• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 16,813 Views, 16,177 Comments

Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Magical Mystery Mule

"HRESHAAAA!" The hulking dragon paused in the middle of the wrecked city to swipe and claw at the air around him.

Fearless, Mulia Mild soared swiftly around the beast's head, twirling with a flounce of her pastel skirts and firing beams of pretty magic at the monster's crown.

"Haaa!" The mule smiled, twirling her scepter and bombarding the draconian fiend with an endless barrage of sparks. "Let the wrath of the constellations exorcise your blighted taint!""

As the dragon reeled from the magical mule blasts, the citizens down below cheered and waved their forelimbs in joy. Two young mares in schoolfilly uniforms even took the opportunity to pose and take a selfie with the bombarded beast in the background.

"HRESSH!" Blinded, the beast swung its claws once again.

Mulia sailed past the attack, threaded her way through the red tower's girders, and came out the other end launching a translucent blue stream of spheres. "Muuuuuuule bubblessss!"

Far across the city, Rainbow Dash, Stu Leaves, and Donut Joe watched from the tall skyscraper's rooftop.

"Hey, uh..." Donut Joe squirmed. "...am I the only pony who's somehow able to hear all of Mulia's war cries from hundreds of meters away?"

"You're not alone." Stu shuddered. "We gotta bring an end to this. I dunno how many times I can take hearing the phrase 'blighted taint' today."

"Epcot!" Rainbow Dash spun about, gawking at the chaperone. "You're cutest, smartest, all around best pony! How do we stop something this epic so that Mulia Mild will snap out of it?"

"Why, it's quite simple, silly!" Epcot fanned herself, inpexlicably wearing a kimono with goldfish designs. She flounced a mane set in an updo while smiling. "The only way to steal one pony's thunder is to make some of your own that's even awesomer!"

"Well, I'm used to doing that," Rainbow said. She pointed at the hulking beast breathing fire at the magical mule across the way. "But not when there's a dragon in the picture!"

"Heehee! That's right! I forgot." Epcot winked. "This you didn't travel all that far east, did you?"


Epcot disappeared and then reappeared beside Donut Joe, once again wearing her cast member uniform. "I'd say we get the bagel meister in on this one! It'll be a learning experience for both mortals!"

Joe squinted. "The Hell is this broad jabbering about?"

"She's actually quite bright when you get used to her," Stu said.

"If you wanna stop the mule, you've got the fuel!" Epcot tapped Donut Joe's chest, smiling. "The spark of dreaming is inside you, just waiting to burst!"

"I've got parts of me wanting to burst, alright." Joe teetered, wheezing. "I feel an aneurysm comin' on..."

"Awwww..." Epcot pouted. "Don't doubt yourself! Pierce the dream's veil for Rainbow and Stu's friends! You like friendship, don't you?"

"Uhhhh... sure?"

"Mulia Mild needs your helppppp," Epcot sang.

Rainbow face-hoofed. "Epcot..."

"She's trying hard doing what she caaaaaaaaan!" Epcot hopped little pony circles around Donut Joe.

"Darn it, Epcot!" Rainbow snarled.

Epcot shoved Donut forward so that he stared over the glistening Maretropolis. "Won't you tryyyyy, just give it a chaaaance? You might find that you'll start to understaaaaaaaand!"

Donut Joe blinked. He stared at building after building. Finally, a mischievous squint consumed his eyes. "Alright... I think I've got this..." He held both forelimbs out, straining.

Rainbow and Stu winced, covering their ears while an obnoxiously blaring horn issued out of the heavens. At that exact same times, several skyscrapers grew up out of the ground, like magic beanstalks of windowed steel and concrete...

FWOOOOOMB! The dragon breathed fire at Mulia's tiny figure.

The mule dodged, skirted the surface of a building, kicked off of it, and flew straight past the monster's body with a slash of her glowing scepter.

"HRESSSHA!" The cretin yelped in pain.

"That's what you get for attacking innocent mares and foals!" Mulia Mild twirled upwards, then hovered in place with her tiara shimmering righteously. "Now, by the authority granted me by the celestial bodies, I shall—"

But just as she raised her scepter to blast the dragon again, the air rumbled with repetitive blasts of thunder.




Mulia Mild blinked. The citizens below stirred nervously. Even the giant dragon paused to glance around in confusion.

"Wait..." Mulia blinked. "...what the buck?"

THUDDDD! A crater formed in the streets beside them.

Both Mulia and the dragon spun, gawking.

A gigantic jaeger constructed out of white concrete-and-steel skyscrapers stood before the pair in the middle of the city. It raised its arms with glisteningly sharp radio antennae and swiveled an apartment complex "head" to face the gawking draconian target.

"Alright, ugly!" Donut Joe grinned from deep within a flashy pilot's compartment. His hooves gripped a pair of control sticks as he aimed the lumbering construct forward. "Let's finish this!"

"Hey!" Mulia Mild frowned from where she floated beside the marching automaton. "What's the big idea? I was going to save the day for beauty, truth, and the stars!"

"Move over, mule lady!" Donut growled, slowly charging the dragon. "We're gonna punch a hole through this stupid fantasy! Arms, report in!"

"Left arm standing by!" Stu Leaves shouted, gripping his own controls in a separate cockpit.

"Grnnngh..." Rainbow Dash folded her forelimbs, frowning inside her seat. "This is really really stupid."

"I dunno..." Stu grinned, speaking into an intercom. "I kinda like it!"

"You would."

"Aaaaaaaaaand..." Donut jerked the controls, forcing the skyscraper golem to strike a ridiculously flashy pose. "Attack!"

Flash! Epcot materialized on the jaeger's shoulder. "A true true friend helps a friend in—"

"We know, Epcot!" Rainbow barked. "We're past that part!"

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