• Published 4th Apr 2013
  • 29,894 Views, 2,809 Comments

Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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10. The Plan and The Offer

This glorious sketch was done by Porqupine, on his take of Samus stumbling across the portion of Starfall Fortress. She's in her Power Suit rather than her Varia but with the way he sketched it, the choice is actually better, as the pauldrons would have gotten in the way with the closeup he did. I really like it, I hope you guys do too!

Metroid Equis

Chapter 10

The Plan and The Offer

[In Transit to Ponyville]

Samus had affirmed she was hungry, but one other feeling dominated hunger tenfold: Samus was tired. Oh by any divine entity that existed she was absolutely exhausted, but she had to take care of protocol that involved acquisitions of new suits. Plus it wasn’t worth her time to try and catch much needed shuteye that she had been so deprived of since she left Aether while she was on the short trip to Ponyville.

Nevertheless, the flight back was comfortable for the lone occupant of the only gunship in Equestria, although most of her time was actually spent fiddling with her new suit and running its functions against her core Varia Suit to see what had actually changed, writing down notes in her personal logbook as a result. In the end of it all, Samus was more than satisfied with her findings and analysis. If one was to peer into her suit’s logbook, they would find a plethora of information beyond their wildest imagination, solely based on the Hunter’s observations. Of course, the first thing she made sure to do was ensure that all her core suit functions actually worked before running them against the Varia Suit.

[All Visor Functions: Combat, Scan, Thermal, X-Ray, Online]

[Morph-Ball Module: Fully Operational]

[Speed Booster: Online]

[Arm Cannon: All Sub-Systems Fully Operational]

[Space Jump Boosters: Online]

[Screw Attack Module: Online]

[Grapple Beam: Online]

[Kinesis Beam: Fully Operational]

The list went on until the final confirmation of “All Systems Operational” was shown to her. Samus had also confirmed that her Suit indeed provided a generous defensive shielding boost (in no small part due to the shield generator being infused with magic when the suit was put on her). Another note she made was that now, her suit would be fully capable of assimilating magical equipment and components, which eliminated the need for an external charge (as Luna performed with her arm cannon) in order to keep current magic-based equipment that wasn’t directly fused to her being, such as the Night Beam, running. In the end of it all, Samus was more than pleased with the results of the suit augmentation. She yawned once more.

I’m friggin’ exhausted.

The lush greenness of the forest soon began to wane and give way to a residential area as the Hunter Class Gunship comfortably cruised, systematically losing altitude out of the thick cloud-cover and descending into the square below, right in front of Twilight’s Library. The roar of the engines died out and terrified ponies who hadn’t witnessed the ship the first time around due to staying inside as a result of the rain, quickly gave it some space while some panicked. The partly cloudy day ensured that most of the town’s residents gathered at a respectable distance around the large anomaly, unhindered by rainfall. Murmurs and hushed whispers amongst the candy-colored ponies communicated a sense of concern which quickly gave way to a collective gasp as metallic clanks resounded from the ship and the Hunter revealed herself at the top of the hatch. Samus turned to the crowd she gathered, her face obscured by her navy blue helmet and violet visor.

“Hi everypony,” the feminine voice spoke from the obscurity of the helmet. Once the town’s residents heard that, they immediately identified her as Samus, the alien and human-turned-human/Chozo hybrid, and the one at the forefront of the defense against the Phazon. They all immediately relaxed, some replying with a greeting of their own, before going about their business. Samus had to remember that she hadn’t toured the town in her Varia Suit for this exact reason: not to cause panic. Now that she was uncontested by that thought, she jumped off her ship and gently entered Twilight’s residence. She found all six of the Elements of Harmony fervently discussing important subject matter amongst themselves, but nevertheless, they perked up at Samus’s entrance.

“Hiya Samus!!” Pinkie Pie shouted, much to Samus’s chagrin. She had too much energy for the Hunter right now.

“There you are! We were wondering when you’d return,” Twilight spoke up, trotting up to the Hunter. “Nice new clothes, by the way,” she added with a smile, admiring Samus’s new suit.

“Indeed, darling! Even in battle you look absolutely stunning, my dear!” Rarity supported Twilights statement, walking circles around Samus and eyeing her new Astral Suit’s every detail. The rest of the ponies walked up to her as well and extended their own greetings, especially Rainbow Dash who kept nagging her to take her flying in her ship.

“Oh come ON! Samuuuuuus you said we would,” she whined while hovering in the air at Samus’s eye-level. Samus had just unequipped her suit, save for her grapple beam, which she had been starting to keep on her at all times.

“No, Rainbow Dash. I never said we would, I said ‘maybe.’ There’s no time for that,” Samus replied flatly while the prismatic-maned pegasus pouted. “Twilight, what’s happened while I was away?”

“Princess Celestia received a briefing as to the issues in Cloudsdale, which she finally declassified in entirety to the six of us, and she wanted to pass it on to you,” Twilight replied as she handed a scroll with a seal that said “Top Secret” with her magic. Samus took it and attempted to unravel it, but found that it wouldn’t open, no matter how hard she pulled at the flimsy paper. Her patience was thinning extremely fast.

“Explain…?” Samus asked.

“Whoops! It’s a magic seal keyed to your own aura. Give it a little juice and the seal will fall off,” Twilight replied, forgetting to tell the Hunter about classification of royal documents. Samus looked back at the scroll and let her Kinesis fire up lightly, enveloping the scroll in her light blue aura. The seal cracked and dissolved, rendering the scroll readable.

Okay that’s pretty cool… I’ll give them that. Need. Sleeeeeeep.

Everypony (plus one human) decided to get comfortable as Samus sat down in the armchair she always occupied and read the very detailed information brief… which she found ironic considering the name. The Elements watched quietly and patiently as Samus’s eyes carefully scanned the paper from left to right, her slightly pale face showing little emotion from her blue eyes and neutral lip position. After a couple of minutes, the Hunter set the scroll aside and tiredly rubbed her eyes with her left thumb and index finger, squeezing the bridge of her nose in the process.

“The poor girl, she’s so tired…” Twilight thought as she observed Samus’s movements and body language. Eventually, Samus sat up straight and gave a small look to each of the six ponies in the room, who nodded in a friendly manner in return.

“Alright. I guess we’re gonna have to go to Cloudsdale. Rainbow Dash, you’ve accepted this position in the Cloudsdale Weather Factory?” Samus confirmed.

“You betcha! The Princess called me up and I accepted in a heartbeat. Element of Loyalty, after all,” Dashie affirmed in her usual overconfident manner. Samus nodded.

“Very well. For the rest of you, it appears that, as to avoid splitting up the Element bearers and to have you close by to both use various talents of yours and in the off chance that the Elements need to be used, you’ll all be coming as well, I presume?” Samus asked, making sure that she was processing the information correctly.

“That’s correct,” Twilight answered for everypony. Samus nodded a few times and looked back to the scroll. The text stated that forward operations were to commence the next day during the evening. The scroll had also detailed that with their help and cooperation with the Equestrian Intelligence Agency, Celestia expected to be able to locate the source of the Phazon spreading and find out where it came from. The plan of attack, which would coincide with Samus’s rearmament, was to essentially follow the Phazon’s path that it trickled, eventually leading them to the core. Tentative? Easily, for things could easily go wrong and other random variables hadn’t necessarily been accounted for. Solid? Fairly. Samus had little opposition, as she would finally be able to get into the dirty work.

“Looks good to me. We leave tomorrow then, yes?” Samus inquired softly.

“Yup! We’re gonna stay here for the night an’ leave fer Cloudsdale tomorrow,” Applejack spoke up. Samus ran her hand through her hair and rubbed both her eyes with her knuckles. Samus was internally begging for some sleep.

“Alright, then I’ll see you all later,” Samus said with a yawn as she got up and walked to her room.

“Where’re you going… if you don’t mind me asking? And if you had time… I wanted to ask you a couple of ques…tions...” Fluttershy spoke up, getting ever more curious about the Hunter by the day; but her words trailed off as Samus stopped and turned around with one of the most tired but irritable expressions on her face. Fluttershy could have sworn she saw bags developing under her eyes and she sunk down and cowered a bit under her gaze.

“I got beaten the shit out of by a ghost, I’ve explored miles of Everfree and been assaulted by Pirate scouts who probably have called for reinforcements, explored mile after mile of antique fortress, and I just killed an ancient dragon that refused to die as much as Quadraxis.” Samus then took on a softer, almost pleading tone, her back hunched a little bit. “Forgive me if I’m being short with you but I haven’t slept fully since I arrived here… hell, even since I came from Planet Aether. I’ve been having nightmares waking me up for the time I’ve been here. Please, I promise to help and I’ll gladly answer any questions you may have but I’ve been running on fumes. I’m going the fuck to sleep. I’ll see everypony later,” Samus finally finished her micro-rant before disappearing into her room and closing the door. Alone in her room and with silence reigning, she let out a breath she had not known she was holding, and the only thing she spied was her large bed… which she had just named Sanctuary Bed.

By the Creators and all Chozo Elders, please bless me for what I’m about to receive…

She walked to the nicely sized bed, letting her hair down in the process, and let her body drop unaided into the cushy comfort. She was out like a light before her cheek even hit the pillow, her hair splaying out in random directions comically; the softest sound of deep breathing and the lightest snore resounding through the sound-proof room.

The Mane Six were left a little bit stunned at Samus’s sudden outburst that seemed so uncharacteristic for the soft spoken human, so they felt it was best to give her space and let her rest up.

“Did… Did I say something wrong?” Fluttershy asked very meekly and shamefully. The others were quick to comfort her.

“Shucks, sugarcube, ya ain’t said nothin’ wrong. Samus is just mighty tired,” Applejack said softly, patting her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Yeah, don’t worry too much, Shy. I’m sure you all remember what happens when I forget to sleep…” Twilight reminded the others. Everypony shuddered internally.

“Mhmm! I can also be a grumpy-grumpy pants when I don’t sleep…. Which is probably because I ate too much cake the day before,” Pinkie mused. The others looked at her incredulously.

“Really Pinks? I never thought you slept to be honest. I was almost sure that you ate enough sugar to keep you going for years,” Rainbow joked.

“When she crashes, she crashes hard,” Twilight emphasized and everypony giggled.

“But cake is just soooo good!”

“What’s a ‘Quadraxis'?” Dash asked.

[Day 3 in Equestria]

[Time: 23:41]

If one was to plant a camera to show time lapse in Samus’s room, one would expect to find her unconscious body fidgeting in her sleep and occasionally switching positions. However, that wouldn’t be the case here, as Samus didn’t move once from where she collapsed, nearly fourteen hours earlier. A couple of murmurs and subtle moans came from the unconscious form of the young Hunter before her eyes fluttered and groggily opened.

Samus was surprised to find it pitch-black outside and the time being what it was. She hadn’t remembered sleeping this long uninterrupted in a very long time. Sleeping for that long made her realize how much her muscles had been aching for proper rest since the Aether incident, as usually a random nightmare would wake her up or just her insomnia got the best of her.

She lifted her trunk up with her hands and stretched her back thoroughly before swinging her legs over the side of the bed and merely sitting, back straight. After rubbing the remnants of sleep out of her eyes and running her hands through her blonde hair to detangle and straighten it out a tad, she finally stood up and stretched fully for about five minutes, including a few acrobatic moves to loosen her body up.

Working up a light sweat, she was ready to figure things out now. She wasn’t able to sleep anymore, so she might as well have been productive. She strode into the bathroom and washed her face a bit. She was thinking about showering but felt a bit lazy at the moment and decided to do that in the morning when she, plus the Elements, left for Cloudsdale. Samus grabbed her red band and tied her hair up in her usual ponytail, letting two locks of her golden hair fall, framing her face and creating the look that was common to see when the Hunter was suit-less. She stared at the reflection in the mirror for a few moments before holstering her pistol and retreating to her room once more. However, she almost stepped on something that she hadn’t noticed in the darkness.

Samus hunched down and found a plate with three pieces of food on it, of what looked like some type of veggie sandwich cut into three triangles and some potato chips on the side as well as a glass of water. Under said glass was a note:

Hi Samus,

I’m sorry if I made you mad earlier… you were really tired. I thought you would probably be hungry so I made you something for when you woke up… I hope you don’t mind, that is.

Sweet dreams. You’ve earned it.


Samus couldn’t help but drop her stoic face into a kind smile, touched at the gesture. She made a mental note to thank her and apologize for her irritated outburst. Fluttershy was right though, Samus was starving… but she didn’t want to stay cooped up in the room right now.

Gingerly opening the door that lead into the common room, Samus found all six of the ponies sleeping soundly in close proximity to one another. Now, Samus hadn’t called anything ‘adorable’ or ‘cute’ in many, many years, but let’s say that she had to put a hand over her mouth to stifle a giddy giggle at the sight of them.

Brushing the thought off, Samus employed the help of her Kinesis and levitated the plate of food and glass of water as she tip-toed with grace towards the front door. However, the glass of water was a bit heavier than expected and since Samus was new to the levitation spells, holding it for a prolonged period (only about twenty seconds, really) caused the glass to waver out of her aura and almost fall right on Rarity’s face. Samus caught it in record time, cursing herself for clumsiness before slipping out the door, just opting to hold the plate with her left hand and clutch the glass to her bosom with the right, saving her any potential disaster.

Once outside and the door closed, Samus reprimanded herself for losing focus on the objects, yet reminded herself that she was probably the equivalent of a primary-school child in terms of magic. Gazing across the small square that lay in front of Twilight’s library, she opted to sit at a bench in the nearby park. It was light enough due to Luna’s moon, so Samus figured that she could enjoy a quiet dinner there.

She made her way to the bench and sat down, crossing her legs under her and digging into the delicately prepared food.

Why does everything taste so much better here?!

The sandwich was still fairly fresh, for she didn’t know exactly when it was prepared. The chips were crunchy and the water was cool. It worked for her, though she wasn’t sure if this would quench her appetite. Before Samus could dig into the second sandwich triangle, she heard a fluttering of wings and the sound of hooves landing delicately on the grass behind her.

“I did not expect to find you out here,” Princess Luna said delicately as she approached the seated Hunter. Samus turned her body, food still in her mouth, and gently waved to her.

“Hey Princess,” Samus finally was able to say after gulping her food down.

“Don’t you start with the formalities now… and you were doing so well!” Luna joked, taking a seat next to Samus. “Did you find what you sought?” Luna asked.

“I did. I received a new and very powerful weapon as well as a new suit. Had to go through hell to get it but either way, it works beautifully,” Samus responded in a more chipper manner than normal, most likely due to the sleep she restocked on.

“Most excellent. I’m sure it will aid us greatly in our fight against the Phazon,” Luna spoke.

“And the Pirates.”

“You know with certainty that they will arrive in force?” Luna asked. Samus nodded.

“Oh yes. You can bet on it. This, this whole situation…” Samus emphasized by waving her hand around. “… is going to get horrendously ugly before it gets better. I just hope you and Celestia are prepared to accept what is to come in the very near future.”

“Prepared? Yes. As diarchs of Equestria, we must be prepared to embrace anything. Is it our will to accept the circumstances? No. Not in the slightest. I’ve seen the effects of this Phazon. I’ve been to the afflicted areas. It is…” Luna could not finish her sentence as the images of earlier today and the previous day flashed into her head. The mutilated and mutated bodies as well as the Phazon insanity were enough to cause mental scars on their own. As well, the threat of invasion wasn’t taken too kindly in Luna’s mind.

“I notified the Galactic Federation, and they’re sending a fleet to the planet at my request and their best interest. Advanced medical technology which you can combine with your MedMagic, troops, supplies, and other logistics equipment are in tow. You’re not fighting this alone, Luna. And you can bet I’m not leaving until this Phazon is eradicated,” Samus spoke with conviction and reassurance. Luna, the toughest pony Samus had met so far, Lunar diarch of Equestria, seemed at her most vulnerable with everything compounding on her. She returned the Human’s reassurance with a thankful grin of her own.

“When this is over, Samus, don’t feel like you’re being forced to leave…” Luna alluded.

“What do you mean?”

“I know you’re a bounty hunter, and you go where you are called, especially with this Federation entity as your main employer, but you don’t have to leave immediately if you don’t want to,” Luna clarified just a little.

“Wait, are you alluding to what I think you’re alluding to?” Samus asked.

“I know enough about you from what you have told me and what I can gather from your dreams. You’re a warrior, through and through, yet you have your heart in the right place. I know, even as a warrior for hire, you would refuse payment if it meant the preservation of the innocent. I actually know that because you have done that before. I can relate to you… on a different level. I was the warrior of the family, still am, even in times of peace, but I digress. Because I can relate on some level, I have the ability to know and make that particular judgment of you. Just know that as a result, Equestria’s door is always open to you,” Luna finished.

Samus let her words sink in. Essentially, Luna was allowing Samus to reside in Equestria and Equis if she so chose to.

“Why?” Samus asked, having never dealt with an extension of an odd sense of ‘asylum.’ Luna turned to her with an incredulous smirk.

“Is it not that simple? Simply because you’re a powerful warrior with a good heart, which leads into the fact that I see you as a friend,” Luna confirmed. Samus turned her gaze to the sky, allowing the Lunar Alicorn’s words to sink in.

“You’re not being pressured or coerced into making a decision like that. It is still very early, and you have only been here a few days. But I learned from warding off your nightmares that after the… incident on the Moon known as K2-L and eventually, leaving the Planet known as Zebes…” Luna gathered her breath and thought how to say the next words carefully. “… you lack a land to call home.” Luna turned to Samus once more.

“I know this is sudden, but just know that you are always welcome here.”

Samus, in truth, didn’t know how to respond to that. Quickly running things over, she enjoyed the inhabitants of this planet and country, even though many could be rather quirky, the food was spectacular, and she could come and go as she pleased… it indeed sounded a lot like a home when put into retrospect. However, as much as the spontaneous side (however deeply it was buried) wanted to accept Luna’s offer immediately, she couldn’t do so in a clear conscience and mind, without accounting for other variables. Now was not the time to make that call. Samus opted to respond in a way that she deemed most appropriate for the situation, as well as to not betray all her emotions:

“I’ll consider it.”

“That is all I ask, Samus.”

Conversation died for a couple of minutes as the two enjoyed the silence and the scenery. Samus finished her food, stomach satiated to an extent.

“You kept my nightmares away?” Samus asked.

“You are performing a great deed for our nation and planet. As of right now, I feel the least I could do to aid you is to let you get a decent night’s sleep,” Luna said with a tinge of sarcasm and a friendly grin, the moonlight reflecting off her teal-blue eyes and accentuating her ethereal mane.

“Thanks,” Samus replied with a grateful tone and a small smile. Samus was starting to see Luna as a wonderful ally… maybe even as a friend; and she hadn’t had many of those since her Federation Police days.

“Not a problem. But before I go…” Luna began to say as she stood up from the bench, “I crafted something that you may find useful.”

Her horn glowed brightly and something materialized between the two of them after the magic that she casted exploded outward. Suspended a couple of feet in the air was a small ball of lavender energy.

“Have a good night, Hunter,” Luna spoke cordially as she took flight and flew into the night, Samus quickly losing track of her in the night sky. Her interest was quickly drawn to the object in front of her.

Standing up and equipping her Astral Suit, she moved forward and grasped the item and allowed its magic to course through her body. It moved to her helmet and her visor lit up brightly, the violet almost turning white from its luminosity. It eventually died down when Samus decided to fiddle with the visor controls.

[Aura Visor Acquired!]

[The Aura Visor taps into the magical dimension within Equis. Like the Thermal Visor is used to detect heat signatures and the X-Ray Visor is used to detect entities out of the visible spectrum of light, the Aura Visor allows detection of entities and magic which lay beyond the visible states of matter, illuminating the magic within the environment as well as individuals. Ideal for detecting magic potential (auras).]

Testing the new visor out, the environment faded into black. It reminded Samus of how the Echo Visor would dim the surroundings black. Any object that held magic was shown to be illuminated with varying degrees of intensity as well as different colors. From this visor she was able to conclude that Equis in and of itself had a magic-rich environment, although Samus wasn’t surprised.

With the help these ponies were willing to provide, as well as the smoothness that her rearmament was proceeding, Samus felt ready to tackle whatever lay in her path.

Although the little midnight snack was settling in her stomach and consequently, Samus started to feel a bit tired again. She felt that she could rest her eyes some more in preparation for Cloudsdale first thing in the morning.

The hunter unequipped her suit and silently strode back to the library, Luna’s words weighing in on her mind, but with even more resolve to stop the Phazon and beat back the Pirates.

One thing’s for sure… neither the Phazon nor the Pirates shall lay claim to Equis. I’ll ensure that.

Proofread/Beta-read/Edited by: Tatsurou

Author's Note:

Shit hitting the fan in Cloudsdale comes up next, ladies and gents. For right now, enjoy this 'intermediate' chapter with some character development... mmmMMMM do I love me some character development!

So what do you think about the offer Luna extended to our favorite Hunter clad in metal? What do you think Sammy should do or give consideration to? I look forward to hearing from you all and your opinions on this chapter... this is getting to be too much fun to write hahaha.

Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed and I look forward to reading the comments. Thanks for sticking with me once again :D

OH! AND shout out to my new Beta-reader/Editor^^

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