• Published 20th Mar 2023
  • 3,217 Views, 116 Comments

The Daily Life Of Anonymous - Zarah

A Month after being transported to Equestia, Anon tries to get used to his new life and new powers.

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Landing on the ground with a thud. Twilight surveyed the carnage in front of her as she tucked her wings away.

The first thing she noticed was a smouldering metre wide crater in the middle of the sand pit, the sand had been flung everywhere. Twilight couldn't help but think how much of a pain it would be to clean.

The second thing she noticed was a tuft of purple sticking out of one of the sand piles. Quickly she used her magic to push and sweep away the sand, trying her best to keep it away from her muzzle. As soon as she finishes, Starlight opens her eyes and coughs out sand, spitting and sputtering while she wobbled getting to her feet. Twilight was quick to press her side against her as support as the lilac mare finished spitting out sand. "Hey *cough* Twilight."

Twilight smiled softly, knowing that she was out of immediate danger, the alicorn quickly looked her over for any series injuries. To her relief the unicorn seemed to only suffer a few bruises and cuts. Twilight has a realisation and glances around before her eyes widened.

On the other side of the sand pit was the wooden bleachers, or what was left of it. There was a large hole which went all the way through. As Twilights mind was racing on what happened, the feeling of pressure being relieved from her took her out of her stupor as she looked to Starlight.

"See if he is ok" Starlight said, giving Twilight a lethargic smile. Twilight nodded in return before running over to the bleachers.

Once Twilight was at the entrance of the hole, she could see broken wooden beams arching outwards towards the holes exit, there was a long streak of disturbed dirt and grass which extended to the hedge wall a couple of metres behind the bleacher.

Her eyes once again widened, at the end of the carnage was Anon, showered and pinned with wooden debris. Twilight quickly passed through the hole in the bleacher, ignoring the scraping and breaking noises the bleacher made struggling to hold itself up, she made it to Anon.

Looking him over, the first thing she noticed was the sparks of green magic occasionally emanating off him. After making sure it was safe to do so, the alicorn quickly removed the debris that could hurt or hinder him. As she was checking for any major injuries, she heard starlight clear her throat behind her.

"Is he ok?" Starlight asked, guilt plastered on her face. The mare walked towards the two with a slight limp.

Turning back to Anon, Twilight spoke. "I don't know how but he doesn't seem to have sustained any lasting injuries. To be honest you look worst off." Twilight stated, glancing at Starlight.

Just as Twilight was about to pick up Anon in her magic, she noticed a green glow beneath his dress shirt, undoing the buttons with her magic, she opened the shirt and let out an audible 'hmm’.

Before her, Anons chest was almost completely covered in a thin green sheet of magic that hugged his form tightly. Through the magic, Twilight could see large bruises scattered about his body. Looking towards one of the beams next to the unconscious Anon. She saw how while one end was sharp and splintered, due to being snapped off the bleacher, the other end was almost completely blunted smooth.

"Is this a humans version of a shield spell?" Twilight muttered to herself before shaking her head.

The alicorn mare lifted Anon with ease with her magic, as she walked to the nearest staircase into the palace, she draped a wing over Starlight to help stabilize her as they both walked.

As they entered one of the many outer hallways, the pair could see a group of guards, maids and butlers looking out the window towards the carnage. Twilight cleared her throat and everyone's eyes snapped towards the Princess of Friendship.

Twilight pointed at a guard with her hoof. "You! Escort Starlight to the nearest medical ward, she has a limp so support her if needed." The guard saluted and sprang into action, Starlight didn't say anything as she was helped down the hallway. Twilight pointed at two Maids. "One of you take me to the main medical ward, and the other, go ahead of us and tell them that they need to set up a minitour sized bed." She pointed at two guards standing next to them. "Finally, you two will clear a path for us." Twilight said with confidence and authority.

The guards saluted while the maids nodded and bowed.

Trotting down the hallway, a guard on either side of her while a few metres ahead, all three following a maid.

Almost every pony moved out of the way, but a few clueless ones got shoved to the side.

It didn't take too long for the group to make it to a large medical ward. The door to the ward was held open by couple nurses, the guards took point outside the ward. As soon as the princess entered the doorway, a group of doctors rolled a large hospital bed, almost twice the size of Anon. After placing him onto the bed, she gave one of the doctors a quick recap of events. Behind him she saw the nurses remove his clothing. As they were about to remove his underwear she spoke up. "Leave those on, it's a human custom not to nude except in certain circumstances." The nurse looked at one of her colleges before shrugging and leaving the human.

Twilight looked at the doctor again. "Unless you need anything from me, I'm going to check up on starlight." Twilight mentioned. The doctor shook his head. "No, not currently Princess. He is in good hooves. I'll have someone come fetch you once he's been checked and healed." The doctor said in a reassuring voice. Twilight simply nodded before leaving.

Leaving the hospital room, she saw the two maids and two guards waiting outside. She couldn't help but smile softly at them. "Thank you all for your assistance. I appreciate it deeply." She looks at the two maids. "You may return to your duties." The maids bowed before trotting off. Twilight looked at the guards "I need one of you to escort me to the nearest medical ward from out prior location, the other may be dismissed." The older guard looked at his comrade. "You can go private; I'll escort the princess." The private simply saluted with a "Yes Sir" and left.

After several minutes of walking, the pair made it to the other medical ward. As twilight enters she dismissed the specialist.

Walking in, she immediately spotted Starlight on one of the closer hospital beds. Starlight had a few bandages around her body and a splint on left hind leg. The nurse was securing the splint when Twilight approached. The nurse jumped slightly when she noticed Twilight was so close. After recovering the nurse grabbed a clipboard and cleared her throat.

"Good day princess. You will be happy to know that starlight will have no lasting injuries. She does have a sprained hind leg and a cracked rib. They both should heal nicely within about a month or so. We are just going to so a few more tests to double check and she will be good to go." The nurse said professionally as she gave the princess a warm smile.

Twilight sighed in relief. "Thank you very much nurse." Twilight said as she returned the smile. The nurse nodded, bowed, and trotted off to her next patient.

Looking over at Starlight, said mare just sheepishly smiled, rubbing her forehooves together as she sat on the bed.

Twilight let out another sigh. "Starlight, please inform on what in Tartarus happened out there." Twilight said with some frustration, gesturing outside the window with a hoof. guilt replaced Starlight's sheepish smile.

Now it was Starlight's turn to sigh. "Well, you see-"