• Published 4th Apr 2013
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Metroid Equis - Flammenwerfer

A meteor impacts the nation of Equestria, Planet Equis. Tranquility is quickly snuffed out when a poison begins to spread violently. The Princesses cannot combat this unknown threat, as no knowledge of it exists. Help comes from an unexpected source.

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14. On Two Fronts

Metroid Equis

Chapter 14

On Two Fronts

Nightmare Hunter had her arm cannon aimed straight at Luna’s face naught fifty feet away, whose facial expression of pure rage and hatred could burn a hole through her visor. Nightmare had to admit, at this point, the Princess of the Night was an enormous force to be reckoned with. Luna, in her long life-span, had seen ages of both peace and dreadful conflict. She had commanded armies and navies alike in the past and would show her enemies no mercy. As egocentric and goal-driven as Nightmare was, her former ethereal “host” would be absolutely no pushover by any skewed definition of the word. Still, she had an arsenal of advanced and deadly weaponry at her disposal, and that certainly would tip the balance somewhat.

Luna, however, was livid. Combined with the feelings that this was her own fault for not taking the mysteries of magic into account, and the fact that her worst fears actually became founded turned the Night Princess into a steaming ball of pure fury. All things considered, she could probably (and successfully) take on Samus, or in this case, the Nightmare, with her own hooves and horn. However, combined with the Nightmare’s enormous magical prowess, she felt that extra equipment would do well to aid her in this sacred battle.

Nightmare Hunter was about to attack but gently lowered her cannon as Luna’s form was eclipsed by a blinding light, colored to her teal-blue aura. The luminosity reflected off of Samus’s armor and even allowed visibility inside the visor temporarily. She had to avert her eyes temporarily as to how blinding the effect was, but once it was complete, Hunter laid her eyes on something that Equestria had never seen:

Luna opened her eyes and found her slender form encased in full-body, dark blue-colored armor made from purified Lunar metals and crystals. The armor itself was constructed from several plates and was as flexible as rubber, even more durable than Human Kevlar, and as reflective as Crystallian Quartzite. Her entire head and muzzle were also completely encased like an ancient “suit-of-armor” helmet, yet the ‘eyes’ were connected by teal-colored quartzite material, effectively obstructing her eyes from her aggressor; Her muzzle-piece had small holes poked in it to allow fresh air intake. As well, her horn, wings, mane and tail protruded cleanly through the normal places, unobstructed. Gone was the traditional Lunar Armor donned by her and, consequently, Nightmare Moon (what she ‘wore’ on Nightmare Night to scare the foals was merely an illusion spell); in its wake, lay a hybrid set of armor hoof-crafted by Luna herself bearing resemblance from Alicorn and Visitor designs. Luna glared back at her adversary, reared back, and stomped both front feet on the ground, cracking the hard rock beneath her.

“Such elegant and sophisticated armor…” Nightmare remarked, not letting her guard down.

“The battle with the Elements in the old castle destroyed my old armor-set. I merely crafted another over the years, gathering the materials on my own…” Luna replied matter-of-factly. Then her tone turned dark. Cinematic dialogue was over.

“I’m going to enjoy this… THIS ENDS NOW!” Luna screamed ancient war cry in her Royal Voice before charging straight at Samus’s alter-ego.

Nightmare quickly fired several power-beam rounds with deadly accuracy at the charging and raging alicorn, but to no avail, as every single round ricocheted harmlessly off her armor. At the last second, Luna’s horn lit up teal blue aura, but held a blinding luminosity on the appendage itself. Nightmare nearly missed being decapitated by the horn-turned-magical blade by rolling out of the way. A charged power beam shot was easily deflected as well and struck the bubble-shield high above them. Luna counterattacked with a rapid-fire torrent of her own Night Beam particles, which Hunter used her own magical prowess to shield herself from, (then flinging the barrier at Luna herself) while collecting information:

“Recorded to Logbook.”

[Life-form: Princess Luna of Equestria]

[Diarch of the nation of Equestria, she controls all which is the immediate surrounding night sky and the Moon. Enormous magical potential detected within life-form, equal to or debatably greater than that of Princess Celestia of Equestria, she is extraordinarily skilled in the art of combat including but not limited to melee, ranged, and magical. The armor she wears is all but impenetrable save for concussive blasts to certain points of weaker metallic density including the lower chest, the under-belly, and inner thighs. As well, generic weakness of pegasi and unicorns apply with the wings and horn respectively.]

Recommend maximum firepower in engagement!]

Hunter dug her heels in and fired a single missile at the Lunar Princess, which collided with her chest and exploded on contact, stopping her advance and forcing a grunt out of her but didn’t throw her off balance. Nightmare fired two more only to have them magically redirected back at her. She barely had time to react and deflected the first missile, but the second one found its mark in her stomach, forcing her off her feet and hitting the ground. No damage to the armor as the defensive shielding kept her completely safe and Hunter flipped back up on her feet. It was obvious she would have a harder time in ranged combat. A brief lull in the battle with distance between the two belligerents paved the way for some words:

“Really, Nightmare Hunter, I expected more from you. Samus would have put up a real fight should she and I have come to spar,” Luna taunted as she lit her horn to blade-capacity again and gently trot forward.

“Foolish Princess… have you no sense of probing strikes? And remember… I am Samus!” Nightmare responded before phasing into the morph ball module. Luna stopped in her tracks, as she had never laid eyes upon Samus’s morph ability. The mysterious armor encased ball began to roll around randomly so Luna couldn’t effectively track it, while it began to glow brighter and brighter. Without warning, the boost ball shot off directly at Luna with enormous velocity. The alicorn’s eyes widened considerably behind her own ‘visor’ and she rolled over her back to the left, narrowly missing taking a morph ball to her legs and undoubtedly having all her legs broken on contact.

She quickly got on all fours once again only to find the morph ball careening towards her again. No time to dodge, she spread her legs out and the ball pass right under her. In its wake, a static spherical object was left, which promptly exploded, sending Luna off her hooves.

“AAAHH!” Luna hit the ground hard, crying out as the concussive blast destroyed her sense of balance and she rolled. As she was about to get on her hooves and right herself once more, she saw Samus’s full form coming straight at her with cannon raised and a charged Night Beam shot ready to fire. Luna quickly shielded herself from the subsequent blast and returned fire, getting to her hooves quickly and closing the distance between the two. Nightmare Hunter lifted her cannon and had it parried by Luna’s hoof immediately, the super missile she armed firing off and striking the bubble shield. Luna then planted her left hoof straight into Nightmare’s visor having her stumble. Luna quickly turned around and intended to follow up with a buck to Nightmare’s chest but her aggressor easily dodged.

Capitalizing on the failed strike, Nightmare swung her cannon hard, striking Luna in her side and forcing her to stumble as well. Nightmare was about to follow up with a crippling hit to Luna’s wings when the latter encased the former in magic and flung her away, forcing the armor-clad Hunter to slam against the solid bubble shield. Luna regained her footing and had to remind herself of something very crucial:

Easy, Luna… if you kill the Nightmare, Samus dies as well. The Elements shall return soon, just keep her at bay until then.

Luna removed a large chunk of earth from the ground with her magic and flung it straight at the recovering Hunter at frightening velocity. Hunter managed to dodge… somewhat. The rock clipped the Astral pauldron as Luna galloped forward.

“Ach!” Hunter grunted out and aimed her cannon as she stumbled. A charged Night Beam shot found its target in Luna’s chest and the strike temporarily disabled her magic ability, as was a consequence of the Night Beam. Capitalizing on this, Hunter swung straight for Luna’s horn, which the latter dodged the strike by a hair and attempted a counterstrike by rearing up for a stomping attack. Nightmare recovered and sidestepped elegantly as Luna’s hooves came down and shattered the ground. The former followed up with a pounding-strike with her arm cannon right on Luna’s saddle… which sounded with an enormous “clang!” but the cannon was easily deflected.

Before Luna could even counter the failed attack, Nightmare grabbed Luna’s horn as it was charging up, a crippling move for the average unicorn.

Luna wasn’t an average unicorn.

She merely smiled and let her magic do the work, sending an electric current straight through Nightmare’s form, forcing her to cry out and convulse violently for several seconds before the former ceased her actions, Hunter releasing her grasp on the appendage and falling to her knees as her suit partially shorted out and was coming back online. Luna kicked her right-front hoof hard into Nightmare’s face, forcing her on her back.



Luna couldn’t declare victory yet as Hunter’s weapons systems were back online and the explosion of a super missile on her belly rocked her world, sending her flying and hitting the bubble shield high before dropping hard to the ground. Her abdominal armor was heavily cracked and not as tight fitting anymore; not to mention Luna’s breath had vacated her lungs and she had to magically calm her diaphragm so she could breathe again. She shakily got to her hooves, praising the fact that how little armor she had on her stomach prevented her from getting messily blown apart. Her own visor had a crack running through it, and looking at Nightmare Hunter, who had just got to her feet, she was in a relatively similar situation:

Hunter’s armor was singed and dented in several places, there was a crack through the right side of her visor running from top to bottom, and she looked like she developed a tiny limp. Unbeknownst to Luna, one of the collisions with the ground had rendered Hunter’s Space Jump boots and boosters inoperable. With the lull in the battle, Hunter decided to make some manual modifications:

[Select Weapon Systems]//

[x] Beam Weapons [ ] Missile Systems [ ] Bombs//

[x] Fire Governor//

[ ] Enable (Recommended) [x] Disable//

[Success: Fire Governor removed. Beam weapons now Fully Automatic]

[Warning! Automatic fire can potentially damage arm cannon systems. Exercise caution.]

Luna had charged her horn once more and aimed straight for the Hunter, who was aiming her cannon once more. The latter opened fire, releasing a rapid-fire, fully automatic torrent of Night Beam rounds. Each one found its mark somewhere on the Lunar Princess’s armor, but they weren’t deflected like the Power Beam shots. While they did negligible damage to Luna’s armor, they slowed her down, and the automatic (and magical) nature of the weapon was ever so slowly but surely degrading her armor. She called upon a heavy barrier, which absorbed all the rounds until a charged shot shattered it. Luna released her magical tension as Hunter’s arm cannon overheated and had to cool down. Luna took that opportunity to advance slowly.

“My dear Princess… you know you cannot exact your pitiful ‘vengeance’ on me. If you do, I will die… Samus will die.”

Luna chuckled darkly as she continued her hard breathing. Her muscles were aching and she was certain she had at least one broken bone somewhere, not to mention all the bruises. Nightmare had given her a hard fight… that was for certain. Either way, Hunter and Luna independently realized that nopony would end up dying in this battle between them: Luna couldn’t eliminate the Nightmare without killing Samus in the process, and Nightmare had really no interest in killing Luna, rather she wanted her to submit to her. Naturally, their full potentials were forgone.

Luna charged her horn and teleported out of existence. This put Hunter immediately on guard and she switched through all her visors, attempting to find her hidden foe. However, Luna’s cunning proved too much and the former reappeared directly behind Nightmare and her ‘blade-horn’ left a nice gash up her back, cutting through the armor easily before turning around and bucking her straight in the small of her back, forcing her to face-plant in the ground.

“I know that perfectly well, Nightmare. Indeed, I had to remind myself that I couldn’t wipe your essence and the scourge you are from Equestria. However, that does not mean that I cannot, using the language of my younger subjects, ‘beat the living shit out of you!’”

Hunter rolled her body horizontally as Night Beam rounds trailed her. She then flipped up on her feet and shot her grapple beam straight at Luna’s horn, which found its target. Completely immobilized by the new sensation (on top of her magical connectivity somehow failing) and out of shock, Hunter flew through the air as she retracted her beam, forcing the two of them together and consequently Nightmare’s boot found Luna’s face. The sound of metal hitting metal with such force was deafening, and Luna’s head lay limp momentarily from the strike, allowing Nightmare Hunter to sweep Luna off her legs, forcing her to the ground. Luna’s head was spinning and as she lifted it up to find her adversary, it was immediately kicked back down as Hunter walked by.

Luna cursed herself for not anticipating the Grapple Beam… then again she had never seen it used, much like the Morph Ball. Hunter paced around Luna’s aching and vertigo-ridden form.

“You can’t kill me, Luna… nor do I have the desire to end your miserable existence. As a result, this battle will merely be tit-for-tat, inflicting devastating strikes on each other, until we both die of sheer exhaustion.”

Luna noticed some movement out of the corner of her eye, outside of the bubble shield. She grinned externally, as her facial expressions were well hidden by her helmet. She merely kept her ruse of being incapacitated.

“I don’t want your life, Luna… I want you to submit to me.” Hunter placed her boot on Luna’s neck, pressing it down. The shield behind Hunter slowly whittled away and a hole was silently made behind Samus’s alter-ego. It was time… and Luna only chuckled again.

“You first…” she replied as shadows were casted from bright light behind them. Hunter immediately turned and aimed her cannon, finding all the Elements of Harmony in perfect formation, the ponies already floating in the air and ready to fire.

“No!” Hunter charged a Night Round and aimed straight for Twilight. In the blink of an eye, Luna called forth a large chunk of her magic, broke the Grapple Beam’s effect, and gripped Nightmare’s cannon and aimed it upwards, the round striking the bubble shield ceiling. At the same time, Luna delivered another, much more powerful magical-electrical shock into her adversary. The voltage and amperage were so intense, Hunter’s Astral Suit completely shorted out, even more so than Samus’s systems had ever experienced, and forced a “force-shutdown” of the suit, having it completely unequip from her body. Luna ceased the current and Hunter stood there, imposing in Samus’s body, still convulsing. Before she collapsed, the Harmony beam shot through her body, completely cleansing Samus’s own form and mind of the Nightmare and forcing it into the deep recesses of her mindscape. After the luminosity of the beam died down and eventually ceased, Samus stood there, unconscious with her Zero-Suit its normal color, and collapsed forward on the ground.

Luna sighed in victory as she laid her head on the ground. What she hadn’t noticed was that Princess Celestia and a squad of Guards were also with the Elements, who came rushing to both her and Samus.

“Lulu!!” Celestia screamed as she was by her side instantly. “Are you alright??”

“I’m more than ‘alright,’ sister… I’m soooo much better than that,” Luna spoke, high off her little victory over her former alter-ego. She unequipped her own armor and just laid there in her own flesh and fur.

“But… I am a bit tired. Can I go sleep, Celly?”

“Of course, Luna… Well done,” Celestia smiled down at her younger sister, who returned the gesture with great love.

“Guards! Take her away to the castle. Make sure she’s treated for any wounds she may have and just put her to bed,” Celestia ordered, to which her guards complied immediately, taking the Lunar Princess away in a chariot. Next to deal with was with Samus, who seemed in good shape.

“Is she alright?” Celestia asked concernedly. All six of the Elements had rolled her on her back and made sure she was in good condition.

“Y-Yes Princess. She’s alive and stable but completely knocked out right now…” Fluttershy answered.

“The Harmony Beam must have healed any injuries she sustained when it purged the Nightmare from her body,” Twilight deduced. Celestia shook her head.

"Indeed... although with her novice magical ability and rather dark thought process, it would only be a matter of time before the Nightmare manifests itself again..." Celestia conceded. The others gasped at the revelation and began to murmur amongst themselves.

“Well, what do we do now?” Rainbow Dash asked, adjusting her amulet.

“For now, I’m not too sure. We’ll have to think about that one. But let's get Samus inside. She looks like she’s not in any need of medical treatment, so just put her in her bed. Go.”

The others nodded and helped hoist the Hunter off the ground, not wanting to expose her to more magic than she was already, and took her inside the Library.

Samus groggily awoke from her sleep… and that’s what startled her out of her mind.

I’m awake!

She sat up immediately, albeit with some residual pain, and felt all over her body, making sure this wasn’t another mindscape anomaly. Satisfied that she wasn’t having a lucid dream or being held prisoner in her own mind, she sighed tiredly.

Well… that was definitely new.

“Good morning, Samus,” a voice uttered softly. Samus turned abruptly to the origin of the voice, finding Princess Celestia sitting on a rug with a pillow, reading some scrolls.

“Indeed… how long was I out?”

“About 23 hours. Luna really roughed you up, on top of the whole ordeal,” Celestia commented, dropping the scroll and looking at the Hunter, whose face held the expression of having many questions.

“What do you mean she ‘roughed me up?’” Samus asked, having a vague idea but still wanting details.

“Firstly, do you have any idea what happened to you?”

“Nightmare Hunter was apparently born of my darkest thoughts, manifested through a magical conduit from Luna’s work on my suit on top of my own magical inexperience… at least that’s what Nightmare told me…” Samus recalled, more than a bit peeved at the whole situation. Celestia nodded.

“Indeed. Luna was on her way to notify you when disaster struck. She still would like to talk to you about the whole ordeal when she finishes resting and healing up.”

“Does this have anything to do with the skull-splitting headaches and nightmares I’ve been having with higher frequency?” Samus asked, attempting to connect dots.

“Unfortunately yes. Nightmare took over your corporeal form and donned your battle armor. Luna was able to defeat her and allow for an opening for the Elements of Harmony to purge the Nightmare from the physical plane of your form.”

“But from the way that sounds, Nightmare still lives within me?”

“In some sense... More along the lines of your inexperience coupled with your thought manifestations can very likely trigger a re-manifestation, albeit a lesser probability of that occurring due to Element usage. While the possibility of a relapse is much smaller, your inability to resist magic manipulation, mental and physical, due to your novice abilities will not play in your favor,” Celestia revealed. Samus pursed her lips and looked at her sheet-covered legs, thinking.

“So… what do we do then?”

“All day yesterday, while you were still unconscious, I had a theory and I consulted Luna as well as the Elements about what they ultimately thought. Originally, I had planned to completely sever your link to magic, but that would prove more cumbersome, as your gained weaponry and equipment would have been for naught. As well, your defense against magic would have been nonexistent, so you need magic. That was quickly ruled out.”

“Understandable,” Samus spoke, urging Celestia on.

“My final theory was simply this: I want you to absorb the Elements of Harmony.”

Silence. Complete silence. Samus knew exactly what the Elements were after she went on a reading binge, and she knew the extent of their enormous power.

“…What? Is that even possible?” she asked with incredulity.

“Very much so. The elemental adornments themselves are nothing but magic taking a physical form when needed. I can render them back into their base magical entities and you can absorb them into your magical essence. Ideally, all elements absorbed into you would make you pretty much immune to any unwilling relapse. They’re just rendered inoperable by the normal bearers which can, of course, cause problems should their need for use arise. As well, with your novice ability, absorbing so much magical energy at once would pretty much vaporize you instantly. Even now with the option of starting you with only one element, is questionable,” Celestia thoroughly explained.

“From what it seems like, that’s our only shot…” Samus remarked.

“Quite. Consulting the Elements, Fluttershy volunteered to let you take her Element of Kindness into your being. You will, of course, not be replacing her as the bearer, but merely ‘holding onto it.’”

Celestia then opened a small chest that she had by her side, revealing a glowing pink orb of pure magic. Inside it spun a three-dimensional image of a butterfly. Samus admitted, the amount of power nested within the Elements themselves was a bit unnerving. She also felt that she should be rightfully irritated and angry at both Luna and Celestia for this whole Nightmare Hunter ordeal, but then again they didn’t really see this coming right off the bat. It seemed as bad if not worse than having Dark Samus stalking her back on Aether.

Still trying to decide what’s actually worse… Dark Samus or Nightmare Hunter.

“Very well. Shall we?” Samus asked, wanting to get things over with. Celestia nodded and Samus got up off the bed. She stretched her tight and sore muscles before facing the Solar Alicorn. Samus still figured she had to repair her suit, and it wasn’t necessary for absorption of the Element.

Celestia released the element and let it float in the middle of the room.

“Whenever you’re ready,” she encouraged, backing away and letting Samus have her space. Ensuring her grapple beam was still on her, ensuring magical link, she stepped forward and grasped the ball of magic, which immediately diffused to her arm.

Samus felt pure magic course through her every muscle once more and it exploded out from her arm, before trailing back to her chest, where the essence came to rest right on her heart, lighting up in the form of three butterflies before disappearing. Samus’s eyes pulsed pink four times before her eyes returned to normal. The absorption was an oddly warming sensation. The console on her arm lit up in notification:

[Element of Harmony Acquired!]

[This is the Element of Kindness: the first of six.]

No other information was available at the moment, and this reminded her somewhat of collecting the Chozo Artifacts on Tallon IV… if only a little. Samus dismissed the notification and looked to Celestia, who seemed dumbfounded.

“Well… you absorbed that with little issue! It is as if the Element found itself at home within you… most interesting.

Samus said nothing, and merely allowed Celestia to physically and magically observe her. She too didn’t expect the Element to embed itself within her so smoothly. She half expected to be knocked unconscious from sheer magic overload. She dismissed the notion, figuring there were reasons beyond her for the Element’s simple infusion. However, she felt compelled to say something:

“Thank you, Celestia. This will hopefully keep everything in check for a while I can absorb another. Thanks for taking care of me,” Samus spoke with a very soft tone that even shocked her after the words left her mouth. Celestia grinned at her knowingly.

“Oh, there may be some small… side-effects relative to which Element you absorb. Nothing bad, but… let’s just say that was very kind of you to say.”

Samus had never been a terrible person… in fact she had willingly put her life in danger countless times for civilians as a part of the Federation Police, Army, and even now as a bounty hunter, when she had no obligation but to do her assigned job. Anyone would see these selfless acts of nobility as truly kind, but Samus never saw it as that, merely as obligation to be a good person in the line of duty… at least that’s what she told herself.

Samus rolled her eyes and was about to say something before several screams from outside pierced the silence. The Hunter and Princess both looked at each other before storming out of the room, finding Twilight frantically entering back into the Library. The young librarian found the two of them immediately.

“Princess! Samus! Something is really wrong…” Twilight uttered in a truly terrified tone. She then beckoned for the both of them to come outside. The two obliged and as they stepped foot into the town, they found countless ponies eyeing the sky. It wasn’t hard to miss.

There in the atmosphere suspended was the enormous warship which Samus easily recognized, considering she had single-handedly destroyed one before (although it was smaller than the one currently in the sky). On cue, several other ships pierced the atmosphere and took formation beside the Mothership-class warship.

Samus gasped softly at the finality of the Space Pirate’s arrival. She clenched her fists and equipped her suit. The rest of the Mane Six formed next to Twilight and Celestia stood next to Samus, eyes wide and mouth gently agape. She knew they were coming… Samus had told her. But she had no idea that this was a fleet of warships. As one used to seeing actual water-based navies, the sight of a fleet of starships for the first time had genuinely frightened the Solar Alicorn.

“Celestia, I want all major towns and cities to start evacuating immediately. Deploy any forces you can to assist! Wake Luna up as well, you’ll need every soldier and Guard you can to aid. Go, NOW!” Samus ordered. Celestia nodded and mentally sent an urgent message to Luna before barking out commands in her royal voice to the ponies of Ponyville, who followed her without question albeit with a reasonable degree of panic. Celestia would not tolerate pandemonium right now and neither would Samus.

“Get the civilians out of Ponyville, but it will still be our Base of Operations. I’ll meet up with you later!” Samus spoke with commanding authority, leaving no room for negotiation as she ran and jumped up into her ship. She got inside and into the pilot’s seat and keyed in the necessary starting commands. She sent an urgent message to Federation High Command about the arrival of the Pirate Fleet before her ship lifted off the ground.

Here we go…

Author's Note:

Edited/Rewritten 15/04/2014

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