• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Chariots of Dash

Three deliveries, a lunch break, and a long-distance flight later, Rainbow Dash came in for a broad landing on the front of a familiar lawn. Behind her flapping wings, a brown chariot with gold paint glided to a stop on squeaky wheels. The carriage was filled to the brim with white blocks, all strapped tightly to the Banner Company vehicle.

"Whew..." Rainbow Dash wiped her brow and aired out the apron clinging to her sweaty chest. "Sheesh! Why does Trottingham have to be out in the middle of Celestia-forsaken nowhere?!" She smirked towards the ponies shuffling towards her from the stagecoach garage. "I guess they named it after the fact that you gotta trot a million miles to get there!"

"And, I assure you, it's worth it for our tea and biscuits alone." The butler approached, his nose upturned, as two other servants flanked him. "Your swift service is once again appreciated, Miss Dash. But, please, keep the chatting to a minimum. My master does not pay your company for your sass."

"Again with that word!" Rainbow cackled as she slid the clipboard out of her pastel-colored vest. "Seriously, am I missing something?! It's hard to pick up dictionaries when you're flying miles past the speed of awesome!"

"Do not worry..." The butler took the clipboard and dutifully scribbled his name across the bottom. "I'm certain your exceptional degree in Equestrian basic education will more than make up for the communication gap."

"Heh... cute one, Jeeves. I'll give you an 'H' for effort."

The stallion sighed into the work order. "I rest my case..."

Rainbow glanced sideways at the servants as they trotted up and started unpacking the blocks, one at a time. "Say, what does your boss need so many salt licks for, anyway?"

"That's hardly any of your concern," the butler droned.

"I'm simply curious!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Is that a huge ditch I see you guys digging in the back of the manor? I figured with enough water, he could dump in all these salt licks and make himself his own ocean! Somepony raising an orca farm?" Rainbow leaned her crooked grin forward. "Huh? Huhhh?" The clipboard found itself suddenly lodged in her muzzle. "Mmmmmf!"

The butler dusted off his hooves with a placid smirk. "That'll do, Miss Dash. I'll add a bonus to the Banner Company payment, provided it assures that your next delivery is performed in silence."

"Grghhh—Ptooie!" Rainbow held the clipboard in a pair of hooves and glanced it over. "Eh, you're no fun. I bet your boss is a regular bag of kittens... compared to... you..." Her eyes darted up and squinted towards the manor.

Along the top balcony, she made out a tall stallion with a strong frame. The unicorn wore a silken burgundy bathrobe, and he was in the process of toasting three guests with martini glasses while he made some grandiose speech or another. As his head turned, a swath of sunlight glinted off a lone monocle over his left eye. He smiled with a thin mustache, gesturing towards his magnificent back law gardens while leaning against the balcony railing.

As the stallion took a sip of his martini, Rainbow's eyes wandered down. She spotted two maids trotting to the storage house with trays of dishes. The maids spotted her, and they waved, giggling.

Rainbow smirked dumbly and waved back, only for a frowning butler to take up the whole of her vision.

"Ahem..." His eyes narrowed. "My fellow servants are done acquiring the master's stock, so if you would kindly take your leave."

"Erm... right..." Rainbow Dash straightened her apron and pivoted about, swiveling the chariot along with her. She paused, glancing back at the balcony where the aristocratic stallion stood. Her jaw tightened and untightened. She whistled the butler's way. "Hey, Jeeves!"

The pony's whole body slumped. He turned and gave Rainbow the mother of all bored glares. "Yesssss?"

"Does it get any easier?" She shrugged. "Working for a pony who's so rich, I mean. Cuz havin' all of those bits to fall back on..." She smiled thinly. "Must be pretty cool."

The butler took a deep breath. He stood tall and proud, straightening his tuxedo. "Easier, most certainly. Quieter? Well, that remains to be seen." He pointed an accusatory hoof. "Deliver salt licks, Miss Dash. Not telegrams." With that, he flicked his tail and trotted firmly away.

Rainbow Dash exhaled out the side of her muzzle, flapped her wings, and took off with a light load. "How about I deliver a turd into your teacup, ya tumorous oversized penguin..."

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