• Published 10th May 2016
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My Little Pony: Sora's Misadventures in Equestria - Codex92

After failing his mark of mastery exam to be a Keyblade Master, Sora must continue his training on his own. Unfortunately, he crashes into the world of Equestria, and his friends don't know he's stranded in this far off world.

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Equestria Girls (Part 1)

It had been a week since Princess Twilight Sparkle's coronation, the news of the new alicorn's status having spread throughout Equestria as Princess Celestia's personal student had ascended. During that time, Twilight had tried to find any books in her library that could help her learn to be a proper princess, but all of them were more fictional novels involving a princess, most of them wanting more out of life than their royal status. Now she has a lot more responsibility on her hooves, helping Celestia and Luna with any royal duties they need her to accomplish, or even take over in their stead when called away for important delegations with other nations around their kingdom.

As fun as it was to pretend to be a princess when any mare was little, none of them had any idea how stressful it can be to rule over a kingdom, or even deal with overly excited ponies dying to meet royalty. As soon as she had returned to Ponyville, she was grateful to get away from all the hustle and bustle of being an important celebrity. Everyone in Ponyville had known her for a long while, but all they did was congratulate her on her new wings and princesshood, treating her as Twilight and not Princess Twilight. It was strange how no one outside of Ponyville recognized her or her friends as the Elements of Harmony, heroes who helped saved Equestria from the likes of Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, and Sombra, but everyone was able to recognize Sora and crowd him, looking up to him as a hero more than them. She thought that, since he was an expert on saving the day from any kind of danger, whether from darkness, nothingness, or from those who wish to harm Equestria, it sounded more reasonable for foals to look up to him. As fun as it was to gain any attention, getting it as a princess was a different story.

As she skimmed through yet another novel where the main character was a princess, her eyes just blankly stared at the pages as she laid on the couch. "Hey, Twilight?" The alicorn looked up from her book, her head resting on Riku's lap, staring at her stallion. "You've been on that same page for like ten minutes. You starting to get bored of reading or is that part of the story that interesting?"

Twilight just sighed, closed the book, and set it down, no longer interested in reading a story about a made up princess's life suddenly thrust into an unimaginable adventure. "I lost interest as soon as I picked it up."

Riku picked up the book she was reading, staring at the title. "'Beauty and the Beast'? Sounds like an odd story."

"It's about a mare who wants a better life in a small town she lives in, meets a monstrous, sentient beast who's misunderstood by his appearance, and they end up falling in love after he was killed by a handsome stallion with all brawn and no brains who's had her eye on said mare, then breaks the curse the beast had cast on him by an enchantress with true love, and they live happily ever after," Twilight blandly summarized.

"...Sounds...romantic." Riku cringed as the story reminded him of a certain Beast he insulted back when he was on the side of darkness in Radiant Garden/Hollow Bastion. He tossed the book behind him, wanting to stay away from that topic and try and not make up with a beast crazy enough to travel through worlds to find Belle, one of the Princesses of Heart. "So, why exactly were you just looking at it if you know what it's about?"

"I don't even know anymore." Twilight sat up and rubbed her head. "Maybe out of boredom or something. It's been a week since I've become a princess, and I have no idea what to do now."

"You could maybe abuse your title and get some free sweets at Sugarcube Corner," Riku suggested with a chuckle, only to receive a glare from the alicorn. "...I was kidding."

"Leave the jokes to Sora, Riku. He at least knows how to be hilarious." Riku grumbled to himself, blowing a few strands of his bangs out of his face at the lovely compliment his lover gave him. Twilight buried her face in his shoulder with a muffled groan. "My life has changed for only a week, and I'm already confused as to what I need to do as a princess."

"Well, knowing us, something exciting is bound to happen," the stallion said, wrapping his hoof around her waist, being mindful of her new wings. "Danger always finds us, whether it's with the Heartless or another psycho villain wanting to take over the world."

"OF COURSE!" Pinkie shouted as her head popped out of a bookshelf, startling Riku as he fell off the couch, dragging Twilight with her with a yelp.

The pink pony grinned and pulled her head back through the shelf, disappearing without a trace. "Ok, someone needs to put a collar and a bell on her so I know she's going to show up like that!"

"She'll probably just take it off when she appears in other random places," Twilight giggled, taking the opportunity to nuzzle his chest as he pulled her on top of her.

"You really want to cuddle on the floor when we could have done that on the couch for the past hour?" Riku asked, thankful for Twilight distracting him from Pinkie's random appearing act.

"Twilight!" Spike ran downstairs, holding a scroll in his hand with Celestia's royal seal. "You're not going to believe this, but you've got your first royal duty as a princess!"

"I do?" Twilight sat up and took the scroll, reading what her former mentor/fellow princess had for her. "I'm going to my first summit, and it's in the Crystal Empire. And she wants me to bring everyone else, too."

"Alright! A trip to the Crystal Empire!" Spike cheered. "I'll go tell the others!"

The baby dragon ran out to tell the rest of their friends to get them ready for the trip up north. "I wonder what he's going to think when he sees that big statue of him when we get there. You think he'll try to eat it?"

"I hope not. Well, might as well pack up some things if we're going to be in the empire for a while." She leaned over Riku and gave him a light peck on the lips. "I'll meet you down at the station."

"You sure you don't need help packing?" he asked as he sat up.

"No, I can handle packing this time." Riku raised a brow as he smirked, reminding her of her lack of packing a tent during their little outing. "I'm not going to leave anything I actually need out."

"You sure about that? What if there's not enough room in the castle and you didn't pack a mattress?" Twilight growled, her wings flaring out in annoyance as her horn began to glow, threatening to hit him with a spell. "Ok, ok! Shutting up, now. Sheesh. Am I really not that funny?"

Riku left before Twilight shot something that could end up altering his body or make him do something embarrassing by a signal or word she knows. She headed upstairs and packed her luggage bag with the essentials, like her toothbrush and comb. Looking around her room for anything else she wanted to bring, she spotted her crown resting on her dresser, something she definitely needed as a royal princess. She hadn't worn it for the last week after returning home from her coronation in Canterlot, having felt very uncomfortable wearing that around 24/7. She sighed, levitating the crown and placing it in her bag, finished grabbing what she needed and headed out to the train station, ready to head off to the Crystal Empire yet again.

The train arrived at the Crystal Empire, the day slowly beginning to turn into night as the gang walked into the city. When the rest of the ponies heard about Twilight's first summit, they were all excited for her, though Twilight was incredibly nervous to attend her first ever and important summit meeting. As they passed by the statues of Spike and Sora, the baby dragon stared in awe as his image was well known in the empire, and all just for safely delivering the Crystal Heart down from the top of the castle.

"Ain't this excitin', Twilight?" Applejack asked as they approached the crystal palace. "Your first princess summit."

"Yes, it is a bit exciting, but I'm also pretty nervous," Twilight said.

"You're all 'nervicited'!" Pinkie said. "It's like you want to jump all around and scream 'YAY ME!'" She bounced up and down to express what reaction Twilight "would" have had, then dropping to the ground and curling up in a ball. "But you also want to curl up in a tiny ball and hide at the same time!"

As Pinkie stood back up, she unfolded herself as if she were a robot, even having a faint metallic noise come from her as she moved. Ignoring the randomness that was Pinkie Pie, they continued on their way, only for Rarity to gasp as she realized something was wrong.

"Twilight, why aren't you wearing your crown!?" the unicorn asked. "Did you leave it in Ponyville!?"

"I have it with me. It's in my bag." Twilight pointed at her travel bag, having hoped no one would have brought up her crown. "I'm still a little self-conscious about wearing it. That, and I haven't gotten used to these wings either." She flared out her wings, finding it easier to spread them out than folding them back to her sides. "How come you and Sora got so used to your wings when you came here, Riku?"

"...Well, I never really thought much about it," Riku said as he flexed his own wings with relative ease.

"I think it's because we feel like it's natural for us to be pegasi," Sora guessed, wrapping a wing around his best friend. "They're like an extra part of us we never knew we had, and instinct kicked in, giving us easy access to our new appendages."

"It's the same with me and unicorn magic," Kairi said as her horn flashed white for a second. "It was a bit strange to have a secondary form of magic, but it's like I knew how to use it even before I arrived in Equestria."

"Or you three are quick learners, incredibly quick, and I'm unlucky enough to be slow with learning how to use a physical attachment to my new form." Twilight struggled to fold her wings back to her sides, grunting in frustration until she gave up, letting them sag to the ground. "And I thought reading pegasus anatomy would help me learn to control these things a lot easier."

"You'll get used to it with enough practice," Sora said. "But, I suggest you try and relax a bit more to get them wings folded back to your sides. And don't drag them on the ground. Don't want to bend any primary feathers or get them dirty. They are hard to clean out when you bathe or shower." Everyone stared at the tan pegasus, surprised to hear him of all ponies to care about his wings that much. "...Well, it's true."

"I think you should have stayed as a girl after saying all that," Riku teased, the others laughing while Sora leered at his friend.

"Don't come crying to me when you have feathers that need preening and you neglect to clean them before pulling them out with your teeth!" He ignored his friends' laughter as he walked inside the castle.

While he wasn't paying attention to where he was going as he made his way to the throne room, the others following behind him, Sora accidentally bumped into one of the guards. Seeing who he bumped into, he ran into an orange pegasus stallion wearing gold armor like those worn by the Royal Guard in Canterlot. He wasn't like the other stallions in the Crystal Guard, the soldiers shimmering as they wore crystal armor, meaning this stallion must have been transferred from Canterlot to assist the Crystal Empire.

"Her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle, and her entourage!" the guard announced, stepping back in nervousness as Sora had bumped into him.

Standing by the crystal throne were Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, the pink alicorn walking up to them to greet them. "I'm glad you all could make it."

"It only feels like yesterday since we've last seen each other," Twilight said as she approached her sister.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" both alicorns chanted as they did their little greeting, hugging each other tightly.

"That's never going to stop anytime soon, is it?" Riku asked, the others shrugging as they let the sisters-in-law do their little dance.

"I'm glad you have all arrived," Celestia said. "I'm sure you've all had a tiring trip and are pretty tired. We'll be holding the summit tomorrow morning, and we don't need our new princess to be exhausted for our first meeting."

"And we got you a little surprise gift to give you that I think you'd be very interested in," Cadence added with a giggle. "Guards, escort Princess Twilight and her guests to the guest rooms."

"Yes, Princess Cadence!" the pegasus guard said with a salute, leading everyone through the castle halls to the guest area. While escorting them, he slowed down a bit until he was a bit ahead of Sora, occasionally looking back at him. "...So, uhh...You're Sora, right?"

"Yes, I am he," the teen said. "You from Canterlot?"

"Yes, sir, but my superior transferred me to the Crystal Empire. They needed a bit more security here since there's been a lack of stallions in the Crystal Guard, and Captain-I mean, Prince Shining Armor, is busy going through applications for some stallions willing to enlist." Sora nodded his head, remembering there were barely any guards when they last came here. "And I've heard about your accomplishments and heroic efforts for Equestria, and you look a bit young to even be considered a soldier."

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment," he said. "You a fan?"

"Kind of, but you're a big inspiration for most of my squad and everypony here in the empire." He lead them into the hall where the royal guest rooms are, the mares all picking out their rooms and settling in. After Sora and Riku found their rooms, the latter in a room next to Twilight's in case she needed him, the stallion held out a hoof to Sora as he entered his room. "I'm Flash Sentry, by the way."

He shook Flash's hoof, seeing a bit of giddiness in the the guard's eyes as he shook the Keyblade wielder's hoof. "Well, Flash, hopefully you'll do a good job and secure the Crystal Empire like it was Canterlot Castle."

"Yes, sir!" Flash saluted, returning to being the stoic guard he was and turned about to patrol the halls.

"Nice guy," Sora said to himself. "But a bit too eager when it comes to meeting his idols..."

The sun had long since set as the moon was up in the night sky, all the ponies starting to settle in for the night. Everyone except for Twilight. The alicorn stood in front of a mirror in her guest room, staring at her reflection. She pulled out her crown from her bag and looked at the magical gem on top, the Element of Magic shimmering in the lamp light. She put her crown on and looked at herself again, seeing Princess Twilight Sparkle staring back at her. The alicorn was never one to care about her appearance that much, only fixing her mane from her bed head and her stressful frazzled state, but now she was a princess, and her appearance will mean a lot more now, not just from how she looks, but how she behaves too.

Twilight sighed and took off her crown, laying it down on the dresser. She heard a knock on her door, watching through the reflection as she saw Riku open the door.

"Hey, I saw your light was still on." He walked inside and closed the door, seeing her greatly worried through the mirror. "Can't sleep?"

"...Sort of..." Riku walked up behind Twilight, wrapping his hooves around her in a comforting embrace.

"You ok?" he asked with concern.

"...No. I'm just...worried." She leaned back into him, taking his hooves in her own. "I don't know if I'll be a good leader."

"What makes you say that? You've done pretty well in the past, like turning your friends back to normal after that botched spell." Riku grabbed Twilight's crown with his wings and placed it on top of her head. "Fixing a spell like that's definitely something you figured out, and without you as the Element of Magic, there's no way Equestria would have survived against the villains we've faced."

"But I didn't do it all by myself," Twilight said, levitating her crown back off her head. "Sora was the one who did most of the finishing blows to stop Nightmare Moon and Discord. Shining Armor and Cadence banished the Changelings from Canterlot, along with Sora and Kairi's help with their love and light. Sora was the only one able to hold back against Sombra when we tried to get the Crystal Heart back. And that spell...You helped give me the idea, and I followed it." She squirmed out of Riku's hold, pacing around her room while he let her vent out what's been troubling her. "How am I expected to be a good ruler if I can't come up with solutions to a serious crisis or stop somepony from taking over the kingdom!? What if Princess Celestia gave me a kingdom to rule like Cadence with the Crystal Empire!? I may have a crown and these dumb wings, but that doesn't qualify me as a leader if I can't fix a problem by myself!"

The alicorn flopped onto her bed, letting out frustrated grunts muffled out by her pillow. Riku calmly walked up to the bed and sat down next to her, rubbing her back to help her relax.

"Sometimes, leaders need to borrow some ideas from those close to them or those they can trust." Twilight mumbled something, but he couldn't hear her with her muzzle buried in her pillow. "You can't be expected to make great ideas all the time. Whenever you do anything you want to learn, the first time's not going to end up going perfectly. We all learn from our mistakes and try to do better to keep ourselves from making those same mistakes. Kind of like what I did back then."

She lifted her head up and looked at Riku, then at her crown. "I don't know if I can afford to make mistakes...I don't want to fail everypony."

"You won't." He leaned down and kissed Twilight on the cheek. "Try and get some rest, and don't worry about the negatives. I'll see you in the morning." As he began to walk out of the room, Twilight blushed, her heart racing and causing her wings to slowly extend. She grumbled and got under the sheets, unable to get comfortable with her wings all stiff and with no control of her new appendages. Riku turned around, stifling his laughter as he watched her struggle to fold her wings to her sides. "Need some help?"

"No! I got it," she said, finally getting her wings down to her sides and tucked herself under the covers. "There! Got it. Good night, Riku." Twilight began to fall asleep, but a second later, her wings sprang up, tossing the sheets off of her. "Agh! Stupid wings! I can barely get to sleep, and I wind up in an uncomfortable position when I do!"

The pegasus chuckled, walking back over to the bed with the fuming alicorn glaring at her wing sticking straight up. "Here, let me help." Riku gently took one of Twilight's wings, the mare squeaking as his hooves gently massaged the sensitive muscles, making them stiffen more. "You need to relax. You get all tense, then so do your wings."

"And you're an expert on this after the first day you arrived in Equestria?" she questioned, watching him gently fold one of her wings down while gently rubbing the muscles to keep her relaxed.

"And I was able to fly perfectly up to Canterlot when I landed. First try, too." Twilight smacked Riku with her other wing from playfully mocking her.

"Just fold your princess's wings back into place before I banish you into the cosmos," Twilight warned with a smirk.

"Oh, now you decide to pull rank as a princess to threaten your subjects." Riku chuckled, easing her other wing as he leaned closer to Twilight's ear, giving it a small kiss. "As you command, Princess Twilight."

Riku continued gently massaging Twilight's wing, feeling her body relax as she was slowly lulled to sleep by his gentle touch. Hearing her lightly snore, he gently folded her other wing back to her side, carefully straightening out her lavender feathers before quietly stepping off the bed. Seeing her sound asleep, he gave her another peck on the cheek, silently exiting her room and walking back into his, leaving the door open a crack in case he hears something other than guards' armor clanking in the halls.

It was late in the night as the moon began to rise at its apex, the time now around midnight. More of Canterlot's Royal Guard stationed with Flash Sentry patrolled the halls, their horns shining a light as they wandered the castle. With all four princesses in the Crystal Empire, there was no telling if anyone would be crazy enough to attack any one of them in the middle of the night, and they were all on alert.

Inside one of the many rooms, a bright light shone through the keyholes of the double doors, quickly disappearing as quickly as it appeared. The handle to one of the doors moved, opening it up to reveal a cloaked pony exiting the room. They snuck through the halls, avoiding guards as they passed by in the shadows or any empty, unlocked rooms. Reaching the hallway for the guest rooms, the mysterious sneak walked down the hall, a blue glue coming from their horn to unlock any of the doors with a spell. In the light, the pony revealed their red and yellow striped mane underneath the cloak, along with their light azure eyes.

Quietly creaking the door they picked first, the pony poked their head inside. They found Sora in his bed, his sheets splayed out around him as he snored, quickly closing the door as they picked the wrong one. The pony searched through the other rooms until they stumbled upon Twilight's room. Sitting on the dresser in plain sight, next to the sleeping alicorn in the bed, was what they were looking for.

The pony grinned and crept into the room, making sure not to wake the princess as they eyed the crown and the light fuchsia star-shaped gem on top of it. Reaching the dresser, the unicorn's aura levitated the crown as they examined it. Content with what they were stealing, the unicorn pulled out a dilapidated crown that was slightly similar to the actual one, a terrible immitation that even a foal could tell the real one was stolen. The unicorn winced as Twilight snored and mumbled in her sleep, turning over in her bed as she got more comfortable.

Breathing a silent sigh, the cloaked unicorn placed the fake on the dresser and began to sneak out of the room. As soon as they exited the bedroom and quietly shut the door, the pony chuckled, sounding feminine as her eyes gazed upon the Element of Harmony.

"This is too easy," she whispered, unaware of Riku's bedroom door was opened all the way. "It's all mine now."

Her ears perked up at the sound of a flash coming from somewhere, freezing in fear as a purple and red winged blade was thrust right in front of her face. She looked over to where it came from, finding a white stallion with silver hair leering at her, standing on his hind legs with the weapon held in his hoof.

"What are you doing with Twilight's crown?" Riku asked. The thief's horn glowed, a pair of ethereal swords appearing and thrusting toward the stallion, quickly avoiding them as he backed away, leaving the mare open to escape. "HEY! Get back here!" As he chased after the unicorn thief, Riku's shouting woke the others as they all poked their heads out of the room. "She's stolen Twilght's crown!"

Sora quickly gave chase and joined Riku, his Keyblade at the ready as they flew after the unicorn thief. Following behind them were Twilight and Kairi, the others giving chase as well. Both mares nodded their heads, charged their horns, disappearing in a flash of light as they teleported in the thief's path.

"Give me back my crown!" Twilight shouted as Kairi summoned her Keyblade.

The mare was surprised, but didn't stop at the roadblock, her horn glowing as she teleported past them, sending her cloak flying into the pink unicorn and alicorn. The thief had an orange coat, her cutie mark a red and yellow sun that matched her mane and tail. She turned around and grinned, only to stare in shock as Kairi burnt through the cloak with her Fire spell, the flames spiraling around her and Twilight.

"What the heck!?" She quickly ran for it, only for Sora and Riku and tackle into her, sending all three of them tumbling across the hall.

They ended up in the same room the thief came out from, sliding to a halt as the mare dropped the crown, sending it bouncing off of the walls. Sora and Riku watched the Element of Magic bounce around and phase through a mirror, sending it through as if it was some kind of portal.

"What happened to the crown?" Sora asked.

The thief quickly flipped over underneath the stallions while they were distracted, quickly kneeing them both in between the hind legs. The two teens yelped and winced in agony, easily weakened by the low blow and were kicked back, sent flying out of the room. The mares all quickly arrived and gasped as the thief stood up and sneered.

"Sorry it had to be this way, princess," she said as she backed up to the mirror.

Before Kairi could chase after her, the unicorn disappeared through the portal. The Princess of Heart had no clue what lied beyond that mirror, no telling where it would end up without any knowledge of what's beyond it. Hearing Sora and Riku groaning in pain brought her attention to them.

"Guys, what happened to Twilight's crown?" Kairi asked, the two males barely able to move as they clutched their sensitive bits.

"I-It went through...the mirror," Sora groaned. "She got us really good."

"Why...is there...our one weakness?" Riku questioned, feeling another wave of pain as he curled into a ball and hissed.

"Who was she?" Twilight asked. "And why did she steal my crown?"

They woke the princesses up and met up with them in the throne room to tell them what had just happened earlier in the morning. They described who snuck into the castle, the Element of Magic stolen, and how she along with the crown escaped through the magical mirror portal in one of the rooms. Throughout the explanation, Celestia seemed upset, as if she knew who they were talking about.

"Sunset Shimmer...A former student of mine," she said. "She began her studies not too long before I discovered Twilight's magical potential."

"How come I've never heard of her?" Twilight asked.

"She had the potential, but her desires outweighed her studies," Celestia explained. "I tried to help her, but she began to act cruel and dishonest toward me when she didn't have her way." She levitated the fake crown Twilight brought from her room. "Sunset eventually ran away, leading her down a dark path with her cruelty. She thought that replacing your crown after stealing it would buy her enough time until it was too late to realize the real crown was stolen."

"That thing looks more like a flimsy arts and crafts project," Sora said. "If she's supposed to be as smart as Twilight, then she didn't plan it that well with a piece of plastic to replace an actual crown. But where exactly did she go to in that mirror?"

"You will know more about where she escaped to far better than I, Sora." They soon headed back to the room with the magic mirror. "What you all see before you is no ordinary mirror. It is actually a gateway to another world, and it opens every thirty moons."

"Oooooh! Sparkly!" Pinkie pressed her hoof against the mirror, watching it ripple like a pool of water, immediately dragged back by Luna's aura, keeping her far enough away from going through out of her childish curiosity.

"Thirty moons?" Kairi pondered. "Is it thirty days or two and a half years? Because if it's the latter...anyone who passes through could be stuck in that world for a long time."

"We had this mirror hidden in the throne room back in the castle in Canterlot, and when the Crystal Empire returned, I sent it to Cadence for her to watch over." Celestia looked at the mirror, staring at her reflection. "I was hoping Sunset would come back and seek my guidance, but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore."

"Twilight, the Element of Magic must not be in this other world," Luna said. "It may cause a catastrophe to the inhabitants there, leaving them defenseless to the magic that might be unleashed from it."

"Not to mention that we need all six Elements of Harmony to defend ourselves from anypony who might try to take over Equestria again," Cadence added.

"Twilight, you must go through the portal, find your crown, and come back here before the portal closes," Celestia said. "In three days, it will close by midnight, and starting this morning, you only have such a limited amount of time before you remain trapped there for another thirty moons. Do you understand the importance of this task?"

"Yes," Twilight nodded. "I understand perfectly."

"Yeah! Let's get going!" Rainbow exclaimed. "Let's take on that Sunset Shimmer and get that crown back!"

Before Rainbow Dash could fly ahead into the portal, Celestia stopped her by grabbing onto her tail with her golden aura. "No. Not all of you can go."

"Why not!?" the mare asked.

"If all of you go through, you could upset the balance of the world beyond, and it will only make retrieving the crown from Sunset more difficult." Rainbow Dash wanted to protest, but was unable to complain by the princess's command. "Twilight must do this on her own...Though, maybe with some assistance from Sora, Riku, and Kairi, as they are not from our world."

"That's true, but what about Equestria?" Riku asked. "What if any Heartless show up and there's no one to defend it?"

"I'll go with Twilight," Sora volunteered. "If Sunset Shimmer has the Element of Magic, and if she's able to tap into its power, with her magical potential matching Twilight's, she could really cause a lot of damage. I'm the only one strong enough to take her on, assuming her magic can still be used wherever she ran to."

Riku and Kairi looked at each other, nodding their heads in agreement. They knew he had more power than either of them, and if Sunset was as powerful with her magic as they had seen, then it would be better to have Sora go in with Twilight.

"Alright. We'll watch Equestria for any Heartless until you get back." Kairi walked up to Sora and hugged him tightly. "Just make sure you don't die on me or get trapped in that world, ok?"

"Yes, ma'am." Sora saluted, getting a kiss on the cheek from his princess before he left.

Riku hugged Twilight, afraid to let her go into another world without any knowledge of the danger where she and Sora would be going. "Be careful out there, ok?" Twilight nodded, the couple sharing a kiss before she stepped away. "Sora, you make sure Twilight stays safe, alright?"

"Relax, Riku. I've been saving her tail several times in the past from danger. Nothing's gonna happen to her on my watch." He bumped his hoof against his chest, ensuring he won't let any harm come to Twilight while they're in another world. Sora and Twilight approached the mirror, ready to jump through to wherever it lead. "Well, I don't think the 'ladies first' rule applies to something like this. Let's do this." He took a running start and dove into the portal. "Geronimo!"

The tan pegasus's body disappeared as he went through, the mirror rippling as he dove inside. Twilight gulped, tentatively approaching the mirror, pushing her hoof into the portal. She pulled it back as she felt it try to suck her leg in, looking back at the others, too nervous to jump right in. Celestia nodded to her, knowing how important it was to retrieve her crown. She looked at Riku, greatly worried for her safety, but knows Sora will protect her. Twilight took a deep breath and faced the mirror, slowly walking through into the next world.

"Three days," Riku uttered. "Three whole days until the portal closes...I hope they get that crown fast."

"She's with Sora," Kairi assured the worried stallion. "I'm sure whatever's in that world, he can handle anything that-" Suddenly, Spike ran forward, heading straight for the portal. "Spike!? What are you doing!?"

He didn't stop and leapt into the portal, everyone else unable to stop him or pull him back as he disappeared through the mirror. They all stared at the mirror, now having to risk another friend to being trapped in the other world if time ran out.

"...Oh boy. Now I'm really 'nervicited'," Pinkie said, making Riku facehoof.

"'Nervicited' is not a word, Pinkie Pie!" he exclaimed in frustration. "I don't need any of your random nonsense when I should be gravely worried about Twilight being in a new world! We don't know what could happen!"

"It could be fun there and not dangerous?" Pinkie pondered, earning an icy glare from the stallion. "...And you're really mad and I should be quiet now."

Sora regretted diving into the portal, his entire body feeling like it was being warped around like he was teleporting every cell of his body through a deadly time warp. After what felt like an eternity, he finally made it through, yelping in surprise as he fell on his stomach, groaning in pain from the harsh drop. The teen tried to get up, only to hear a yelp come from behind him and something land on his back, sending him back to the ground as the body that fell on him rolled off. Sora dared to lift his head up, hearing a bark that sounded like it came from a dog now, smacking him in the back of the head, sending his face into the ground.

"Ugh...Ok. I've taken enough abuse for one day." After recovering from the painful landing and softening the landing for Twilight, Sora got up on his knees as he rubbed the back of his head.

He stopped rubbing the bump he was about to get when he noticed on odd feeling that was very familiar to him. He brought his arm back, spotting his fingers and gloved hand, flexing the digits. He stood up and looked down at himself: standing on two legs, his black shorts and shoes, and furless skin. He brought both his hands up to his face, feeling his normal human ears and muzzle-less mouth and nose. Wherever the portal took them, it was somewhere not in Equestria if he had reverted back to being a human.

He looked around him to get his bearings and find out where it took them. In front of him was a large building, which looked like a school, though with how early in the morning it was, there weren't any students or faculty around. Behind him was a stone statue of a horse rearing up on its hind legs, which was where he must have exited. Beyond that was the town, many houses along the roads as modern vehicles drove along the streets.

"Where did we wind up?" Sora asked himself. "Looks like a human world...through a portal from Equestria."

"Oogh, that was a rough ride." The teen looked behind him, hearing someone talking, but there wasn't another person to be seen. "Whoa! Sora, is that you!?"

He looked down, the direction of the voice coming from a dog. The color scheme of the canine was familiar, and so was the young male voice that came from it. It donned on him that the purple pup with the light green ears and green tuft on his head was Spike, now wearing a spiked collar around his neck.

"Spike!?" Sora fell to his knees to get a closer look at the dragon-turned-dog, picking him up in his hands to lift him up at eye level. "What are you doing here!?"

"I'm sorry!" he apologized. "I was worried about Twilight! I know she would be safer with you, but she'd be a nervous wreck if I wasn't there to help her!"

Sora dropped Spike, the puppy yelping while the teen groaned in annoyance. "For goodness sake. First Pinkie, now you. You know that there could have been something dangerous after coming through here and that something could have been a dragon-eating beast?"

"Well, it's safe here, so I guess we got lucky." The teen facepalmed as Spike missed the fact that they had no idea what could have been a dangerous world beyond the mirror. "But, what are you? And how did you get that tall?"

"Oh boy...I'm going to have to explain to you and Twilight about-" He paused, having completely forgotten about Twilight. "Oh man! Twilight!"

Sora and Spike turned back to the statue, finding a teenage girl with purple hair and a familiar pink streak running down the middle. She wore a blue blouse, a dark purple skirt with the same pink and white stars Twilight's cutie mark had, and a pair of purple boots with pink socks on her feet. The Keyblade wielder and canine ran up to her, Sora kneeling down beside her while Spike skidded across the ground, surprisingly having gotten used to walking on fours so easily.

The girl groaned as she came to, sitting up on her knees as she looked around her. "I feel dizzy..."

"Twilight?" Spike asked, alerting the alicorn-turned-human as she heard her number one assistant's voice.

"Spike? You're not supposed to be-" Twilight looked at the small puppy, tilting her head in confusion. "Spike? Are you a...dog?"

"Uhh, yeah, I think so," he said, finally getting a good look at himself. "But, I have no idea what you or Sora are."

"Huh?" She looked at Sora, surprised to see how different he looked. She remembered seeing him like this before, on the cover of Pooh's storybook Celestia had borrowed a while back. He looked exactly like the being with Pooh: same black clothing, same spiky hair, similar features that weren't equine like she was. "...Sora?"

"Yeah. It's me," he said with a nervous grin. "You're uhh...looking at the real me."

"This is what you look like? I thought you looked so similar to the-" As Twilight lifted her hand to rub her chin in thought, she noticed that she wasn't touching herself with a hoof. She lifted up her hand, gasping at her new digits, bringing up the other hand to see if she wasn't dreaming. "W-W-Wha-?"

"Ok, I know it's a bit of a sudden change, but it's not as bad as you think," Sora reassured.

Unfortunately, Twilight's eye twitched, already going into a full blown panic as she was able to bend and flex her fingers around. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Or she's going to freak out anyway." Sora looked down at Spike, shrugging his shoulders, as if knowing she would have lost it. "This is gonna be a long day..."

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