• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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A Tour of Ponyville

The sun slowly began its ascent along the horizon as Celestia began the day. The morning light shone down on Sora's face, stirring him awake. He stared up at the partly cloudy sky as the morning rays shone over the world. As he sat up, he noticed he wasn't in Sweet Apple Acres or in the Apple family farmhouse, but instead in an empty, grassy field. The teen let out a yawn, wanting some more sleep before figuring out what he did last night. He laid back down, and as he looked up at the sky, he saw Kairi looking down at him, having not heard her sneaking up on him.

"Gah!" He quickly sat up too fast, falling flat on his face. He heard Kairi giggling, groaning in annoyance as he sat back up and turned around, rubbing his sore chin. "Can't you give me a break, Kairi?"

"I couldn't help myself." She approached the pouty pegasus, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek, making his face light up.

Now that Sora was wide awake, he remembered what had happened last night. He had finally told the love of his life his true feelings, even though she had known for a long while, heard him when he thought she was still unconscious, and even overheard him talk about the darkness of his Anti Form threatening to hurt her. That fear still lingered a little, but if Kairi believed he could fight back against it and her light could save him, he wouldn't have to worry too much. He shouldn't have let his fears get to him, knowing his friends, and lover, would never abandon him when he needed help.

Sora grinned, wrapping his forelegs around his girlfriend's waist. "I think I would have preferred a different kind of wake-up call besides being stalked by you."

"Oh really?" Kairi asked. "Then how would you want to be woken up if you sleep in?"

"Maybe something like this." Sora leaned closer and surprised the pink unicorn with a deep kiss, her surprised eyes slowly closing as she kissed him back. As soon as he pulled away, Kairi's pink cheeks turned a darker shade. "And be a little creative every morning. No small pecks on the lips or nose."

"You are such a goofball, Sora." She gave him a light peck on the nose, snuggling up to him as she rested her head on his shoulder. The two sat in silence huddled close together, but that silence was soon interrupted by both of their growling stomachs. The couple looked at each other, letting out a sheepish giggle. "Well, so much for that."

"I didn't think you would have the appetite of a guy." Kairi grumbled, moving her head up and nipped one of his ears, making Sora yelp in pain. "Ah! Ow! I'm joking! I'm joking!"

"I know," she said as she let go, giving him another kiss on the cheek. "But I'll let it slide. I'm actually starving."

Sora rubbed his ear as he grinned sheepishly. "You know, that felt weird when you bit my ear...but I kinda liked that. Is it because we're horses and their so sensitive? I mean, usually I think it's supposed to be males who give love bites on the ear to-" Sora was immediately silenced as Kairi pressed her lips against his, giving him a light kiss. He stopped his rambling as his grin grew more goofy. "Right. Food. Shutting up now."

Kairi giggled again, Sora draping one of his wings over her back as they walked together to Ponyville. Today was going to be a good day for them, beginning their first day as a true couple after the last couple years of being apart from each other.

The first stop on the little tour of Ponyville Sora wanted to give to Kairi was at Sugarcube Corner. Their stomachs demanded food, and they were going to get some of the tastiest pastries the unicorn will ever eat. Luckily, the line today wasn't too long, the bakery a pretty popular spot to pick up some breakfast during rush hour, especially on the weekends. As soon as they entered the giant gingerbread house establishment, Kairi was nearly drooling at the overwhelming scents of baked goods wafting inside. While waiting in line, Sora noticed Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sitting together at a table, the Cutie Mark Crusaders eating some muffins as they seemed to be planning something.

"Hey, girls!" Sora said, waving to them.

"Hi, Sora!" Apple Bloom said as she and her friends waved back. "Where were ya yesterday? Ya didn't come back to the house."

"Sorry. I was kinda...busy last night." Sora chuckled with a light blush as he scratched his head.

"With what?" The fillies soon noticed Kairi standing next to him, the pink unicorn's eyes lighting up at the sight of the three crusaders. "Who's she? Is she new around Ponyville?"

"This is Kairi. She's-" Kairi ran up to them and pulled all three of them toward her, squeezing them tightly as she gushed at their adorableness.

"Oh my gosh they're so cute!" she shouted, alerting the other patrons as she cuddled the confused fillies. "I wanna keep them so bad! I just wanna put them in a little pen and cuddle them forever!"

"...Uhh, we need an adult?" Scootaloo questioned as Kairi squeezed them tighter.

Sora chuckled nervously, grabbing his girlfriend, letting her drop the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and dragged her back in line. "I know this is a dream come true for you, Kairi, but you're kind of causing a scene. Everyone here is actually sentient."

"...Oh." The unicorn blushed, losing control of the little girl in her brain wanting to hug and squeeze anything equine, small, cute, and adorable. "Oops."

"I think I might need to put a leash on you," Sora said, receiving a hard nudge in the side by the mare. He laughed at her reaction, draping a wing back over her. "If you want to hug something, hug me. You did say I was cute, right?"

"But you aren't a small pony. They're cuter." While the couple waited in line, Sora making sure to keep Kairi in check so she doesn't run off and make herself stand out as the second friendly pink mare in town, the fillies stared at them.

"What was up with her?" Scootaloo asked.

"And why is Sora holding that unicorn with one of his wings like that?" Sweetie Belle asked, sounding a little jealous.

Apple Bloom noticed the Keyblade cutie mark that was on Kairi's flank, then the strange pink outfit she wore. They almost seemed like Sora's clothes, something that had never been seen in Equestria or even thought of being made. When she took a better look at the unicorn's cutie mark, she noticed a small star hanging off a chain from her Keyblade's pommel, shaped almost like the pegasus stallion's charm his special someone gave him.

"Oh my...Girls, Ah think that's Sora's special somepony." Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom in confusion while Sweetie Belle was shocked.

"How do you know that?" the pegasus filly asked.

"He showed me this little star charm somepony he cared about made for him, and she's got a star on the end of her Keyblade cutie mark." They looked at Kairi's cutie mark, the couple already standing before the counter as the pink unicorn browsed the delicious morsels in the display case. "Hers almost looks like Sora's cutie mark, only it looks different and there's a heart with hers."

"So he's already taken?" Sweetie Belle whined, lowering her head to the table as she whimpered. "Darn it..."

"What the hay's that supposed to mean?" Scootaloo asked as she and Apple Bloom stared at the white unicorn filly awkwardly.

"Nothing!" Sweetie said with a blush, stuffing her face with one of her muffins.

The other two crusaders ignored their friend's odd behavior and got back to planning their next possible chance to earn their cutie marks. As Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were too busy thinking of ideas, Sweetie Belle looked back at Sora, he and Kairi buying some breakfast to go and headed out of the bakery. The unicorn filly sighed sadly as she munched on her breakfast, but that didn't deter her much, knowing she was probably too young for him. His marefriend seemed perfect for him since they almost had the same cutie marks.

Kairi ate a muffin held in her white aura, enjoying the crumbly goodness as she walked along with Sora through Ponyville. Hopefully, for the stallion, she would control herself better with all the ponies around them. But if she met Celestia, she would probably freak out even worse and try to "kidnap" the alicorn to keep forever and ever. Sora found it a bit ironic that, considering he was more of a goof than Kairi, she acted even sillier and childish than he does when something cute and adorable is in her line of sight.

Since she had already met Pinkie Pie and Twilight, the former too busy working on helping her employers in the kitchen and the latter not feeling well when they stopped by the library, Sora lead Kairi out of the town and toward Fluttershy's cottage. While walking, he told her that the other girls in the stallion's circle of friends in the world were the only ones who knew about the outside worlds and the Heartless aside from Celestia. As they reached the cottage, they found the yellow pegasus tending to her dozens of animals around her home.

He could feel Kairi fidgeting under his wing, her inner child wanting to break free again at all the animals surrounding the even more adorably shy pegasus feeding them. "Down, Kairi. Down girl," Sora said jokingly, patting her head. "Calm down before you try to scare Fluttershy off."

"...Fine." Kairi grabbed another muffin from their bag, taking another bite as they slowly approached Fluttershy, being careful not to disturb the other critters.

"Hey, Fluttershy." The pegasus mare looked over at them, waving at Sora, though began to be shy when she saw Kairi. "So, where's that little demon of an 'Angel' at?" He got his answer as the white rabbit seemed to have heard him, bounding up to him and thumping his paw against his leg. "There's the little monster. Here, Kairi, why don't you snuggle Angel to death?"

Sora held up the rabbit, Angel flinching as Kairi squealed, snatching him up in her magic and squeezing him tightly. He grinned as the bunny leered at him, knowing he deserves to be tortured to cuddling for being terrible to his owner.

"Angel's not that bad," Fluttershy said. "But...who's she?"

"This is Kairi. She's from outside of Equestria, and is a Keyblade wielder like me." Kairi waved, Angel struggling to break out of her grip. "She arrived yesterday and she and Twilight almost got hurt by a Heartless. I took care of it though."

"Oh, thank goodness. I hope they don't go after my little friends." Angel finally slipped out of Kairi's grasp, only for her to grab him with her magic and squeeze him again. The rabbit gave up and glowered at Sora, chattering to himself in his animal language. "She seems to like Angel."

"She likes anything cute and furry. She kind of made a bit of a ruckus at Sugarcube Corner when we saw Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. In fact, as soon as we climbed up the hill, she was about to run down and hug you." Fluttershy hid behind her mane, exactly the kind of reaction Sora expected to see from the timid mare. "Don't worry. I'll make sure she doesn't go too crazy."

"And yet I'm the one who has to keep you in line when you and Riku act out when you fight over something," Kairi said, bumping her flank against his. "You two bicker more like a married couple than an actual married couple."

"Tell Riku to quit teasing me all the time, then. It's his fault." As Sora tilted his head up haughtily, his Keyblade suddenly appearing in his mouth as a light shot out from the end, surprising both mares and scaring off some of the animals. Celestia seemed to have decided to give him a personal letter as a scroll appeared from the light, dropping down in his hoof. "Huh. Wonder what her royal highness wants."

"Princess Celestia sends you letters too, Sora?" Fluttershy asked as the stallion unfurled the scroll.

Dear Sora,

I had heard from your Master Yen Sid that your friend Kairi has left for Equestria some time ago, probably having arrived at some point or another few days. I have left another Gala ticket with this letter, in case she stays a while before the Grand Galloping Gala begins. I would like to meet her personally if given the chance, though I might not talk much during the event as many guests would like to meet me, despite a majority of them are returning guests from the previous year, and so on. Hope no Heartless are causing Ponyville much trouble, and you keep helping this world stay away from the darkness.

Princess Celestia

P.S.: Is Twilight feeling ok? She seems to be having some troubles in her last letter she just sent me last night. Please check on her for me. Thank you.

Attached to the bottom of the scroll was another golden ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. "Well, looks like Celestia's invited you as well, Kairi."

"The Grand Galloping Gala?" Kairi took the ticket and looked over the description written on the small slip of golden paper. "Is it some kind of dance?"

"A fancy ball, apparently. I'm going too." Sora sighed, recalling the annoying day he had with the "lesson" the princess wanted to teach Twilight. "Worst day of my life while here with those annoying tickets." He looked back at the scroll, feeling worried with the last bit at the end of Celestia's letter. "Hmm...Twilight's been acting funny...Maybe it's because she's sick. I guess we'll come back and see her later this evening, until she's feeling a little better."

"Did Twilight get hurt by that Stealth Sneak?" Kairi asked, growing just as worried as Sora.

"No. She was unharmed. She probably caught something with that allergy of hers when she came back." Sora rolled up the scroll and placed it in his pouch while Kairi placed her ticket in one of her pockets. "Well, I better introduce the rest of the girls to Kairi before the day ends. See ya later, Fluttershy."

Kairi reluctantly let go of Angel as they headed back to town, Fluttershy waving to them as she went back to taking care of her animals.

The couple walked down the road, traveling along the white picket fences next to Sweet Apple Acres' vast orchard. "There are so many apple trees here. How many acres are there?"

"Way too many to count, and I work here with the family that runs this orchard." Sora spotted Applejack over at the barn, talking with Rainbow Dash. "Ah. Perfect. Two birds with one stone." He lead Kairi up to the barn, the unicorn greatly fascinated by all the trees that surrounded the farm. "Applejack! Rainbow Dash! Got someone I want you to meet!"

"Sora, where in tarnation were ya last night?" Applejack asked. "Ah thought ya went and ran off somewhere and didn't tell us."

"Sorry, AJ. I was a little busy last night with a...surprise guest who arrived yesterday." Sora draped a wing over Kairi and gently moved her closer to him. "Girls, this is Kairi. Kairi, Applejack and Rainbow Dash."

"Kairi?" Rainbow questioned. "That's a weird pony name."

"...Ah don't think it's a pony name," Applejack stated. "Ah'm gonna take a guess and say she's that mare ya had a huge crush on."

"Eyup!" Sora grinned with a blush, rubbing the back of his head. "And 'had a crush' is the right answer. Last night...I finally said it, and we're officially together."

"Finally," Kairi added, giving the stallion a kiss on the cheek, making his blush deepen. "It took him a long while to say it, but I knew he loved me. He was just really nervous. Boys are complicated when it comes to telling girls how they feel about them." She then turned his head to face her, giving him a soft peck on the lips. If Sora's face couldn't get anymore red, his head would threaten to explode. "Sora's not exactly subtle when he tries to hide it."

Applejack and Rainbow laughed at Sora and his embarrassment as he used his other wing to hide his face. "No wonder ya'll were gone all night."

"Yeah. Bet you two had a good time." Sora groaned as he was being teased by the two mares, Kairi not helping matters by nuzzling her face into his neck.

"Why am I always getting picked on with stuff like this?" the stallion asked himself.

"Hey, Kairi, you wanna hear something hilarious that happened to Sora a while back?" Rainbow asked, Sora's ears perking up as he peeked through the feathers of his wings. "There's this strange plant called Poison Joke that we all stepped in, and it does something random to somepony as a joke. And for Sora, he turned into a mare!"

"What!?" Kairi exclaimed as she burst out laughing, imagining how Sora would look as a girl.

"Darn it, Rainbow Dash!" Sora pounced the guffawing pegasus, his face burning red. "You really had to say that!?"

"Aww, come on, Sora," Kairi consoled, dragging the greatly embarrassed teen away from Rainbow with her magic, unable to silence her giggling. "I bet you were a pretty mare."

"I had other stallions ogling me when I carried Apple Teeny in my pockets, and I freaked out her older brother when I had no clue what happened to me." Sora looked over at the orchard, spotting the red stallion he mentioned carrying some buckets of apples on his back. The moment he saw the teen, he slowly backed out of sight behind the barn, looking away from him. "And I think I've given him a reason to go to therapy."

"What exactly did you do?" Sora leaned his lips over Kairi's ear, whispering what had happened to her with a wing covering his mouth so Applejack and Rainbow Dash don't read his lips. The unicorn snorted, trying her hardest not to laugh as he finished explaining. "Oh, Sora...That was a bad idea."

"I didn't know I turned into a girl in the middle of the night! I didn't even feel anything wrong with me before I felt a difference with my nose after he freaked out..." All three mares soon burst out laughing. Sora wanted to die in the humiliating embarrassment of that crazy Poison Joke filled day. He had to carry Kairi on his back as they headed off to one more stop before they checked on Twilight, and he wanted to get as far away from the guffawing mares before they could tease him more. "You are not telling Riku about that either. It's bad enough he'll make fun of me for being in a world of ponies, and me turning into a girl...I'll never ever hear the end of it..."

Sora had to carry Kairi at least halfway to Rarity's home at the Carousel Boutique before she could finally stop laughing. His day ended up turning from great to outright humiliating, hoping to recruit Pinkie and gang up on Rainbow Dash with a prank for mentioning his gender-swapped day. The pegasus pouted with his head hung low, glowering at the ground.

"I'm sorry, Sora, but that was just too funny," Kairi giggled, trying to help get him out of his funk. "What happened to the others with this...'Poison Joke'? Maybe that might make you feel better."

"Rainbow Dash's wings were on her stomach and upside down, Applejack was the size of an ant, Rarity's mane, tail, and coat grew out and looked like she was wearing streamers, Pinkie's tongue was swollen and she couldn't talk without spitting all over the place, Fluttershy's voice turned deep, and NOT turning her into a guy, and Twilight's horn went all floppy. Mine was apparently more hilarious, and I also seemed to have the emotions of one while transformed." Sora grunted, kicking the dirt as they walked. "I wanted to laugh at their problems, but I was really moody and freaking out. And you have no idea just how badly I wanted to kick a stallion in the teeth when I felt their eyes looking at my feminine rear!"

Kairi stopped Sora and tilted his head up to look at her. "Hey. At least you got rid of what that Poison Joke did to you. I'm actually a little curious about what would happen to me. Maybe I might turn into a guy? Or maybe grow younger and look like one of those fillies back in the bakery?" She wrapped her forelegs around his neck and gently kissed his nose. "What other silly things could possibly happen to me?"

"I would rather not find out," Sora said. "And when Rainbow said we all stepped in those flowers, I went around them. Applejack caught me with her lasso and dragged me into the flowers." He sighed, still unable to believe how all this started was because of some made up rumor of a zebra who lived in the Everfree Forest who makes potions from the flora around her. "Sorry if I'm sour about all that...You do NOT want to know what it's like to turn into the opposite gender."

"Don't worry. I won't tell anyone. In fact, I have no idea what we were just talking about right now." He gave Kairi a blank stare. She nuzzled him and gave him a light peck on the lips. "Don't be all grumpy. Where's that weird boy I love? Did you finally grow up?"

"He's out at the moment. Can you leave a message?" Kairi giggled and kissed Sora again, seeing that warm smile of his back on his face. "Ok. One more pony. And boy is she gonna have a field day when she finds out who you are."

The two continued heading for the boutique, the pink unicorn staring at the odd building shaped exactly as it was named. Sora knocked on the front door, hearing the fashionista inside as she opened the door.

"Sora! Good to see you!" Rarity looked over at Kairi. "And somepony new to Ponyville. What can I do for you?"

"Mind if we come in? I think you'll be surprised to know who this is." The couple walked inside and made themselves at home.

After explaining who Kairi was and what happened yesterday, Rarity's squeal seemed to reach all of Ponyville as many ponies questioned who was scream-squealing. "Oh my goodness gracious! You two are finally in a relationship! And I'm meeting your princess for the first time!"

Kairi rubbed her sore ears, feeling like she had gone deaf, while Sora blushed and brought his forelegs behind his head. "Yeah...I didn't exactly tell her right away, but it took me a while to say it. And, I was kind of wondering if you'd like to make that matching dress for Kairi since Celestia gave her a Gala ticket today."

"REALLY!?" the white unicorn squeaked, her eyes lighting up brightly. "Come, Kairi! I need to get your measurements!" The Princess of heart yelped as she was swept away to the small stage in the boutique. "I'll get the measuring tape, darling. I need you to take off those clothes of yours so I can fully get your barrel."

"Uhh, ok..." Kairi was about take off her clothing, her cheeks tinting bright pink, she saw Sora was watching, completely oblivious to what was happening. "...Sora? Do you mind?"

"No...Wait, what do I mind?" Her blush intensifying, she used her magic and pulled Sora's hood on his jacket over his face, making him yelp in surprise as he was forcefully blindfolded by his own jacket. "...Oh. Now I get it."

Keeping a hold of his hood, Kairi began to take off her clothes, finding it a little awkward undressing herself as a pony. She managed to do so, her blush growing as she couldn't help but look at Sora, still blinded by his jacket's hood by her aura. Rarity finally came out with her tools and began taking the embarrassed unicorn's measurements.

"Ooh, this is going to be so exciting!" Rarity exclaimed with giddiness. "I have had so many designs drawn out that would make the two of you match perfectly, and not just for formal wear! Some casual wear, winter clothing, with accessories that will accent your romantic relationship!"

"Speaking of different seasons, I can't wait to see what other holidays you guys have here in Equestria!" Sora said, still blinded. "I hope there's one that's like Halloween. Or Christmas!"

"'Halloween' and 'Christmas'...Odd holidays," Rarity mumbled. "I don't suppose you mean Nightmare Night and Hearth's Warming, do you, Sora?"

"...Well, I guess those kind of sound the same. I cannot wait for this Nightmare Night if it's like Halloween." Sora rubbed his forehooves together in delight. "I'm gonna make a costume that I end up being in from a world called Halloween Town. I look really cool." Rarity soon finished up taking down every measurement from Kairi and placed the notepad and measuring tape back to her workroom. The pink unicorn put her clothes back on and let go of her hold on Sora's hood, the stallion lifting it off his head. "You know, Kairi, ponies don't wear clothes."

"It's the principle of the matter, Sora," Kairi replied. "And you wear your clothes."

"These are enchanted. I have to wear them in case I need to use my Drive Forms." The pegasus wilted, his ears drooping as one specific form that could be helpful was also the most dangerous. "Although, I'm not sure if I really should use them again...I was lucky the last couple times, but that luck's gonna wear out."

Sensing his distress, Kairi stepped down from the stage and approached Sora. "If you need them in case you're in trouble, you should use them." She hugged him tightly, feeling his hooves wrap themselves around her, along with his wings. "We have no idea when that might happen, but you can control it. You just need some help."

"Yeah...I just can't stop worrying." Sora sighed, feeling Kairi nuzzling his neck. "I can't help thinking about what might happen...I sometimes get nightmares, seeing myself as a Heartless and forced to watch as that part of me...Well, I think you can guess what happens next."

"That won't happen." She kissed his neck, making the stallion shudder, pulling back a little to look him in the eyes. "You're stronger than you think."

"Maybe...Can you convince me?" Sora asked, Kairi giggling as she nodded her head.

She leaned closer and gave him a tender kiss. He kissed her back, his hooves slowly trailing up her back and running one through her hair, pressed closely together in their embrace. Their moment was ruined when they heard Rarity sniffling, breaking their kiss as they saw the fashionista dabbing her teary eyes with a tissue.

"Oh, I can't help but feel envious of you two," Rarity said. "I wish I was in your horseshoes, Kairi, though not with Sora. But, once the Gala comes around, I will meet my prince and we will fall in love. It's going to be a magical evening." Sora rolled his eyes while Kairi stifled her giggles at the white unicorn's "love-at-first-sight" fantasy, both of them knowing it might not really become a reality. They could let her dream though. "I'll have your dress done in a few days, Kairi. And I know Sora's eyes will roll with what she will wear for the Gala."

"Oh, I bet," Sora said, unable to wait for the Gala to come up.

Twilight laid on her bed, staring out the window in sadness. She didn't move from her bed at all, or even leave her room. She didn't want to do anything at all, not after what she had written to her mentor in her last letter. It was supposed to be about what she learned about taking a thoughtful gift made by someone who worked hard on it, that gift being Rarity's design for her Gala dress, the moment she began to talk about Sora and Kairi, she ended up writing so much profanity, all about the mare who's heart belonged to the stallion she fell for. She hastily scratched out all those hateful words, her report a complete and utter mess, uncaring about remaking it and insuring that the letter was one hundred percent perfect.

This was not a part of her that she liked. She really wanted to tell Sora how she felt, but she can't out of fear of losing him as a friend. She tried to be friendly with Kairi, but instead she acted cold and heartless. And now, she wanted to hurt her and take her stallion as her own, not caring if he returned her affections or not. She wanted him, but she knows she can't, and it's changing her into a different pony.

While the lavender unicorn stared at the bandanna Sora had given her when she was upset that she would lose her friends if she showed off her magic, she didn't notice green flames appearing in her room, revealing a black cloaked figure appear from those flames. A green face could be seen underneath the horned hood, a horn jutting out from their forehead, glowing a pale green as it levitated a long staff with a green orb of the same color glowing dimly in the dark bedroom. The being grinned as it approached the bed.

"What a poor, unfortunate creature." Twilight gasped and sat up, now noticing the mysterious intruder in her room. "Feelings of hatred and envy linger in your heart, but you keep holding it all back."

"W-Who are you? How did you get in here!?" The figure chuckled, standing before the startled mare.

"That does not matter. What I can see from you is that you are suffering from a broken heart," she said. "Feelings for someone you wish to be with already taken by another. It's sad, isn't it?"

"...H-How do you know?" Twilight asked.

"I can see what your heart desires. You wish to be with the one you love, do you not?" Twilight hesitated, but nodded her head, feeling tears well up in her eyes as she looked at the bandanna. "Then get rid of the competition."

"What?" The mysterious mare took the bandanna from Twilight, levitating it in front of her.

"If you want him, then get rid of the one who stole your love from you. She doesn't deserve him." She grinned as she could see Twilight giving in to her depression and listening to her words, sensing a growing darkness in her heart. She held out her staff, a magical aura swirling around inside the orb as Twilight's eyes were transfixed on the staff. "He belongs to you...Let your anger out on the girl who took him from you. Unleash it and use that power to eradicate her, then take back what is yours."

"...Take back...what's mine," Twilight repeated, as if she was in a trance. "...Eradicate...her..."

The figure chuckled and backed away, disappearing in a torrent of green flames surrounding her. As soon as the fire disappeared, Twilight snapped out of her daze when she heard a knock come from her door.

"Hey, Twilight? You in here?" She gasped as she heard Sora's voice, wearing the Elven Bandanna around her neck. She opened her bedroom door a small crack as she saw the Keyblade wielder's face from the other side. "You doing ok? Spike said you haven't come out at all today, and Celestia was really worried about you."

"Oh...I'm fine. I'm just...really tired is all," she lied, her heart racing as she stared in his eyes. "I do feel a little lonely though..."

"Well, Spike's been here the whole time. He's good company." Twilight opened her door a little, showing Sora the bandanna he gave her worn around her neck. "Oh, hey. You finally decide to put that cool bandanna on?"

"Yeah...I mean, I didn't want to wear it all the time, and it was only used like a handkerchief." Her aura gently tugged Sora in her room, the teen highly confused at what she was doing as she gave him a sultry look. "Is there anything else about me that interests you?"

"...Uhhh...Why are you asking me that?...While looking at me that way?" He gently pressed his hoof against her forehead to see if she was running a fever, the unicorn shivering as she felt him touch her. "No fever. Did you eat anything?"

"No...But I'm hungry for something. And I'm looking at it." Sora raised a brow, slowly backing away as she got closer.

"Ok, maybe you are sick. You're probably a bit delirious with those allergies." The door to her bedroom slammed shut, the sound echoing throughout the library. Sora turned around to open the door, but it was locked tightly. "Uhh, Twilight? Why did you lock the door?"

"Because I know you want me, Sora. Don't deny it." Twilight leaned in closer to Sora, the stallion standing on his hind legs as she stood on hers, embracing him as her face was mere inches from his. "You don't want Kairi. She's not worthy to be your marefriend. I care about you more than her."

"Twilight, you are freaking me out," Sora said, trying to gently push the delusional unicorn away from him as he began to put the pieces together over Twilight's odd behavior. Even the last few times he was with her, he didn't realize the signs, or the odd questions about him and Kairi at the sleepover. "...Do you...have a crush on me?"

"I do, Sora...I really do." Twilight fluttered her eyes, her chest brushing against his as she tried to kiss him. "I love you, Sora. Kairi doesn't. You give up your life for her, and she does absolutely nothing for you. Forget her."

"Twilight, what is wrong with you!?" Sora tossed the unicorn on her bed, the mare looking at him with a pained, heart aching gaze. "I'm sorry, Twilight, but I only like you as a friend. Not like...that. I should have realized how strange you reacted around me, but I didn't know you felt that way about me." He summoned his Keyblade and unlocked the door, shooting a small beam of light until he heard it click. "I'm really sorry, but I think you need some time to clear your head a little. I love Kairi...and...I told her how I felt about her last night."

"...W-What?" Twilight asked, tears slowly streaming down her face, her heart sounding like shattering glass as it broke.

"If things were different, maybe I would consider giving you a chance," Sora said, feeling bad for having to break this to the love-struck unicorn, wishing he could have been more gentle with her if she didn't throw herself at him and force him. "But, Kairi's here now. I wanted to tell her I loved her for so long, and now we're together...I'm really sorry again, Twilight, but I still want us to be friends. I know it hurts, but time heals all wounds, including heartbreak." Sora opened the door, unable to see the dark aura being emitted from Twilight's body with his back turned. "I'll see you tomorrow and see how you're doing."

Before he could leave the room, he was shot by a lavender-black beam of magic, sending Sora flying and tumbling down the stairway and slamming his head against the wall, knocking him unconscious. "Sora!?" Kairi ran up to him, shocked to see what had happened to him. "Oh my gosh, what happened?"

"Get away from my stallion." Kairi looked up the stairs, gasping in shock as she saw Twilight at the top. She could feel a darkness growing stronger by the minute, and it was coming from the lavender unicorn. She glared at the Keyblade wielder, her eyes glowing green as a dark aura surrounded her, her horn's aura a mixture of lavender and black, her darkness fusing with her magical aura in a twisted power that made Kairi's skin crawl. "He's mine."

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