• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Smashing Success

"Daring, dive!" Rainbow shouted.

"For the last time, my name is Daring Do!"

"For real, dang it!" Rainbow dropped like a fuzzy blue anvil into the shaft, muzzle first. "We gotta outrace 'em!"

"What for?!" Daring zipped after Rainbow. "It's not like either one of us can hold paste!"

"Stop talking like that!" Rainbow snarled. "There's no time for it!"

"Right! They'll be glue within seconds!"

"Just hurry the buck up!" Rainbow hollered over the sound of craggy rocks soaring past her ears. She hurled herself downward on viciously flapping wings, listening for the scrape of the collapsing platform against the shaft's walls. "Nnnngh! Wh-what I wouldn't give for a necklace or something to light my way... PINKIE!" She yelled. "Hold on!"

"Weeeeeeeeee! Best. Death. Plunge. Everrrrrrrr!"

"Trixie!" Rainbow yelled. "See if you can do something with your freaky magic to slow the fall!"

"Yeah!" Daring echoed from behind Rainbow's tail. "And think happy thoughts!"

"Dang it, Daring..."

A voice warbled upwards. "Trixie... c-can't figure out where the wall of the shaft is!"

"It's the big loud thing fwooshing past you on all friggin' sides!"

"... Oh! ... Trixie must be deaf!"

"Just do something! Anything! Leyline that crud! Hurry!"

A spark of light ignited from far below, followed by the echoing sounds of Trixie's pained grunts.

"I... I-I can't see!" Rainbow wheezed, craning her neck. "Is... is she doing it?"

Daring blinked against the stuffy air currents. "Either that or she's making love to an electric eel."

"Wait!" Rainbow's voice cracked as she pointed ahead. "I see something!"

Below the two diving pegasi, a rectangular shape could be seen, showering the shaft with sparks. Two earth ponies clung to one another while a unicorn with a billowing cloak stood, her horn brighter than the moon.

"Nnnnnghhhh-ghhhghh!" Trixie hissed, her tensely grimacing face covered in sweat. "Trixie's... never... f-felt... so... a-a-alive... grnnghhh!"

"That's our ticket!" Rainbow swooped down, squeezed between the bars of the platform, and hovered dangerousl below it. "Now we j-just gotta find a way to stop it!"

"Stop it?! Shoot!" Daring slipped through and pressed her forelimbs up against the platform. "The best we can do is just slow the damn thing! Follow my lead, champ!"

"Guhhh!" Rainbow shoved against the other side of the platform across from Daring. "What's th-this gonna accomplish?!"

"That's up to the rest of the entourage!" Smiling sweatily, Daring shouted through the bars of the platform. "Hey! One of you figure out a way to hop off this thing!"

"Uhhhh..." Pinkie Pie blinked. "And go where?"

"I feel a gentle breeze coming from somewhere!"

"You sure that's not Trixie's magic?"

"This shaft is being ventilated! I think the walls are thin! There must be another passage nearby!"

"Yeah, but wh-where?!" Rainbow sputtered.

"Losing... my... c-cohesion!" Trixie slurred.

Scraaaape! The platform lurched a bit from the unicorn's telekinetic grip.

"Gnnngh!" Daring grunted as she and Rainbow struggled to hold the platform still. "Somepony, do something stupid-smart!"

"Sounds like my cue!" Pinkie Pie picked up Maud. "Maudy, put your hoof out."

"Okay, Pinkie." The mare stretched like a club in Pinkie's grip.

"Hrnnnttt!" Pinkie swung the mare so that her hoof struck a wall. POWWW! A giant crater formed, exposing nothing. "Nope!" She spun and bashed Maud's hoof against the adjacent wall. SMASSSSH! Dust and soot. "Nope!" She spun again. CRASSSH!

Rainbow Dash winced from all the dust and pebbles pelting her. The platform lurched again as Trixie's magic started to fade. "For Celestia's sake, girls! Hurry up!"

"Only one more wall leffft!" Pinkie swung Maud like a baseball bat. CRACKKK! Pale light wafted through a fresh hole in the shaft beside the platform. "Hah!" Pinkie gasped, then melodically jingled: "Da da doo doo doo da daaaaaa!"

"We have found an escape from certain death," Maud droned in Pinkie's grip.

"Great!" Daring shouted. "Hop on through, be fruiful, multiply n'stuff!"

"Zoop!" Pinkie carried Maud as the two leapt into the adjacent chamber. "Hey, good news, everypony! The floor's covered in strawberry jam!"

"Actually, Pinkie, that is bat guano."

"Oh... well it still smells like something Gummy would eat!"

"Daring..." Rainbow hissed.

"Heh, if you insist, partner." Daring released her grip of the platform, zipped through the bars, and clasped onto the side of the fresh hole. "Come on in, kid! The water's fine!"

"Trixie... is... officially..." The unicorn's eyes rolled back as she collapsed across the platform. "...pooped." Her horn shorted out.

"Grrrrrrr..." Growling for good measure, Rainbow slipped through the bars platforms as it fell past her. She scooped up Trixie, kicked off the opposite wall, and dove through the hole just milliseconds before the resounding crash below sent a wave of dust and debris flying up the shaft, blinding everypony and everything.

As the dust settled, everypony was coughing and sputtering, including Maud. A pink figure hopped up and down in the middle of them.

"Woohooo!" Pinkie Pumped her guano-stained hoof in the air. "Again! Let's do it again!"

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