• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,217 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Truths Unfolded

Anon gripped either side of the small black book, holding it open as his nails dug into the paper, his eyes boring into the written letters.

"Hey, what's up? Heard you yelling my name." Alex asked with concern behind the human.

Anon didn't respond for a few seconds, remaining perfectly still. He then slowly turned around until his eyes met Alex, his powerful grip on the book threatened to break the carefully written report. The human eyes flashed green as small tendrils of magic began to emerge from his body, slithering around his form. His hands became coated in magic before the book could not hold on any longer and was snapped in two.

Anon held the torn book in each of his hands before letting it drop to the floor, sheets of loose paper scattered around the human, his eyes still staring into Alex.

"Astral... Lexicon." Anon spoke slowly through gritted teeth.

Alex's winced at the name before taking a few steps back "Ah, I see. B-before you do anything rash, I just need you to know that It's not what it looks like." Alex explained.

Anon moved the target of his piercing gaze from Alex to the floor before his eyes closed. "This entire time... I was being played. I'm such a fucking idiot." The human thought out loud as a small smile spread across his face.

Alex took a hesitant step forward. Even though he could not be hurt, Anon's current state still made him weary. "Just understand that it was an accident. I never-"

"YOU DO NOT RUIN MY FUCKING LIFE AND GET TO CALL IT AN ACCIDENT YOU LYING ASSHOLE!" Anon roared, his voice echoing off the crystal walls as it boomed around the castle. His eyes met Alex's again as every fibre of his body was enveloped in rage. His teeth were gritted, threatening to tear into the gums that held them, his fingernails dug into his palms as his hands were clenched into a shaking fist.

Alex took a few steps closer, even though his mind was screaming at him to run. "I didn't have my memories when we first met, I slowly gained them over time, but I only recently realised who I was."

"Let me guess, you never found a good time to mention it?" Anon questioned with sarcasm

Alex tried to find the right words, but every time his mind came up blank. "I'm sorry."

"Fuck you. Just be glad you don't actually exist, I'd make you wish you didn't." Anon took a swing at Alex as it passed through him, turning around. The human began walking out of the room.

Alex had a contemplative look on his face before closing his eyes. "I. I think I'm in the Ponyville hospital." He said hesitantly

Anon stopped before turning around. "Why would you tell me this?" The human questioned.

"Because you're right. Even if it was an accident, I ruined your life. Took everything you knew away from you and stranded you in an unknown world. The least you deserve is some kind of justice." Alex said with a sad smile brushed across his features.

Twilight and Azrael mainly sat in silence. The alicorn would occasionally try and spark up conversation for Azrael to give a short reply. The silence was broken when the door opened to reveal Spike holding a scroll.

"Sorry for interrupting Twilight, but I found an unread scroll from Princess Celestia." The small dragon said before promptly handing the scroll over.

"Thanks spike, I forgot about that. Have you seen Anon by the way? He is taking a long time, and I'm worried he has gotten lost again."

"I did yeah. I gave him some directions, but he is probably reading that book you made him." Spike explained simply.

Twilight coked her head at her assistant. "Book? What book?" She replied in confusion.

"The black one with his name on the front. It was left in your study."

Twilight thought for a second before her eyes went wide. "Oh, Celestia, please no." The alicorn mumbled.

Just as Twilight was about to speak again, the trio heard a loud roar that echoed throughout the castle. As it ended, they sprang into action and began sprinting down the hallway. Spike had managed to hop onto Twilight's back.

"What did you do?" Azrael asked in-between breaths.

"I'll tell you when we get there." Twilight replied, using her wings to glide between gallops.

The trio rounded the next corner and saw the open door of the study. Quickly running in, they saw no sign of Anon. Instead, all that was of note in the room was a ripped book with loose papers strewn across the floor and the wide open arched window which let a cold evening breeze in.

Spike hopped off Twilight and began collecting the scattered papers. Azrael looked at the one by her feet, it described the actions and events of today, until a few hours ago. "You were spying on him?" Azrael questioned with distaste.

Twilight flinched at the accusation. "No, well, not me anyway. It's one of the many cons of being a princess. Having to make tough decisions that affect the lives of others."

After gathering the last of the paper, spike walked up to Twilight with a defeated posture. "I'm sorry Twilight. I didn't know." Spike apologised.

Twilight patted the purple dragon's head before speaking. "It's not your fault, spike. You were just being a good friend. I should not have left it out." The alicorn said softly, Spike stood beside Twilight as she draped a wing over his shoulder comfortingly.

"Where do you think he went off to?" Spike questioned.

"I'm not sure, I imagine home, given the information he has learnt of. It's probably a lot to proc-"

Before twilight could finish speaking, the room was suddenly bathed in white. Blinding the current occupants as a tall and pale alicorn stood in the centre of the room.

"Hello, my little ponies!" Celestia greeted cheerfully.

Twilight took a few moments to get fer vision back before speaking. "Princess Celestia? What are you doing here. Is something wrong?" The purple alicorn asked in surprise.

Celestia gave her pupil a slightly confused look. "Of course not, dear Twilight, I sent you a letter of my visit."

Twilight took the scroll from spike and quickly read it. "Ah. Apologise Princess. I was preoccupied."

"Twilight, please, just Celestia is fine. And it's fine, no harm was done." The sun princess replied before looking around the room as her eyes landed on another pony. "Ah, you must be miss Azrael. I'm glad we finally get to meet. Apologise for the sudden appearance."

Azrael shuddered at the mention of her name. "It's no problem, Princess." The demon replied as she bowed respectively.

Celestia took another quick gander around the room before looking back at Twilight. "Where is Anon. Is he not feeling well?"

Twilight shuddered this time. "Well, within the past few minutes or so. Anon has found out that Alex was the pony who had summoned him, and that said pony is alive." Twilight explained sheepishly.

"Wait, Alex is the one who did this to him? And you never told him?" Azrael suddenly asked in shock.

"I wanted to, but Anon was so twitchy and aggressive when he first arrived, and I was afraid what he might do if he found out. Then I learn that Alex was talking him out of some things and genuinely helping him calm down, so I left it until I found a good time to mention it." Twilight explained.

"My dear Twilight, it is never a good idea to hold sensitive information from someone. I hope you learn from this." Celestia said with a hint of a teacher's voice.

"So what do we do now?" Spike added from underneath Twilights wing.

"Well, I never wrote down where Al- Astral was being kept, so Anon won't know." Twilight reasoned.

"Unless Astral told him." Azrael added.

"But why would he do that?" Spike quickly questioned.

"Because if they were truly friends. The truth would be shared." Celestia added lastly. "Unless he has been moved, he is in Ponyville hospital. We should head there quickly without causing a scene. Anon is in a vulnerable state and could act without thinking." Celestia planned.

Twilight had a spark of remembrance before everyone began moving. "Oh, that reminds me. Anon told me he had burned some Timber wolf wood for firewood. With what has gone on, it will consume him."

Celestia's eyes widened slightly. "I see, we better hurry then."

Anon stood at the side of the hospital as 4 stories of windows stood in front of him. "Which f̸loor?" Anon asked coldly

"I'm not sure, I feel stronger, but I can't tell from here. It's at least second."

Anon took off his shoes as his hands and feet became enveloped with magic. After giving it strong adhesive properties. Anon began to climb the wall.

It took a second to get used to not having to physically grip. But he quickly enough made it to the second floor. "H̷igher̶?"

"Yeah, should be the next floor. But you need to go to the right more." Alex directed.

Anon followed his instructions, occasionally checking the windows he passed by. "Should be the next one. It feels really close."

Anon went to the next window and saw, through the window, a light blue male unicorn with a light orange mane.

"That's me..." Alex confirmed

The window was ajar. Anon attempted to open it fully, but it refused to do so, the human noticed the small piece of metal connected the window to the frame that limited its movements. Anon placed his finger onto the screw that held it in place. Making sure he could support his weight with three limbs and adding s small amount of adhesive magic to his finger. Began twisting the screw loose until it fell out the window. Hitting the grass below. Now with the ability to fully open the window. Anon climbed in.

"I hope this brings you peace. And I'm truly sorry for everything. I wish you the best of luck."

Anon's eyes flashed a darker green as he reached for his back pocket. Feeling the familiar metal frame of his pocket knife, he pulled it out. The knife blade swung open and clicked in place as the human held it in a reverse grip.

A voice boomed in his head as he held it up high above the unconcious pony.

D̸O̵ ̶I̵T̶

D̷̻̈O̷̮̔ ̵̻̐I̷̟͋T̶̞́

D̷̟̚͠O̵͓̔ ̵̥͂ Ī̵͜T̷̥͍̕

D̷͖̥̙͛͑̚Ȏ̷̢͜ ̷̼̾ Ḯ̴ͅŢ̷̐

Anon swung down his arm as the knife pierced, causing feathers to fly out of the pillow. Anon had stabbed the pillow inches away from the ponies neck as he breathed heavily. "N̵̻͐ỏ̵̳t̷̮̃... In contȑ̵͙o̵̮̒l̵̻͛." The human spoke through gritted teeth.

Letting go of the knife, Anon stumbled backwards untill he hit the wall that seperated patients. His eyes began to spark a foul green as he gripped his head, shaking it to try and clear his mind. His right hand let go of his head and began to reach towards the unconcious pony. Wrestling to keep it still, Anon realised this was a losing battle and decided to take drastic measures. bending down, Anons torso becam parralel with the floor untill he swung back with all his might untill his head made contact with the wall as unconcious took him.

Author's Note:

Welp. Finally, got this chapter finished.

As usual, thank you very much for reading and let me know of any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors I have made. I have not had time to proofread it so i will go through it tomorrow. Apologies