• Published 4th Jun 2017
  • 14,690 Views, 13,300 Comments

Ofolrodi - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash traverses the perils of the Dark Side of the world to reach the Midnight Armory.

  • ...

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Where the Beacons Point

"Care to be more specific, sugarcube?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie nodded. "What's an 'Ithica?'"

"Ilrifia," Twilight Sparkle corrected.


Rainbow Dash looked at the Heraldites gathered as she proceeded to pace and dictate: "At some point... about halfway through my journey on the Light Side..." Her hooves scuffled as she trotted thoughtfully around the pile of ancient skeletons. "...I started noticing something... in the Machine World... while lighting the beacons."

Rainbow's friends—both physical and ghostly—listened intently. Even Seraphimus had her head craned in the pegasus' direction.

"Whenever I touched the ruby flame... I almost always blacked out. I'd experience a vision of sorts. Like... I would see an outline of Urohringr... or just this one part of the ring." Rainbow gulped. "Then I'd be floating among the stars... and I'd hearing a voice. At first, the voice and its words didn't make much sense, but gradually everything sorta started to become clearer and clearer. It started to get really intense after my first time coming into contact with the Yaerfaerda beacon. At first, I almost thought it was Verlax... but then I realized it was a different kind of presence... and it... she was warning me about Verlax."

Seraphimus' beak clenched. Before she could say something—

"Verlax had entombed many of the beacon locations with ice and chaos metals," Flynn declared. He lowered the skeleton in his grasp and laid it on the lobby floor with as much gentleness and care as his horn could muster. "Perhaps the Divine's presence had purposefully encroached on this... 'spirit' you're talking about."

"Well, if Verlax meant to squelch it, she didn't exactly succeed," Rainbow Dash said. "At long last—as recently as finding the Utaan symbol—I managed to have a half-decent conversation with this spirit." She gulped. "It identified itself to me."

"'Ilrifa,'" Ariel remarked.

Rainbow Dash nodded. "And while my vision of it was still somewhat obscured, I could have sworn I noticed a few... uhm... curious details."

"Like...?" Logan raised an eyebrow.

"A narrow snout. Large wings. A long, long tail..." Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. "I figured my head had just made it up, y'know? For ages, I've subconsciously known the fact that 'ancient pegasi' were behind Urohringr... or the Sundering... or both. So, when I last came into contact with a beacon, I sorta thought that maybe my head made up the fact that the soul in the machine world was a pegasus."

Wildcard hand-signed and gestured at the skeletons.

"Yeahhhhhhhhh..." Rainbow Dash exhaled, wincing slightly. "Not so much 'made-up' now, huh?"

"How verry currious..." Kepler rubbed his hairy chin. "So—as it would seem—the Austrraeoh's comprrehension of the Angels incrreased overr time."

"I... guess...?" Rainbow's voice cracked.

"It potentially confirrms a theorry that I have had," Kepler said. "As the Austrraeoh makes morre and morre contact with the rruby flame that powerrs up this forrsaken plane, deeply-encoded instrructions frrom the past make themselves evident in herr consciousness."

"You make her sound like some sort of manastone for data storage," Ariel remarked.

"Is it really all that different?" Flynn interjected. "Rainbow Dash's part to play in this whole thing runs deeper than all of us can even imagine. Especially if the powers of Urohringr have essentially run piggyback over the Elements of Harmony to bring her this far."

"Let us not forrget...!" Kepler raised a claw. "...Commanderr Hurrricane was likewise called! But she did not even rremotely make it as farr as the Rrainbow One!"

"Right..." Ariel nodded. "Because—as Rainbow told us—she died."

"Ach! Or is it—perhaps—because Hurrricane utilized a Sentinel forr trransit... while it was Rrainbow who traverrsed the entirre distance on herr lonesome, and therreby exposed herrself to the multiple beacons that werre always meant to prroperrly rrestorre her to the knowledge left by Urrohrringrr's prrogenitorrs?"

Rainbow's ghostly friends blinked.

Wildcard and Logan exchanged quiet glances.

Seraphimus sighed. "Your cosmology is absurdly convoluted."

Flynn flashed her an angry glare. "What the Hell do you think we're all standing in right now? A sand castle?!?"

Seraphimus was silent.

"Soooooooo..." Ariel hovered, pacing in mid-air. "Just what is 'Ilrifa?'"

"Not what," Rainbow Dash muttered. "Who."

Twilight Sparkle looked at her. "Are you sure of that?"

Rainbow bit her lip.

"If the ancient pegasi who knew of the Sundering meant for you to do something about it..." Twilight Sparkle gestured. "...would only one of them reach out to you?"

"This most certainly had to have been a group effort, darling," Rarity said. "If our kingdom of Equestria had met an unfortunate end, I'm certain both Celestia and Luna would utilize all the help they could from their subjects to assure a future restoration."

"This 'Ithica' does want to help us, though..." Pinkie Pie raised an eyebrow. "Right?"

"Isn't that obvious by now?"

"But..." Pinkie's ears suddenly drooped. "...how do we know that she or he or it or they want what's best for this world?"

Twilight blinked.

Fluttershy bit her lip.

"They want me to restore Urohringr," Rainbow Dash eventually said. A breath. "I'm pretty sure of it."

"I would hope so!" Ariel exclaimed. "Otherwise—heheh—what's the Herald even around for?!"

"It would seem damned stupid and absurd for the forces at play in Urohringr to string you along just for nothing," Logan said with a grunt. "Otherwise, there's a cosmic skull out there just waiting for my axe."

"Let's..." Kepler sighed, waving his claws. "...let us not unnecessarrily give into cynicism and ennui, my frriends." He gestured at the skeletons before them. "A horrrible fate befell those who once dwelt within this city... this plane. It stands to rreason that any lingerring enerrgy at play simply desirres to rrestorre that which was lost."

"That makes sense to me!" Ariel said with a nervous smile.

"Does it?" Seraphimus blinked. She droned, "All forms of energy in this universe work to achieve the lowest state through the path of least resistance. Life wants to die. Why would some lingering cosmic force imbued upon this plane seek anything but oblivion?"

Several Heraldites winced. Wildcard face-claw'd.

Fluttershy and Rarity squeaked in subdued peril.

"She's a worshipper of Verlax, alright," Flynn grumbled.

"What is she even doing here?" Ariel hissed.

Seraphimus sighed. "An answer that I myself am seeking."

"Well, can you seek it somewhere else?" Ariel frowned. "Like at the bottom of a pit?"

"Have we not reached that here and now?"


"Anwers..." Rainbow Dash spoke warmly, regaining everypony's attention. "...would be pretty awesome." Her wings fluttered. "I suggest we keep searching."

"Searching?" Flynn's mechanical eye rotated. "For what?"

"Anything," Rainbow said. "We've already learned so much from what we've found here. I suggest we go even further..."

"By that—do you mean deeper?" Logan asked.

"If we must."

Logan leaned back, folding his forelimbs. "...I suggest we split up in no more than two groups."

"I'm in Rainbow's!" Ariel chirped.

Flynn rolled his eye.

"Uh huh." Logan nodded. "Double-Yoo. Death chicken. You're with me and the wagon."

Seraphimus looked over, squinting. "Since when was I following your commands?"

"Since you started answering to 'Death Chicken.'" Logan marched out of the lobby and into the dim twilight. "Now come along... or maybe you've decided to go on your lonesome 'pilgrimage of oblivion' or whatshit."

Wildcard followed Logan out the room.

Seraphimus stood dumbly in place, blinking. She looked at Ariel.

Ariel stuck her tongue out.

"Hrmmmm..." Seraphimus followed the first departing group.

"Really, though..." Ariel planted her fetlocks on her hips as she hovered. "Just why are we keeping her along?"

"I'm not the only needing beacons to light my path," Rainbow said.


Rainbow sighed. "Just give me this, girl. I really really really want that catbird to see the light."

"Then have Flynn build a laser-pointer."

"A what?"

Ariel blinked. "... ... ...you flew through two warring kingdoms equipped with flying battleships and managliders and you don't know what a laser-pointer is?"

"The only lasers the Ledomaritans had were the kind that fried kittens and fed them to orphans."

"... ... ...huh."

"Or maybe that was Searo's Hold. Or the Sacred Hold. Or the Special Hole." Rainbow shrugged. "Whatever. Can we ditch the Skeleton Discotheque already? I'm starting to get the creeps."

"I'm all for that!" Flynn said, trotting out.

"Seems a crriminal shame to leave these fossils herre so uncerremoniously," Kepler remarked.

"Keps... dude..." Flynn looked over his shoulder while exiting. "These remains have been here longer than all known kingdoms have existed and burnt out. Finding a weird place to bury them would be the truly heartless crime."

"Hrrmmm... impeccable logic, my frriend!" Kepler exited, shortly followed by Ariel. "Onwarrds to furrtherr discoverry!"

Rainbow Dash took up the rear.

As she was about to leave the lobby entirely...

...she stopped suddenly in her hooves.

The petite pegasus' ears twitched. For a moment there, she thought she heard a sound. A melody... like violin strings.

"... ... ...?" She turned and looked over her shoulder.

All she saw were dim shadows... scattered twilight... and the flounce of spider webs.

"... ... ..." Rainbow allowed her gaze to fall on the ancient pegasi once more. A somber breath... and she finally marched out of the building with firm purpose.

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