• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,812 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

  • ...

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Using a mouth protector, Stu pulled a piping hot tray of fritters out of the stove. He laid it out on a counter inside the house's ornate kitchen. "Ahhh..." He backtrotted, relishing the scent of the baked pastries. "Her recipes never fail."

He turned about, catching a blue face lingering in the kitchen doorframe.

"Rainbow!" He chuckled merrily as he trotted over to the pantry. "Go on and take a sample! But be careful! It's hot! Heheh..."

Rainbow took a deep breath. "Someone gave you the recipe to bake those, huh?"

"Yup! One and no other!"

"Is she... the one you're waiting to show up anytime now?"

"Well, she is a busy mare," Stu said, pulling out several plates and stacking them atop the counter. "Punctual when she needs to be, of course. But I-I've never been all too good at predicting when and where she shows up. She's a stubborn one, but I love her for it."

"Don't you think it's kind of weird that she's making you and the whole family wait this long on Hearth's Warming Day?"

"She's probably out helping a fellow neighbor with their woodcutting," Stu said. "I'd help too, but... eheh... somepony's gotta look out for the kids!"

"Stu..." Rainbow hovered into the room, wings flapping. "...do you remember a time when it wasn't Hearth's Warming?"

"Pfft! It can't be Hearth's Warming everyday Rainbow Dash!"

"Really?" Rainbow leaned her head to the side. "Then what were you doing yesterday?"

"Hah! What, did she send you to grill me?" Stu smirked at the pegasus. "She's got her own honesty radar. She doesn't need to send her friends in and interrogate."

"Think, Stu," Rainbow said in a dull tone. "What were you doing yesterday? Just before you showed up here?"

"Pffft. Well, duh! It was Hearth's Warming Eve!"

"Yeah, and?"

"And..." Stu's smile wavered for the first time since Rainbow showed up. His eyes dulled for a brief moment, then resumed reflecting the dazzling lights from the adjacent room. "And... I-I was doing what everypony else does on Hearth's Warming Eve."

"Could you be specific?"

"No... uh... I-I can't..." Stu cleared his throat, using a spatula to scoop the fritters up and place them onto the plate. "And, to be quite honest, I don't have the time."

"Why not?"

"Because she'll be back anytime soo—"

"Does she have a name?"


Rainbow glared. "Does she have a name, Stu?"

"Who... my wife?" Stu smirked. He swung his flank into the counter and slid the plate onto his backside with his tail. "Why all the questions, Rainbow? I mean, you were there!" He chuckled as he carried the fritters out into the main hallway. "You were the best mare, after all!"

Rainbow fwooshed into the corridor, floating backwards in front of the blinking stallion. "I know. I saw the photos. But you know what else I saw?"

"Pfft. What?"

"... ... ..." Rainbow's eyes narrowed. "None of the photos with her have a face."

"Oh please... you've got to be..." Stu winced slightly, the platter rattling on his back. He cleared his throat and made to move past Rainbow. "If you'll... uh... excuse me. The foals' stomachs must be growling—"

Rainbow planted her hooves against the wall, blocking his path. "You know what happens in a dream, Stu? Twilight once told me. You can never read or write anything, because the logic centers of your brain aren't working with your imagination."

"And just what does that have to do with anyth—?"

"Tell me, is it logical for your spouse to be away for this long on Hearth's Warming?"

"I'm... waiting for her..." Stu gulped, his ears folding back. "All of the children... are..."

"Or maybe your mind knows that this is a dream..." Rainbow's brow furrowed. "And that none of this can make sense—because it hasn't happened?"

"Rainbow, please, I—"

"You're in a dream, Stu..."

"I... I-I just want to be there with my f-foals when she returns—"

"Say her name."

"Please, if you would just—"

"Say her name, Stu." Rainbow gritted her teeth. "If you won't, then I will!"

"I love her!" Stu barked, his body trembling. His next voice came out in a pitiful squeak, "And... and sh-she loves our family!"

"Only, there is no family!" Rainbow retorted. "And there is no Applejack! Not here!"

Stu's pupils shrunk. He trotted backwards, trembling. "Apple... jack...?" He tilted his face around to look at the family portraits. "She... she needs our..." One by one, each glass frame cracked, the fractures forming along the blank faces of the same mare in every image.

Then—with a roll of thunder—a savage fissure formed across the foundation of the house. Snow and ice filtered in, chilling everypony to the bone.

"Oh Celestia..." A tear rolled down Stu's cheek. He dropped the platter of fritters to the floor with a loud noise. "Oh Celestia, please no..."

Rainbow Dash gulped and reached a hoof down. "Now... easy, Stu—"

"Pappa?" a voice cried out in fright from the next room.

"Kids...?" Stu stammered, his eyes glossy. "Kids?! Hold on!" He galloped off before Rainbow could stop him.

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