• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Twilight's "Vacation"

The next day, Twilight had decided to take some time away from Ponyville, taking that vacation idea from Sora. She still felt like she might turn back to her darkness if she spent anymore time around him if Kairi was around. Though, she didn't exactly say where she was going for her vacation. With her saddlebags filled with what she needed for the long week ahead of her, she headed off to the train station, Sora and Kairi unfortunately coming with her.

"I'm glad you're finally gonna give yourself a little 'me' time, Twilight," Sora said. "You really need it after being cooped up in the library every single day. You gonna head to the beach or something?"

"Uhh, I think so," Twilight lied. "Maybe some relaxing on the beach might clear my head."

"Great!...Oh wait, what time is it right now?" Sora asked.

"It's almost nine," the lavender unicorn said.

"Darn it! Applejack's gonna kill me if I don't help her out with the chores! I've been slacking the past week!" He gave Kairi a quick hug and flew up. "I'll see you girls later!"

"Have fun!" Kairi called out as Sora flew off toward Sweet Apple Acres. When the pink unicorn turned to look at Twilight, she could see she was still feeling miserable, wanting to be with Sora. "Twilight, are you feeling ok?"

"Yeah. I'm fine," Twilight lied, letting out a nervous laugh.

"Twilight, remember what I said? Don't hide anything from us if you're feeling upset about something, and you're doing a bad job hiding it." Twilight wilted, looking down at the ground. "You still want to be with Sora, don't you?"

"...Yes..." The two mares continued walking, Twilight feeling guilty, her heart still set on being with Sora. "I can't help it...I don't want to break you two apart, but every time you and Sora being romantic...I want that from him."

"Sorry," Kairi apologized. "Sora and I have gone through a lot in the past couple years. Dangerous situations with the Heartless, Organization XIII and the Nobodies, Xehanort, other enemies. I think the both of us want to spend as much time together as possible before something happens that causes any one of us to get separated again...or worse."

"...I guess I can understand that..." They soon reached the station, the train coming up in the distance as Twilight purchased her ticket. "...Hey, Kairi? I know this is going to be a dumb question...but, is there any way...we can both share Sora?"

"...Uhh...I don't know what you mean." Twilight sighed, needing to explain what she was talking about.

"Well...In many of the history books I've read in my life, there were herds, ponies in multiple romantic relationships with more than one mate." Kairi's eyes widened, now realizing what the unicorn meant. "Most times, it was a stallion with multiple mares, and it's not exactly a common thing in the present than it had been several centuries ago...Maybe, if Sora is accepting of it...do you think we might both share him as our coltfriend?"

"...Oh...Oh my..." Kairi rubbed her forehead, her cheeks tinting red out of embarrasment. "...Twilight, I don't think that's gonna work with us."

"I know Sora said we should just be friends, but maybe with time, we could both-" The pink mare brought a hoof to Twilight's mouth, ceasing her hopeless reasonings.

"Twilight, I know this might be a thing for ponies like you, but we're not from this world, remember?" Kairi lowered her hoof, seeing the pain in Twilight's eyes. "Where we're from, we're only allowed one person in our lives. And, there are animals that may have several mates at once, but that's not something Sora and I actually do. If you told him that, he would just say the same thing, making this whole talk just as awkward as it already is for me." The train soon pulled up at the station, blowing off steam as passengers began to disembark. Kairi gently patted Twilight's shoulder, the unicorn more miserable than ever. "I know it's hard for you right now, but it's best to just take this time to relax and clear your mind. You're starting to seem a bit desperate at this point, and love is a pretty complicated emotion."

"...It's not fair," Twilight mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Twilight. You can't exactly force someone to love you back. It wouldn't really feel like love, only more like manipulation." She gave the depressed unicorn a quick hug, both of them hearing the conductor calling passengers aboard for their next destination. "I'll tell you what. If Sora and I are both here in Equestria, we'll try to keep our romance down so you don't get too upset. Sound good?" Twilight nodded, though it would seem impossible to ever find anyone else that was like Sora. "You'll find someone else. Time heals all wounds. Now go have fun and enjoy yourself this week."

"I hope so." Twilight got on board the train as Kairi saw her off.

The lavender unicorn sat in near the window of the car she entered, watching the scenery as the train began to chug off to its next stop. She looked up at the mountain city of Canterlot, where the locomotive was headed on its scheduled route, hoping Princess Celestia could help her with her problem...and hope even more once she tells her about what she had done a few days ago.

After riding the train for an hour, it reached its destination in the grand city of Canterlot, Twilight's hometown. She did feel a little better as she felt homesick, being back in the city with all the noble elites wandering about the streets, wearing their posh clothing and haughty behavior. Her family wasn't exactly like that, mostly a middle class family, but being Princess Celestia's personal student almost made it seem like she was higher than a noble, but lesser than a royal. Unfortunately, she was afraid her time as the princess's pupil was about to come to an end once she knows what she had been forced to do.

Twilight wandered down the familiar streets leading down to the castle, still just as big as it was ever since she was a filly. Reaching the gates, the guards allowed her access inside, the mare well known throughout all the castle. Many of the servants seemed to be getting the castle prepared for the Grand Galloping Gala in only a few more weeks, part of her unable to wait for the best night of her life, but it wouldn't be after today.

Since there were no meetings for the princess today, Twilight expected Celestia to be in her bedroom, making her way through the grand halls to reach her teacher's chambers. Her guards weren't stationed at their posts in front of the door to her room, which was pretty odd. The unicorn knocked on the princess's door, but didn't hear a response. Worried that something might have happened to her, she walked in, but aside from the royal room she had always been in when being tutored by the alicorn, there was no sign of her.

"Hello? Princess Celestia?" Twilight wandered the room, finding nothing out of place: Celestia's massive bed that was comfortable for her to lay in, the furniture for guests clean and spotless, even all her books and trinkets from several hundred years in the past remained untouched on their resting places. The only thing that seemed different was an open book on a nearby podium. It was a strange pop up book, something that she had never seen before in her life. "What is this? And why does the princess have a pop up book?"

The pages began glowing, Twilight backing away, having no clue what kind of enchanted book this was. A light soon shot out from the book and began forming the shape of Celestia herself, her back turned to the lavender mare as she looked at the book.

"That was a fun experience," the princess said, the book closing on its own. "I'll have to send this back to this Merlin that Yen Sid spoke of. Hopefully he won't be too mad at him for stealing such a wonderful storybook."

"Princess Celestia?" The alicorn gasped, completely startled as she turned her head to look at Twilight. Before she could ask the princess what that book was, she noticed a sticky yellow substance on Celestia's muzzle, which smelled really sweet. "...Uhh, is that...honey on your face, your highness?"

"Hmm?" Celestia went cross-eyed as she looked down at her snout. She licked her lips, tasting the honey that had been on her face for a while. She chuckled gleefully, levitating a washcloth from her private bathroom, wiping off the sweet substance. "Must have forgotten about sharing that snack with those little creatures."

"...What?" Twilight questioned.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, Twilight. Just an enchanted storybook that literally pulls you into the story." Celestia levitated the book up to the unicorn, gasping in shock as the picture, underneath the title called "Winnie the Pooh", had what looked like a bipedal version of Sora sitting next to a tree with a yellow stuffed bear wearing a red shirt, both of them looking up at the starry night sky. "I think Sora might appreciate jumping back in here. Everypony there is so friendly, and that honey...I don't blame Pooh. It's irresistable."

"...I-Is that...?" Twilight couldn't ask her question, too confused by what she had seen and baffled by what Sora must have really looked like.

"I didn't expect you to show up so soon. I figured I would meet you and your friends later during the Gala." Celestia levitated the book aside to send back to this "Merlin" she talked about earlier. "Is there anything you wish to talk about?"

"...W-Well...kind of," Twilight said. "...A lot of things, actually..."

"Well, go ahead. I've gotten many of your friendship reports, and you're doing a wonderful job learning about friendship...Though I was a bit concerned about the last one. Are you feeling ok?" The unicorn shook her head as that night kept coming back to her like a never-ending nightmare. "What's wrong?"

"...I don't know what to do...I made so many mistakes, and the pain won't go away..." Twilight soon began to explain to Celestia what had happened in the past week.

Aside from all the letters where she included her feelings for Sora told to her teacher through writing, she poured out everything to her again with her voice. But as she had heard about Kairi and the stallion's sacrifice to save her, her heart felt like it was close to shattering as his heart belonged to someone else. She admitted being jealous of her, but taking Sora's own advice to her over the scenario of Kairi ever falling for someone else; just being happy that he's happy. But as Kairi finally arrived in Ponyville, Sora was happy to see her again, and she saw how close of a bond they both had just from their small bantering. It tore her apart, and a sick, twisted side of her wanted to just end her life and take back what was hers.

She then explained the worst part, tears streaming down her face as Celestia listened, the events shocking the alicorn; her heart giving in to the darkness of her envy and her will manipulated by the evil witch, Maleficent. She had hurt Sora and Kairi, almost killing the otherworldly mare and losing herself to the darkness of her heart, her hatred and jealousy. She still can't believe that, even after almost killing them and being controlled into giving into the darkness, they saved her and still called her their friend. Her guilt still weighed heavily on her heart, fearing one day she'll end up turning back into the monster that controlled her, and she still wanted to be with Sora. She feared she will never get over her crush, and the pain will only keep growing worse every single time she saw him and Kairi together.

"...Twilight..." The unicorn broke down, fearing her mentor would punish her for turning evil, disowning her, banish her, all over her jealousy and attempted murder. Celestia didn't think that at all. She felt pity for her pupil. She walked over to the sobbing mare and gently used her wing to pull her into a comforting embrace, letting her cry against her chest. "I am so sorry you had to go through so much pain...I'm so glad Sora and Kairi had saved you from yourself."

"Why are you three not mad at me!?" Twilight screamed out of frustration, undeserving of any forgiveness, especially from the alicorn she studied under. "I should be punished! I hurt somepony, and I turned to darkness!"

"None of this was your fault, Twilight," Celestia assured, gently rubbing her back as her student cried. "Luna had felt the same way the past couple months after you and your friends saved her from her fate. Even after I had forgiven her, she has had some relapses where she believed she didn't want to be anywhere near me, afraid she might turn back into Nightmare Moon. I know it's going to take some time before she can finally see that what happened has already passed, and she shouldn't linger on her past mistakes. We forgive...and forget, even if it takes years to truly let go of that past.

"The good news is that you are ok, and you haven't been lost to the darkness for good." Celestia nuzzled Twilight, her sobs slowly quieting as she heard her mentor telling her the exact same thing Sora and Kairi had. Unbeknownst to the two mares, Celestia's bedroom door was opened a crack as someone listened in on them, a starry mane slowly billowing behind her head. "And your love for Sora...that also has to be let go."

"B-But I can't...I just can't..." Twilight sniffled, unable to get rid of the stallion who had helped her in so many situations, wisdom or danger. "I want to be with him..."

"I know, but he is not of this world. His customs with romantic situations are different from ours, even with old ways long since ignored for several hundred years and slightly practiced in rare instances." Celestia levitated some tissues, wiping away Twilight's tears. "I know you care about him, but he is from another world. His relationships with others not from his world or species should only remain as close friends. Nothing more. He values you as a friend, and without him, the Elements of Harmony would have been useless without his light destroying the darkness in my sister's heart.

"I don't want you to hold any ill will toward him or Kairi, where their love had been set in stone, starting as friends and growing closer with each year. Love is a very powerful emotion, but if you cling onto that love from a pony who doesn't return them or if they are already in a relationship, you'll only feel misery and grow desperate." The pony listening outside lowered their head, slowly leaving down to the other side of the hall in another room. "It's best to let go and no longer cling to that pain, knowing Sora's a close friend you can depend on to aid you should be enough."

"...It's hard to forget about it though...I still blame myself for what I've done...and Sora..." Twilight blew her nose with one of the tissues. "I wish I never met him, so I wouldn't go through all this..."

"If you never met him, then you wouldn't have met your friends in Ponyville," Celestia said. "And without him and Kairi, you would have lost your heart to the darkness, and I would never forgive myself if I knew you turned into a Heartless. I was scared over my sister when I knew how dangerous that darkness could have been if I didn't intervene using the Elements of Harmony...I banished my sister and blamed myself, but I kept her safe for a thousand years, keeping the darkness from getting close to her heart. If Sora wasn't around, then Equestria would have easily fallen to Nightmare Moon with her unstoppable power. Not even I could be strong enough to stop her on my own."

Celestia was right. Without Sora, Equestria would have fallen to the Heartless. Twilight may have been miserable with being controlled to unleash her darkness in her heart, but Sora had gone through worse. He lost his home once to the Heartless, his friends had gotten separated, he fought several threats that were dangerous, and he even turned into a Heartless, all to save the girl he loved. He had suffered, but he didn't show it, always acting weird, goofy, and silly. He looked at the positive side of the situation, even if things looked bleak, looking forward to what peaceful future might come when this never-ending war ends.

They were all right. Sora wanted her to forget about what had happened to her, Kairi looked past her jealousy and wanted to be her friend, and Celestia advised her to let go of the past and her hopeless, desperate feelings for the stallion; put the past behind her. Hakuna matata, the words Sora used that meant "no worries", to leave everything in the past and look forward to a brighter future, and someone who actually can show the same affections she would to them. She needed Sora, but not out of love. Out of his friendship and heroic efforts.

"...Thank you, Princess Celestia." Twilight gave a legitiment smile, slowly feeling better. "I've been told the same thing by Sora and Kairi...but I don't think I really paid attention. I guess I needed to hear it from somepony I look up to. From our world."

Celestia chuckled, happy to see her student was feeling better. "I'm glad I could help let the information sink in, Twilight. Was there anything else you wished to discuss?"

"No...but, I can't exactly go back to Ponyville yet," Twilight said. "I told my friends I was going to take a vacation from my stress, and they think I'm somewhere relaxing. Not here in Canterlot."

"Hmmm..." The princess looked back at the enchanted storybook, getting an idea. "How about we jump into a book?"

"But Sora said no books if I'm on a break." Twilight grumbled to herself, disliking Sora's method of relaxation when books always made her relax.

"Not exactly reading it, per se." Celestia levitated the book and opened it up to the popped up pages inside. "You'll see what I mean when it works its magic."

Twilight stared at the book, the pages suddenly glowing as she felt the light wash over her, sucking her inside the pages as an orb of light floating down to the pages. Celestia levitated it back to the podium it was once on as the same effect happened to her too, chuckling with delight as she jumped in for the second time.

Twilight screamed as she fell down to the now large book beneath her, somehow shrinking to a smaller size by the enchanted spell in the book. Unable to stop her descent, she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable. As soon as she was about to land, her body slowed down until she was a couple inches from the pages. Opening her eyes, she looked down, then plopped down on her rear, safely landing in the strange storybook.

She looked around, Celestia's room far bigger than all of Equestria at the size she was, unable to believe that she was actually sitting down on a book that was as big as a house. The alicorn herself descended too, not using her wings as she landed gently like a feather, standing next to the surprised unicorn.

"Princess?...Are we really...standing on a book...while we're the size of ants?" Twilight asked, both unsure if this should be a good thing and excited to have one little fantasy about literally jumping into a book coming true.

"We are," Celestia answered. "Welcome to the 100 Acre Wood." The pictures of the different settings of the storybook popped up from the page-like ground the two mares stood upon, a strange aura emitting out of them from some kind of magical spell. The alicorn princess approached a cutout of a small tree with a house built inside it. "This way, Twilight."

Before Twilight could ask what Celestia was doing, she gasped when she saw her walk straight into the flat cut out, a bright light shining as she went inside of it. Confused, and also curious, the unicorn followed after her, the flat cut out of the area slowly turning into an actual forest environment. Birds could be heard chirping, the sun's warmth over her coat, the scent of wildlife, it all looked so realistic when it was really just an illustrated pop up page.

"Oh...my...gosh," Twilight gasped in awe, a small twinkle in her eyes. "I need to find out how this enchantment works...So many possibilities to literally be in a book. And all my favorite stories come to life...Am I dreaming?" The unicorn slapped herself, feeling pain, still awake, and still in the living fantasy world inside of the storybook. "No. I'm not. This is really happening."

Celestia and Twilight walked down the path until they reached the physical house seen on the illustration, and sitting in front of the house on a log was the same yellow bear that was on the cover. It had its paw tapping its head, in the middle of thinking about something. It heard the mares' hoofsteps approaching, looking up from its thinking.

"Oh, well hello again, Celestia," the red shirt wearing stuffed bear said, surprising Twilight as he spoke. "It hasn't been that long, has it?"

"No, but I brought a guest with me." The princess gently shoved Twilight forward with a wing, making herself present in front of the animated toy. "Twilight, meet Winnie the Pooh, or just Pooh for short. Pooh, this is my pupil, Twilight Sparkle."

"It's very nice to meet you, Twilight Sparkle," Pooh greeted, holding a paw out to shake her hoof.

"...Uhh, hi?" The unicorn shook his paw, unsure if she should be freaked out that a walking, talking stuffed bear was moving on its own or fascinated and curious about how it was possible.

They soon heard a growling sound, and it was coming from Pooh. "Oh bother. It seems I have a rumbly in my tumbly."

"Of course you do, Pooh Bear," Celestia chuckled. "And I'm guessing you ate all your honey as soon as I left?"

"Wait, how can he eat!?" Twilight asked. "Isn't he a stuffed bear!?"

"Stuffed full of honey." The alicorn laughed again, approaching the hungry bear. "Let's go and see if Rabbit will let us borrow a small smackerel at his burrow."

"That sounds like a brilliant idea. Rabbit loves to share." Celestia and Pooh began to walk down the other path in the area, heading deeper into the storybook world.

Twilight sighed, ignoring making any sense in a fantasy story enchanted to be a real world. "Might as well make the best out of my 'vacation'," Twilight said to herself, following after her mentor and the animated bear, feeling her own stomach rumble. "I doubt honey in a made up, imaginative world could really be considered food...but I am curious to know how it tastes if it's that good."

Throughout the whole week, Twilight seemed a little weirded out by being a part of a foal's book, but as the days progressed, she began to relax more and had fun with Celestia and Pooh, along with his other stuffed doll friends. The first of them she had the unfortunate pleasure to meet was Tigger, a bouncy tiger that pounced her, almost acting like Pinkie Pie. The others weren't as annoying at the tail bouncing tiger, and were very friendly: Piglet, Owl, Rabbit, Gopher, Eeyore, Kanga, and Roo. It was odd that their names almost matched with what creature they were, but they were a delight, except for Eeyore, who always sounded miserable, even when he was happy.

There was a lot to do that was actually fun, even if they seemed pretty terrifying. Bouncing on a trampoline to pop balloons, riding on a honey pot that she could somehow sit on without any trouble that went through every section of the fantasy world, and even snacking on the delicious honey from the 100 Acre Wood, tasting far better than any honey she ever tried in Equestria. It was also awkward to see Celestia actually acting like a filly, having fun, laughing out loud, all while Twilight joined all the odd games in each area of the storybook. After a whole day of having fun, they had spent the evening cooling down under the same tree and sky on the cover, all of the gang from the 100 Acre Wood, Celestia, and Twilight looking up at the stars.

With her vacation time ending, Twilight left the castle with a smile on her face, all her problems no longer bothering her, though she would not forget those memories. And she's moved past her crush on Sora now, though it would take some time before it could truly be gone. He's a dear friend, but he's technically an alien from a far off world. That's all he is, but that didn't mean he wasn't dependable and cared greatly for the friends he makes.

The train arrived at Ponyville station, Twilight disembarking with her gear and headed off to the Golden Oak Library. "Hey, Twilight!" She looked up and saw Sora wave at her, landing next to her and walked with her. "How was your vacation?"

"It was what I needed," she said. "I feel a whole lot better now."

"Great! I told you you would finally get your head cleared out with some fresh air." As they walked, Sora seemed a little nervous about something, his wings ruffling in the anxiety he was showing. "Uhh, when you left...Kairi told me about what you suggested to her...and me...I mean, I really don't want to-"

"Don't worry, Sora. I'm over it," Twilight said. "Being friends with you is the better option anyway, since you're not really from this world."

"...You sure?" he asked. "If you still feel that way, I don't want there to be anymore trouble between the three of us as friends."

"I'm absolutely sure, Sora. I was just being a bit silly and became a helpless romantic. I'll find somepony when the time comes, just not anytime soon." She giggled as Sora let out a sigh of relief. "So, how was your week? Any Heartless?"

"Well...let's see." Both ponies stopped as Sora crossed his forelegs together, deep in thought. "The Cutie Mark Crusaders put on some kind of song for their school's talent show, and it was the worst show they pulled. I thought for sure they would have found their talents and worked together to make it happen, but no: Sweetie Belle has a beautiful singing voice, but she made the backgrounds and costumes, terrible ones, Apple Bloom is good with crafting, but she ended up making the choreography for their routine, which looked more like some karate moves, and Scootaloo was perfect to come up with the dance moves, but she sang and made the lyrics, which were horrible!

"Then, a day later, Rarity got kidnapped by disgusting mutts calling themselves the Diamond Dogs. They used her very cool gem finding spell to dig out the different gems in their underground caverns, but we didn't even need to save her since she actually whined them into submission. It was pretty funny, and we helped her carry back a huge haul of gems for her clothing line. And just yesterday, we managed to stop a feud down in, as Applejack's cousin named it, AAAAAAPALOOSA!" Sora reared back on his hind legs and kicked his forelegs as he shouted out the name of the location, making Twilight snicker. "A herd of buffalo have lived in the desert region and the land the ponies had to cultivate their apple trees were being used, covering their religious stampeding grounds.

"It would have ended fine if an ambassador from both sides came to a compromise, but Rainbow Dash and Applejack ended up arguing with each other and caused a war between the tribe and Appaloosans! Pie was everywhere, lives were lost to the appley baked goods! IT WAS MASS CHAOS!" Sora exaggerated the "terrible" war, only to immediately return to his normal self. "But we fixed that by moving the trees off the path, and the apple orchard in the desert will be spared as long as the buffalo get a share of the pies. They had to learn to share. They had to learn...to care."

"Hey!" Pinkie shouted, popping up between Sora and Twilight. "That's what I said!"

"You sang a song about it, which only made the feud worse," Sora glowered. "As catchy as it was, songs don't help a situation that involved the lives of a tribal herd of buffalo and settlers of Equestria going through a Manifest Destiny moment." Pinkie and Twilight stared at Sora in confusion, making him groan. "Never mind that last part. The point is, we stopped the fighting before it got worse...So, out of all of that week in a nutshell, nothing out of the ordinary."

"I'm afraid to know what 'out of the ordinary' actually is to you," Twilight joked.

"A Shadow actually behaving like a person, no taking of Hearts, and we see its mouth...THAT will be out of the ordinary for me. But, it's a good thing you're fully de-stressed." Sora wrapped a hoof around Twilight's neck, also catching Pinkie as she hugged the both of them tightly.

"Hey, Twilight smells like honey," Pinkie said, sniffing the unicorn for the source of the sweet nectar. She nosed through her saddlebags and pulled out a pot with her mouth. "There's where it's coming from! Smells good."

"Wait a minute." Sora looked at the honey pot, finding the look of it somehow familiar. He opened the lid, sniffed the honey that was inside, quickly smacking Pinkie's hoof before she decided to dig in and eat the evidence. He dipped a little bit of honey on his hoof, tasting the sticky liquid, smacking his lips as he savored the flavor. "...Where exactly did you get this honey?"

"From my vacation." Twilight put the lid back on and swiped the pot away from Pinkie, her eyes welling up with tears as she wanted to taste the honey too. "And you two aren't going to eat it all. I'm going to make sure to hide this and get back to my studies. I'll see you guys tomorrow!"

Twilight trotted merrily down to the library, but even though Sora was glad to see the unicorn feel better, he couldn't help but find that honey pot and the taste of that honey familiar. "That's so weird. I know I've seen a jar like that before."

"You know the weird thing?" Pinkie asked. "There was a name on it, but it didn't read 'Twilight'. It read 'Pooh'. Who names their foals 'Pooh'!?"

"Wait, Pooh!?" Sora exclaimed, looking back at the library, then at Pinkie, then back to the library. "TWILIGHT! HOW DID YOU GET THAT HONEY POT!?"

Pinkie watched as Sora flew off after Twilight, shrugging her shoulders, her stomach suddenly growling. "I got a rumbly in my tumbly! Heeheehee! That's a funny rhyme! Rumbly in my tumbly!" Pinkie sang as she bounded down to Sugarcube Corner for a snack to fill up her rumbling tummy.

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