of magic went to her. She dodged it away. "Please," she begged, moving away from each beam coming from the unicorn. "I don't wanna fight you. Ponies don't have glowing green eyes. I believe you're under a spell."

"We-" The first unicorn kept on shooting out beams. "-aren't under a spell, you spineless fool."

Gia jumped back, avoiding another blow. "Stop! You have to listen-" Something sprayed in her face. Gia coughed, realizing it was perfume from the second unicorn. "Looks like I have no choice." She took out her morpher and key. "It's Morphin Time!" She inserted the key in her morpher. "Super Mega Mode!" she called out, transforming into her Ranger form. "Super Megaforce Yellow!"

Drawing out her Saber, she charged at the ponies, doing her best not to hurt them.

The one earth pony took something out of her saddle bag. They appeared to be golden horseshoes.

With a quick flick of her hoof, she sent them towards the Yellow Ranger.

"Whoa!" Yelling out in alarm, the Ranger fell frontwards as her front limbs went underneath her when the horseshoes got onto them. "Yo!" she exclaimed, struggling to get back up, when she found out how heavy these things are, restraining her to the floor.

The one who threw those at her let out a snicker. "My Hoofarangs are great for pinning bad people like you."


"Huh?" The green-eyed ponies caught a sound of a voice, and saw more ponies, including a dragon.

The pegasus smirked. "Well, I bet these are the Power Rangers and their new friends."

"Yes, these are the-" Spike began when he stopped. "No way..." he breathed in disbelief. "Are you...?"

"You thought right, little dragon," the one with diamond shaped bracelets said.

"Spike, who are they?" Troy asked, for he and his friends were baffled.

"We'll answer your question for you." The one that had been shooting out beams at the Yellow Ranger began the roll call. "Power of Energy - Mask Matterhorn!"

The others follow in suit.

"Power of Beauty - Radiance!"

"Power of Forces of Nature - Zapp!"

"Power of Lightning Speed - Fili Second!"

"Power of Super Strength - Mistress Mare-velous!"

"Power of Fury - Saddle Rager!"

"Hum Drum!"

"We are... The Power Ponies!"

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