• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Princess Twilight Sparkle (Part 3)

Twilight's entourage lead her down the ravine, having no clue there was a pathway leading safely down into the chasm. If the fog around the bridge the first time they came around the ruins of the old castle wasn't there, maybe they would have seen the stairs and the cavern underneath the castle. Once they reached the end of the cave where the Tree of Harmony was located, the alicorn gasped in shock at the state it was in. All of the vines constricted the magical tree more, almost covering it up entirely.

"This is awful," Twilight said. "The Tree of Harmony's dying."

"What do we do?" Goofy asked.

"We can't hack through the bigger vines," Mickey stated. "Most of its attention is brought here, and anyone who tries to cut them away or get close to the tree will end up getting smacked away. They really do have a mind of their own aside from growing and infesting where they go."

While they thought of a way to save the Tree of Harmony, Twilight thought back to what Celestia had said when she and Luna first found it. The Elements of Harmony came from this tree, the Tree of Harmony the most powerful living thing that created those six elements to keep balance in the world. Even without them, it had enough power to keep control of this land, over the Everfree Forest, and keep the wild forest from growing any wilder. But that power was being drained by the vines, and without the Elements of Harmony, it could wither away and die, making the Everfree Forest eventually overrun Equestria and destroy every city and town across the world.

Twilight levitated her crown off her head, pulling out the Element of Magic from its place. "I know how we can save the tree. But...we have to give up the Elements of Harmony."

"What!? Are you crazy!?" Rainbow exclaimed. "How are we supposed to protect Equestria if we give them up!?"

"And what about Discord?" Rarity mentioned. "How are we expected to keep him in line if we have no means of turning him back to stone?"

"Sora does have the Keyblades of Harmony, but we can't use that as a last resort IF HE'S MISSING!" Pinkie shouted, not on board with giving up her Element of Harmony.

"They also connect us, Twilight," Applejack added. "Findin' them brought us all together."

"You're right, Applejack, but it was our friendship that will always keep us connected, not just the Elements of Harmony." Twilight pulled out the gems from the necklaces her friends wore, carrying all six in her magical aura. "I may be a princess now, and I'm going to have a lot more responsibility with my duties as both a co-ruler-" She summoned her Keyblade, staring at the lavender blade. "-and a Keyblade wielder in training. But this doesn't mean our bond as best friends will ever be broken. Our friendship is more powerful than any magic we use or gets thrown at us, right?"

"Twilight's right," Donald said. "Our friendship with Sora always helped us through to win until the very end. Our teamwork and friendship can't be bested."

"Yeah! All for one, and one for all!" Goofy chuckled, grabbing Donald's shoulder and giving him a friendly shake.

Twilight's friends nodded, understanding the Tree of Harmony's life is more important. "Ok. Let's save the Tree of Harmony. Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, I'm going to need some help."

"You got it, princess!" The trio from Disney Castle stepped forward, holding their weapons out as they joined Twilight, facing the vines surrounding the Tree of Harmony. "Let's go!"

Mickey, Donald, and Goofy charged first, getting the attention of the vines as they shot smaller ones at them. Mickey was prepared this time, casting Firaga around himself to burn the vines before they touched him, making sure they don't latch onto him and absorb his mana. Donald did the same thing to avoid getting flung around like last time, keeping his distance as he fired spells from far enough away from the large vines. Goofy was able to protect himself behind his shield as he was hit, pushing back against the vine to reach the base where it came from. With the three expert fighters keeping the vines occupied, Twilight hovered in the air with the Elements of Harmony kept close to her as she flew toward the tree.

The vines began to close up around each spot where the Elements of Harmony were once held in the indents of the branches and trunk, the Element of Magic's heavily guarded while the other five weren't as protected. Grasping her Keyblade in her mouth, not wanting to alert the vines from the little magic she used to hold the Elements of Harmony around her, she flew up to one of the branches. One of the vines lashed out at her, quickly grabbing onto one of her hind legs and yanked down, throwing her flight off balance. As she cried out in surprise, she was flung around like a ragdoll, the enemy plants forcing her to lose focus and drop the six mystical gems.

As it tried to flick her up into the ceiling to slam her and knock her unconscious, time seemed to slow down around her, sensing an opportunity to retaliate and free herself. It was an odd feeling, unsure if it was a magical sense or a passive instinct given to her along with her Keyblade, but she wasn't going to get beaten by an overgrown weed. Taking her chance, she flapped her wings, rerouting herself to plant her hind legs into the cavern ceiling, bucking herself hard and pulling the vine instead as she dove toward the ground. It went slack before she hit the ground, sending her rebounding back to the tree at a rapid pace, aiming for one of the branches on the Tree of Harmony.

Using her Keyblade to slash the vine holding onto her leg, she took the Element of Honesty and slapped it inside. She flew back, surprised, but also excited at the quick reaction she had executed by instinct, watching the tree fuse with the shape of the orange apple-shaped element. The branch began to glow as the Tree of Harmony began to regain some of its color, the vines surrounding that branch began to pull away from the glowing appendage of the magical tree, the light burning the vines away from it with its slowly regaining power.

"Whoa," Rainbow said, her and the other mares staring with jaws agape after watching Twilight pull off something like that. "How did she do that? I want to try that!"

"Maybe we can help distract the vines so they don't go after Twilight!" Applejack suggested. "Come on, y'all!"

"Oh, I don't know," Fluttershy timidly said as Applejack and Rainbow Dash ran in. "W-We could get hurt."

"Fluttershy, if these vines take over Equestria, then they might hurt all the animals in the world!" Pinkie Pie said, making the yellow pegasus balk in horror. "All the cute little bunnies would get strangled. Puppies and kitties being attacked by the trees they mark or attack. And what if they go for aquatic animals? Think about the poor otters and seals! Even the penguins if they can survive the cold!"

Fluttershy went from worried to enraged. "Over my dead BODY!"

She flew in and grabbed one of the vines in her teeth, growling furiously as she gave it a hard spanking like it was a child having done something bad and needed to be punished. Rarity was quite stunned, but Pinkie grinned as her ploy worked.

"Goodness. I didn't think Fluttershy could get THIS aggressive," the unicorn said.

"Come on, Rarity! Are you in, or are you afraid of some giant weeds needing to be plucked!?" Pinkie let out a battle cry and ran in, leaping up and grabbing onto a vine headed straight for Twilight, riding on top of it as she somehow pulled out a cowpony hat out of her tail.

Rarity sighed and shook her head, joining in to help as she wasn't as defenseless as she appeared. Twilight watched as her friends began to help too. As much as she didn't want them to get hurt, their assistance was helping distract so many of the smaller vines, leaving the rest of the branches open. Taking her chance before it was lost, the alicorn flew up to the branches and began placing the rest of the elements in their rightful homes. The Elements of Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, and Loyalty were placed, causing the branches to glow and burn the vines away, the tree molding the indents to fit their new shapes.

The Tree of Harmony was nearly close to being fully healed, all that was left was the Element of Magic. The vines protecting the trunk began to get weaker, but they still held strong, protecting the last placement for the final Element of Harmony. Growing desperate, the dangerous plant's thorns began sparking with electricity. Suddenly, thousands of vines shot up from the larger ones still attached to the Tree of Harmony's roots, growing fed up with the other distractions, thrusting forward and grabbing onto the mares, diamond dog, griffon, and mouse, constricting them tightly as the vines began shocking them.

Twilight heard her friends cry out for help, wanting to help them, but the vines are doing this to distract her and catch her too. She flapped away from the vines diving toward her, growling angrily as she was now fed up with these disastrous plants. Tapping into the Element of Magic one last time before giving it up, the gem gave her a small boost of magical power. Aiming her Keyblade, she fired higher advanced spells at the vines: burning away the vines holding Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, and Goofy with Firaja, freezing the ones holding Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Donald, and Mickey with Blizzaja, the frozen vines shattering to pieces a second later, and the ones that tried to grab her were electrocuted by a very large bolt of Thundaja shooting down on them in the blink of an eye, dispelling whatever electricity the thorns were giving off as they fell limp. Twilight flew up to the tree, slashing through the vines blocking where the Element of Magic must be placed, quickly pressing it in before the vines could try to grow back to protect it.

With all the Elements of Harmony returned, the Tree of Harmony began to glow brighter and shine brilliantly, returned to its full power. The light it radiated began to burn away the vines, destroying them as they began to disappear from their roots around the tree to outside the Everfree Forest.

The vines in Ponyville began to grow even wilder, catching Spike and Zecora as they were waved around in the air. "AHHH! Discord! Help us!"

"Yes, yes. Be there in a minute." Instead of being helpful, Discord was too busy lounging on a chair made out of the same vines attacking the town. They weren't attacking him, or even getting close to them, even when he manipulated them. He was wearing a tropical vacation shirt and sipping on glass of punch, but his vacation was over as the vines began to disappear from the town. Zecora and Spike were freed, the rest of Ponyville was safe, and Discord plopped on the ground, spilling his drink all over his shirt. "Oh poo."

As the last of the vines faded away, the five coils around the Tree of Harmony began disappearing as well. Saving the tree managed to fix both the infestation and searching for the missing ponies, Celestia, Luna, Sora, Kairi, and Riku freed from their trapped prison of black and thorny foliage. Once the last of the vines were gone, the alicorns, pegasi, and unicorn woke up, slightly dazed with no clue as to what happened to them.

"Ugh. I felt like was a sleeping on a pin cushion for a whole day," Sora commented as he stretched. "What happened to us?"

"They're alive!" Pinkie shouted, leaping onto Sora as she hugged him tightly.

"Now I'm being crushed to death by a hyper earth pony! Kairi, save me!" The pink unicorn giggled, then yelped as she was pulled into Pinkie's hug, the other mares crowding around them.

Twilight ran up to the princesses first, thankful to see they were ok as she hugged them. "Twilight, thank you for rescuing us from this wildly unnatural captivity."

"I know it must have been hard to give up the Elements of Harmony, but it had to be done," Celestia said.

"I think we'll be able to manage without them for a while. Just until the Tree of Harmony returns to its full strength, maybe we can borrow them again after a while." Twilight broke the hug and looked over at Riku. The stallion rubbed his head in confusion, looking up at the Tree of Harmony as he tried to recall what had happened to him. She ran up to him and caught him in a tight embrace, surprising him slightly as she nuzzled him. "I am so glad you're ok, Riku. I thought something awful happened to you all."

"I honestly have no clue what happened," Riku said. "The last thing I remember before blacking out was getting attacked by those black vines after leaving your room in the castle...Now, the big question is where are we, and what the heck this giant tree is?"

"That's...a bit of a long story. I'll tell you all everything when we're back in Ponyville." While Twilight backed away, she noticed the Tree of Harmony begin glowing again. Everyone slowly backed away as they watched it, none of them, not even the princesses, had any idea as to what it was doing. The light soon began to form around the center of trunk, right over the star that matched Twilight's cutie mark. The light turned into a keyhole, surprising everyone. "A keyhole?"

Before either Sora, Riku, Kairi, or Mickey could call their Keyblades to unlock what the Tree of Harmony had in store, Twilight's Keyblade was the first to react, appearing in her hoof and pulling her foreleg forward to aim at it. Confused and slightly shocked as her foreleg moved on its own, she felt light pouring into her Keyblade, shooting a small beam out and into the keyhole. As the light disappeared, they all heard the sound of something unlocking, a small trail of light ran down to one of the roots, growing into a flower bud. The petals opened up, revealing a crystal chest with six normal keyholes around it.

"Ooooh. Pretty box," Pinkie said.

"Six locks, which mean six keys need to open it." Curious, Twilight held her Keyblade out to see if the same thing would happen. But as she aimed it at one of the keyholes, it didn't react at all. "What the...?" She shook her weapon to try to make it act on its own again, but nothing happened. "Uhh, am I doing the whole unlocking thing right?"

"Let me try." Sora summoned his Keyblade and aimed it at one of the keyholes in the box, but just like with Twilight, it didn't react. Riku and Kairi did the same thing, but they were met with the same results. "Huh. That's odd."

"It might need specific keys to unlock it, not just the Keyblade," Mickey suggested. "Plus, with there being five of us with Keyblades, it would be impossible to open."

"Hang on. I got one more possible way to open this chest." Sora transformed into his Harmony Form, calling the Keyblades of Harmony and hovered them out to a respective keyhole. They all waited for light to shoot out from the six blades and unlock it, but again, nothing happened. Sora tried to focus his light into them to try and unlock the keyholes, but they wouldn't respond. Sighing in defeat, he reverted back to normal and slumped his shoulders. "Well, that didn't work either. I'm stumped."

"We have no idea where the actual keys to this chest are, but I know that it's a mystery you won't be solving on your own," Celestia said, Twilight looking at her friends, none of them able to wait to see what was inside.

Through the long walk back out of the Everfree Forest, Twilight explained to Celestia, Luna, Sora, Riku, and Kairi what happened when they were kidnapped by the vines. It was a shock for the three Keyblade wielders to hear she managed to stop a small group of Shadows by herself, but the fact that there was another Keyblade wielder who mysteriously showed up to save her from the Neoshadows was surprising. Riku was understandably horrified knowing she went up against Neoshadows, but whoever the mysterious Keyblade wielding knight was that saved her was hopefully an ally.

As they finally reached the exit, Discord had waited for them, causing an explosion of confetti and streamers to rain upon them while unfurling a terribly made banner of their faces. "Hooray for the conquering heroes!" Discord cheered in a sarcastic tone, a small band of his clones playing a variety of instruments behind him, though quite poorly and off tune. Even the draconequus winced with the ponies, diamond dog, griffon, and mouse, quickly snapping his fingers to send them away. "And yet we rehearsed that song for the past few weeks. I can never get good musicians in this day and age."

"More like you made them play that poorly on purpose," Sora said, rubbing his ear to make sure he didn't go deaf.

"So, what happened in there?" Discord asked, appearing in front of everyone. "Any evil Heartless in charge of the whole debacle? A monster from the Everfree Forest made out of those vines?" He looked at the empty necklaces and crown, curious to know what happened to the powerful gems that trapped him in stone. "And where are the Elements of Harmony?"

"They're gone, Discord," Twilight answered, the draconequus grinning with delight at the news. "They're back in the Tree of Harmony."

"But just because they're gone doesn't mean our friendship has gone either," Fluttershy added, scolding Discord as he began to shrink from her little lecture. "And don't do anything awful, because Sora still has the Keyblades of Harmony, and we can use those to punish you. If you still want to be friends with me, you're going to help us clean up the mess those vines had made."

Discord grumbled and disappeared, reappearing before them again while wearing a maid's outfit. "Fine. I'll actually clean up this time. But I don't do windows! Or toilets!"

"Ok, the infestation is over, but what the heck caused those vines to appear in the first place?" Riku asked.

"That is odd," Discord said out loud. "Those seeds should have sprouted ages ago."

Everyone looked at the draconequus, glaring at him as he admitted he knew about those vines. "What did you just say!?" Twilight shouted, slamming into Discord with her Keyblade out, holding the blade against his neck. "You were behind those vines!?"

"I was," Discord said calmly, holding out the potion that allowed Twilight to see the past moments in Equestria's history. "I think a sip of this will help explain everything while I tell you."

Growling, Twilight swiped the potion and leapt off of him, drinking some of the white liquid as her eyes glowed white, spooking Riku a bit. "Uhh, what does that stuff do?"

"She's fine, Riku," Pinkie assured, patting the stallion's head. "She's just taking a little trip down the past to see what's going on. Auntie Pinkie Pie will keep you company until she gets back.

"...Ok, seriously, how old are you?" Riku asked. "You're like a three-year-old in an adult mare's body."

"I know!" she exclaimed, not answering his question as he slapped his forehead.

Twilight found herself back in the past where Celestia and Luna encountered Discord after retrieving the Elements of Harmony. She watched past Discord munching on those black seed, sloppily eating them and spreading them around him, hearing present Discord speak to her through her mind.

"Things didn't exactly go to plan with my plunderseeds," he said as she saw the seeds sink into the ground, the scenery shifting her underground. She watched them begin growing and move down in the direction of the Everfree Forest. "They should have absorbed all of the magic from the Tree of Harmony and captured Celestia and Luna a thousand years ago." The vines began to grow and reach the roots of the Tree of Harmony, but the magic it had prevented the seeds from growing any further. "It seemed as though the Tree of Harmony had enough magic to keep them from growing, at least until now. And it captured Sora, Riku, and Kairi, knowing they were just as threatening as ol' sun butt and moon butt."

As Twilight returned to reality, she growled, slowly turning her head to look at Discord, the draconequus smirking as he held the potion with his tail. "So, I was right knowing you were the cause of all this." Steam began to radiate off the alicorn's body, the temperature around her slowly getting hotter. "Your seeds kidnapped Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, making everypony panic and stress me out with important duties suddenly thrust upon me, making me stress out even more when Sora, Kairi, and my coltfriend, Riku, mysteriously disappeared too, also kidnapped by your plunderseeds, leaving me to be the only saving grace if Heartless appeared, and also having those same seeds nearly kill the Tree of Harmony and take over Ponyville. And you knew all along?"

"Well, if I just told you everything right off the bat, how would you ever learn about being a princess? What kind of friend do you think I am?" Discord replied with the wrong questions, making Twilight snap as her rage made her explode. Her eyes turned red, her body turned white, and her mane and tail were a raging wildfire, the air around her hotter than lava in an active volcano. His smirk melted to a terrified frown, watching the enraged alicorn levitate her Keyblade, slowly aiming it at him. "Uh oh. Uhh, I gotta go! I hear my mother calling! Toodles!"


The others slowly backed away as Twilight screamed out in frustration and anger, actually breathing out fire with each pant as she made the air around them stifling. Riku was somewhat terrified of ever getting Twilight that angry, but at the same time, he was amazed.

"Hey, Riku. Looks like you've got yourself a 'hot' girlfriend. Eh?" In response to Sora's lame joke, Riku slugged his friend in the arm while still watching the alicorn letting off some steam, both literally and figuratively.

Appearing somewhere far away from Ponyville, Discord sighed in relief after getting away from Twilight. "Yeesh! I didn't think she'd get that mad! What has Celestia been feeding that mare?" As he calmed his adrenaline from nearly getting hacked to pieces by the flaming alicorn, he held up the potion. There was still plenty of the white liquid left for another few swigs, the draconequus stroking his beard in thought. "I wonder if I can see other secrets of the past with this stuff. I could get some juicy intel on Celestia and tease her for all eternity with some embarrassing little moments. I have got to see if I can see her as a foal! I could take pictures and show Equestria what their princess looked like as a baby!"

While distracted by his little prank he wanted to try, Discord didn't notice someone watching him from behind the trees in the forest he appeared nearby. Just as the draconequus was about to drink the potion, a gray and blue armored hoof holding a Keyblade aimed the blade at him, casting a spell on him. An illusionary clock appeared around him, freezing him in time temporarily, his eyes closed right as he tilted the potion bottle to his lips. The mysterious unicorn knight walked out from their hiding place, approaching the frozen draconequus, their head moving as their eyes inside the visor examined every inch of the odd creature.

Prying the bottle out of his paw with their magic, a deep blue aura surrounding the potion, the unicorn lowered it down to their level, recalling what Discord said it could do. "So, drinking this will let others see what happened in the past from another's perspective?" the knight said, the voice feminine underneath the helmet concealing her face. "...Will this work in other worlds?"

Placing the bottle away, she aimed her Keyblade at the sky, firing a beam of light and creating a portal above them leading out to space. Once it was made, she flung her Keyblade up high into the sky, disappearing behind the clouds. A flash of light shone through the slowly returning evening sky, the Keyblade now turned into a blue and gray bow-shaped glider with a pointed platform at the bottom as it flew down toward her. Leaping in as it swooped down to her, she flew it back up into the sky and through the portal, the vortex of light disappearing as she made it through.

When Discord was able to move again, instead of feeling the potion bottle against his lips, he bumped his muzzle with his paw, opening his eyes in shock as it was no longer in his hands. "W-What the!? What happened to the potion!?" He looked all around him, patting his sides if he accidentally made it disappear elsewhere, but couldn't find any sign of it. "Aww, come on! I can't have any fun anymore without someone beating the living daylights out of me or scolding me!"

The next day was the Summer Sun Celebration, and thankfully, the event wasn't interrupted. This day was now celebrated to the return of Princess Luna instead of the defeat of Nightmare Moon. Luna had lowered the moon in front of a silver post with a crescent moon at the top, allowing her sister to raise the sun over the gold post behind her with the symbol of the sun. Once it rose high enough, Twilight flew forward and created a spread of light with her magic in the shape of her cutie mark: a bright fuchsia star. Though the celebration was a sight to behold, the former Elements of Harmony, the Keyblade wielder teens, and the trio hailing from Disney Castle had to head back to Ponyville a while after the celebrating truly began.

They met back out in the fields where the Gummi Ships were parked outside of Ponyville. "You mean we're all coming along on your ships!?" Rainbow asked with excitement.

"We need to report in to Master Yen Sid about this mysterious Keyblade wielder Twilight met in the Everfree Forest," Kairi said. "And since he knows a bit about Equestria, along with the rest of you knowing more than you should about the other worlds, I guess we can take you to some places as long as you don't bring too much attention to yourselves."

"That's going to be a bit difficult," Twilight said, not seeing the irritated expression on Sora's face when he looked at Pinkie. "But...this means I can see Riku as a human." The alicorn blushed as she not only wanted to document the differences between ponies and humans when she wasn't able to back when she tried to get her crown back from Sunset Shimmer, but she wanted to see what he really looked like. "...Riku-"

"I'm not going to be used as a guinea pig for your examinations if I have to bring others on my Gummi ship," he said, making Twilight whine in disappointment, but still hopeful.

"Well, we're sure glad to see ya again, Sora," Goofy said. "And helping save the day."

"Try to visit us sometime when you're not busy being a pony," Donald teased as he chuckled.

"Maybe they will," Mickey said as he pulled out something from his pocket. In his hands were nine tickets, giving them to Sora. "We're having an event of our own back in our world we call the Dream Festival. There's a lot of events and fun games to play, and we hold a little competition based around votes over who everyone thinks is the most popular person taking part. The one with the most votes wins the Million Dreams award."

"Cool. We'll be sure to come when we can," Sora said as he placed the tickets in his red pouch. "I can't wait to see the castle again after so long."

"We'll hold you to it!" Goofy exclaimed as he, Donald, and Mickey waved, using the Star Shard to fly back to their world.

"Ok. You girls ready to experience your first flight into space?" Sora asked.

"I call shotgun with Sora!" Pinkie shouted, quickly running into his Gummi ship.

"Of course she is," Sora muttered under his breath.

Rainbow Dash walked up with Sora to join Pinkie inside his ship, Rarity and Fluttershy joined Kairi in hers, leaving Twilight and Applejack to follow Riku up the ramp into his. The mares were pretty excited, and also nervous as they were about to fly in a spaceship leave Equestria for the first time, except for Pinkie. Once Twilight and Applejack walked into the cockpit, the two mares stared in awe at the highly advanced vehicle's controls, the former's eyes sparkling as she demanded to figure out how it all works.

"Easy, Twilight," Riku warned, closing her dropped jaw back in place as he lead her to one of the seats. "You're not going to tear my Gummi ship apart to see how it all works."

"But I wanna," Twilight whined. "If I can't take notes of the differences between you and me, then I will go through every single piece of metal on this ship and find out what makes this vessel tick."

"Ugh. Alright, fine. Human and pony differences it is, then." Grinning gleefully, Twilight pulled out her pencil and notepad from her saddlebags, the only one out of her friends to bring something with her. "You're not doing it while we're flying. Once we exit Equestria's atmosphere, we're going to be using the Warp Gummi drive to bring us to the Mysterious Tower where Master Yen Sid lives. So stay in your seat-" Riku placed Twilight in her seat and buckled her in. "-and stay buckled up."

"Warpin'?" Applejack asked as she climbed in the other seat on the opposite side. "Ah thought we were gonna be flyin' all through space."

"It would take us a week to fly casually across the universe to reach the tower," Riku explained, helping the farm mare buckle in. "Sora seemed to have made a mistake to continue flying for five days, burning out the engine, and causing the whole thing to blow up."

"Wait, couldn't he have just warped to Equestria instead?" Twilight asked with curiosity, writing down notes about Sora's mishap with his earlier ship.

"The Warp Gummi block is only able to warp from world to world if it's been to the coordinates the world is in. So, we have to fly all the way out here in order to freely warp around." The alicorn nodded in understanding as she wrote down the important detail, leaving Riku to roll his eyes while all the information flew by Applejack's head. "You're such a dork."

"Stop calling me a dork," Twilight grumbled as she puffed her cheeks and pouted.

"Then stop writing everything I say," he teased with a chuckle, sitting down in the captain's seat as he fiddled with the controls. As the ship started up, he pressed a few buttons, bringing up network feeds showing the inside of Sora's and Kairi's Gummi ships, the other two doing the same to communicate with each other. "Ok, you guys hear me?"

"You're good on my end," Kairi responded.

"Loud and-" Sora was interrupted as Pinkie leapt over and shoved his face out of the way.

"Hi, guys! Can you see me!? I can see all of you!" she said cheerfully.

"Pinkie, get back in your seat!" Sora grunted, shoving the mare off of him. "And buckle back up, for crying out loud!"

Riku shook his head while Kairi laughed, both of them glad not to deal with the hyper party pony. After Pinkie was settled back in, the ships began to lift off the ground, surprising the ponies at the sudden movement. Twilight watched outside with fascination while Applejack clung onto her seat for dear life. She saw the world below her shrink as they flew higher than any pegasus in history was able to go, eventually seeing what their world looked like as they breached through the atmosphere and in the vast void of space.

"Wow," she said in awe, so wanting to press her face against the glass dome and see everything outside the safety of the ship. She looked at the captain's chair as she saw a light appear around Riku, her jaw dropping as she gasped, seeing Riku as his original human form. "Oh my..."

Even though he looked a lot different, he still retained a few features about him, which happened to be his silver hair and vest. Needing to wear clothes as a human, which was an important fact she kept to memory when she first entered the human world of Equestria, along with his vest jacket were a pair of blue jeans and silver and gray shoes. Riku turned his head when he heard furious scribbling coming from Twilight, the alicorn subconsciously writing on her notepad as she stared at him with a bright red blush on her cheeks.

"I thought I said you're not supposed to write details about me until after we're done flying," he said, the mare squeaking as she realized what she was writing down, quickly hiding her "notes" back in her bags.

"Can y'all get a room?" Applejack teased. "Ya got somepony else in this giant thing called a ship, and Ah kinda wanna set hoof on some land ASAP."

"Alright, alright. We're heading off." Riku turned back around to the console, searching around the map of the galaxy to the Mysterious Tower.

"Oh my gosh!" Twilight exclaimed as she saw the map. "Is our universe really that big!? With so many worlds!?" She squealed and pulled out her notepad again, tearing out the detailed "notes" on Riku and placing them back in her bag to "review" later. "I want to see them all! Pleasepleasepleaseplease take us to one!?"

"We'll see," Riku said, putting the coordinates into the Warp Gummi. "Now, hang on tight. This is gonna get a bit bumpy."

"How tight should Ah hold on?" Applejack asked.

She didn't get her answer as Riku pressed a button on the console, instantly sending them flying at mach speeds through the warp drive, making Twilight and Applejack press back in their seats. Through the incredibly fast warp, they could hear Rainbow from Sora's ships whooping, being the only one of the mares actually enjoying the high speeds the ships were going through the warp field. After a moment of flying through, they reached their destination, the ships slowing down to normal speeds as they saw the Mysterious Tower before them.

"That was awesome!" Rainbow said over the speaker. "Can we do that again!?"

"I-I'd...rather not," Rarity uttered, whimpering as she could barely move her legs from her seat on Kairi's screen.

The teens guided their Gummi ships into the world, hovering them onto the small bit of land outside of the magical tower. After landing them safely, the teens helped the mares with space-sickness out of their seat belts and onto their hooves. Pinkie and Rainbow were fine, the former getting used to it after a second time warping, though Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack needed some assistance.

"I-I think I felt my lungs drop into my stomach," Twilight whimpered as Riku carried her out of his ship, Pinkie and Rainbow helping Applejack as she staggered down the ramp. "Is that normal? Are my intestines going to make it?"

"It's like going on a roller coaster," Riku explained. "You get used to riding out the G-Forces after a while."

He slowly placed her back down on her hooves as they cleared the ramp, the silver-haired teen helping Twilight up as she regained her balance. Sora and Kairi came out of her Gummi ship, carrying Fluttershy and Rarity respectively, the pegasus weakly clinging onto Sora at the horrifying traveling experience she'd ever gone on.

"Wow," Rainbow said as she flew up and took a look at the small world. "Is this place really considered a world? It's more like an island...in the middle of space."

"Psychedelic space," Pinkie reminded as she pointed at the endless void that shifted to warm and dark colors, almost like it was an endless sunset across the horizon.

After waiting a while for the other four mares to regain feeling in their limbs, and internal organs, they walked down the small hill and headed for the stairs leading up to the doors of the tower. Before they approached the door, a mysterious figure in a black coat dropped down in front of them, barring their path.

"Halt," he said after surprising the mares. "What's the password?"

"...Password?" Sora questioned.

"In order to enter the tower, the home of the great Master Yen Sid, you must speak the password to be allowed entry inside." The three teens looked at each other with blank stares while the mares actually began thinking of what the password would be.

"Will you let us through, Lea?" Riku asked. "We have important information to tell Master Yen Sid, and we don't want you scaring our guests from all the way across the universe."

Lea slumped his shoulders and sighed. "You kids don't know how to have fun anymore, do you?" He lowered the hood off his head, revealing his face spiked back red hair. His Nobody, Axel, had teardrop markings under his eyes, but now that he was whole again, he didn't have them anymore. "Work too hard and you'll end up being as strict and hardened as an grumpy old man, not a single funny bone in his body." He pointed black gloved hand to his temple as he leaned a bit closer. "Got it memorized? Learn to live a little." Lea looked down at their guests, the six ponies looking up at him, unsure if he should be trusted with the black coat he was wearing. "...What, you guys babysitting some horses for someone?"

"Hey, that's pony to you, 'Leah'," Rainbow said, getting the ex-Nobody's name wrong.

"It's Lea," he corrected. "L-E-A. Get it memorized, Skittles."

"Skittles?" the pegasus questioned.

"Ok, before we all end up giving each other nicknames, introductions," Sora said, breaking up a possible fight between Lea and Rainbow Dash. "Girls, this is another Keyblade wielder who's being trained under Master Yen Sid as well, Lea. Lea, this is Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight Sparkle."

"Ah didn't think humans were actually this tall," Applejack whispered to Rarity. "This Lea feller is probably taller than Princess Celestia."

"And his outfit needs to stick out more," she whispered back "Maybe I can give it a bit of red to match his mane."

"So, I heard from the old wizard that there was a new Keyblade wielder he couldn't wait to meet. Who's the next newbie?" Lea asked.

"That would be me," Twilight answered, holding out her hoof and showing her Keyblade.

"Interesting." Lea held out his own hand, calling his Keyblade. The blade was orange and red while curved, almost like a solid flame, though the guard around the hilt looked like his old chakrams, the Eternal Flame. "I kinda have two different kinds of weapons, and this one is a little bit harder for me to handle. Not much of a blade kind of guy." He dismissed his fiery Keyblade, holding both his arms out and called forth his chakrams, the spiked discs appearing in his hands in a burst of flames. "But I can catch my foes off guard by switching them out. Pretty cool, huh?"

"Fire frisbees!" Pinkie bounced forward and swiped one of Lea's chakram's, the man baffled by the speed she had and took one of his weapons. "Dashie, go long!"

She threw the weapon, but before Rainbow could fly after it, Lea called it back to him in a burst of flames. "Hey, these things aren't toys! They're dangerous weapons! And they can catch on fire!" He dismissed his primary weapons, sighing in frustration. "You guys need to put a leash on that one."

"Trust us, Lea. She'll end up finding a way to get out of that leash and wind up appearing in your closet a moment later." He stared at Sora, trying to process what he meant. "Whatever Pinkie Pie does, ignore it. It'll save you the trouble."

"And a migraine," Riku added.

"...Ok?" Lea looked at Pinkie, grinning widely at him. "...I'll be watching you, Pink Pie."

"Pinkie Pie," the mare corrected, pointing a hoof to her head, mimicking Lea. "Got it memorized?"

"Ha-ha. Funny." Lea patted Pinkie's head and rustled her mane. "Well, might as well escort the colorful talking ponies and three young adults up to the old man's study. He's been expecting you for a while. I've sometimes been hearing him talking to himself in the other room. Hope he isn't getting senile."

"Oh, we might know who he's been talking to." Lea opened the doors and allowed the guests and fellow Keyblade wielders inside as they made their way up to meet with Yen Sid.

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