• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,812 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Sister, Sister

The fresh air of the park wafted by everypony's muzzle as they strolled along.

“We'll be hostin' the Sisterhooves Social again real soon,” Applejack said. She pushed the brim of her hat forward and smiled over her shoulder. “Rarity, reckon y'all might wanna come and enjoy the festivities?”

“Applejack, darling, do define 'y'all' if you wouldn't mind.”

“Why... you and Sweetie Belle, of course.”

“To be perfectly honest, I've never attended one of these functions on your farm. Just exactly what does it entail?”

“Well, there's the potato sack race, the tug'o'war, the obstacle course—”

“Ooooooh-eeeeuuughhh! No no no no no!” Rarity flinched in mid-trot, pulling her nose up to the air. “Those all sound like outdoor activities that involve a great deal of mud and... nnnngh... sweat,” she squeaked.

“Well, darn tootin'!”

“Hmmph! Most uncouth! I shan't allow myself to be exposed to such grotesque activities! Why, the very idea of it makes my coat hairs stand on end and I haven't brought my brush with me!”

“Awwwww come on, Rarity.” Applejack gave an exasperated smile. “Don'tcha know how to have fun?”

“Yes! And in a clean and controlled environment, for that matter!”

“I'm willin' to bet Sweetie Belle would absolutely love being taken to the Sisterhooves Social. She dotes on ya somethin' fierce.”

“Sweetie Belle and I have our own ways of having fun, thank you very much.”

“How?” Applejack stared at the mare with dull eyes. “Havin' a squat in the boutique and makin' heaps of dresses?”

“Why, yes! Of course!”

Applejack rolled her eyes and chuckled.

“Don't you give me that face!” Rarity exclaimed.

“Rarity...” Twilight leaned in with a smile. “What I think Applejack's trying to get at is that Sweetie Belle might enjoy a change in activities for once.”

“I think she's perfectly fine and healthy where she is.”

“She loves her big sister!” Applejack exclaimed. “And how better to show her affections than at a kickin' event with tons of other ponies doin' the same thang?”

“Applejack, you can't force her,” Twilight said. “After all, Rarity's a busy mare.”

“Most definitely,” Rarity huffed.

“Too busy for a one-day sprint around the obstacle course?” Applejack remarked.

“When I was younger, I always wanted to hang out with my BBBFF,” Twilight said.

“Your what?” Fluttershy interjected.

“Big Basket of Bouncing Fried Fritters?!” Pinkie Pie drooled.

“Pinkie Pie, honestly.” Rarity rolled her eyes. “You just ate.”

“Yeah, but that was for my second favorite stomach!”

Rarity blinked crookedly. “Huh...?”

Twilight giggled, then said, “I mean my Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

“Ohhhhhhhh...” Applejack nodded. “What's his name again? Shovel Knight?”

Shining Armor.” Twilight cleared her throat. “Anyways, like I was saying, there were times when I wanted very badly to hang out with him again. Only—we couldn't, because he had joined the Canterlot Royal Guard and was too busy to get together.”

“Awwwww...” Fluttershy's ears folded. “You must have been sad.”

“Yes. But I also knew that he had important things to do, and none of them ever stopped him from showing me in little ways—all the time—how much he cared for me.” After a happy sigh, Twilight turned towards Rarity. “Rarity, I'm sure you're always giving Sweetie Belle little signs of affection here and there, yes?”

“I-I think I may have stepped in some tree sap!” Rarity exclaimed in a frail voice. She lifted her hoof and grimaced, pulling at a pine needle stuck to her fetlock. “Ewwww-wwwww! GetitoffGetitoffGetitoff!”

Twilight sighed, staring down at the ground.

“Allow me.” Applejack crossed the path and yanked the pine needle off of Rarity's hoof. “Just dip it in a sink with some soap. You'll be fine.”

“See? This is exactly why Ponyville should have more lawn care workers!”

Applejack raised her eyebrow with a smirk. “But yer alive and well, ain'tcha?”


“You got yerself a might bit dirty, but it didn't killa ya, now did it?”


“Rarity, just give the Sisterhooves Social a thought, okay?” Applejack winked. “I bet it'd be mighty generous of y'all to bring Sweetie Belle along. Ya feel me?”


“If it helps, Rarity, I'll come along with the two of you,” Fluttershy said with a smile.

“You, Fluttershy?” Rarity turned to blink at her. “But all of your siblings are in Cloudsdale.”

Fluttershy weathered a sigh, her ears drooping. “I know.” She swallowed and looked up with a brave smile. “But I would very much enjoy watching all of the little fillies galloping around with their big sisters. Including Sweetie Belle and you.” She flapped her wings with a warm smile. “Sooooo cuuuuuute...”

“Hmmm...” Rarity stirred. “Sweetie Belle certainly has her adorable qualities. Hmmmm... I wonder if I could let her fashion my 'country wear' in front of everypony...”

“Ennngh...” Applejack rolled her eyes and trotted along. “Thatta girl, Rarity... I think.”

“Besides, I wouldn't mind being at Sweet Apple Acres with those I care for during such a happy event.” Fluttershy turned and smiled at Applejack. “I think it would almost feel... like being around family.”

Applejack paused to smile back at Fluttershy. She tilted her head up. “How about you, Rainbow Dash? Come to think of it, I don't recall you ever tellin' us if you had any siblings at all.”

Rainbow Dash was presently busy with flying into a tree branch. CLONK! “Guh!” Her eyes snapped open and she jerked around in mid-air. “Who?! Where?! What?!”

Rarity and Fluttershy winced.

Pinkie Pie slid forward. “Watch out for that first one, Dashie! It's a doozy!”

“First... one...?” Rainbow Dash blindly flew forward. CLONK! She ran into another branch. “Augh! Luna darn it!”

Twilight bit her lip. “Rainbow... uhhh... maybe you should take Applejack's advice from earlier and go home to get some sleep.”

“Mmmmphh... screw that...” Rainbow hovered above them, rubbing her fuzzy blue forehead. “I wanna hang out with you guys.” She stifled a yawn and leaned comfortably against a tree trunk. “It's fun... n'stuff...”

“Slumber brings with it an enjoyable quality all on its own,” Rarity said with a smile. “I promise you that we won't be offended.”

“Ghhhh... wh-who's offending who?” Rainbow slid down the tree until she landed on her hooves. She almost stumbled, wincing at the numbness growing in her joints. “I just haven't had a chance to hang out with everyone of you and I want to make up for it.”

“Rainbow Dash, we know you've been very busy as of late,” Twilight said. “And we enjoy every chance we get to see you. But please, don't do it at the risk of your health.”

“Health?” Rainbow blinked.

“Whatever you've been delivering as of late, it's really worn you out!” Twilight pointed. “And I'm almost scared to ask where you got those bruises.”

“Oh... uhm...” Rainbow Dash unfolded a wing to block a slight splotch of discoloration along her left side. “Eheh... So I took a little tumble while... uhm... unpacking boxes.”

“Must have been some heavy boxes!” Pinkie Pie bounced across the path. “I can relate! The cake batter delivery crates fall over me all the time when I unload them at Sugarcube Corner!”

“Pinkie!” Rarity gasped. “You should be more careful!”

“Or maybe I should stop trying to open them with my mouth!” Pinkie giggled inwardly. “It was almost worth it once for the icing package that uppercutted me!”

“Honestly,” Rarity rolled her eyes.

“Guys, I'm fine,” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “I didn't treat you this morning because I wanted you to worry.” She smiled tiredly. “It's a really awesome day, and you're all awesome friends.” She shrugged. “Live it up, y'know? Cuz there may come a time when... th-that won't be such an easy thing to do...”

Fluttershy gazed through the group, her eyes cascading worriedly over Rainbow's features.

Rainbow winced and looked aside.

“Well, I don't know about y'all, but I'm lookin' forward to the Sisterhooves Social this year,” Applejack said. “With all the good luck that's hit our farm, Granny's plannin' on makin' this an event to remember! So, if y'all wanna 'live it up' like Rainbow's sayin', I cordially invite each and everyone of ya. Sisters or not.” She winked. “'Cuz I'm happy to have y'all as friends, and that makes ya like sisters to me.”

“Awwwwww...” Twilight blushed. “Applejack, that's so sweet.”

“Yaaay,” Fluttershy strategically cooed.

“Heeheehee!” Pinkie Pie slid in and wrapped a forelimb around Rainbow Dash's shoulder. “Ya hear that, Dashie?! We're all like sisters to each other! Heeeeeee!”

Rainbow Dash stared across the way at Applejack's figure as the farm mare resumed trotting down the road. “Uhm... yeah...” Rainbow gulped. “Like sisters... sw-swell...”

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