• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 1,759 Views, 131 Comments

A Shimmer and Sparkle - Skyreads

A mean and bitter unicorn turned human gets her world flipped by a much to curious scientist.

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16. Foundings

Sunset flopped onto the plush Galaxy-printed comforter. She placed a hand on her full tummy and sighed happily. She looked to the side and saw her kitty and her best friend's puppy playing together next to the desk. Which had Twilight Sprakle typing away on the laptop as she scrolled through what looked to be a datasheet.

The natural-born unicorn waited patiently for her friend to be done with whatever she was doing. Sunset was just grateful Twilight hadn't chosen to hate her forever. Her teal eyes slipped close to the rhythmic sound of typing keys, the exhaustion from poor sleep the night before and the hard labor she wasn't used to had caught up to her. Truth be told, the redhead was starting to feel anxiety thumping against her chest at the thought of sleeping or being alone. Visions and nightmares of a fiery demon kept her awake. Not to mention the sun princess’s guest star appearance.

“Sunset?” a voice full of questions interrupted her train of thought.

The older girl sat halfway up to look at the other female who still had her lense-covered eyes glued to the computer screen full of data.

“You finally gonna tell me what you're doing over there?” Sunset teased.

That comment broke Twilight from the trance her computer had over her as her brows shot up and her mouth gaped, “O-oh..” she adjusted her glasses to sit further up her nose, “Yes, my apologies. I- I know you probably won't like this but…,” Twilight turned in her chair to face the redhead, “I did some test on the portal research today.”

Sunset sat up fully and nodded. She took a moment to think before answering, choosing to gather more information before forming an opinion, “Okay, Fill me in,” she made a gesture with her hand, “How did you do it? What did you find?”

Twilight beamed a smile brighter than the moon on a starless night. Excitedly, the scientist stood up and pulled out her notebook from her backpack, “So much yet so little.”

Twilight plopped down on the bed and placed the notes down where both girls could view them, “I know we are so close to solving it! We are missing just one thing.”

The ex-spellcaster soaked in the words and visuals of the diagrams. One involved a full-length mirror, lines were drawn around it to indicate it was glowing, and similar lines were in the glass, that imitated warping magic, “Mhh,” she hummed as ideas and theories started to sprout in her mind.

“The research books I have been using are just theory. You, being from a world full of magic, know something about what's missing, right?” Twilight asked, her voice growing desperate for hope in the end.

“I…” Sunset hesitated, “I have some ideas.”

Twilight eyes sparkled as she leaned in closer, egging Sunset to continue.

“It could be that we either don't have enough magic or we don't have the right magic.” The past student of the equine sun goddess informed the researcher.

The Academy student began to scrawl words onto a new page in the notebook, “And how exactly does that work?”

“Well, it could be that the magic you are using is just raw or pure, meaning you can't necessarily do anything with it. It'll just fester and cause weird stuff to happen but nothing major. Or you do have the right magic, which would be an odd combination of time, pocket space, and speed magic, you just don't have enough of it.”

As soon as the sound of a pencil racing across the page stopped, the question came, “How do we know which is which?”

“We don't. Not until we get more of whatever magic you've managed to get ahold of. Though I do have to ask, how did you get any magic in the first place to run these tests?” Sunset asked.

Twilight smiled sheepishly and scratched at her cheek, “Uhh, don't tell Mom and Dad, but I sort of snuck out and used my E.M.E.R to track any magic.”

Sunset couldn't stop her jaw from slacking, “You what?!”

Twilight threw her hands up and flung them in a stop motion, “Shush! I don't need them to be worried!”

Sunset pinched the bridge of her nose, “That is so dangerous for so many reasons,” her fingers unrolled from her fist as she started to list the reasons, “First, you could have been hurt by either another person or the magic itself. Second, you could have found a dark magic that you don't want to find, Third-” she was caught off by a soft finger on her lips.

“I know, I know.” the young teenager said, “but, I was careful and it worked out in the end.” she then gave a smile that Sunset could never stay mad at.

“Ugh,” Sunset scoffed, throwing her head to the side, her eyes looking at the data sheet on the computer screen, “You know, you're lucky I can't stay mad at you.”

Her friend's smile widened before throwing her arms around her. The two sat in the embrace for a pause.

“I'm sorry about last night Sunset. I… don't realize when I'm pushing my agenda until it's too late.” Twilight said with her chin snuggled into Sunset's shoulder.

The fiery-haired girl tightened her embrace around her friend, “I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so harsh.”

Twilight raised her head, “If you don't mind me asking, why exactly do you have a vendetta against magic? You are from a world full of it! I figured you'd be excited to find a way to safely implement it here.”

Sunset sighed, “It's hard to explain. I… was a magical prodigy back in my world. I have plenty of experience with it. The good and bad. I know how destructive and harmful it can be, especially since I had been part of that dangerous side…” Sunset paused, fearful of what Twilight would say. Instead, the other girl stayed, quiet, listening, and encouraging.

“As a unicorn with too much magic, a temper, and being too young to properly control it- that causes a lot of mayhem and destruction that made my teachers and foals my age hate me…” she ran a hand through her scarlet mane, “There's also the fact that having a desperate need for more magic and power than everyone else turned me into a monstrous egotistical tyrant.”

“Oh, Sunset,” gentle digits caressed her cheek, “Don't blame yourself for how others treated you. Just because you have natural magic that needed more tending to doesn't mean you deserved to be treated like a nuisance.”

Sunset shrugged, not sure how to reply, “It's not that I have a vendetta. I'm just being cautious. I don't want to be like that again… or let anybody else have the chance.”

“Please, people don't need magic to be mean.” Twilight gibed.

“Exactly… but I… understand what you're trying to do. I'll still help if we don't release anything to the public- yet… maybe.” Sunset clarified.

Twilight nodded slowly, “I can work with that. We should figure things out with whatever happens first anyway.”

The two smiled at each other before giggling, “By the way…” Twilight started, “It sort of slipped my mind you were born a horse.”

“Pony.” The redhead corrected.

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes, “Right.”

The indigo-haired girl paused for a moment, her eyes signaling she was deep in thought. That's what Sunset thought at least before Twilight started bursting with laughter.

Sunset sat shocked, watching her best friend in hysterics.

“Oh, stars.” Twilight said as she wiped a stray tear away, “How extraordinary. I'm so happy to have met you, Sunset Shimmer. Nothing else in my life could ever bring the same opportunities you have brought. I'm glad I didn’t relent on becoming friends with you.” Twilight giggled.

Sunset bit her lip to stop the immediate tingling in her eyes at the odd feelings she was feeling that she had never felt before. No one or no pony has ever said anything to her. She didn't think she would ever hear something like that directed at her.

Sunset moved in for the second embrace of the night.

“I am so happy to have met you two Twilight Sparkle.”

A moment that any outsider would have thought was too long passed as the two confided in the warmth and feelings they brought to each other.

Sunset chuckled as she pulled away, “Okay that's enough corniness for the night gadget-girl.”

The smaller girl giggled, “There is nothing wrong with a healthy dose of corniness, Shimmy.”

“Ugh, dear discords rule, you and those nicknames.” Sunset rolled her eyes.

Twilight laughed as she hopped up, “You started it.”

She placed her notebook back in her bag and then sat back in her chair to begin typing in the new information Sunset offered.

Spike trotted up to his human and whined as he gave large puppy eyes. Twilight got back up to open the door for her puppy as Sunset stole a book off of a large wooden bookshelf that libraries could only dream of having.

“Oh, also,” the girl's need-esk voice started, “The daycare shelter? Why were you there today?” She moved her glasses up again as she sat back down at her desk watching the other female on her bed flip through the credit pages of a smaller book in her collection.

Sunset paused her page flipping, “My… friend…works there. I wasn't having the best day so she invited me to help out today.”

The mention of Sunset having a friend made Twilight smile, “That's nice of them. I'm super glad to hear you have someone at school to rely on when you need it.”

“Yeah…” Sunset agreed, though her voice betrayed her with the melancholy that her past actions brought. It was clear Twilight heard it as her brows upturned.

“I'm lucky she was so forgiving. She was the one I bullied the worst… because she was an easy target.” Sunset admitted with shame.

Twilight tapped over and took her research partner's hands in her own, “Sunset, you can be so headstrong when it comes to yourself. This girl has chosen to forgive you and get to know you as a friend. You need to accept and forgive yourself, same as others are doing for you.”

“I… I know,” Sunset hung her head, “It's just… hard to think positively about myself. That... I can be worthy or whatever.” The redhead admitted.

Amber-colored cheeks turned to scarlet at the feeling of the lavender-skinned girl's lips pressing against her forehead. Perfectly where her golden spiral horn had once sat.

“Everyone is worthy, Sunny,” Twilight said before connecting their foreheads, skin to skin.

“I'm trying to believe that, Sparkes.”

“Good, I know it takes time but what matters is that you are trying. Speaking by experience, you will one day.” The other girl reassured as she whipped away a stray tear from her friend's cheek.

The next morning was Wednesday. It was now a week and a half until the new day of the fall formal. Not that the former dance Princess ‘champion’ was counting.

Sunset's eyes opened to the new fairy lights on the rail of her loft's fence. It was a piece of decor added by Twilight. To her luck, her sleep had been dreamless. Well not completely. She had a quick-interrupted dream that involved one too many deep intimate smooches. It had made her shoot up out of bed, gripping her sheets with, again feelings and thoughts she wasn't used to. She wasn't sure if she ever would be. Let alone for having these thoughts for a human. Though Sunset supposed she already was well aware she felt things for the human Twilight that she would never for any other human.

With a true teenager huff of frustration, Sunset threw her comforter off and began her morning ritual. Thanks to the colder wind starting to blow in and overpower her cheap old heater Sunset found herself shivering. She rushed over to the small black wood dresser and hastily searched through her small collection for anything warmer. She found success in her mission as she threw on a worn black hoodie that had her ex-boyfriend's now-friend's band logo on it.

After filling Magma's food and water bowls, Sunset tugged on her lucky leather jacket and knee-high boots that zipped up easily over her dark blue jeans.

The dawn was just beginning as the dark blue sky began to gain an orange shine peeking through the Canterlot City buildings.

Surprisingly, the fiery redhead's mind was quiet as she watched the sunrise. Faint memories of watching Princess Celestia gracefully and effortlessly raise the giant star sat at the back of her mind and for the first time in, possibly, her whole life she felt… a peacefulness.

Sunset was determined to stop obsessing about the past. She wanted to move on and Twilight's words of encouragement and advice to do so stayed at the forefront of her conscience. Doing so was a lot easier said than done.

The rest of her journey to the building of education stayed quiet other than the sounds of the bustling city traffic. The cold wind blew her blazing hair back. A shiver shook her bones as the frostiness went right through her. Sunset had always preferred the summer for a reason.

The sudden craving for something hot persuaded her to step inside the infamous Sugar Cube Corner for coffee and breakfast. Luckily the line wasn't long as it was too early for her peers to start coming into the public.

After a soft exchange and friendly smile with the shop owner, a shorter woman with blue skin and tall bright pink hair, Sunset had a hot cup of coffee and a warm strawberry jam-filled biscuit. The breakfast combo would prove that it wouldn't have been able to wake the non-morning person up as well as the sudden force of another body clinging itself to her back.

“Gooooood Morning Sunset Shimmer!” a jolly voice that sounded like cotton candy and child parties sang.

The redhead had to steady her coffee before her wide eyes flicked to the cloud of pink behind her, “Uh, morning, Pinkie Pie.”

The girl with hyper sky-blue eyes gave a large smile, “It's so superb to see you here!”

“Right. Just here for the needed caffeine.” Sunset stated shortly.

“That's totally awesome! I have my morning cupcake!” Pinkie explained as she pulled a cupcake with cinnamon on top of the icing out of her hair.

“Wow, I can't tell if I should be impressed or disgusted.” She meant it. Either the excitable teenager had a pocket dimension in her curly hair or her floofy hair could just hold things. The prospect of that cupcake having hair in it made Sunset's stomach a little queasy.

Either obvious or ignoring, Pinkie Pie smiled proudly, “They're delicious! I'll make you some!”

Suddenly she froze which made the former unicorn look around for what made the other teenager pause. Sunset jumped when Pinkie spontaneously spazzed out, “Oh I know! It would be super for us to bake together!”

Pinkie pointed a finger at Sunset (who flinched back)- dramatically which made her take a step back, “You!” then the finger pointed at her grinning self, “Me! Baking Friday!”

Then she made a sound that reminded Sunset of one of Spike’s chew toys before skipping off.

Sunset stood confused for a moment. So much for it being too early for any other students.

After the sudden run-in with Pinkie Pie, Sunset hustled her way to the school in hopes of not running into anyone else. The first half of the day stayed relatively normal. It was her class after lunch that changed the directory. The unicorn-turned-human dug hastily through the bottom of her locker. Her homework assignment was missing and the warning bell had already rung.

Honestly, she didn't think it would be down there but Sunset was so desperate to find the assignment that she checked anyway. Her hands dug further into the dusty box that she had forgotten about, along with the contents in it. She ignored the vanilla folder full of secrets and dirt that didn't belong to her.

She tapped a palm to her forehead a bit harsher than what most would deem necessary.

‘Damn it! Where could it be?’ She yelled at herself in the voice of her mind. Frustration quickly bubbled in her chest. A frustration towards herself that she was much too used to feeling.

Sunset reached back into the box and threw the last vanilla folder out of the way, “These are going to the trash.” She informed herself.

As she turned back she halted, her body gaining a slight tremor. A brown leather book with her cutie mark covered in a thick layer of dust sat there staring back at her. Shaky hands picked the book and mindlessly whipped away a portion of the dust.

A sad frown pulled down the corners of her mouth. Sunset had entirely forgotten about the tome that possessed magic. A journal she had used in the past to speak to the mentor that she adored.

Despite the final bell ringing long ago Sunset continued to sit on the hallway floor reading the past entries the princess and herself made.

A small smile sat on her face as nostalgia and good memories filled her soul. It was broken when she reached the end or what should have been the end. Instead, a letter from her former teacher was left on one side of the journal. A recent letter.

Sunset snapped the book shut. She wasn't ready to hear anything from Princess Celestia. She didn't want to hear anything from the Sun Princess.

Her shaking and breathing picked. Before Sunset was sent into a place she would hate to be in the middle of the hallway, the redhead remembered a tip from her best friend and brought a hand to her chest before taking a deep breath. She let go of the breath along with extending her arm out.

Sunset did this action a couple more times until she finally felt under control of her emotions. She shoved the book into her bag.

Discard’s left hoof!’ Sunset cursed as she spotted the original educational task she was looking for sitting in the bag. She rolled her eyes, grabbed her class binder and homework, and ran to the late table.

As for her plans for the newly found journal, Sunset had no clue yet, other than she wanted the company of Twilight to help keep her grounded. Sunset wasn’t sure if she could handle it on her own. With Twilight she was invincible, with the young genius everything would be alright. At least, she hoped that's how things would go.

Author's Note:


Bit of a shorter chapter. Sorry about that, you know how it is with how much life sicks :P

Anyway! I hope all enjoied. Sunny rediscovered the magic dimension journal- I wonder what the two will do with it and what Princess Celestia could have possibly written.

See you next time!