• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Safe and Sugary

"I... I guess I have no choice but to believe it!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed. "I mean, given the police records and the official written report from the Atlantrot Magician's Ward... but still..." She shook her head, muzzle agape. "That's so much to take in!"

Beside her, Trixie nearly spat out her sarsparilla. She coughed, wheezed, and adjusted her gape. "The Great and Humble Trixie is likewise aghast! Dealing with that sort of Starswirl and Alicorn Conjuration—it's a wonder you're still alive today!"

"Well, thankfully, we're made out of sterner stuff than most ponyfolk," Applejack said with a wink from where she sat across the table at Sugarcube Corner. "But, all thangs considered, I shoulda been a goner!" She looked over with a proud smile at Stu and Rainbow. "It's these two that y'all should be thankin'! They dove in after me as if I was a lil' foal being swept downriver!"

"Oh, how charmingly heroic!" Rarity batted her eyelashes in Stu's direction. "And no doubt you didn't think one moment about yourself."

"Errrm..." Stu fidgeted, leaning away from the unicorn. "Actually, I... uh..."

"Yep." Rainbow sipped from a glass of water. "He was a hero, alright. Totally blew my mind."

"Hehe! Blew your mind like bubbles!" Pinkie grinned. "You sure you don't want some cider, Dashie? I can get Mr. and Mrs. Cake to pour some!"

"Er... I-I'm good, thanks," Rainbow said, waving a hoof.

"You poor... poor things..." Fluttershy cooed. "That situation sounds simply awful! And that poor mare who passed away..."

"Yeah, well, it's a cryin' shame about what happened to Miss Serenity Shindig," Applejack said. "She sure didn't deserve what her sons did to her... even though she loved them all in the end."

"A rather blind love if you ask me," Rarity grumbled.

"Maybe I'm reading too much into it," Stu spoke, "But she seemed at peace when she passed away. The real shame is that her sons didn't own up to the fact and give themselves up."

"Are they truly still at large?!" Rarity grimaced. "That's quite the dreadful thought!"

"But we done took away the only thang that made 'em a threat." Applejack leaned back with a smirk. "Without that crazy drinkin' mug, they're about as dangerous as a box of spur-less roosters. Eheh."

"About as proud and arrogant too," Rarity said with a wink.

"Darn tootin'."

"Just how long were you... erm..." Fluttershy fidgeted. "...dreaming for?"

"Well, according to the police reports, they found us exactly twenty-hours after we had first arrived on the farm," Stu explained, looking at the mares. "And considering that a good chunk of that time was Rainbow and I searching the Shindig home for clues, we're... uh... guessing that we were all under for maybe seven hours."

"About nine," Rainbow said.

"Or nine. Roundabouts."

"Wowie zowie!" Pinkie gasped. "And in the dream world, you experienced three days?"

"Well, they experienced three days," Applejack said, pointing at her two friends. "Sad as it is to say, I was mostly down for the count."

"This is absolutely incredible," Twilight said, bearing a dumb smile. "I can't wait to write to the Princess all about it!"

"Ohhhh..." Trixie sighed, slumping against the table. "What Trixie wouldn't have given to have been there as well. Saving Applejack along with her friends would be just the pick-Trixie-up that Trixie needs."

"Awww... well, if it helps y'all to know..." Applejack winked. "Y'all were there to save me."

"We were?"

"Eeyup! Accordin' to Stu and Rainbow here, my mind was breakin' through the mold that the brothers had built around me. On account of my subconscious and all, there were a bunch of copies of my friends and family helpin' to free my dream hide from the bad guys. Purdy nifty, huh?"

"Heehee!" Pinkie slapped her hoof against the table. "Now that I would pay to see! Or pay somepony else to see it and then act out in interpretive dance!"

"Heh... if that was the case, there'd be a lot of somersaults," Stu said. "...and explosions."

"Trixie loves explosions!"

"Oh, please, darling, must you? They've been through enough as it is!"

"Princess Celestia would be very much interested to know that an old relic has been discovered!"

"What about our pets? Was Gummi in there too? Huh?"

As Sugarcube Corner filled with chatter, Rainbow Dash glanced across the table. She made eye contact with Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stared at her. She glanced over at Applejack, then at Rainbow Dash again. She smiled wider... warmer.

Rainbow fought a blush. Ducking her head, she took another sip of water, and stared at the freckled center of the conversation. As her ears folded back, she let loose a dreamy sigh, smiling perpetually with no sign of ceasing.

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