• Published 4th Dec 2013
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Appledashery - Just Essay

Rainbow Dash lives an exciting life and is swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria. She would gladly give it all up, though, just to confess her love to Applejack.

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Physics? What Physics?

"Keep going in the same direction, ya idiot!" Gilda snapped, struggling to speak above the noise of the whipping winds.

Rainbow Dash panted, spotting the huge, looming granite bluffs of the western plateau looming straight ahead. She looked left and right and still couldn't find a passage or a canyon. "But I don't see—like—a gate where the Wind Chalice could allow us to—"

"That's not what's super important right now, is it, dweeb?!" Gilda growled.

The air filled with shouts and hoots and yelps. Rainbow glanced behind them to see a solid line of bloodthirsty griffons chasing after their six.

"You know, this Hell would be a whole lot more Heavenly if you would just share what you're plotting—"

"Fly up to the plateau's edge and then sore as high as you can!" Gilda said. "Hugging the wall!"

"But... but the wind will only—"

"Yup!" Gilda nodded, feathers rustling. "And who do you think will be able to handle it in the end?!"

Rainbow Dash shuddered. Brow furrowed, she flapped her wings, accelerating the two of them even harder towards the plateau with extra help from the Chalice. The thick wall and its impenetrable bowers flew closer to their vision until it blotted out all sunlight.

"Wait for it..." Gilda sneered through her beak.

Rainbow wheezed: "Since when were you so friggin' patient—?"

"Now!" Gilda hollered. "Pull up!"

"Gaaaaaaaaugh!" Rainbow tilted back, her wings bent to the breaking point. Air whistled violently past her fuzzy ears as the world flipped. Soon, she had lifted so high that she and Gilda got caught up in the magical winds fountaining outward from the plateau's summit. They got caught up in it immediately, being blasted due east and back towards the crystalline trees.

The horizon loomed upside down before Rainbow's vision, and she saw the thick flock of Fibb's lackeys sailing straight towards them. In just a blink—she knew—they'd be within beak-stabbing range.


"Now flap!"

Rainbow blinked. She felt the barrier's wind collecting tightly under her wings. The weight of the Chalice resonated through her bones, and somehow—she knew—the next action would either make or break her. "Hooboy. Watch your eardrums, girl." Then, with a singular grunt, she flung her wings back. FWOOOOOOOOOOSH! The two of them rocketed eastward like a bullet, propelled by a magical burst of compressed air.

They threaded through the ill-prepared flock within a blink. Fibb's posse barely had time to react before a merciless wave of air exploded in their midst. CLAPPPP! With errant seagull shrieks, the griffons all flew off in random directions, colliding with the ground and forming gravel ravines until their unconscious bodies settled to an anching stop.

"HAH!" Gilda burst, grinning as she gripped Rainbow's tail, flailing after her. "Ha HA! You like that ya crumb-pecking bozos?!"

"Uhhh... Gilda...?"

"Vomit your lunch down Fibb's throat in your own time, losers!"



"H-how do I stop it?!"

"You gotta be kidding me, right?"

"No, I'm totally not!" Rainbow gulped. "Maybe if I just—" Rainbow pivoted her wings to the left... and instantly regretted it.

Fw-Fw-Fw-Fw-Fwisssh! The two spiraled out of control. The Chalice's magic formed an instant cyclone to their left, which further flung them in a violent circle.

"Gaaaaah!" Rainbow's voice cracked.

"Ya stupid pony!" Gilda growled. "I didn't tell you to change your trajectory yet!"

"Gilda, you didn't tell me nothing! I never took Chalice 101!"

"Even if you did, you'd skip out on that too!"

"Oh don't you friggin' start—"

"Ground! GROUND!"

"Oh gosh—" Rainbow yelped, tugging savagely at her wings. The two barely skimmed over the granite earth, twirled skyward, and went barreling towards the westen wall yet again.


"Okay... Okay!" Gilda climbed up Rainbow's body. "I've got the perfect idea!" And she snatched the Chalice from Rainbow's hooves.

Rainbow shrieked. "Gilda...?!" The two lost momentum, twirled, and plunged at a suicidal thirty degree angle.

"Now just find a way to land us—"

"With what?!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Our skulls?!"

"Hahahaha! You can do it!"

"Stop laughing, Gilda! Friggin' A!" Rainbow flapped her wings, flailed, and tumbled through the air as the wall came within spitting range. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa—!!!"

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