• Published 4th Jun 2017
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Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

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The Things They Carried

The group carried itself Curveside. They followed Rainbow Dash and Rainbow Dash followed Fluttershy's bearings on the caravan of Dihmers who had left them hours prior. This path meandered slightly towards Omega, leading towards a sloped plain of stone that descended from the highland plateaus that pockmarked the landscape Edgeside. The world grew flatter and flatter—which was a signature of relief. All of the lunar scars that had previously blemished the earth had vanished, and Rainbow's frequent glances at Axan's dragonstone reinforced the fact that the Bloodwings were far behind them—or at least such could be said of their intimidating lair.

The moisture in the air increased. The atmosphere grew humid... warmer. Various Heraldites' hooves splattered in puddles of water, and they looked down to see that they had rediscovered the shallow streams trickling towards Omega. More and more tributaries coalesced, growing deep enough that a good few of them had to be forged carefully—one at a time—in order for the group to carry on their terrestrial journey.

A day and a half into the trek, the group became aware of a dull bass noise. At first, they feared it was the return of the tatzlwyrm, but Fluttershy and Rarity were both quick to dissuade their worries. Still, that left them with a new mystery. Something deep within the heart of the world was producing a low frequency vibration—intense enough that it caused extra ripples to form in the streams of water. Rainbow inquired of Fluttershy, and Fluttershy told her that none of the Dihmers had changed their pace. Whatever was happening—it had to have been normal, for it didn't cause the locals any alarm.

Soon, Fluttershy sensed something else. Rainbow was surprised to learn that there were other caravans traveling in roughly the same direction as the Herald. Most of them hailed from Alpha, but a few came from Omega as well. Their marches were all angled in such a way to suggest that they were headed in the same direction as the very first caravan of Dihmers that the Herald met.

Another day passed, and these other groups appeared within visible range. Ariel and Rainbow took turns, ascending high enough to spy on the ponies. They clustered in loose groups of a dozen or so hunters, and they were evidently carrying leather packs filled with slaughtered game. Soon enough, no less than five separate groups were marching in the same direction as the Herald. It was akin to an entire exodus of hunting groups.

When the Dihmers came close enough for Rainbow's friends to see—and for them to see Rainbow's friends—they gave no indication that they made visual contact. Just like the first group of Dihmers, these locals were just as ambivalent, emotionless, and unenthusiastic. Many of them were also young—as far as Rainbow's ghostly companions could judge. Also like the others, they were shaved through to their naked, wrinkled flesh. Their eyes were gray, dull, and scarcely reflected the twinkle of the twilight above. Multiple scars and questionable marks dotted their flesh—especially around their scalps. Their weapons were crude, barbaric, but surprisingly sturdy. Not a single of them made eye contact with the Herald... or with each other, for that matter.

Hours later, Fluttershy told Rainbow that there were other groups moving in the opposite direction. Sure enough, the Herald found themselves passing Dihmers with empty packs who were marching towards Edgeside—spreading towards both Alpa and Omega. Their weapons were extra sharp and their movement was far less labored than the ones marching in the same direction as the Herald. Kepler obligatorily hypothesized that these locals were setting out to begin their hunt while the others were returning with their slaughter. Judging from the dense traffic, there was no doubt that Rainbow and her group were approaching some singular hub of trade for the Dihmer civilization.

But the fact that they were approaching their destination brought little joy to the Herald. The sheer magnitude—and silence—of the Dihmers was positively nerve-wracking. Hundreds (if not thousands) of ponies marched to and fro in dense groups, emotionless and devoid of mirth, carrying bags full of bloody salvage and razor-sharp weapons. Despite this bustling industry—dozens upon dozens of caravans criss-crossing through shallow streams of rippling water—none of the ant-like Dihmers made so much as a peep. The only thing that stood out was a dull humming sound in ever-increasing volume. As the Herald threaded their way through the interchange of marching pony caravans, the hum magnified... materializing into a noticeable pattern. A beat. Percussion.

Rainbow felt sick to her stomach, and so did her friends—both ghostly and not. Their experience on the Dark Side had dramatically switched from silent desolation to an over-populated bedlam. More haunting than this was the knowledge that if they tried asking any of these locals what was going on, they'd be answered with taciturn phrases or abject silence. To say the least, this was not what Rainbow Dash had expected from this edge of the plane, and the more the percussion increased in its bass ferocity, the harder she found it to concentrate... much less sleep.

Thus, dreaming was out of the question... and any hope of making further contact with Nat'rdo or the other matriarchal members of the Dark Vigil had swiftly vanished beyond the realm of expectation. Rainbow found herself instead focusing on the here and now, and it was migraine-inducing.

"If it helps for you to know, Rainbow, darling..." Rarity winced slightly, her ghostly ears twitching with each successive throb of the mysterious hum. She followed her anchor as she crossed waist-deep through another rippling stream of water. "...I do believe I can now sense a village up ahead."

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow huffed and puffed. She emerged from the other side of the shallow river and shook the moisture off her fetlocks. She turned around and waited for the rest of the Herald to cross the tributary with their heavy supplies. In the distance, countless lines of marching ponies crossed paths, disturbing the flow of the shallow rivers across the sloped stone. "Is it the place everypony is headed for?"

"It's got the highest concentration of pony souls I've detected since Rohbredden," Fluttershy said. "Also... other living things... some in far too good a condition to be slaughtered prey." She gulped. "So... I think Rarity's right."

"Reckon we're close to the finish line!" Applejack said. She turned to smirk at Rarity. "What kind of buildings are ya sensin', Rares?"

"I shudder to say..." Rarity fidgeted in mid-hover. "Garish... bouldery specimens, from the feel of it. Almost like a bunch of pre-Equestria ponies just... hammered a bunch of rocks loose from the earth and piled them on top of each other!"

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey..." Pinkie grinned. "That sounds cozy, actually!"

"This is no rock farm, darling," Rarity droned. "The structures barely count as lean-tos! I'm almost scared to look at the place with my own eyes. It must be quite the eyesore!"

"The ponies there seem to be doing fine for themselves," Fluttershy said. "I don't detect anyone in pain or distress."

"These are Dihmers we're talkin' about," Applejack muttered, eyes dull. "I doubt they could feel anythang if you paid them."

"Sooo..." Pinkie's ears drooped. "...no partying, then?"

"I'm afraid not, Pinks." Rainbow turned and squinted Curveside while the rest of the Herald returned to dry land. "Just whereabouts is this village, Rarity?"

Rarity was already pointing about twenty-five degrees towards Omega. "In roughtly that direction, Rainbow. You'll see the highest concentration of marching ponies."

"I wonder if now would be a good time to send some of us ahead to fly and survey the place?"

"I can't quite fathom what the point would be, darling. Is there anywhere else we would rather arrive at for the time being?"

"Mmmmm... No. I guess not." Rainbow exhaled. "I'll tell the group what to expect. In the meantime..." Her voice lingered as her eyes fell on Twilight.

The lavender ghost's horn was glowing dimly. The light from her crown intensified in direct response to the waves of percussion humming through the earth.

"Twi...?" Rainbow squinted. "Egghead? What's making you crack?"

"Huh?" Twilight looked at Rainbow with a dazed expression. "Oh... uhm..." She rubbed her head and shuddered from head to tail. "I'm sorry, Rainbow. I... I can't explain it..."

"You sensin' somethin'?" Applejack asked.

"Chaos?" Rarity asked.

"A ghost bouncy-castle?!" Pinkie tried.

"No and no..." Twilight rubbed her crown. "There's... there's something big just beyond that horizon." She shuddered. "Almost like the ground is giving out to make way for it..."

Rainbow's gaze lifted above her friends. She stared at the horizon... looking to how it rose up beyond the vanishing point, blotting out the stars and leading towards the middle of the plane where the harmonic gold splotch of the Midnight Armory resided. In the immediate haze of the curve, there were no distinguishable features... at least none that Rainbow Dash could spot with the naked eye.

"It's... it's the Ocean, right?" she asked. "I mean... that's why the ground would be giving way."

Applejack hovered beside Rainbow Dash, squinting at the same immediate portion of the Curve. "Come to think about it... if there was a huge body of water... wouldn't it be reflectin' the Twilight somethin' fierce?"

"Maybe... the light doesn't work that way on the Dark Side...?" Rainbow tried.

"No, it's... it's something else..." Twilight sighed hoarsely, her voice tight with aggrivation and confusion. "I... I'm sorry, Rainbow. But... but I just can't explain what I'm sensing."

"But you are sensing something," Fluttershy remarked. "Then it must be something magical."

"Yeah..." Twilight gulped. "Or something the opposite of magical."

Rainbow arched an eyebrow.

Twilight gave her an apologetic glance. "I'm sorry, Rainbow. I guess... we just won't know until we look at it."

Rainbow shrugged. "No time like the present for a day at the beach." She motioned at the Herald. "Come on, guys! Destiny awaits!" She marched forward with her pack of supplies. "Bring your towels!"

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