• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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A Leap to the Past


"I don't think this dragon wants to stay down!" Stu Leaves shouted from his cockpit.

"Rrrrgh!" Donut Joe grunted, swinging his control sticks wildly and forcing the building-mech's "arms" to swing. "Punch it!"

"But what if it isn't enough to end this dream?!" Stu exclaimed.

"Punch it harder!"

"Uhhhh..." Rainbow was sticking her head out the cockpit, staring up at the sky above. "Guys...?"

"Just a few more hits!" Donut Joe panted, sweating as he beat the dragon's face in. "A few more cracked teeth and we'll be making progress!"

"Don't look now, but the mule's dropping!"

"Ah jeez!" Stu covered his head.

Rainbow sighed from across the hollow jaeger. "Not that kind of dropping, ya melon fudge—"

Fwissssssh! Mulia Mild sailed straight past them, trailing a stream of glitter and sparkles. The sheer force of her flyby produced a sonic blast that knocked the jaeger back. While the dragon was still sprawled on the ground, Mulia perched on its skull. The mule raised her staff, took a deep breath, and shoved it straight down between the beast's eyes.

"What in the hay is she—" Rainbow stopped in mid-sentence, gawking.

"Holy Hertz!" Donut Joe gasped.

Before their eyes, the dragon's skin rolled back, revealing a paper shell. What was once a beast of burning fury had been reduced to wicker effigy. Within the span of three blinks, Mulia yanked the scepter back up, and the entire wicker shell retracted like wind-up blinds. The material imploded, compressed on itself, and funneled into a cylinder at the end of Mulia's scepter.

Calmly, Mulia Mild twirled the scepter over her head and flicked it.


A giant paper crane formed at the end of her rod. The mule whistled a tune, and the bird's wings flapped while its origami head jabbed forward with several tap-tap-taps. The sound of glass cracking lit the air. All three ponies inside the giant mech craned their necks to get a better look. The solid air in front of the enormous paper crane was growing more and more distorted, as if the paper beak of the effigy was striking an invisible solid right in front of Mulia.

At last, after several more heavy taps of the relentless bird—CRACKK!—the fissure burst open, bright white and pulsating. All matter and sediment directly outside the portal were immediately sucked in, along with Mulia herself.

"Whoah..." Donut Joe spoke out the side of his muzzle. "Did that broad just do what I think she did?"

Epcot flitted by, carrying several loose cherry blossom petals. "YES." The sphere swiftly dove through the white slit after Mulia.

"Uhhhh..." Stu tilted his head about. "...Rainbow?"

"I see it!" Rainbow dove out of her cockpit then swung by the other two seats. "Hold on, boys!"

Donut and Stu gasped as Rainbow dragged them out of the collapsing mech and down towards the fissure. The city buildings bent and shattered all around them. Debris and street signs flew past them as they made a mad dash for the swiftly shrinking portal.

"Ah cheese!" Joe whimpered. "Ah cheese and crackers!"

"How I hate this parrrrrt." Stu covered his face with his hooves.

"Nnnnghhhh!" Rainbow gritted her teeth to the breaking point, twirled, and threaded the three of them through the fissure.


All three of them landed on a soft patch of sprigy grass. A blue sky stretched overhead, framed by tall mountains covered in majestic forests.

"Mmmff..." Stu wince, rolling onto his back like a giant fuzzy cockroach. "Now where in Celestia's name are we?"

"Hopefully someplace a little less fruity than that last spot," Donut Joe grunted. He stood up straight, looking around. "Mulia? Mulia Mild?"

"I'm right here, Mr. Joe."

"Please, it's just Joe." Joe exhaled through a relieved smiled. "Wowsers... it's so good to have you back. I mean... you are back, right?"

"More or less..." The mule stood before them, fidgeting in her ridiculously colorful dress. "I... haven't had fantasies like that since I was just a little darling." A shudder ran through her. "I can't believe how embarrassing this has been. I swear, Serenity Shindig is going to pay."

"One thing at a time," Stu Leaves said. "Just where are we?"

"More importantly!" Rainbow Dash stood up, then flapped her wings for lift. "Whose is this place?"

"Is this even another dream?" Donut Joe asked.

FLASH! Epcot appeared, wearing a flowing pink dress with an elaborate metal tiara fitted with three golden triangles. "I would most certainly say so! Heehee! You're all making great time, my little ponies!"

"Epcot...?" Stu winced. "What in the heck are you wearing?"

"You know what...?" Epcot did a little twirl, smiling. "I don't know! It certainly shimmers, doesn't it?" She pointed casually past them. "Maybe you should ask him!"

All four figures spun around.

SCHIIIING! A long blade reflected their gasping faces.

A lumbering griffon with a pelican beak and grayish feathers shuffled up, pointing a sword at their gawking faces. He wore a green tunic with a matching cap. "Are they bothering you, fair Princess?"

"Who, me?" Epcot batted her eyelashes. "Oh no. Hehe. They're my friends... er... well..." She blushed slightly, curtsying. "At least the closest thing I've had to such."

"Quite likely they have bewitched you and compromised your wisdom!" The pelican glared, beak clattering. "It matters little, for I will vanquish them back into the mist-laden forests!"

"Gustave?" Donut Joe wheezed. "Gustave le Grand?"

"Butter my biscuits," Mulia said, shuddering. "Now I don't feel so embarrassed..."

Gustave frowned. "Well excuuuuuuuuse me! Just whose kingdom is this?"

"Rainbow...?" Stu murmured aside, keeping his eyes trained on Gustave and his blue-hilted sword. "...any thoughts."

"... ... ..." Rainbow took a shuddering breath. "Yeah... AJ isn't here..."

"Does that mean what I think it means?"

"Yeah." Rainbow shuddered, her eyes glossy. "...Shindig's chosen her as her heir..."

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