• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 1,758 Views, 131 Comments

A Shimmer and Sparkle - Skyreads

A mean and bitter unicorn turned human gets her world flipped by a much to curious scientist.

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1. This is My Power

Strong, booming, and threatening combat boots pounded down the hallway on federal laminated tiles.

What were voices, loud and laughing, soon turned quiet, fearful, and careful. The air's atmosphere once held a joyous reconciliation between friends during the early morning hours of the school day after the night apart had now shifted to thick animosity and guards being quickly thrown up.

A confident, and egotistical smirk bloomed on the cause's face. Her chest puffed up, her shoulders broad and tall, her nose up in tyrannical authority, and a power walk that completed the tough, and warden image.

Shifting her teal-colored eyes side to side throughout the hall, her chest swarmed with the power she knew she had over her ‘peers,’ as if they had any real level of being close enough to her intellect to be called such things. Just to prove it to herself, and the others, she chose a particularly pitiful-looking target, half lunging at them, a malicious smile constricted her facial muscles at the sight of the girl flinching back so hard her back hit her locker.

Satisfied with her affirming power, Sunset Shimmer reached her locker, kicking the dented corner in, causing the abused metal storage door to fly open. Sunset almost laughed at the thought that even the locker feared her and did as she said without hesitation.

Students slowly and cautiously moved on, now feeling safe enough that they wouldn't gain the tyrant's wrath.

The locker next to hers opened as well. Teal eyes rolled in annoyance, she could smell the wretched dirt, grass, and hay-stained stench that only earth ponies carried. Except this wasn’t an earth pony, only instead a bipedal creature with a farming stetson that dreamed and reeked of hick culture.

The redhead had to flip her hand up to her nose, closing her nostrils as a new reek of human sweat and grass came from a loud, obnoxious, chromatic color-haired girl, who held a soccer ball at her side as she passed. The queasy feeling in Sunset’s stomach disappeared as she grinned at the sight of the soccer player and the farm girl glaring hatefully at each other as the rainbow-haired ponytailed girl passed.

She loved the sight of seeing those five naïve, annoying idiots hating and being petty toward each other. The feeling reminded her of the control and power she so easily had.

“Good morning Sunset Shimmer!” An excruciating annoying and gravelly voice of a freshman practically yelled.

“Yeah! It is morning time!” An astonishingly low IQ, very few brain cell holding freshmen said next to the first boy.

Sunset groaned, already feeling frustration and anger in her chest before looking at the two boys, who were saluting her.

“Why in the world are you two annoying me this early in the morning?” Sunset hissed at the two.

“That's what friends do!” The boy crudely named, Snips, said.

Sunset rolled her eyes and slammed her locker shut making everyone within a hundred feet flinch, “Well, then, it’s a damn good thing I stay away from them.” She growled, glaringly but stomping off.

Unfortunately for her, the two followed seemingly either ignoring or not catching the hint, attempting to engage in gossip by speaking loudly behind her, “You know since there’s gonna be a new candidacy for the student council, that super-rich freshmen girl is really making her rounds.”

Sunset rolled her eyes at both the boys and the promotional poster of the very girl they were talking about.

Snails, rightfully named, Sunset thought, nodded in acknowledgment before throwing in his own two cents, “I heard she’s promised to over through our Sunset Shimmer. Something about a petition to not allow her to run for any dance princess anymore.”

The leather-adorned girl stopped abruptly causing Snips and Snails to crash into her back, she snapped towards them as they sat dazed on the ground, “Keep an eye on her for a couple of days! Get any dirty information you can take things outside of school if you need to.” She growled in a yelling whisper so other students wouldn't hear.

The two quickly sprang up and saluted, “Yes Ma’am!” They said in unison, almost making Sunset's ears bleed.

The bell rang, screaming for students to get to their first period so teachers wouldn't have to. The fiery-haired girl snapped back around beginning to stomp off as she heard the two imbeciles scrabble off.

Sunset gnawed on her pencil out of boredom. She had finished her advanced honors calculus test and homework with forty minutes to spare.

Mrs.Harshwhinny always stared at her skeptically when she finished her work quickly. This annoyed the amber-skinned girl tremendously, how dare this tight-wit nobody of an adult human make assumptions and claims that the highly intelligent young woman is a dirty cheater.

No. Sunset Shimmer was never a cheater, she earned everything she gets. Did she do what she had to? Only when others got out of line. Did she cut corners? Only when others forced her to.

This dull, dumb version of math was nothing compared to the magical formulas the girl had memorized ages ago as a unicorn in Equestria. All of this “advanced” and “honor” mathematics was nothing short of a simple and tedious review of material she had mastered as a young filly.

Finding a small corner at the bottom of her homework page, a little doodle of randomness filled the spot. Lit-up unicorn horns, equine letters, and magic coven logos littered the page. In a lapse of time, the bell finally yelled out relieving students to lunch. Sunset made no effort to be in a hurry, somewhat sluggishly discarding her possessions back into her bookbag.

The crowded halls always annoyed her. The close proximity made Sunset tighten and her skin crawl with irritation and discomfort at other students brushing by her to get to where they needed to be. As a result, the redhead always waited till the halls were clearer and less stressful, yes she had to rush a bit, but that was an easy thing to handle. Sunset always made sure she was never late. It means vulnerability and a lapse in judgment and management, a mistake the girl never made.

In her time of internal ruling, Sunset hasn't paid the best attention to what was in front of her, she shouldn’t need to. Everyone knew to stay out of her way. That was what she thought at least before a pastel pink blob clashed with her, knocking them both to the ground.

Rage inflamed her blood as Sunset’s hands made contact with the filthy ground. She quickly pushed herself back up as other students stopped at the sound of the conclusion.

“O-ow,” a weak, mousy voice said. Sunset looked down at the figure that bumped into her. What little campfire had been in the redhead's chest before had now been turned into a wild forest fire.

“You idiot,” Sunset growled like an angry Ursa-major. Wide, teary dark teal doe eyes appeared behind a pink curtain of hair as she raised her head up. Her eyes were filled with the fear of a fragile, small animal beginning its predator for mercy. As with most things in nature, Sunset Shimmer would do no such thing.

“Watch where you're going! Now because of how careless and stupid you are, my hands are dirty!” Sunset’s booming voice yelled at the girl on the ground.

The soft voice was watery as the girl tried to hold back her tears, “I-I’m so- so sorry. I-I..”

“What?!” Sunset barked. “You're so slow in the brain from all the animals you talk to that you can’t communicate normally with another person?” Sunset accused.

Fluttershy’s large eyes flickered around the hall, seeing the large number of students watching, with sympathy and grimaces on their faces, “I-I-“

“You know what save it,” the redhead held up a hand, signaling for the animal communicator to keep her mouth shut, “I’d hate to waste my time sitting here watching you try to get your one-and-a-half brain cells to function.”

Sunset moved to start walking off, noticing Rainbow Dash’s uneasy glare at her. Clearly, the soccer star hadn’t been sure what she wanted to do. A smug look animated itself on Sunset’s face, “What’s wrong, dashie?” She asked in a fake worried voice.

Rainbow’s glare gained some fire behind it. Sunset’s smirk grew knowing the athlete wouldn’t say anything, thanks to the little, but also super important information, the fiery-haired girl had over her.

“Does a wittle kitty got your tongue?” Sunset said mockingly before starting her tyrannical walk down the hallway to her locker.

Opening her chipped green locker the same way she had before, the redhead replaced her educational items with her homemade lunch, consisting of rice, and vegetables. Her lifted mood dramatically decreased to a boiling frustration as the two boys that were considered her lackeys appeared.

Rolling her eyes at them, she snappily asked, “What?”

Snips snapped to attention, “We didn’t find too much yet.”

Snail’s vigorously nodded, “Yeah she just wants to control stuff and make things business-y. Kinda like you!”

The redhead snarled.

Snips spoke, trying to defuse the steal-booted girl, “Except you don’t make things business-y! More like a dictatorship!”

Sunset puffed air out her nose like a wild manticore gearing up to charge, “Did you wanna say that again?” She asked darkly, letting the freshman boys know of their warning to back off.

The boys shook their heads. “Uh, no ma’am, we’re gonna go back to work!” Snips gravelly voice said with fear and worry lacing his voice as his eyebrows were upturned. Snails beside him agreed, “Yeah!” A wind gusted by as the boys ran off.

The redhead slammed her locker shut with her foot before beginning her travel to the library.

Walking past the cafeteria bathroom an ivory-skinned teenager with polished, bouncy curls in a classy ensemble walked out with a girl, who had a barre on her head, by her side. The girls flinched as confetti landed on their heads and a high-pitched party sound echoed through the halls.

“Ugh, Pinkie Pie! Must you be so overzealous?!” Rarity’s posh voice asked, with offense and annoyance.

“Whaaaat?” Pinkie whined, slumping her shoulder and pouting, she asked, “Don’t you guys know how to have any fun?”

Rarity rolled her navy blue eyes as the barre-wearing girl crossed her arms and cocked her hips to the side, “Yes, but not fun, darling. It’s obnoxious.” Rarity said before walking off, the barre girl walking off as well. Sunset turned fully down the corner, done with her observation as Pinkie scoffed in surprise.

The redhead was proud to admit, she was very prideful in her work at destroying the five girl's annoying, obnoxious, loud, face-rubbing friendship. Seeing those five together during junior high had been a whole new form of torture. Always together, always smiling, always laughing, always happy. It made her sick. How dare they go around showing off just how happy they were. But now they're not and now Sunset was happy…

Yes. Of course, she was, no hesitation. She had power and authority, she controlled this school with an iron grip, just like she had always worked towards. Yeah, this was totally what she wanted, what she was destined for, and little miss perfect, radiant, ‘all-knowing’ (please, Sunset rolled her eyes so hard she could have won a trophy), Princess Celestia will know it someday too. Someday soon, it’s only a month and a few weeks before the portal reopens. Then she’ll learn.

“Sunset Shimmer.” A stern female voice said a distance ahead, making her down the hall to her.

“Yes, Miss Vice Principal Luna?” Sunset asked in a voice so sweet it could’ve rotted her teeth.

Luna, unimpressed, stopped much closer in front of the young lady, “I was made aware of an incident in the mathematics wing earlier, know anything about it?”

Sunset blew up her eyes and upturned her eyebrows to exude concern, “Oh, no ma’am. I must admit, the crowded halls make me anxious, so I stay out of the way as much as possible.”

Luna raised a brow, skeptically, “Is that so?” Her tone of voice and facial expression told that the woman was not convinced.

Sunset nodded, “Yes ma’am, I waited for the halls to clear, so I could grab my lunch,” she motioned to the black lunch bag with gold zippers, “Now I’m headed to the library to get some cram study time in too.”

Luna, still not entirely convinced, decided to drop it for now, “Hm mh, carry on then.”

Sunset nodded, holding back her smile, “Of course.” The redhead walked into the library breaking out her smile, she was so good sometimes she wondered if her cutie mark should have involved acting.

Passing by the group study rooms, she caught sight of certain vibrant navy blue spiked hair and the same colored eyes following her as his smile faltered. Teal-eyes made sure to send a petty glare back before she stepped up the stairs to the quietest part of the library so she could enjoy her lunch in peace. Unfortunately, her thoughts drifted to the guitar player. Sunset stabbed her spoon into her rice. She had to give it to him, the kid was brave. It had been a week and a half since he had broken up with her. Gently trying to tell her, her ‘flaws’ that were too much. That she has things within herself she needs to ‘work’ out. Again she could have set a record of eyes rolled the hardest. The redhead was perfect. Good looking, smart, in control, and powerful, nothing needed to change. Nope, not at all.

Though she supposed she was a little bit appreciative of him, he made her name truly known. Also, he taught her guitar, an activity she thoroughly enjoyed.

Sunset opened up the old, small laptop she had brought with her. The fan yelled in old age and overwork as the technology was clicked on. During junior high, the humans did an experiment on online teaching for students, in the end, the redhead landed herself a free computer. One that she took apart, put back together, and repaired, time and time again. Yep, Ol’ Tappy was here for the long run, whether it liked it or not.

Sunset opened an app, logging in with ‘borrowed’ account information, she opened up the school’s security footage system and skipped to the time the crying bunny bumped into her. Luckily for Sunset, the camera was pointing at an odd angle, all you could see in the recording was her boots, which were mostly covered by Fluttershy’s curled-up body. Great! Just a quick boot change.

Sunset being the ever-prepared pony she was, the redhead had an extra pair waiting for her in her gym locker. Ever since she had to get used to wearing clothes, especially on such sensitive skin, she found she hated wearing the weird texture of socks clinging to her skin after a shower, so Sunset brought shorter boots and socks to avoid that.

The bell blared for transition as the redhead closed the old laptop. Clicking her food bins top back on Sunset felt eyes on her causing her to look for the source. Immediately her eyes found Flash Sentry's. She simply gave him an unfaltering stare as he looked at her sadly before walking away to catch up with his friends. The redhead shook her head. He's so sensitive she thought, now annoyed again.

Sunset found herself practically drooling from boredom in her English and history classes. The human's main language was boring and simple, everything was repeating what had already been learned in previous grades, other than a few new books which took much too long to get through. Then there was History, Sunset didn’t even know what to say about that. Monkeys that murder, blame, and attack each other with too many specific dates that didn’t matter to a unicorn only in this world temporarily.

During the middle of said history period, the redhead decided she needed a break. She wouldn’t be caught dead, sleeping in class. That’s just another thing that shows vulnerability and weakness. She’d make sure her peers never got the chance to witness that because it was below her. Treading down the quiet empty halls, only hearing the echoes of educators, doing as such in their room, Sunset pushed open the bathroom door. A girl with red and orange dreadlocks and half-lidded lilac eyes looked at her entrance. Recognition filled her eyes slowly, “Oh, heyyy.” She said in a slow voice.

The redhead just stared with disgust in her eyes, “Leave, I don’t need that stench anywhere near my person.”

The girl raised her hands in surrender, “It’s not that bad, sister. It totally brings you zen and aligns your vibe.” She smiled at Sunset.

Sunset didn’t respond, only staring at her with disdain until the girl finally got uncomfortable enough to leave. Finally, Sunset found herself alone in the bathroom, staring at the mirror. She played with and fluffed up her curls. Appearance is important, especially in this world. The popular girl always looked her best without any flaw, a perfect role for the former unicorn, Sunset thought.

Satisfied, her sight focused on herself, and for a moment, just a small, tiny insignificant moment, a pang of something mocking insecurity flittered in her core. Sometimes when Sunset looked for too long, she didn’t know what or who she was looking at. Not that she would ever admit that. She turned away, took a deep breath, and ignored it, pushing down anything her annoying subconscious tried to make her feel. It wasn’t needed, she had no reason to doubt herself.

Exiting the public restroom, Sunset slowly made her way back to the classroom- but not so slowly she would be in trouble. That would give others the chance to laugh or make fun of her, another thing Sunset Shimmer would never let happen.

Three young voices entered her eardrums, curiosity peaked within the former unicorn's head.

“I don't actually care about their little feelings! This is a competition. It doesn't matter if the rumors are true or not, so grow a bone a publish these like I said!” A light purple-skinned girl commanded with a gemmed tiara sitting on her head.

A meek boy with milk white and brown spots of vitiligo skin shrunk under her declaration, “I-I’ll run the newspapers, Miss Tiara.” he said sadly in a British accent.

The redhead stalked off quietly, her amusement growing, now she really had something to tell Snips and Snails to get proof of. That damn stupid little rich girl would get a taste of this unicorn's fiery magic with a nasty stinge.

Sunset sat back in her class, her hands folded in front of her mouth as a plan riled around in her brain.

The end of the day had finally announced itself. Before departing Sunset made sure to inform her servants to catch any and all dirt on the young girl. To get proof she spreads false rumors, any embarrassing home life information, all of it. If that girl wanted to come for her throne it would be another lesson Sunset had to teach.

The cool wind of the early mid-September air brushed past Sunset as she walked back to her ‘home.’ Thanks to the bits of gold and jewels she had quickly thrown in her saddle bag before…running through the mirror to explore the truth, Sunset had plenty of money and made herself an emancipated minor. The unicorn-turned-human claimed a rental spot in a studio townhouse, where the lofted bedroom had a mattress, with red or black sheets regularly cycled, a magenta quilted comforter, and a couple of pillows. Along with a small black vertical dresser she found in an alley and polished/painted back to health and a similar end table at the top of her bed with books, quick notes, and a small lamp. The downstairs below had little to nothing, a random old dark blue sofa with a coffee table and a black-toned small kitchen sitting under the loft. The bathroom had its requirements and only towels and toiletries.

Fumbling with the key in the lock, the door finally creaked open. Stepping in, Sunset took in the dark studio before flipping the own-made light chandelier on. She tossed her book bag on the sofa as she made her way to the tiny kitchen, throwing a vegan alfredo and broccoli dinner in her practically handmade microwave. It amazed her how with the internet and scraps from a junkyard, a person could make anything they needed.

After enjoying her dinner, Sunset opened her laptop ready to do some research. Diamond Tiara was the girl's name the boys confirmed earlier. Personally, Sunset had little interest in the student body, she would allow the debate students to have their fun with that, but now a certain brat was threatening her, and that had to be fixed.

Alright, a quick login to the school's student registrar, Diamond Tiara Rich- Parents: Spoiled Rich, and Filthy Rich. A quick local search- Spoiled Rich: has a high seat on the school board and Filthy Rich: a millionaire who owned many company buildings and his own companies. Looking further into the parents, the high school records of them were found, including old yearbook photos. A wide smile grew on Sunset’s face, turns out Mommy dearest has a plastic surgery history. Now her upturned nose that made her look related to the earth ponies nasty, muddy, farm pigs made since. The yearbook photos showed Spoiled originally had a nose closer to a phoenix's crooked beak- except the phoenix makes it cute. More digging led to finding the early family’s pictures that showed little Miss Tiara had gained the same crooked beak her mother once had. Sunset pulled up Diamond's present photos and compared them to the ones she found of the young girl as a child. The redhead let out a laugh at the insane difference. Turns out that at some point the girl had a nose job just like dear Mommy. Perfect.

Sunset sighed satisfied, closing her laptop and stretching out.

The sound of silence filled her ears, other than the sounds of passing cars and her heater on the lowest setting humming. Sunset found herself staring at her ceiling.

She refused to acknowledge it, the lonely dread that threatened to consume her mind and insides. She was happy. At school, she had power, control, and authority. All things she’s always strived for, been told to strive for. So, she was happy. The small muffled part of Sunset’s brain tried to yell something else to her. Something she didn’t want to hear. Because she didn’t need to, because she was happy.

Author's Note:

This story has been playing in my mind constantly lately. I'm super excited to share it and its a concept that I hope to execute well.

Ideas, criticisms and corrects are always welcome, so please feel free to comments :)

I hope you've enjoyed so far :pinkiehappy: