• Published 4th Jun 2017
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Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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Darkreach Chronicles, Part Nine

"Social observations: I who would be called Chief Engineer Ranort have found it difficult to gauge the emtions of they who would be the ponies of that which would be called the Verdestonian Expedition, but suffice it to say that the overall mood of that which would be called Darkreach has become anxious—even melancholic. This is not so suggest that those who would be the faithful servants to she who would be called Commander Gwen have lost faith in the mission or the wisdom of their superior. But—rather—the optimism has almost completely faded, especially now that we who would be the Verdestonian Expedition have come to grips with the immensity of the harrowing path to the Midnight Armory ahead of us.

"Personal assessment: He who would be Lieutenant Warhol continues to be a source of inspiration and unfaltering dedication. However, I who would be Chief Engineer Ranort cannot expect even he who would be Lieutenant Warhol to maintain such stamina and enthusiasm forever. The Dark Side consumes the light from us all, and when we who would be the Verdestonian Expedition witness the jaded and lifeless complexion of those who would be the indigenous equines of this realm, it spells an ill-fate for all mortals who attempt to venture into such chaotic emptiness.

"Statement of commitment: I who would be called Chief Engineer Ranort am determined to preserve every bit of this campaign as is possible. Even if it takes another hundred crystalline batteries to compose my thoughts, it must be done. This is because I who would be called Chief Engineer Ranort greatly suspect that this journey of that which would be called the Verdestonian Expedition will not be completed in a single equine timeline. Even she who would be called Commander Gwen must sense the reality of this, though a statement to the fact would never escape her lips.

"Conclusion: I who would be called Chief Engineer Ranort record this journal not for myself or for that which would be called the Verdestonian Expedition of present day. Rather, this journal exists for all future ponies who would be the supplements of the Twin City Council. If we who would be called the Verdestonian Expedition under the command of she who would be called Commander Gwen cannot find a way to the source of harmony that eludes us, then maybe somepony else can."

Logan's strong forelimbs cocked a crossbow and slapped it down onto a table beside several more.

"There." He exhaled, pointing at the arrangement of weapons inside a Darkreach storage room. "I found a total of forty of these things lying about in disarray."

"They don't look like normal crossbows to me," Rainbow Dash said. "At least... not like the ones I saw in Rohbredden."

"That's because they don't house arrows," Logan said. He pointed at a short, triangular housing chamber above the stock of the weapon. "Looks like a spot to shove in a manacrystal."

"Jeesh..." Rainbow's wings drooped. "Crystals. Crystals. Crystals."

Logan raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, and?"

"I dunno. Just..." She grumbled breathily. "I feel like I missed the boat somewhere and I just don't care." She blew out the side of her muzzle. "Felt like I got enough of this sort of crud in Ledomare."

"Yeah, well, we could use all the 'crud' we can get," Logan said. "There are more enchanted reagents lying around this place than you can shake a dead cat at. With your permission, I'd like to test out some of the ammo above ground—atop the mesa." He shrugged. "Just a little target practice."

"Sounds fine to me." Rainbow squinted. "What about our boomsticks, though?"


"Didn't we bring a few of Bleak's Plummet's finest armaments with us from the Light Side?" Rainbow remarked. "With lunar ammo to boot?"

"Yes we did," Logan said, nodding. "I'm almost wondering if we can somehow combine the runestones with the tech we've found here."

"Well, I don't think we can afford too much experimentation," Rainbow Dash muttered. "Just how much ammo do we have anyways?"

"Plenty," Logan said. "It's the biggest contributor to the weight we've hauled from the crashed Gondola."

"I did not know that."

"Wasn't your job to pay attention," the stallion said with a shrug. "Besides... I thought we would have spent all the ammo by now."

"Seems like most of the dangerous crud is Curveside from us," Rainbow said. "Random changeling hatchling aside..."


"My chief concern, Big Show, is that each and every pony will be able to defend themselves." Rainbow took a deep breath. "According to Kepler, Ranort's and Gwen's crew didn't have a whole lot to hope about. They knew their future was grim."

"Has he finished listening to all that crap, by the way?"

"I'm afraid not." Rainbow clenched her jaw. "Seems like Ranort was anything but brief in describing ancient Darkreach."

"You really think we can stick around for him to finish listening to it all?"

"Nope." Rainbow shook her head. "So I'm suggesting he take the briefcase thingy with us. He can listen to more along the way."

"Awfully optimistic of you," Logan said. "Assuming we'll have free time beyond the stalks."

"A girl can dream, I guess," Rainbow said. "Now—about the chaotic wilderness ahead. It's one thing to have firepower. But what about basic defenses?"

"Glad you asked." Logan shuffled over to another table—this one covered with a tarp. "I've got that covered and a half."

"How do you mean?"

"See for yourself." And he whipped the tarp off, revealing multiple breastplates, fetlock guards, helmets, and shields.

Rainbow Dash whistled. As the dust settled, she noted the eerily pristine quality of the armor pieces. They had a copper-green tint to them, and there were artistically ornate insignias of tree branches and leaves woven into every outer surface. "These... are not Cylindrimanian."

"Emeraldine is primarily a bigass farming community, right?"

"From what I could tell, yeah."

"Well there you go." Logan waved with his hoof. "Verdestone's finest right here." He pointed at the polished round helmets. "Notice on the crown—it's the crest of Onyxxus on the front..."

"...and a silhouette of Verdestone on the back." Rainbow Dash nodded, her eyes darting about the green metals. "Seems like they had their priorities straight."

"They're built for ponies who are... slightly smaller than present company," Logan remarked. "My guess is that equines didn't grow to be as stocky as modern ponies today."

"Or they didn't live long enough..."

"Grim. Cute." Logan cleared his throat. "But... I think Flynn and I can augment them with a few added plates to fit our figures. Even mine." He looked over at Rainbow Dash. "Once Wildcard's got his new arm, he can help out as well. That Desperado knows a thing or two about armor."

"He used to be a member of the Talon, right?"


"Y'know..." Rainbow Dash fidgeted where she stood. "There's probably an even better qualified soul who can help us out with that."


Rainbow arched an eyebrow. "You don't believe me?"

"Mrmmmfff..." Logan's nostrils flared. "It's probably just a trick."

"You believe she's faking her calmness at this point?"

"On one hoof, she could be bored as all get-out," Logan said. "Or—as history would suggest—she's just waiting for the opportune moment to spring." His eyes narrowed. "And rip your throat out from under your chin."

Rainbow shuddered. "I... I'd rather not get close enough to her to find out."

"I've noticed."

Rainbow bit her tongue.

"Anyways..." Logan turned to face the armor once again. "It'd be stupid not to wear any of this stuff for the duration."

"Uhhh..." Rainbow nodded. "Agreed."

"I suggest you and Ariel practice flying with some weighted shit in your saddlebags. Prepare for being heavier in the long haul."

"Not a bad idea." Rainbow managed a slight smile. "Thanks for setting all of this up, Logan. We haven't even gotten to the melee weapons you've found. I caught a few glimpses between flights. Looks like we'll be armed to the teeth."

"Yeah, maybe so. Even still..." Logan folded his forelimbs. "I'm not too thrilled by this discovery."


"If nothing else, I'm kinda worried."

"About what?"

Logan huffed. "I mean... hell..." He gestured at the tables that comprised of his "armory." "Why? Y'know? Why did they leave all of this stuff behind? This could sustain a small army, much less the entire Herald."

Rainbow was silent in contemplation.

"Whatever cleared them out..." Logan's brow furrowed. "...for them to have friggin' ditched so many priceless weapons, ammo, manacrystals behind..." He slowly shook his head. "It couldn't have been a good thing." He looked squarely at Rainbow. "The soonest Kepler gets to the last recording by that 'Ranort' bastard, the better."

"Yeah..." Rainbow nodded limply. "I'm starting to agree with you."

"Good." Logan turned towards the table and threw the tarp back over it. "About time somepony did."

Rainbow blinked at him. She shifted on one set of legs... then the other. "Ahem..." She leaned pensively in Loga's direction. "Logan, I... I really do appreciate it."

"Uh huh."

"All of it. Everything. Everything that you've done," Rainbow said. "Even when you bite my head off and get angry. I know it's because you're concerned with what's best for me... and what's best for the journey."

"We ain't here to pick daisies. That's for damn sure."

"And... concern works both ways. We're nothing without you, Big Show. And... y'know..." She waved a hoof from side to side. "...if you want to share some of the stuff that's been bothering you, that would be perfectly okay—"

"Nothing bothers me," Logan grunted. "Not anymore."

Rainbow's brow furrowed. "Dude, I saw what the changeling became. What it said when you—"

Logan spun about, snarling. "That was just a chaotic freak with nothing better to do than mess with my head!"

Rainbow leaned back, wincing. "I'm just saying that—"

"Don't let it mess with your head either! I'm fine, Rainbow!" Logan grunted, then let loose a dull sigh. "I've been fine for years. What you see with me is what you get. Let's leave it at that."

"But... I can't leave it at that," Rainbow stammered. She gulped. "It's taken me some time to realize this, but you—the Herald: you're all my friends. It's high time I treated you like such."

"Hrmmmff..." Logan tossed his mane and trotted angrily past her. "Don't make your dumbest mistake yet, Rainbow."


"I've got some materials to gather if I'm gonna be altering these armor pieces. Please... don't interrupt me as I do my job."

Rainbow was left alone in the chamber... alone with her sighs.

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