• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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5. A First

Metroid Equis

Chapter 5

A First

The Lunar Princess and Armor-clad Huntress had their respective horn and cannon aimed at the potential adversaries: the Chozo and Alicorn specters; waiting for the slightest aggressive movement as the entities stared the two down with their 'eyes.'

This isn't right… the Chozo ghosts only attacked me because of Phazon corruption. It hasn't spread this far yet...

Luna, however, was having different thoughts as she lit her horn up brighter:

Even the ghosts may succumb to the corruption of dark magic.

Samus fell back on her instinct… and what was the first thing she always did when confronted with a potentially threatening enemy?

[Recorded to Logbook]

[Morphology: Alicorn Spirit]

[Spectral Entity of Alicorn warriors deceased.

Alicorn Spirits are very similar to Chozo ghosts in the sense that they will mercilessly defend sacred artifacts and shrines. They are invulnerable to all weaponry, including your Power Beam. Their presence was artificially created through enchantment of their deceased bodies via magic, and as such, only magic may banish them from the mortal realm.

Warning: Large presence of aggressive magic potential detected. Exercise extreme caution.]

All she needed to know, although the magic addendum posed a problem. Luna, however, was quick to the solution:

"Samus, you deal with your Chozo ghosts. I'll take the Alicorn Spirits," Luna stated, spreading her legs into a fighting stance and lightly trotting side to side. Soon, the 'arms' and 'horns' of the entities began to glow; a sight both Samus and the Lunar Princess were fairly acquainted with. With great speed, both dashed in opposite directions and avoided the spectral bolts of hard magic and energy sent their way, seeking immediate cover behind random obelisks and pillars situated within the room.

After the initial volley, both Luna and Samus leaned out from their cover and returned fire, the Hunter rapid-firing her power beam and striking two of the three Chozo ghosts a couple of times, damaging them and sending them phasing out of the immediate space. Luna had been firing teal motes of hard magic much like Samus's Power Beam save for the color and composition. Samus only had a moment to admire the Alicorn's warrior-like precision in hitting her targets before the Spirits themselves phased out of existence. Luna quickly turned to Samus in the few second lull in the battle:

"Have you any form of assisted vision for such a scenario?" Luna asked. Samus only nodded and switched to her X-Ray visor, the very familiar beeps and workings of it resonating in her ears. Luna nodded back and her eyes shown a bright teal, augmenting her vision as well for the purpose. Samus spied the elusive ghosts and stepped out of her cover, firing continuously and in enormously rapid succession, following up with a missile launch. The one targeted ghost was overwhelmed and the missile struck it hard, ending its proverbial life as it phased out of the known universe for good. Luna had been concentrating her hard-magic fire on one of the spirits that dared get close to her, stunning it enough for her to magically bind it in her aura and pull its essence apart, undoing the enchantment and sending the first of three Alicorn spirits to the realm in which it belonged.

The first two victories warranted a counter attack from the aggressive spirits as they launched hard magic and hard energy back towards the duo. Samus jumped and rolled to the side, expertly avoiding two blasts from the remaining Chozo ghosts, who promptly repositioned themselves. However, what Samus didn't account for was the Alicorn spirit that set its 'sights' on her. As she came out of the roll, she suddenly felt her entire form bound by an unknown force, completely unable to move and being suspended in the air. She suddenly felt enormous constriction on her torso.


[Varia Suit bound by unknown force! Severe damage imminent!]

"Samus!" Luna shouted, directing her aura towards her and surrounding her suspended form. Luna's magic countered and subsequently undid the Spirit's own binding force, freeing Samus and letting her drop to the floor, breathing a bit harder than normal combat adrenaline should allow. The Spirit promptly escaped before Luna could go on the offensive, quickly jumping to her right to avoid a few hard magic projectiles. Samus quickly scurried to cover to check herself, checking her surroundings and warding off the two Chozo Ghosts momentarily.

"Samus, are you alright?" Luna called out from across the room.

"Y-yeah! That was a… new sensation," Samus commented back. She then charged her power beam and leaned out of cover, releasing the enormous ball of directed light towards a Ghost that was readying its own attack, striking it hard, before Samus unleashed another torrent of Power Beam rounds. One more missile finished the job, vanquishing the entity for eternity. She charged her beam once more before she felt something grab ahold of her midsection, startling her out of her stupor, and slamming her into the next obelisk over.

[Damage received. Defensive shielding: 72%]

[Varia Suit Integrity: Normal]

The notifications flooded Samus's periphery with valuable information as she righted herself, rolling to the side and avoiding another blast from the remaining Ghost. Checking her surroundings quickly, Luna was keeping the Alicorn Spirits' full attention. She flipped up back onto her feet and located the last Chozo Ghost, charging her beam once more.

I don't have time to deal with this. Another realm awaits you.

The Hunter aimed her cannon at the repositioning Ghost, however, the barrel lit up brighter before an enormous sound erupted from the cannon, a Super Missile being launched towards the remaining entity and striking it with merciless force. The Charged beam portion of the Missile Combination struck the ghost first as it separated from the missiles, the latter projectiles firing off in random directions before seeking their target once more. The final detonation of the missiles obliterated the deceased Chozo warrior's spirit, sending it to eternal peace. Samus quickly looked over to find Luna still engaged with the remaining Alicorn Spirits, her horn seeming to do endless work as it was firing constantly and attempting to grab one of the elusive and aggressive spirits. Samus dashed into cover.

"Luna, the Chozo Ghosts have been dealt with. How do you suggest I fight these things?" Samus called out in inquiry, not really being used to asking another how to combat an enemy. Samus had faced many enemies; enemies that were smaller than her to forty-times her size. She fought Plated Beetles. She fought Ridley many times. She fought Emperor Ing and Metroid Prime. Yet none of them had the apparent ability to bind her 'magically,' rendering Samus nigh completely defenseless. Samus had been afraid of many things in her struggles. To say she faced her enemies without fear would be lying. If she were to die at any moment, she would go down fighting. However, the thought of not being able to fight before her demise truly terrified her to some degree. She needed a way to fight magic.

"I'll do my best to override their magic if they bind you…" Luna began to say, ducking her head back into cover before returning fire and using a force spell to push the spirits away, unable to get a proper binding on one of them. "… but if I cannot, you need to use your new abilities to mentally counter their hold as best you can!" she finished. Samus nodded, as that was a way to defend herself.

"But what about to fight them, Luna?!" Samus yelled back somewhat impatiently, shooting a few rounds of her power beam towards the Spirits but feeling frustrated as the rounds phased right through them or were deflected entirely.

"You need to bind them with your magic as they do yours, then pull their essence apart!" Luna replied, dashing to alternate cover as she strafed the ghosts. "But your magic isn't potent enough, Samus!" Luna reminded her. The Hunter knew this well, but Samus was not going to be the useless one in this fight. She bounded over her cover and quickly slid to another downed obelisk in closer proximity to Luna. Checking that their attention was still on the greater threat, Samus concentrated diligently and fired up her Kinesis beam. The new conduit for magical energy in the grapple beam glowed a light blue and the somewhat weak magical aura enveloped one of the Spirits, which immediately began struggling. The tug on Samus's mind was enormous as a result.

"Luna! Bind it now!" Samus ordered, sweat starting to pour down her face as the Alicorn spirit struggled. Luna forced the second remaining one away and was able to bind the trapped one just as it broke free of Samus's hold. Samus cried out as her grasp was broken, feeling overly taxed mentally at the new sensation and let Luna do her work, searching for the sole remaining spirit.

Luna's magic held on tightly as she slowly undid the magical enchantments on the spirit, theoretically pulling it apart. The Alicorn Spirit was struggling enormously, slowing the process dramatically and Luna could only hope that Samus was able to keep the other spirit at bay lest said process of denaturizing be interrupted. Luna deduced that this Spirit belonged to that of a very powerful warrior with gargantuan willpower.

While Luna was doing her work, Samus came across the last spirit, however, it had repositioned out of her sight several times before coming to a halt several feet in front of her. Samus rolled to the side and stuck her arm out, activating her Kinesis once more and attempting to bind the spirit. However, the attack on the last Alicorn Spirit had left its mark on her and her mind simply couldn't hold the spell properly. She huffed and puffed, panting and yelling out as she attempted to keep it subdued but to no avail. The spirit broke free and initiated its own hold on her, suspending her several feet in the air. Luna could sense Samus was in trouble but denaturing the second Spirit was almost complete.

"Samus! Fight it! Fight with all you can muster and override its magic!" Luna commanded.

And fight she did. Samus mustered what energy she could to pour into her mental capacity to cast the counter-spell. She was seeing colors as she yelled out through gritted teeth. Her grapple beam lit up enormously but the Spirit only increased its hold. Soon enough, her Kinesis flickered and died out, Samus being drained completely. A ghastly hiss came from the spirit as it sensed no more fight from the Hunter, slamming her into the ground before swinging its head and casting her into another obelisk.

"Samus!" Luna yelled out in concern and some anguish, feeling a rush of guilt for not being able to help her. If she stopped the magic reversal the Spirit could effectively 'rebuild' itself and that would create a larger problem.

Just… a little bit more…!

Samus was breathing laboriously, her ears were ringing from the impact, and the mental taxation was leaving her physically drained. In her moment of disorientation, the spirit materialized next to her and bound her once more, this time constricting her midsection with enormous magical force. Her suit's warnings were ceasing to end as they flooded her visor one after the other, yet she was powerless to stop them, even as she attempted one last time to counter the binding. She could feel parts of the metal bending in ways they shouldn't, as well as a distinct metallic 'snapping' sound that chilled her disoriented form to the core; yet the warnings and notifications kept scrolling through her visor as it began to form some static after each one.


[Suit Integrity Compromised!]

[Shield Generator Damaged! Shielding Offline!]

[Critical Damage to Weapons Systems! Failsafe Activated! Arm Cannon Offline!]

[Ammunition Storage Ruptured! Missile Launcher Destroyed!]

[Unknown Item Lost!]

[Suit Critically Compromised! Emergency Abandonment Strongly Recommended!]

[Power Supply Damaged!]

The list continued on before the Spirit smacked her into the ground once more and threw her into another obelisk right as Luna finished and intervened, binding the Spirit. She poured all her magic could and proceeded to quickly denature the spirit, as it's confrontation with Samus had taken most of its attention. Soon, the last of the Spirits was terminated for good.

"Samus!" Luna called out once more to the prone form of the Hunter. Galloping over, Luna could see that Samus was alive, that much she had no concern over. However, her battle armor was compromised in several locations; her Arm Cannon appeared to have a fracture through the middle, and other parts of her suit appeared to have taken a fair amount of damage from the constriction spell.

Samus groaned as her vision clouded. She felt her form being turned over onto her back and she could make out her name being called.

"Samus! You're going to be alright! Stay with me okay?!" Luna yelled to her face attempting to garner her attention before she most likely passed out. Luna began charging her horn and casting an unknown spell on Samus.

Uhhh… I-I got my ass handed to me by a spirit?

Her thoughts were also cloudy and disoriented both from the premature mental taxation due to the magic usage as well as the beating she received from the Alicorn Spirit. She could barely make out what Luna was saying. Yet, even in her mind, her pride was still somewhat wounded.

Magic… Goddamn… you…

That was the last thought Samus had before she let the darkness take over and she slipped from consciousness.

Samus had a dreamless sleep and to be completely honest, she really had no idea how long she was out. It could have been days for all she knew, but yet it only felt like she received a ten minute nap. Soon, she began to hear voices around her. She felt her eyelids flutter and she eventually opened her eyes, revealing her blues to the white room. The first thing she noticed, however, was that she was in quite the lot of pain all around her midsection from her breasts down to her mid-abdomen. As she attempted the subtlest of moves she involuntarily elicited a hiss of pain. Her eyes also hurt a bit due to the light flooding the room. It was obviously sometime in the morning.

"She's awake!" a voice gently, yet with an alerting tone called out. Samus could hear foot (or hoof) steps surround the bed that she apparently was on.

"Samus? Can you hear us?" a voice asked softly. With a bit of thinking, the Hunter recognized it as Twilight's.

"Y-yeah…" Samus replied softly. She was able to sit herself up but hissed in pain the entire way. That cleared up her vision pretty fast although she still felt a bit groggy.

"Woah there, don't exert yourself just yet…" Luna stated, trotting to her side. A quick look around revealed that Twilight, Luna, and Fluttershy were in the room surrounding her.

"Where am I?" Samus asked, figuring that was a logical question.

"Ponyville Hospital Emergency Room. We enlisted the help of Fluttershy and Twilight after I was able to evacuate you from the shrine and the forest. Fluttershy provided medical care that helped cease further injury before we brought you here," Luna explained, concern evident in her ever stoic voice. Some things didn't add up though.

"What happened to my Varia Suit?" she asked, now just realizing that she wasn't in either her Varia or Zero Suit.

"I was able to magically tap your mind and calm your unconscious thoughts into willingly letting me physically disassemble your suit component by component. I sent an emergency magic communication to Celestia and Twilight about what had transpired before teleporting the pieces to the Library. Your suit is safe, albeit quite damaged," Luna explained again. Samus sighed internally at the news that her suit was safe. She'd have to take it to her ship to get it repaired but that wouldn't be a difficult task. She was more concerned that this was the first time she actually got beaten so bad that she lost consciousness and her suit had to be abandoned.

"I just… I can't fathom that I was…" Samus began to formulate proper words. Twilight, however, was able to infer based on what she was told:

"Defeated so easily?"

"I'd opt for 'beat the living shit out of.'" Samus rectified as she went deep in thought. She and Ridley had some nasty battles, but none really left her in that condition. She got screwed up by a ghost. But not just any ghost… a magical ghost.

"Well, there's a first time for everything I suppose, right?" Twilight asked. Samus only turned to her with a look that spoke volumes of wounded pride and promises of hurt. Twilight nervously giggled and backed up a bit.

"It is clear that you haven't experienced a foe with any sort of 'binding force' capabilities. As a result, it is necessary that you train your new abilities in the magical arts as soon as your Varia Suit is repaired. Celestia, Twilight, and I will instruct you in said magical arts to ensure that this doesn't happen again," Luna informed. Samus nodded before losing herself in her own thoughts. She knew this would be essential, but the thought of her becoming a student like her days in the Academy weren't too appealing, and her pride took another bit of a hit.

"I realize that this may be demeaning for you, but it is absolutely necessary that you are able to harness the power that may very well be used against you," Twilight spoke up once more.

"Yes, I'm very well aware of that," Samus replied a bit irritably, mostly due to her stomach, which, upon lifting the blanket, found that it was quite bruised all over.

"On another note, since it's safe to assume that the doctors and some others know of my presence, what's the damage?" Samus asked, inquiring on her condition.

"Oh, yes!" Luna piped up, levitating a clipboard to eyelevel. "Well, you didn't have many lacerations as your suit protected you from any true cuts, but you did receive some severe bruising on your abdominal area as well as some internal bleeding. You had four fractured ribs as well as some abnormal muscle tears. Nothing that couldn't be fixed with medical magic and a day's worth of rest. You're quite lucky, Samus. Levitation and Binding Magic is very dangerous when going up against one who may be skilled in the art of magical combat, unlike what you may be used to seeing from your Chozo," Luna commented.

So it seems… And here I was starting to think my Varia Suit was indestructible,
Samus thought sarcastically.

"Oh, also," Twilight began to speak. "You should be well enough to be discharged sometime in the afternoon as the magic is still doing its work. Celestia would like to speak with you when you do get discharged by the doctors; she will meet you when that happens. Said something about an assignment relating to the Phazon."


The two ponies gave the recovering Hunter some last words of information before they departed (especially Luna, who was absolutely exhausted), leaving Samus in the company of Fluttershy, who was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner of the hospital room.

"H-How are you feeling? If y-you don't mind… me asking t-that is…" Fluttershy inquired softly.

"Quite sore, but I'm definitely feeling better than when I passed out, that's for sure," Samus replied back.

"That's good. Would y-you like me to bring you anything?"

Samus didn't like being waited on hand and foot. She felt like an invalid. But, she didn't want to agitate the healing magic (which had an oddly warming presence inside her), so she reluctantly agreed and submitted to her hunger's demands.

"I'm actually a bit hungry now that you mention it…" Samus awkwardly threw out. Fluttershy perked up and smiled.

"Oh! I'll be right back with some soup then, don't you worry!" Fluttershy commented as she gently flew towards the door. However, before she could get there, Samus stopped her:

"Thank you, Fluttershy," the Hunter expressed sincerely. Fluttershy hovered and looked towards the bedded warrior, smiling once more.

"You're welcome, Samus," the yellow pegasus replied with more confidence before disappearing out the door. Samus could feel the sincerity and kindness rolling off the yellow/cream-colored pony, something she hadn't felt in quite a long time. It was comforting, considering her line of work involved almost everything attempting to do her harm, it was actually nice to be 'cut a break,' so to speak. That brought Samus into thinking about her situation as a whole. These ponies, threatened by the force she sought to destroy, were taking it in as much stride as they were able and never wavering in their generosity and overall gentility towards the blonde-haired veteran soldier.

Samus laid her head back against the headboard with these thoughts in mind. As they processed, Samus found herself doing something she hadn't felt compelled to do in a long time.

She smiled.

Author's Note:

Updated 3/05/2014.

Changelog: Removed shitty "physical suit abandonment button" and opted for something more believable without destroying the rest of the plotline.

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