• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,690 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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There Is No Day

"So, uh..." Ariel squatted and unsquatted, stretching her back and wing muscles. "Any particular way you wanna... y'know... do this?"

Rainbow Dash sat in the middle of an endless ocean of flat rock. She had taken off her saddlebag and was rummaging through it. "Hmmm?" she exhaled out the side of her muzzle.

"Like... you take the lead... I follow you..." Ariel shrugged. "I ascend first... you follow me..." She shrugged again.

Rainbow's hoof brushed past bundled food, supplies, and a flickering gloss orb. She lingered slightly, her hoof resting on the edge of the Dragon Stone. "We're just flying," she muttered. "Not getting married."

"But... it's a strange sky and we're on the Dark Side and there's chaos everywhere and—"

"I've yet to see anything chaotic."


Rainbow exhaled, brushing the stone aside and reaching for a pair of goggles nestled in the far corner of her saddlebag. "Alright, Ariel. You want a two step program?" She pulled the article out, smiling slightly at its familiarity. "Step One: we chillax. Step Two: we chillax some more."

Ariel gulped. "Sorries." She sighed, letting her wings droop. "I guess I just felt that... that this place is so crazy weird that it must hold its own sort of intense gravity. Y'know?"

"No..." Rainbow's hoof brushed across the initials "S.L." "I don't."


"It's just a sky," Rainbow droned. "Unless it's suddenly filled with dragons or managliders or giant airships piloted by maniacal one-eyed psycopaths... then it's no different than any other sky. For realsies." She looked at the Heraldite situated next to her. "If we freak out over every alien detail of this part of the plane, then we'll never take off and fly anywhere."

"I... I-I guess you have a point."

Rainbow gulped. "And... I guess I should be sorry too."

Ariel's ears twitched. "What for?"

"I should be better at making decisions—y'know... for the group. Especially when it comes to flying."

Ariel shrugged. "You got far with the Noble Jury. I'm guessing it wasn't a pressing issue with them."

"Yeah, well—I cheated." Rainbow's lips smirked ever so slightly. "We had a manaship... and I had a hammock."

"Oh yeah?"

"Ohhhhhhhhhh yeah..." Rainbow raised the goggles to her eyes. She brushed a hoof across a lone crack resting across one of the glass lenses. "A friggin' space elk was doing all the navigation. And when that didn't deliver, Pilate filled all the gaps with his zebra senses."

"I'll... pretend that I know what that means," Ariel wheezed.

"All good and fine, girl. I've only ever done the same." Rainbow breathed calmly. "How about this? I'll take point. You fly behind me. When I want us to fly faster or higher, I'll signal with my tail."

"You... want me to stare at your tail the whole time..."

"Uh... yeah?"

Ariel cleared her throat. "Works for me."

Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Eeuuughhhh..."

"Hey..." Ariel smirked. "You told me twice that we gotta 'chillax.'"

"Feed my ego any more and I'll sink like a stone."

Ariel giggled. "Looks like most of the Rainbow Dash I know survived Bleak's Plummet after all."

"You really don't know a whole lot about this alleged 'Rainbow Dash.'"

Ariel blinked. "You could tell us," she said in a soft tone. "You could tell all of us."

"Yeah, well..." Rainbow returned to examining the lenses. "...from the look of things, we're gonna get easily bored on this twilight trek, soooooo—"

The goggles reflected dull scales glinting by.

"... ... ...?!" Rainbow Dash spun around, blinking at the pale thin horizon that marked the distant edge of the world.

Ariel noticed her sudden movement. "What?" When there was no response, Ariel trotted closer. "Rainbow, what is it?"

Rainbow opened her lips... but said nothing. She blinked again, gazing at dreary blackness all around. Finally, she looked at the goggles again. All they were reflecting was starlight.

"... ... ...Rainbow?"

"Nothing. It's..." Rainbow shook the cobwebs out of her skull. "Been awake for a bit too long, I guess. Seeing shadows..."

"Do you want to rest up a bit? I'm sure the group won't mind—"

"Nah. Everything about our journey across the Dark Side so far has been total lame sauce." Rainbow strapped the goggles on. "We'd better survey the landscape, make some progress, then rest up." She tightened the article around her head and looked at the mare beside her. "Or did you need a breather?"

Ariel easily shook her head. "I'm super good to go!"

"Cool. Wings spread, girl." Rainbow trotted forward. "For added protection."

"Last question."


"If... for some reason we get lost in the... y'know... darkness..." Ariel gulped. "Should I just look for your ruby pendant or—?"

"Nah, I'll get Fluttershy and the other girls to help." Rainbow patted Ariel's shoulder with a set of wingfeathers. "I'll find you."

Ariel exhaled through a smile. "Best thing I heard all day."

"Silly bird horse." Fwooosh! Rainbow shot towards the twilight. "There is no 'day.'"

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