• Published 30th Jul 2023
  • 1,759 Views, 131 Comments

A Shimmer and Sparkle - Skyreads

A mean and bitter unicorn turned human gets her world flipped by a much to curious scientist.

  • ...

8.Midnight Cries and Smiles

The bright waxing gibbous moon brightened the dark night with bright shining stars by its side.

Her scarlet fiery hair contrasted the dark midnight sky as Sunset had her hands tucked into her leather jacket as she walked along the sidewalk leading to Canterlot High.

The subject of her late-night travel entered her eyesight. The statue of a large proud horse sitting in front of the School’s courtyard was currently in quietude. Sunset approached the large base of the statue. The reported time of the portal's magic peak was approaching and the Equestrian native had a theory to test.

The surface soon began to shine brightly as sparkling dust of magic gathered in aid. The redhead placed her hand in the magic dust and gasped as a strong tingling sensation entered her that could only mean magic. The feeling felt euphoric. She’d missed it greatly. Sunset then placed her hand on a glowing surface and immediately felt the familiar equestrian magic thrumming through her veins and igniting her nerve endings to a pleasant tingling. She put her forehead, where her horn should lay, on the surface next. Her mouth opened in a gasp as her eyes overtook white, a rainbow tunnel flashing in her vision.


Princess Celestia stood tall in front of the mirror with a melancholic look on her face. The Canterlot Castle throne room sat brightly with the sun's rays shining through behind the princess, contrasting her mood. She signed before turning her back to the mirror, her pastel tricolor tail flowing in a nonexistent wind. Suddenly a familiar voice was heard, “Princess Celestia! You requested me?”

An indigo tail with a magenta and violet stripe was all that could be seen.

The sun goddess spoke, “Yes, I’d like you to report to the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadence will be helping you settle into royal expectations and routines. Princess Luna and I will be accompanying the empire as well in assistance.”

The tail stiffened as the holder tensed, “Yes, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia allowed a gentle giggle and raised a dismissive hoof, “No need to bow to me. You too are a princess now.”

A familiar nervous laugh followed, “Right, I’m still getting used to that.”


Sunset pulled her hand back and found herself breathing heavily as the vision left her mind. As the euphoric magic left her anger replaced it.

Princess Celestia replaced her.

Sunset couldn’t stop her breathing from picking up.

It was really true now. The Princess never cared, never wanted to help! As soon as Sunset left the princess went and got a new apprentice. Not only that but this apprentice was now a princess! She was successful. She did the very thing Sunset chased, fought, and cried over for ten years! Since was only a seven-year-old filly!

Scolding hot tears rushed down her cheeks.

Sunset knew for certain now that she- no Princess Celestia had wasted her time, life, energy, and chances for the high and mighty future her parents always pushed her to achieve.

‘It all meant nothing!’ She thought as she found her breathing quicken.

Her molten hot fury rushed through her entire being and burned a hole in her soul. If Sunset had a mirror, she would’ve seen her irises slit to a dangerous point and the white of her eyes began to turn black.

Time felt like it stopped as she heard a heavy door shut. Two female voices followed.

The imaginary equine ears that should have been on top of Sunset’s head flicked and turned to the owners of the voices. Sunset noticed they were far away, she still had a chance to make her presence never known.

A giggle, then a posh voice followed, “I told you it would be fun, darling.”

“Gotta say, ah didn’t expect ya to be this sneaky,” a deeper country accent followed.

“It's only for you, dear. I have to make my working girl happy.” The old English accent replied with sultry intent.

‘Tireks low-hanging magic balls!’

Sunset shot up to standing and whipped at the wetness on her face. She began to briskly walk down the sidewalk leading her toward her home's direction. She had far too much bouncing and running around in her brain to deal with those two at one in the morning.

Or any time really.

Despite her attempt at a quite quick escape from the area, Sunset knew she had been spotted when she heard a female country voice full of anger.

“What in absolute tarnation is that snake doing here?”

The girl by her side with ivory white skin joined her aggression, “I’m not sure, but it better not be what I think it is.”

Sunset would be lying to herself if she said her curiosity hadn’t been grabbed. She broke up the five most popular girl’s friendship two years ago. It was a surprise to see the two, out of all of them, to be together. The farmer and polished fashionista were still friends?

“Hey!” A strong hand grabbed her shoulder, forcing Sunset to turn around and face the freckled apple farmer, “Ah’m talkin’ to you, Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset offered a nervous grin, “So sorry, it’s so dark out here, I didn’t know it was you, Applejack. How did you even see me?”

The farmer only responded with her frown deepening, “I could see your hair before I even turned the corner.”

Sunset let out a huff in defeat, ‘I need to invest in a hood if I plan on having more late-night adventures,’ “Listen, I know I’m a mean piece of pig shit and nobody has any reason to trust me, but, I was here on my own business, not yours. So whatever apple bite you two were licking together, I don’t know or care about.”

Sunset then stepped out of Applejack’s grasp to embark on her journey home. She already knew she wouldn't be able to hold the ball of fury in her chest for long.

Both of the girls' faces flushed, “I- how crude!” Rarity retorted.

The redhead shrugged and began to walk away. As she walked further away, she saw the two girls walking towards a red rusty pickup truck.

Before Applejack sat in the driver seat she called out, “Ya better keep this to yourself, Sunset Shimmer!”

“Uh-huh,” she replied, mostly to herself.

When she finally felt far enough from the school grounds and any lingering sneaky people in the night, the hot tears that stung her eyes and cheeks rolled down in a quick concession. Sunset brought her hand up to bite on as sobs wracked her body and her chest heaved.

‘I should have known better. I’m such an idiot!’ Pure hate filled her being. This hate was different from all the other hate she had felt for many years. It wasn’t for human beings. It wasn’t for mean foals. It wasn’t for Princess Celestia and her inability to see Sunset's hard work and worth. No, this hate was completely towards herself.

She stumbled through the night as the tears continued to blur her vision. Her stomach hurt, and the sharp migraine began to bang in her head.

With the low traffic on the road at the time of night, a car with bright white headlights behind her was much too noticeable and she had to place a hand on a wall to stop herself from falling over. The one car on the road stopped next to her.

“Sunset?” A familiar male voice asked with disbelief in his voice.

The redhead looked at the person, his body being illuminated by the light of his blue sports car.

At the sight, Sunset uttered her first human curse word, “Fucking Faust.”

Flash Sentry stepped forward, “What are you doing out here? Are you okay?”

“Like you care,” Sunset said harshly as she attempted to stand straight.

Flash gave her a sad look and sighed, “Just because we broke up, doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.”

The unicorn-turned-human lifted her eyes to his, holding a sad glare in her glossy eyes. Despite her reluctance, the genuine concern in his blue eyes broke her attempted gruff expression. Her eyes broke away from him as a new set of tears began to fall. She kept her attention on the passing car for as long as she could.

She heard a sigh, “Listen, you don’t have to tell me what happened or what’s going on but please, let me take you home.”

Sunset sniffled when her eyes found him again.

“It's almost two am, it’s too dangerous to be out here this late and I know you know that too. Plus your stumbling and a minor, that could get you in trouble.” Flash justified.

Sunset pushed herself off the wall entirely and slowly made her way to the other side of the car, “Fine, but,” she sniffled twice, “only because I don’t want to deal with cops over something I haven’t done.”

“That’s fair,” Flash nodded as he watched the troubled girl take a seat on the passenger side. He took his seat at the driver's side, Flash felt an immense amount of sadness at seeing his first, now ex, girlfriend curled up in the car seat, with her knees to her chest. Her face was hard to see, Flash wondered if she had done that purposely.

The drive had been quiet with stiff air filling the car. Ten minutes later Flash found himself pulling up to the familiar townhome he hadn’t seen in months. When he looked over at the owner of the home, she still had her face turned away from him, her hand lingered on the car handle, “Thank you.”

Flash wouldn’t admit it to her out loud, but he was surprised to hear her gratitude.

The redhead quickly turned to him, as if she had to force the courage, and sucked in a breath of air, “Thank you… for being kind to me.”

Flash’s mouth gaped with astonishment at not only her words but her tears. Sunset's hands were in rolled-up fists as she scrubbed the tears off her face. If she had her natural-born ears they’d be pinned back.

“I’m so sorry I treated you like a trophy and used you to only boost myself. I know I’ve become a terrible p-po- person, I don’t mean to,” her hands fell limply down her lap in defeat and she tried to stop herself from hyperventilating, “I-I-it just sorta happened. I didn’t want to become so mean and cruel, like them. It- I- They-,” At the point of sobbing and hyperventilating the distraught unicorn could no longer get her words out.

“Hey, hey,” Flash said in a comforting manner, rubbing in between her shoulder blades, a move he always knew calmed her down. That was mostly for worked-up anger instead of hysterical crying though, “Everything is gonna be okay.”

The fiery-haired girl simply shook her head back in forth.

“Listen, I don’t know what's going on in your life right now or in the past, you were never really open about it, but, I know that the future is a great way to change things and do better,” The male offered her a smile when she cleaned her eyes free of tears and returned to regular breathing, she shrugged at him with melancholy in her teal eyes.

“I’m sorry for sobbing in your car at two in the morning. I meant my apology earlier as well,” Sunset said quietly.

Flash offered another smile to this raw side of the girl he once thought he knew, “It’s okay. Thanks for your apology, they go a lot longer than you think.”

Sunset managed to surprise him for the third time that night with a gentle genuine smile, “And thanks for driving me home,” she grabbed the door handle of the car but hesitated before turning back to the teenage male, “Can we pretend like I didn't just have a breakdown in your car?”

The sports car driver chuckled and nodded, “Yeah, I think I can do that.”

She gave another smile before exiting the car and slipping into her home.

As Flash turned around to begin in own path home he couldn't help but laugh a little in surprise and bafflment. That had been the last thing he expected to have happened after a Friday jam session. With the girl's regret and apology showcased in his hands, he felt a crack in his heart meld a small portion.

Twilight Velvet hummed to the soft RnB song filling the kitchen air as she cooked. The casserole timer had dinged, prompting the woman to set the cooking side vegetables on low as she dug the meal out of the oven. She couldn't help but feel the excitement coursing through her. A meal with her little genius daughter's first real friend had the woman giddy. While the mother was very prideful of her daughter's devotion and success in academics, the teenager's downplay of social needs always worried her.

Velvet had heard her daughter chatting with the other young girl for a couple of hours before they finally decided to let each other have time to get ready. Sunset Shimmer was now expected at any moment. Twilight Sparkle’s antsiness and need for perfection were getting to her, and it was becoming clear as she barked orders at her father from a checklist to ensure everything was ready for the other girl’s arrival.

“Twily,” the man gruffed, “Is this necessary?”

“Of course, it is! The ‘Sleepover Succession 101’ clearly states that in order for your guest to have maximum comfort on the couch, it needs to be, one and a half inches from the wall and perfectly horizontal to it!”

Night Light sighed and did as told and his wife giggled from the kitchen.

When the doorbell rang Twilight gasped and threw the book into her father's hands, “I’ll get it!” she yelled as she raced to the door. Twilight slowed her pace to normal and adjusted her ponytail and bangs to perfection as she approached the handle.

“Hi, Sunset!” Twilight said happily as she opened the door, welcoming in the rebellious-looking teen with her wild, flame-colored curls, shiny black boots, and leather jacket, along with a worn pair of blue jeans, torn at the knees, and a dark red t-shirt with an abstract sun symbol on it.

Teal-colored eyes took in the surroundings of the home for a second time, with its large library-esk bookshelves, and cool-toned blue walls with elegant crowning. By the front door, a shoe and jacket rack sat, waiting for new collections.

Sunset pointed to them, “Uh, should I?”

Twilight nodded, “Shoes, at least.”

The redhead nodded and did as such before turning back to the youngest in the house, “Come with me, your stuff can just be in my room.”

Sunset nodded and followed after her friend.

Night Light turned to his wife after watching the two from his spot in the kitchen, “Should I let Spike back in?”

Velvet looked out the window above the sink, seeing the purple dog running around with a stick, “No, he’s okay for now.”

The man nodded and began to season the now strained vegetables, “She sure looks like a character.”

The woman nodded in agreement and smiled, “I agree, I’m excited to meet and get to know her. Based on what Twily said last night, that girl seems to be going through one heck of a rough patch.”

Night Light moved to the dining room and started to place down plate mats, “I agree. It seems like it has been a long one too. I mean who sees a crying child in a pig pen and says they deserved it?”

Velvet huffed at the frustration she felt at being reminded of the horrific story her daughter recounted to them. Of course, they were supposed to not let the red-haired girl know that they had been told about it, but that didn't stop the woman spike of rage she felt towards those faceless teachers.

Two pairs of footsteps were heard coming down the staircase before arriving in the kitchen, “Mom, Dad, this is Sunset Shimmer,” the older teen waved at them with a nervous smile, “Sunset, this is Mom, Twilight Velvet and Dad, Night Light.”

Sunset held her hand out to shake with both of them, “It’s nice to meet you.”

Velvet couldn't help but notice the bags under the girl's eyes and the small melancholy draining her color, for a brief moment she wondered if her daughter or husband noticed it as well, “Please call me, Velvet.”

“And me just Night, it’s great to finally meet you in person. Twily speaks a lot about you,” Night Light said with a kind smile.

Sunset’s cheeks turned rosy before flicking her gaze to Twilight and seeing her cheeks in the same state as she curled one of her hanging trellises around her finger. The redhead then giggled a bit, “Is that so?”

“Only because they ask so many questions!” Twilight said in an embarrassed defense.

The three chuckled and giggled at the youngest embarrassment before Velvet spoke, “Well, Sunset I hope you're hungry. I have been made aware of your dietary needs, so everything served to you is vegetarian. I made sure to ask my vegetarian friend just to make sure it all was.”

Sunset wore a surprised look, “O-oh, thank you. I appreciate that a lot Miss Velvet.”

The woman smiled warmly, showing off her light smile lines, “Trust me, it’s no problem, dear.”

Sunset played with her fingers as she waited last for everyone to gather their meals of casserole and sides. When she sat at the navy blue and purple stainless glass top dinner table, Velvet asked her a question, “Would you like you like some water or juice, dear?”

“U-um, just water, please,” Sunset answered, trying to keep her nervousness unnoticeable. She was making a huge effort to keep the manners her parents and Princess Celestia taught her to have at formal dinners. Sunset did not want to mess this up.

A gentle hand graced the top of her shoulder, “You okay?” Twilight asked with a delicate, quiet voice.

The redhead nodded and mustered a smile. Only a few moments later the adults returned with a beverage tray, setting it on the table.

The adults sat at their seats across from the teenage girls. Velvet spoke, “Sunset, do you like to say grace, before you eat?”

Sunset quirked a brow in question, “Grace?”

Twilight answered, “A religious prayer in thanks.”

“Oh, no,” Sunset said, with a bit of disdain. Religion wasn’t known in pony culture, it’s true the alicorns were seen and could be worshiped as a goddess, but for the most part, her kind never had such strong and differing beliefs that the humans do, “but, if you guys do, then feel free.”

Night Light picked up a fork, “We aren't the most religious either. Mostly just a truster of the universe.”

Sunset nodded in slight understanding. As she saw the rest of the family dig into their plates, she took that as her cue to do the same.

“So, dear,” Velvet addressed her, “You go to Canterlot High, correct?”

The unicorn quickly swallowed, “Uh, yes ma’am.”

The woman bloomed a soft smile to Sunset while she stacked casserole onto her fork, “And how is that going?”

There’s the million-dollar question. ‘Oh, you know, I’m a massive tyrannical megalomaniac who planned to use a magical weapon from my own pony dimension to force a bunch of teenagers to be my own personal army so that way I could take over the throne that I had once thought I deserved and it took a stubborn, incisive girl to make me self aware.” Sunset said sourly in her mind.

Outwardly she said, “Um, it’s okay. These days I mostly try to keep to myself.” That wasn’t a lie, she really was trying to mind her own business and not cause more harm, some others just made it harder than it should be.

Twilight looked at her and smiled before Velvet recaptured her attention, “Sounds just like Twily, no wonder you two have become friends!”

Night nodded in agreement before adding to the conversation, “Yes, Twilight has mentioned you're also very academically advanced.”

Sunset blushed and shrugged, “I like to think so.”

“It’s true! When we were checking over each other's AP chemistry work for correctness, we ended up having very similar questions; despite the school difference,” Twilight said excitedly, “We also had everything correct. We triple-checked!” The studious female added proudly.

Velvet let out a chuckle that showed where Twilight got her adorable one, “My, that’s impressive. How come with impressive your smarts, you're not at Crystal Prep with Twilight? I’m sure with you there the environment would be much healthier and happier,” the woman paused as she saw the embarrassed look on her daughter’s face, “for the both of you, of course.”

Sunset looked at Twilight, the girl had rosy cheeks and avoided looking at the redhead. The bespectacled girl barely mentioned her days at school, though Sunset caught the hints it wasn’t the nicest place, especially after Twilight had been attacked simply over homework. That incident and the girls responsible for the dark bruise imperfecting Twilight’s adorable face were most definitely on Sunset's revenge list. One she hadn’t acted on even after years of planning on it. Thanks to Twilight she might never get to now. Sunset was still deciding if she was mad about that or not.

“I’ve definitely thought about it once or twice. Things are just a bit complicated right now,” the redhead answered.

The two adults nodded in understanding, “Well, if ever need anything feel free, to reach out. You're always welcome.” Night offered.

Warmth flooded Sunset at the parents' kindness to her. Nothing like this had ever happened to her. Not even Princess Celestia purely provided comfort like this. It was always: give things time and continue to do what satisfied others. It must be Sunset doing something wrong. This attitude was certainly nothing she had ever heard. It was never welcomed when you needed help. It has never been the ‘I’m here when you need,’ that the multidimensional unicorn had ever heard. Until Twilight. And now her family, the very family she threatened to ruin.

Sunset took in a heavy breath to dispel the tears threatening their way in, “Thank you, I’ll keep that in mind.” That’s all she could muster.

The family and their guest returned to their meals and idle chit-chat that garnered a few laughs and bright smiles from everyone.

They soon found themselves clearing plates and emptying cups. Sunset had set Twilight and her own plates on the small stack of dishes, “Is there anything I can help with?” She asked.

“Oh, sweetie, that’s-“ Velvet started.

Twilight interrupted by covering one side of the kitchen in dish soup, “We’ll do the dishes, momma.”

The matriarch chuckled and half-heartedly put her hands up, “Alright, you girls have at it.”

Twilight passed a soupy dish to Sunset after placing as many foodless plates as she could fit in the soapy water. The redhead used a sponge to scrub as many leftover stains as she could and then washed the soup off the plate to place it in the hanging rack over the sink.

Double checking the adults left the kitchen area Twilight used her pointer finger knuckle to raise her glasses before she spoke, “Are you okay, Sunset? You looked… upset a couple of times.”

“Hm, guess I’m not as good at acting as I thought,” Sunset replied as she scrubbed a white plate with lavender flowers painted on it.

“It’s not that,” Twilight started as she crammed the casserole pan into the soup pool, “I can just… tell.”

Sunset emitted a small sigh, “I’m sorry. I just… had a rough night last night and I'm not used to this.” She placed a handful of utensils in the rack cup.

“Oh, you don’t need to apologize for that. Do you want to talk about it?” Twilight asked with wide violet-colored eyes filled with concern.

Sunset smirked down at her, squeezing the last dish in the rack, “Not right now, Sparkes. Possibly crying in your kitchen doesn’t sound too appealing.”

Twilight giggled as she drained the sink, “I suppose you're right. Luckily for us, I have a slumber party tutorial book to guide us through the night!”

“Oh, geez,” Sunset said as a lavender hand gripped hers and pulled her up the stairs, waving past her parents as they had settled in the cozy living room.

Hours later into the night passed and Sunset found herself in a way only Twilight would ever be allowed to see. She slipped out of the girl's closet only for her ankle to roll, causing her to tumble to the floor, “I told you I don’t wear heels.” She said with her face still planted on the carpet floor.

Twilight clapped in excitement, “But you look so cute! Also, the book clearly states makeovers are a requirement!”

The redhead picked her head up with her face twisted in disgust, “But, this is a pink sparkly dress! You couldn’t give me some other style.” The prom-looking dress had a heart neckline, purple waist corset with a white waist bow, and sparkles. So many Faust-damning sparkles, both big and small.

The other girl shook her head with a giddy smile, “Nope!” She stood up and helped Sunset to her feet as she got used to the heels as much as she could. Sunset couldn’t understand why humans put themselves in this torture!

“Okay, it’s my turn, make me over!” Twilight said excitedly.

The natural-born unicorn threw off the heels despite Twilight giving her the pouty face. That’s fine, two could play in this game.

Sunset grabbed her leather jacket before she stumbled back into the closet and peeked into the deepest parts of the forest of clothing. Snooping through the closet’s plastic drawers, two articles of clothing that Sunset would have never expected the nerd to wear were found.

Sunset shoved the two articles, her leather jacket, and combat boots, that were in her suitcase, into the other girl's arms. Twilight stared at them curiously before marching to the closet.

“Okay, don’t laugh!” Twilight yelled from inside the closet. The redhead on the other side of the door offered affirmation, eager to see the results.

The white door creaked open. The boots gave Twilight clown feet but everything else took away Sunset's breath and placed a deep blush on her cheeks, crawling to her ears. A black miniskirt hugged her round hips perfectly, the sequin pink top did her smaller chest favors as well. The leather jacket changed her entire demeanor, making her look like a tough ruffian with a sad backstory.

“Wow, I must look really bad if it makes you stare that hard,” Twilight commented with a large blush and pushed the jacket closed to cover up.

Sunset shook her head and noticed her mouth had gone dry, “N-no! You don’t look bad at all!” She looked the other girl up and down again feeling a fluttering weakness in her stomach, “Y-you look really good.”

Twilight's cheeks turned crimson, “I know, it’s not your style, but I think you, also, look really pretty.”

Sunset rolled her eyes playfully, “Yeah yeah, take it all in cause you won’t ever see it ever again.” Then a thought occurred to her, “Hey? How come you just randomly have a miniskirt and sparkly crop top in your closet?”

Somehow the lavender-skinned girl's cheeks grew redder, “T-there my sisters- well, sister-in-law’s, she has a bunch of hand-me-downs she lent me. Most I stuffed into my never-wear drawer.”

“Oh, I was hoping it was because you had some secret alter ego,” Sunset said with a smirk.

Twilight giggled and shook her head right to left as she moved to her desk picking up the sleepover step-by-step guide, “Okay time for scary stories!”

“Scary stories? I thought that was for camping. Also, I don't know any.” Sunset said, throwing a blanket over herself to cover her chilled bare arms.

Twilight pushed her glasses further up the bridge of her nose, “Me neither,” she tapped a finger to her chin, looking to the ceiling before her eyes brightened like the stars do at night, “Why don’t we look up some on the internet and share them! We’ll have to make sure we’re using different websites of course to make sure we don’t get the same story.”

The redhead shrugged, “Whatever you say, Sparkes. Only problem: I don't have a smartphone.”

Another giggle came from the nerd, “That’s no problem silly, you can use my laptop and I’ll use my phone.”

Sunset shifted, “Mm, I don’t know. I’m not gonna see hardcore furry porn am I?”

Twilight choked and blushed from the accusation, “N-no!”

Amber-colored fingers drummed her chin, “I don’t know, the fact that you look like a strawberry makes me think something else.”

A laptop was thrown into her lap, “Just look up some scary stories!” Twilight commanded, covering her blushing face with her phone. Sunset laughed for a good minute before abiding by the young genius’ wish.

The girls shared many simple to extravagant haunting tales. Sunset offered quick sentence stories to get quick jump scares out to the young girl and Twilight gave an eerie retelling of Poes, The Haunted Palace. Sunset wouldn’t admit it out loud but it almost made her feel the need to look over her shoulder. More than once.

The indigo-haired female let out a long yawn, “My stars, how is it already twelve thirty?”

Sunset joined her yawn, one eye forcing itself shut, “Don’t know, Sparkes. I guess time flies when you put me in frilly dresses and race in that Italian game.”

Twilight grew a tired smile, her eyes drooping behind her glasses, “You can pretend you don’t like it all you want. Also just because the main character had an Italian accent doesn’t mean it’s an Italian game.”

Sunset noticed her friend's hearing aid start to blink. She stood up and gathered her sleep attire, “I’ll refer to it as I please. Now, before you knock out, change, trust me sleeping in leather doesn’t leave you feeling rejuvenated in the morning.”

The unicorn smiled at her friend's infectious giggle as she closed the bedroom door behind her.

As Sunset locked the bathroom door behind her, she kept her eyes on the floor and avoided the mirror. She found herself thankful to have her friend distracting the self-deprecating and loathing thoughts that had been slamming the forefront of her mind for the past almost twenty-four hours.

Finally finished with her required routine, Sunset returned, finding Twilight already cuddled up with her dog in her bed asleep. The dog had given the redhead a friendly sniff before trotting by his master's side when they allowed him back in. A pink sleeping bag with white sparkles was laid on the floor. She looked at it with dead eyes, disgusted by the color, ‘I guess beggars can’t be choosers.’

Pain like boiling lava burned her bones and very being. She sat in a red dark void crying, begging for help only for none to show.

A distant evil laugh filled with vengeful intent filled the air.

“I am your princess now!”

Screams of terror followed a sound of destruction.

“No! No! Don’t hurt them!”

“You will bow down to me!” A scarlet red demon commanded, raising her claw hand and throwing down a black fireball.

Nothing but blood and death filled the air and courtyard.

Sunset fell to her knees, sobbing in despair, “No! No! No! This isn’t what I wanted!”

A pure fire hot hand with sharp talons for nails gripped her throat, digging its knife-sharp claws into Sunset's neck, “What isn’t that you want?! This is what we’ve fought and worked for! Now, you want to change your morals?!

Fire ashes licked Sunset's face as the demon with crazed teal slits for her eyes screamed at her.

The tears wouldn’t stop flowing, “I- I just wanted some pony to be proud of me!” She cried out, her voice giving from the crying and blood flowing out of the side of her throat.

The demon with fire for hair threw her to the ground before kneeling back over the terrified human girl turned unicorn, “It’s much too late for that.”

Before Sunset could respond the demon grabbed her equine face, and opened its mouth for nothing but fire to meet her.

“Ahh!” Sunset screamed as she shot up from the ground. She could feel her body slick with a cold sweat.

Hyperventilation consumed her breath, her heart beating like she just outran Diamond dogs. Sunset jumped when a hand touched her back. She whipped her head to the subject and saw Twilight instructing her to take a large breath. Spike was by her side whimpering, even his eyes showing pity.

The indigo-haired girl brought a hand to her chest, held her breath, and then let it go along with reextending her arm out. She did this a couple of times as Sunset joined her and finally began to return to normal breathing.

“I- I’m sor-“ Sunset cut herself off when Twilights stood and placed her glass of water on the nightstand before unplugging her hearing aid and placing it on the shell of her ear. As she turned the dial Twilight turned back to Sunset, “Are you okay? I just walked in and saw you shoot up and start hyperventilating.” She said with worry.

Sunset nodded, this being the only time she would ever be grateful the girl couldn’t hear, “It was just a bad dream. I’ll be okay.” She then stood on wobbly legs and grabbed her folded leather jacket from the dresser Twilight placed it on, “I just need some fresh air.”

Sunset noticed Twilight moved an arm to reach out to her, but she chose to ignore it as she left the bedroom. She was tired of letting people see her cry. She was tired of all the crying she had been doing in general honestly.

The unicorn slid the back patio door open and sat on the deck, cuddling into her jacket more. She brought her knees up to her chin and swallowed down the despair building inside her.

After minutes of staring at the bright low moon, signifying the sun's soon arrival, shining in the sky, Sunset heard the sliding door open. A purple puppy ran up to her, licked her face, and then ran off into the yard. A body settled next to her.

“I brought you some apple juice. I know how much you like it.” Twilight offered.

The redhead took the yellow cardboard juice box graciously. As she sipped on the juice the two girls both looked to the starry sky. That was until Twilight spoke, “I’m sorry there’s something bothering you this much. It seemed like a really bad nightmare.”

Sunset shrugged, “It’s my own fault.”

Twilight gave her a curious look, “Why would you say that?”

Sunset burrowed deeper into the spot between her knees and chest, “Because who caused so much harm to my whole school and I’m the one who ran away from home, all because I got too impatient.”

“Personally, being impatient doesn’t seem like the only reason. Regret can be a hard thing to go through. And your missing home?” Twilight asked gently.

Sunset sighed, “I pried into what’s been going on at home since I left. My old mentor replaced me.” Her face turned to a sour scowl, “Some po- girl who ended up succeeding in what I couldn’t. That really hurt to see.”

“Oh,” Twilight said with sympathy, placing a hand on Sunset's back, “Well, you may not have been successful in the original way you had thought, but that just means you get to find what your true success is.”

Sunset let out a sarcastic laugh, “You really think I can be successful at something? Fate has shown that it thinks differently.”

Her head hung low until a gentle small hand lifted it by the chin to sparkling violet-colored eyes, “I think you can be and are incredibly successful.”

“How so? I don’t have anything to show for running away. Nothing to make my mentor or parents proud.” Sunset said, gripping back the tear that so desperately wanted to escape.

The indigo-haired girl nodded her head, “You're successful in smarts and realizing your mistakes. That’s a major success all of itself, especially with you wanting to fix the damage. Also, not just any teenage girl can build her own kitchen appliances or vehicle.”

Sunset stared back at the lowering moon as the sun began its entrance all on its own, “How do I tell my teacher that I have become an evil tyrant? She already was never proud now she’ll be straight up regretful to have me in her student logs.”

Twilight thought for a moment, “I think you tell her that in the end you realize your mistake and are now working to better the situation and person you are.”

Once again, Sunset shrugged defeated, “I’m mostly more worried about my parents at this point. They always preached being the greatest and doing what you have to to get on top,” another sarcastic, dead laugh left her lips, “Maybe they’ll be proud of me for being mean and cruel.”

“Are you proud of that?” The younger girl asked.

Sunset sat silent for a moment, “No. I’m not.”


“I’m sorry things have been so sappy with me,” Sunset said with a melancholic voice.

Twilight giggled, “Please, sap has never hurt anybody. Just know that when you need to be sappy, I’ll always be here.”

Sunset smiled and was surprised with herself as leaned in to hug Twilight, “Thank you, Sparkes. That’s all I could ever ask for.”

Author's Note:

Heyyy besties.
Me: It shouldn't take too long to write this chapter.
Also Me: Finally finished it three days after I initially thought I would be :rainbowderp:
I don't know how Majadin keeps a good schedule.
Anyway hope you like the drawing I made, I know it's not totally accurate, it better fits the rough draft but you get what you get lol.
Also hope you enjoyed this chapter cause it took me a while. be prepared for next time, the arch will be arching.