• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 1,759 Views, 131 Comments

A Shimmer and Sparkle - Skyreads

A mean and bitter unicorn turned human gets her world flipped by a much to curious scientist.

  • ...

4. The Sparkle

Twilight Sparkle gently shut her front door, letting the complex, mean-spirited, beautiful girl at the end of the driveway know that their conversation was over. Before she could adequately think of the situation a pair of paws climbed up her legs, Twilight could see him barking but couldn’t hear him.

She moved her hand up to begin playing with the nob on the outside of her eardrum in an attempt to find a connection. A couple of seconds later the hearing-impaired girl let out a small gasp as the sound returned to her with Spike's loud, welcoming barks, “Hi boy!” She gleefully said back and bent down to pet and love on the purple and green puppy.

“Twily? Can you hear me, dear?” Twilight Velvet’s gentle voice asked. The indigo-haired girl switched her attention to her mother, seeing the gray-skinned woman in the archway leading to the kitchen.

“I can now. Hi mother.” Twilight said, making her way to the kitchen with the puppy on her heels.

The woman smiled, “Hi sweetheart, I was starting to get a bit worried with how late it is.” Twilight Velvet wiped her hands off with a kitchen towel and turned her attention away from the dishes and to her daughter, “How was your hang out with your new friend?”

Twilight could easily make the deduction that her mother was much more eager than she was letting on, “It was…productive and fun, I’d say. I know Cady is hoping this goes well for me to help out with her portfolio but this girl might be more of a challenge than I am.”

A gruff chuckle came from around the corner as her father, Night Light entered the kitchen and sat at the round breakfast table, “Well it makes sense you sought out a difficult task.”

Twilight playfully rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue at her father. He returned the jester as his wife wrapped her arms around his shoulders placing a kiss on his cheek, “As fair as that statement may be, how is this acquaintance difficult?”

Twilight pushed up her glasses as the gears in her brain began to churn, “Well, she can be a bit mean, but I have a feeling she does that intentionally in a way to keep walls up and cover a part of her personality. For example, she’ll do nice things without really thinking about it. For example, she just walked me home tonight but covered it with a mean attitude as if she was bothered by it yet I don't ask her to do so. There’s also the fact that she doesn’t appear to be too keen on people or being even slightly vulnerable.”

The older couple both hummed as they formed their advice and feelings, “Well sometimes with people like that it’s likely they’ve been through bad experiences with others. That makes it difficult to allow themselves to be open or even themselves.” Velvet offered.

Her father nodded in agreement, “Yes, and who knows, maybe after you show her some unconditional kindness and acceptance it will change things. Maybe even change her and how she…” Twilight squinted trying to concentrate on her father's words as her hearing began to die out.

“I’m sorry dad, can you repeat that last part?” The scientist asked, pointing her right ear closer.

The older man nodded, “I’ll make it short, a genuine friend can go a long way for her most likely. I think if you keep at it her view on people and the world can be improved.”

Twilight nodded in agreement, “Right. I wanna make Cady proud.”

Her new sister-in-law was a relationship counselor, an impressive one at that too. Twilight would do anything to make her past babysitter proud with a new friend and another impressive feat added to her portfolio to ensure the woman got the best job.

Velvet walked up to her daughter and patted her shoulder, “I know you will. Anytime you put that ..termined mind to a task you’ve always succeeded.”

A new confidence surged through Twilight from her parent's support. Her father stepped up beside her mother, “Now why don’t you get some sleep, Sparkly.”

The indigo-haired girl nodded, “Okay, good night Mom and Dad!”

The two said their good nights as Twilight started to trudge up the stairs with Spike right behind her.

The girl entered her room, shutting the door behind her before switching into her night attire of purple night pants with gold stars littering them and a vintage oversized Star Wars shirt.

She then removed her equipment from her backpack that she had placed on the desk upon first entering the room. Twilight supposed the fiery redhead wouldn’t have spilled so easily. Instead claiming the anomaly was ‘magic’ to open a ‘portal.’ If that were true scientists would have discovered that long ago. Twilight needed this discovery to be something special. Something that would help her skyrocket into the tough, patriotic environment in the science field. Especially with her biological sex being a component that could hold her back from career success and respect. As much as the world and government claimed to give all equal opportunity, Twilight knew it would still be much harder for her to gain a significant and respectful name in her field. She would need this to be as life-changing as Sunset Shimmer claimed in order to override that.

The mean portraying female was enthralling to Twilight. Not to mention she was pretty. Very, very pretty. From the moment Sunset confronted her in the alley Twilight was enthralled. Her amazingly vibrant blue-green eyes, perfect golden skin, and eye-catching crimson curls with golden yellow streaks that resembled dancing fire. Not to mention her alluring physique that enticed the scientist.

Twilight felt a tingle run up her spine. No. Now was not the time to fantasize about a girl that she barely knew and that probably wasn’t even gay. The indigo-haired girl had only come out to her immediate family in the summer a couple of months ago. There was no way she had the bravery yet to even mention having a crush on another girl, let alone having a girlfriend. It made her uncomfortable letting her parents and brother know what she was sexually attracted to. It was awkward to her that straightness was just assumed and homosexuals had to let everyone know what they liked. That day she had spent an entire two hours pacing her room before being dragged out of her room and coerced into speaking what was on her mind. Of course, her brother's new wife already knew. She was the first to know especially after catching Twilight checking out a particularly busty woman at the grocery store a few years ago. From then on Mi Amore had been Twilight’s practice runs.

Her thoughts and memories eventually grew quiet as she focused on her nightly hygiene routine before placing her hearing aid into its charger. The air around her was completely quiet, even placing her glasses on her desk brought no sense of even a tap. It was a sensation she was much too used to. It had surprised her greatly when she discovered placing things down did make a sound when she first gained her hearing aids.

Spike hopped up on the bed and rolled himself into a tucked ball, pushing up against the back of her knees. Twilight told the canine good night without being able to hear her voice say it. With the stars in her skylight tinkling above she was lured to sleep while going over the schedule she had planned for tomorrow and making it a good day for the both of the girls.

“Sunset Shimmer! You’ve officially exhausted me, young filly!”

“I just wanted to make you and momma and papa proud!”

“You have done the exact opposite! You’ve failed at your goal!”

Dark gold hooves covered in mud ran fast across the Canterlot City Streets.

“That’s just how the world works, Sunset. It’s your own fault those foals did that to you.”

“We warned you. Now run along and clean yourself. I don’t need you messing up my floors.”

“It hurts to see the greatness we set up for you end in such failure. That’s what you did to yourself!”

Mom! Dad! Please! Princess Celestia, help! I’m sorry! I don’t wanna be alone!

“Don’t leave me! I-I’ll do anything to prove to you I’m worthy!”

Sunset shot straight up from her bed with a gasp for air. She moved her hand up to clutch her shirt at her chest as she heaved for air. After she managed to catch her breath Sunset quickly whipped away her few tears and threw the comforter off her.

“Nightmares Moon,” The fiery female cursed to herself while stomping to her bathroom. Sunset started a shower that the unicorn-turned-human found she desperately needed after being soaked in a cold sweat.

Steam filled the air of the small tiled room. Sunset dipped her face under the hot rain-like shower water. The fragments of yelling fights and memories from her dream continued to play in her mind's eye. It was like watching one of those terrible disturbing movies that humans seemed to like so much. She wanted to turn it off. Eject the DVD, break it in half, and throw it as far as she could. Unfortunately, that wasn't possible. Even if she did have her magic, Equestria had serious laws against memory magic. Not that the rules have really ever stopped her anyway.

Lathery shampoo was messaged into her scalp, creating a relaxing feeling that aided in dispelling the memories and melancholic feelings pounding in her chest. The rest of her time she spent doing whatever she could to not focus on her dream and the emotions it brought up. Admitting feelings makes a pony weak and soft, and that's not fit for a ruler. Her self-made distractions ranged from humming to thinking about future school assignments to… Twilight Sparkle. Only because the girl is forcing Sunset’s hand to go out to some dumb human museum.

When the bathroom door opened steam ran out and into the rest of the small home.

The redhead slid on a pair of older worn knee ripped dark blue jeans and her sun-marked magenta shirt with her amazing leather jacket. When she becomes the ruler of Equestria after overthrowing Princess Celestia, Sunset will most definitely be having a leather ensemble made. The article of clothing gave her confidence she didn't know she could possess. Of course, she would have to make sure it was made of a similar vegan material.

Making a bowl of cereal, Lucky Charms, the queen of Canterlot High stepped onto her porch meeting an unexpected sight.

“Why are you still here?”

An orange cat meowed at her almost like a good morning greeting. Sunset slumped, “Am I gonna have to take you to the shelter? I’m sure you got someone out there missing you.”

The feline simply purred as it rubbed its body against her legs. The female rolled her lips and made her way inside to empty her bowl with the cat following her inside of the townhome.

Today was already not going the way she wanted. Now she had to spend her morning walking this cat to the shelter. Then practically being forced to go to a bothersome, annoying outing with an incisive little girl. They were both ruining her Saturday plans to… to what?

To Skeem! And Plan! Yeah.

Sunset Shimmer was a soon-to-be nation leader.

“Alright follow me, cat. We got a ten-minute walk.”

Sunset began stomping down the sidewalk after locking her front door. The orange tabby trotted by her side.

Many passersby gave the girl with an obedient cat by her side odd or amazed looks. Sunset simply ignored them. The ten-minute walk came to a close as the girl and cat waited for the crosswalk to turn safe and meet the shelter door. The large white hardware-looking building had a large pink and yellow sign with white paws on it that said, ‘Canterlot Animal Shelter and Rescue.’

A bell rang at the door opening with Sunset letting the cat walk in first. A woman with burnt honey yellow skin and light blue streaked hair that was up in a messy low short ponytail sat at a black counter, “Hello! How may I help you?”

The building was loaded with the sounds of dogs barking, birds chirping and cats meowing. The sound was almost too much for Sunset’s sensitive ears. The redhead found quickly when first living in this world that many sounds coming from the busy human world tended to be too loud for her, clearly her sensitive equine hearing stayed with her.

The cat placed itself in between Sunset’s black combat boots, “This cat is lost. Can you do that chip thing and find their owner.”

The woman came from behind the desk, her white scrubs covered in small images of dogs, cats, and birds, “Of course, we’d be happy to find this little kitten's home. Thank you for bringing this little guy in.”

The shelter employee knelt down and placed her hand out for the cat to sniff. Sunset backed up and put some distance between them as the woman petted the purring cat.

The orange tabby noticed and pulled away from the woman, re-placing itself by Sunset’s feet.

“Hmm, He seems to have a good connection with you. I’m Doctor Fauna by the way.” The woman informed.

“Yeah, I don't know why,” Sunset admitted. Truthfully she didn't. Why would some random cat just decide to like her? Living things, pony or human just don't like her.

The veterinarian plucked the cat up through the bribery of tuna treats, “Animals are amazing with their intuition. You just have something about you this little kitty likes.”

‘That’s his mistake.’

Sunset only nodded to physically respond to the woman instead of being embarrassed by her thoughts being out loud as the shelter worker began to walk the cat to another room, “If you’d like you can wait here, it shouldn't take too long.”

The redhead plopped down into a seat. This made absolutely no sense to her. Why with Celestia’s great power would a random cat just decide to like her enough to follow her around and stay with her? The only other creature to ever actually like her was Philomena… Sunset did often find herself missing that phoenix. That little magical fiery bird had hatched under her magic. Sunset had incubated and heedfully cared for the scarlet red fiery egg when it fell from its nest. When the baby bird had trouble hatching by itself the soon-to-be student of the sun goddess used a spell she made for that purpose just in case. The bird spurted out of the egg with gorgeous and powerful flames, that had been when she gained her cutie mark.

“Well ma'am, we have some sad news,” Dr.Fuana’s voice broke Sunset from her memories.

“What is it?” Sunset asked as the cat pranced back to her boots and began to play with the loose fringe of her ripped jeans.

“That little kitten is a stray. He doesn't even have a chip. I suspect he’s only a year old maybe a little less. Most likely abandoned.” The woman said solemnly.

“Oh,” Sunset looked down at the cat who looked back up at her with wide bright similar teal eyes, “So what happens now?”

The vet rubbed the back of her neck, looking conflicted about the situation, “Well, we could admit him into the shelter and have him put up for adoption…”

Sunset didn't like the sound of that, admittedly. With the way Fluttershy was always ‘talking’ about needed help at the shelter on Wednesday mornings, Sunset didn't want to see the cat kept in a cage for only Queen Galaxia knows how long.

“..Or you could adopt him.” The woman said with a specific hoping tone in her voice.

Could she? Sunset was set to head back home soon, she couldn't leave the cat here. Maybe with how the portal worked the cat would be a dragon or manticore in Equestria. That would be a pretty cool beast to have by her side as ruler. Especially if anyone tried to attack or be troublesome.

“Alright, I’ll take him. Do I have paperwork or something to do?” Sunset asked as she felt the kitten’s nail be caught in the fringe for a moment. Doctor Fauna smiled brightly, “Wonderful! There is a fifty-dollar fee for the required vacancies and there are only a few things you need to fill out.”

The animal expert ran behind the desk and handed Sunset a small informative packet with a pen and clipboard. The vet picked up the cat again as he gave a disapproving meow, “I’ll take him back and get those shots done, while you fill that out, anything you don't know, we’ll complete for you.”

Sunset nodded in acknowledgment. Looking at the form it didn't ask much. Name, date of birth, breed, and sex.
A name for an orange cat? One that could be a large beast in her homeland.
Magma. That seemed to fit great for the little cat.

Only a little less than an hour later the unicorn in a human body with a happy orange cat arrived at what Sunset could now call, their home. She moved the makeshift cardboard cat bed and bowls into the home. Sunset now would have to add cat supply shopping to her weekend plans.

The time on the stove clock read eleven, oh seven. The bus to the museum would be at the stop a few ten feet down the road in fifteen. Grabbing a quick snack and placing more tuna and water into Magma’s bowls, Sunset left her home with a huff, “Let's get this over with.”

Sunset stepped through the narrow alley of the bus and threw her due cash into the cash box next to the bus driver. She shielded her eyes from the bright sun that shone as she stepped onto the sidewalk at the entrance of the science museum. The building was gray and made of stone with a large dome ceiling and a satellite dish on the roof. The main pathway to the front held a large fountain with a scientific symbol statue.

Sitting at the fountain was the lavender-skinned girl. Twilight Sparkle was wearing a plaid magenta pleated high-waisted skirt that ended at her knees. The skirt held a pair of matching suspenders with a light blue crew neck underneath. Her indigo hair was held up in a high ponytail with a braid interlocking, showing off her light blue hearing aid and studded silver star earrings. Her shoes were a pair of chunky black Mary Jane shoes with short ruffled magenta socks.

Sunset rolled her eyes, ‘Talk about a try-hard.’

Violet colored eyes found teal ones and the all too curious girl greeted the tyrant with a kind smile. Sunset met her back with a scowl.

“Rough morning?” Twilight queried.

The hostile girl huffed, “What gives you that idea?”

The nerd raised an eyebrow, “I know you are already a grumper but you appear to be a bit more with your scowling, plus you are ten minutes late.”

The scowl dug deeper into her amber-colored features. The callout of her attitude and tardiness was very much not appreciated. Sunset attempted to roll off her agitation as she shrugged, “Hm, I don't know.”

Twilight crossed her arms over her chest and gave a stubbornly questioning look. Sunset would resent it if the human girl didn’t look so cute when she was mad. Damn it Shimmer! Quit thinking ridiculous things like that!

Sunset rolled her lips, emulating one of the sounds of her true form, “Some random cat showed up on my doorstep last night. Took him to the shelter but he turned out to be a stray. So now he’s my loyal protective ferocious beast.”

The unicorn-turned-human started at the giggling natural human with dead eyes, “I don’t understand what’s funny, Gadget-girl.”

The shorter girl came down from her giggling spell, “My apologies, I was under the impression that you were angry.”

“Nope. Just annoyed at having to bother coming here.”

“If it’s a bother why did you show up?”

Sunset paused with her mouth gaping as if she were some kind of mustached purple sea monster. Why did she show up? Why didn’t she just no-show the other girl? In truth, Sunset Shimmer hadn’t even thought about doing that. Why not? The truant bully was terrified to admit that deep



down. She was looking forward to this.

A weird shaking in her muscles and fast thumping in her chest commenced. That can’t happen. This would mess up her plans. Her future. Her need for glory. Her need for some pony to be… proud of her. Mom and Dad warned her about friendship and we’re proven right.

“Are you alright?” The voice broke her thoughts, “You look pale and shaken. I don’t mean to upset you.”

The redhead threw her hand up, stopping Twilight from speaking, “Just… why are you doing this?”

Twilight inspected her with confused eyes, “What do you me-,”

“There’s always some ulterior motive. Proving a point, pulling a prank that’ll get me in trouble, putting me down. So why? What do you want from me? I already told you about the energy being magic!” Sunset stepped into Twilight's space, using an intimidation tactic with her height advantage over the other girl, “You’ll be damned to Tartarus if you think I’m gonna let some noodle-shaped girl take advantage of me!”

Sunset's chest heaved as she dug her nails into her palms that were in tight fists in an attempt to focus the tears that threatened to spill and the hard shaking of her limps into the pain. It was becoming too much She hadn’t felt like this since… her last fight with the princess of the blazing sun. Then, a tear slipped out of the pool in her eyes as the lavender-skinned girl held a concerned look on her stupidly cute face.

The four-eyed girl closed the space between them with a hug, and encased her slim arms around Sunset's body, causing the emotionally distressed female to tense up.

“It’s as I said before, I have NO gross desire to hurt you,” Twilight pulled back from the leather-clad girl only a tiny bit, her hands still resting on leather-covered arms, “I’ve mentioned before… in my uncompromising school environment, friends are not common. I must admit I’ve always been incredibly focused on my school studies, thus never truly having an interest in friends.”

Sunset opened her mouth to respond but Twilight cut her off before she could, “My sister-in-law is a famous relationship counselor. I’m her new project. Trust that I mean it when I say that all I want from you, is your friendship.”

“Why choose me? We don’t even go to the same school.” The female with teal eyes full of confliction asked as another tear fell. She quickly whipped it away.

“Well, that stray cat chose you, why can’t I?”

What the Tartarus was she supposed to say to that? Sunset didn’t even know why that dumb cat was all of a sudden liked her either. None of this made sense and the more she thought about it the more it pissed her off. She hated being confused and that… insecure feeling more than anything.

The fiery-haired girl sniffled and chose to shift her eyes to the parking lot and change the subject, “That lot is getting too full for my liking. Let’s go in before the yelling brats get here.”

Sunset didn’t wait for Twilight to respond as she began to stomp her boots up the concrete staircase. The clacking of the aspiring scientist caught up to her, “Excellent idea! I already have our tickets,” the speaking female threw a strap of the small dark purple backpack off her shoulder and reached to grab the printed tickets, “These include a showing for the one thirty show of the galaxy tour in the planetarium section!”

“Yippee,” it actually did sound like fun, but Twilight didn’t need to know that. Sunset would give her this. She still wasn’t certain about this whole friendship thing. It had gone against everything she had been taught, through past experiences or parental guidance otherwise. If this girl did try anything Sunset was certain to ruin her life.

Upon entering the museum the contrasting girls waited in a short line to get their tickets scanned and received a green Tyvek wristband.

The first half of the exhibit included many fossils and types of animals. Many of the animals reminded Sunset of the ones from her native world but the boring, magicless versions. The indigo-haired girl accompanying her would give random and small bits of information. Their natural environment, whether they were prey or predators, and anything other random.

Moving into the hooved animal section Sunset stopped at a sign, ‘Equus Caballus.’ A horrifyingly ugly model of a pony stared back at her.

“Fun fact, the average mare pony stands at a 14.7 hand height,” Twilight informed with a giggling smile on her face.

Sunset shrugged, “A pony is stronger than a horse. The average pony,” she wanted to add earth in front of the word pony but held back, “tends to work on farms to pull plows or in mines to pull the coal or gem carts. They also have much thicker fur, manes, and tails.”

Twilight adjusted her glasses, intrigued, “Wow, you know a lot about equines. Are you more of a horse person?”

The unicorn-turned-human chortled, ‘Technically,’ “Yeah, you could say that. Let’s just say I grew up with them.”

Violet colored eyes brightened, “That sounds convivial! What was it like?”

Memories of other ponies pushing her around, blaming her for things they caused, and speaking down to her filled her mind. This human girl wasn't asking about that though. Sunset shook the memories from her head and replaced them with galloping adventures in the Canterlot unicorn fields, magically delicious berries, and food. The naturally vibrant color of the world compared to this one.

“It was beautiful and certain things were freeing, like galloping or-” ‘My magic,’ “...Just yeah. I’m sure you get it,” Sunset moved on to a different section watching the fossils move from discovered animals to dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs? The redhead had yet to hear of such a thing.

“Ah, how wonderful! They updated the Tyrannosaurus Rex life-size model,” Twilight said sounding impressed. The nonhuman alien turned around to see what the inquisitive girl was talking about. Sunset’s jaw practically hit the floor. The model was huge! A large model of a dragon-looking beast with no wings and teeny tiny arms stood tall and proud in the center of a large high-ceiling room, “What is that?!” Sunset's voice echoed.

Twilight looked at her curious and surprised, “You don't know what a T-Rex is?”

The redhead shook her head from left to right as her eyes were bright with awe. The corners of her mouth turned up at the sight of the surrounding pre-historic creatures, “What are these? They are awesome!”

The pair smiled brightly at each other before Sunset ran over to a velociraptor model and began reading the posted information. Twilight stepped behind her and giggled as she moved to the dilophosaurus model nearby, “Their dinosaurs. They resided on earth many millennia ago. I’m astonished, you don't know what they are.”

The redhead shrugged, “It’s never been talked about in my history or science classes.”

“You weren't taught about this when you were young?” Twilight gave her a weird look.

‘Damn it, Shimmer. You and that big mouth.’

Sunset just shrugged. The shorter female deflated a bit, “I’m sorry, I hadn't meant to make you feel bad or stupid or something.”

The dimension crosser closed herself off with a sarcastic scoff and her shoulders tensing, “You sure about that?” she mumbled. Worried eyes looked at her as Sunset decided to keep her eyes on a pair of happy-looking parents with their happy-looking daughter looking at the T-Rex model. The little girl was raised to her father's shoulders as the small family smiled largely at each other. The parents enjoyed being with their daughter and the daughter enjoyed being with her parents.

A gentle hand placed itself on her shoulder, “Sunset?”

“What?,” She snapped. Sunset moved her shoulder away from the other girl's hand and kept her back to her, “I already warned you about me. You don't need to pretend to be all caring and apologetic to me.”

“I’m not pretending,” Twilight tried, “I don't see anything to be wary of, you-”

Sunset cut her off, “I am a mean, nasty po- person, Gadget-girl,” She flipped around, now facing the researcher, “I hurt others and I don't feel bad about it. Anyone who gets in my way, I will ruin them. You should be scared and if you aren't, you will be. Watch.”

“Why?” Twilight asked moving her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

“What?” Sunset growled viciously, her hurt beating fast, her eyes and fingers tingling.

“Why do you feel that you have to hurt others?”

“Because I do what I have to to be on top.”

“Why do you feel the need to be on top?”

A dangerous frustration boiled higher in Sunset's gut, “Because I have to prove them wrong.” Sunset said so quietly Twilight was surprised her aid caught it.

“I understand that you feel a need to prove yourself to others or even yourself of some kind of greatness, but, you can do that without being a bully,” Twilight said, holding her ground.

“What would you know?” Sunset rolled her eyes.

The academic girl made sure to keep eye contact as she worked to understand the complex tall girl in front of her, “I know how much bullying hurts. My peers hold a certain resentment towards me. Being a loner and holding the top scores of my school with no one close makes me an easy target. I don't know what exactly you’ve been through but I know that this mean persona isn't something you really are. It’s your choice of course but I must implore you that you don't have to mean to achieve your high goals.”

Her heart was beating so loud in her ears that Sunset couldn't even hear her own thoughts. It felt like Celestia was chastizing her, but… kinder and without the accusations, “No po-body else has ever had to change.”

Twilight looked at the time on her watch quickly before bringing her eyes back up to Sunset’s, “Do you want to be like everyone else? That’s ever been cruel and gross and mean to you?”

“No. I can- am better than them. I will be.” ‘Have to be.’ Sunset's eyes shifted to make sure no one was looking their way.

“Then prove it,” Twilight said and began walking into a new section of the gallery, “We have five minutes until the galaxy tour show, we’re right next to the planetarium!”

Why? Why does this stubborn bookwork still want to be her friend? Even now, when Sunset confessed her bullying. The redhead just couldn't wrap her head around it. What was she supposed to do? Keep hold onto her past and what life had taught her or give it up and allow herself to have a friend?

Twilight Sparkle turned back around to her and held her hand out, “Come on, you don't wanna miss how our galaxy has expanded and bettered itself through trusting itself. It’s truly astonishing and beautiful how the future has allowed the universe to become so large and full of wonder.”

Sunset stared at her for a minute, perplexed. The lavender hand continued to hold itself out. Rummaging through turmoil, fear, confusion, and… hope, a shaky amber hand hesitantly placed itself in the other girl's hand.

Author's Note:

Wooh! This one was so fun to write! Poor Sunny Bear is so confused by Twilight's advances.
I'm so excited to write more, this story my brain has blossomed has been super fun.
I hope everyone is enjoying :twilightsheepish:
Comments, questions, and advice are welcome as always :heart: