• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,216 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

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Shopping Trip Part 1

Anon had awoken to Celestia's sun shining past every nook and cranny of the makeshift blackout curtain that hung up across his bedroom window. As he laid across the worn mattress, his eyes lazily focusing on the various different cracks and scuffs that scarred the ceiling, trying to comprehend the memory that had surfaced in his slumber, a memory he had forgotten since coming here, a memory he must forget about once again. Anon knows he is stuck here and needs to move on, even if it burns to do so.

The human spent a while longer laid on the bed before starting the day. A shower was a first, he didn't notice the smell last night when he was tired but now it was all he could notice.

After a good and thorough cleaning, the human stepped out of the bathroom in a simple but comfortable tank-top and shorts. Anon had no idea how to properly apply his bandages again so he decided not to.

Walking into the living room his stomach made its situation known, growling loudly in frustration. Remembering that he had not had anything to eat since in Canterlot, the fridge was opened quickly and the contents, or lack of was stared at.

"Well shit." Anon said in a frustrating tone as he closed the fridge door.

He was meaning to get some more food delivered but the purple pony wakeup call kinda stopped that.

"Ok then, before I even think about shopping. I need to see how much money I actually have."

Rooting through the 'random shit' bowl beside the front door, Anon scrounged up every Bit he could find.

"Twelve, thirteen, fourteen and fifteen Bits. I have no idea how this worlds currency works. I don't have any other kind of coins, so is the minimum price of something one Bit? Do I have chump change then? I'm fucked if that's the case."

Anon considers putting on some less conspicuous clothes, but being an almost six-foot-tall hairless biped makes that thought pointless.

Grabbing his backpack and what bits he had, Anon opens the door to a relatively nice day, the sky is mainly clear with a few large clouds hovering about.

The human locks the door and walks towards the centre of town, the smell of pine and wet earth invading his senses. While he didn't love the smell, it had a strange calming effect. "I know that the apple pony sells apples by her stand, and I remember Twilight mentioning a 'sugar corner'. I'm probably fine living of sugar and apples for a day or two." Anon says to no one in particular as the first shop buildings come into view, what also came into view were ponies following the humans every move. While not every pony cared enough to stare, it was enough to make him feel uncomfortable.

It didn't take too long for Anon to find the centre of town, it would have taken less time if he hadn't decided that streets with 'too many ponies' were a no no and took the longer routes, as Anon looked around the plaza he saw a large area full of stands that sold various items from food to accessories.

Walking down the aligned stalls, he sees and hears a charcoal unicorn arguing with the apple pony. Well, more like arguing at. Anon sighs as he waits in line.

"four bits for an apple? That is atrocious, Manehattan sells theirs for only two. What kind of crooked operation do you have here?!" The charcoal unicorn loudly states as he stomps his front hoof.

The apple pony glances at your arrival and sighs before replying. "Sir, the reason for the price is that these apples are locally grown and are as fresh as they can get." The orange pony's expression never changing from a deadpan state.

Her reply seemed to only fuel the unicorn’s fire. "I'm not going to let a blasted mud pony lecture me about prices!"

At the term 'mud pony' Anon decides to intervene. "Was that term racist and or offensive." The human asks the apple pony.

The unicorns head snaps around and seems to be stunned by Anons sudden presence long enough for the human to get his answer.

"Eeyup." she replies in a frustrated tone.

"In that case." Anon wraps his arms around the unicorn’s barrel as he lifts him up and chucks him a good few metres as he lands and tumbles in the wet dirt. After he lands, the unicorn gets to his hooves. "How dare yo-" a small rock twangs off his horn, a few unicorn onlookers wince slightly as the charcoal unicorn groans in pain, holding his horn with a hoof.

The unicorn looks up to see Anon swinging a few small rocks on magical thread around and around. "You done?" the human asks in an annoyed voice.

After a few seconds of silence that felt like hours, the unicorn huffs and trots away. Anon lets go of the magic holding the stones, allowing them to fall to the ground once more. Turning back to the orange pony, Anon places 4 bits on the market stand, having to crouch down to do so with it being so low. "four bits for an apple right?" The human asks with a warm smile.

"Mister. If ya think I'm gonna let ya pay after what you did, you must be crazy." The apple pony comments with a toothy smile as she pushes Anon's bits back to his side of the stand while grabbing three apples from a basket underneath the stand.

"Much appreciated, that's gonna make budgeting a lot easier." Anon states as he puts two apples into his backpack while wiping the third one on his shirt a few times before biting into it, the juices running down his chin.

"Budgeting? I thought Twilight would have given you loads of bits, with you being an endangered species and all that."

Anon finishes his mouthful of apple then wipes his chin before replying. "She was going to, but I turned it down, I don't like getting undeserved stuff, just does not sit right with me. I have been doing odd jobs for Twi to get me by, but I will probably have to get an actual job sooner than later." Anon finishes, taking another large bite of the apple.

"Well. We have a large harvest coming up soon, and with ya little display just now, you clearly have the strength. How would you like to work at Sweet Apple Acres for a while, to get you back on your hooves at the very least. I'm Applejack by the way." The orange pony tips her hat in a sort of greeting. "If, ya interested, come by the farm on Sunday 6am sharp."

Anon scrunches his face in thought, Applejack notices his weird expression. "It's Thursday today."

"Ah, thanks." Anon replies as he gives her a slightly embarrassed Smile. After their conversation, the human leaves with a wave, heading to a large building which looked like a gingerbread house.

Anon was too focused on the décor to notice a pink pony staring out the window at Anon as her breaths fog up the window, she rubs two eye holes in the fogged glass as a drawn out "New Friend" escapes her lips.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading as always!
Apologies if the pacing is weird at some parts, I kept losing my train of thought.

Side Note: I have given up looking for cover art. Nothing seemed to really fit, if anyone wants make one then feel free, create whatever you think works. I will be sure yo add your name into the description of the Fic.

Side Side Note: From the 21st -4th I will be busy so there won't be any updates until after.