• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,217 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

  • ...

Morning Routine

Anon stirred awake, the bird’s early morning song greeting him as his eyes adjusted to the lit room. He laid there for a few minutes, staring at the blank ceiling with a thoughtful gaze before sitting up and swinging his legs off the bed, the covers swiftly falling off him.

As the dream he had awoken from resurfaced in his mind, Anon placed his head heavily in his hands. His mind racing and body aching. Not physical pain from the fight with Starlight or the various injuries acquired around Ponyville, but the pain of regret.

The human began gripping his head in frustration as his teeth were clenched shut like a bear trap, his grip strengthens as did his pain. Anon sat in silence for a long while before a feeling of a watchful gaze broke his stupor like state. His grip lessened as he came back to reality.

"What?" Anon almost demanded, his voice seeping with frustration and hostility. Something he did not mean to inflict onto others.

Azrael shuffled a bit before Anon felt a hoof on his shoulder. "Are you ok Sir? You appear to be experiencing a lot right now. Is there anything I can do to help?" Azrael asked in an empathetic tone.

The humans ridged posture relaxed slightly. "Probably." Anon answered before sighing and standing up. Azrael let her hoof fall onto the bed as he got up.

"Do you have any orders for me today?" The demon wondered out loud.

"Not really. I have the food order coming today, so if you could deal with that while I am at work, that would be good. Apart from that just stay home for today." Anon replied as he picked out some clothing and headed for the bathroom.

Azrael watched Anon enter the bathroom with the sound of a running shower following after. She was left alone with her thoughts as she remembered last night.

While not needing to sleep, the sound of Anon's breathing was surprisingly calming. Making the nights seem so much shorter, he never seemed too deep in sleep as if ready to act at any moment.

Last night was different she thought. The night began with his normal breathing, but it did not take long for it to become irregular. Tossing and turning Anon seemed to try and grasp for something as Azrael sensed pure anguish. Azrael decided to move up towards Anon slightly as she became more worried.

Anon seemed to unconsciously notice a presence get closer and he reached out and grabbed her forehoof, after a few moments he seemed to rapidly calm down. His almost thrashing became still as his breathing returned to normal.

Azrael smiled and replaced the forelimb with an easy to maintain black mass and moved back into her original position, a black snake like connection kept her new limb stable as she began to rest again.

Anon had a long and relaxing shower. Something he desperately needed. Starting with his hair, he washed it thoroughly while using a comb to evict foreign debris or blood. Something he did not have to do anywhere as often anymore but the routine was relaxing to him none the same.

Next was the rest of him, unfortunately this place did not seem to have any kind of body wash, just coat shampoo. Anon was able to find a specialised soap for thick hided creatures, those with little to no hair. This would have to do.

The human lathered the soap across his body, a quick memory flashed across his mind for each noticeable scar. Most from fighting, some from mundane tasks and a few that remind him people don't change.

Anon finished his shower, dried himself off, put on clothes then started to rinse the bath of any grime or hair.

While doing this, the human heard movement behind him.

"Azrael, we really need to talk about boundaries." Anon said, not looking away from his task.

"Guess again."

With a sharp exhale from his nose and a smirk, Anon stood up and turned around. "So, Where the fuck you been?"

Alex was leaning with his back against the wall, his arms crossed in a relaxed pose. He stopped leaning and dropped his arms as he began to speak.

"Here and there, been doing some stuff. Also been watching you get a job, summon a demon and actually cook something flavourful." Alex replied.

Anon raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. "I see, so you were here, you just didn't visit?"

"You did not need me, these past few days. I don't think I have ever seen you happier." Alex explained

"Right. So does this mean you are staying then?" Anon asks, gesturing towards Alex.

"I'm afraid not. While away I have been dreaming again. These dreams have made sense of a few things but left many questions also. I believe I'm slowly piecing together a puzzle."

"What have you figured out so far then?" Anon asked, intrigued.

Alex's face changed to one of conflict and apologetic. I. I Can't say, not yet at least. I need some more time to figure things out before I share anything." Alex explained.

Anon raised an eyebrow but decided to leave it. "Ok then. I can respect that. Try not to take so long for your next visit though, you are like the only fucker I can talk to normally besides Azrael." Anon suggested.

Alex gave a thankful smile before nodding and fading away.

Anon took a deep breath before opening the door, stepping out into the hallway, he saw Azrael making the bed.

"Hey Azrael, I will be gone for about eight hours. You gonna be ok?"

The demon stopped and looked at the hallway. "I will be fine Sir. Do you happen to know what time that food delivery is arriving?" Azrael asked.

Anon looked into the living room to see the clock above the stove. "In about an hour or so."

"Ah good, I still have time to clean up the kitchen then."

"Alright, I'll leave you to it. Back in a bit."

Anon walked to the door and grabbed his backpack. He decided not to lock the door and to put trust in someone else for once.

Anon began the long trek to the other side of ponyville. Enjoying the early sun as he walked. Although one thought did cross his mind.

"Why do I feel like the situation with Alex means today is gonna be weird."

Author's Note:

Hey. Thanks for reading as always.

I apologise if the pacing is a bit meh. Work has been wiping me out and I had a few spare hours today, I wanted to try and be on time.

As usual, let me know of any spelling errors and such.