• Published 21st Nov 2013
  • 8,893 Views, 1,275 Comments

My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 129: Sunburst's Big Confession

"Starlight, that book contained a spell which was the only thing we found in the whole library that was even close to what we needed!" Twilight said in a rather angry tone. "And now it's ruined!"

Starlight gulped, and suddenly wished she were a lot smaller. "I'm so sorry, Twilight. And you two, Shining," She apologized. "I didn't mean to make things worse."

Shining just sighed. "It's not your fault, Starlight. None of us were expecting any of this. It's just unfortunate that now, we're back to where we were before we found that spell. And we don't have much time left, even Celestia and Luna can only hold the storms at bay for so long, and they've been at it for a while now."

"Well, there's still hope," Cadence commented, looking across to Twilight. "Do you think you can remember the spell, at least long enough to put the Crystal Heart back together?"

"I only read it through once!" Twilight protested, frightened at being put on the spot!

But Rarity just smiled, and said. "Well, if anypony can exactly remember something she read for the first time two minutes ago, it's you, Twilight."

"Then I guess I can try, but I don't know how long it'll take." Twilight cautioned.

"Is quickly an option?" Pinkie suggested, looking out the window. "Seems like the storms are only getting worse."

"I'll try to help as much as I can," Cadence commented, as she flew over to Twilight. Then she looked at her husband. "But just in case, I think we're gonna need to give the order to evacuate. I don't like the idea of throwing in the towel, but if the spell doesn't work or we can't remember it, there's probably not enough time to find another solution."

"Is there anything I can do to help? Even just a little?" Starlight offered.

Shining shook his head. "I want to hold out hope that Twily and Cadence can put the Crystal Heart back together good as new, but I can't chance the safety of the whole empire on a 'What If?'. Right now, I need to get everypony down to the train station while there's still a train station to get to. I'm sorry, but it looks like your lesson's going to be placed on indefinite hold. By the way, how did things go with you and Sunburst?"

Starlight sighed, and confessed. "Terrible. We have nothing in common anymore," But just then, an idea came to him. "But he's a big, important wizard, he said so himself! And here I am, re-learning everything I thought I knew!"

"Of course!" Shining gasped! "Why didn't I think of him before?! If there's anyone who can find a copy of that spell and figure a way out of this mess, it's Sunburst! Good thinking, Starlight! You go find Sunburst and tell him what's going on, then bring him back here! Hurry, time is of the essence!"

"I won't let you down, sir! I promise!" Starlight vowed, and rushed out of the library as fast as she could!

"Starlight, wait!" Shining called out, as his student rushed away! "There's something you need to know about Sunburst!" But Starlight was already too far away to hear. "Rats! I knew I was forgetting something! I should've figured Sunburst wouldn't willingly confess to what he really is." The prince thought to himself.

"You'd better go with her, Spike," Twilight advised. "And the both of you stay safe. Be careful not to get lost, we can't afford any setbacks!"

Spike quickly caught up with Starlight, and the two of them raced to Sunburst's house as fast as they could! Starlight frantically knocked on the door, now was not the time for formalities!

Sunburst was quite surprised to see Starlight again. He'd thought for sure that as long as she thought he was a big, important wizard, she'd leave him alone. "Starlight?! What's going on?! Is something wrong?!" He asked with concern.

Panting heavily, Starlight pointed towards the nearest window and told Sunburst! "Sunburst! Haven't you looked outside yet?!"

"What do you me..." Sunburst began, before he looked at the window and his mouth dropped wide open! "Oh my goodness! Snow?! But, that's... not right. I-I mean, the Crystal Heart should—"

"It's gone!" Starlight explained. "Shining Armor and Cadence's baby – it's an alicorn! Named her Flurry!"

"Really? I'd no idea. I-I mean, I knew they'd had a foal and that it was a girl, but they'd never mentioned what species it was," Sunburst corrected. "Then again, it's only been a month."

"Yeah, well the baby's an alicorn!" Starlight told Sunburst, pausing only occasionally to catch her breath. "And her magic is a little berserk, and well, I guess she destroyed the Heart! But Twilight thinks she can fix it, and Prince Shining Armor thought you'd be able to help. You know, since you're a big, important wizard and all."

"What? Me?" Sunburst asked, suddenly appearing to hesitate.

Starlight nodded. "It makes perfect sense! You're an important wizard in the Crystal Empire! Come on, we've got little time to waste!"

But Sunburst didn't move forward. In fact, he moved backward, bumped into a bookshelf, and nervously stuttered while reorganizing the shelves. "Right... right... right right right. Uh, you know what, I'd like to help, I-I really would. It's just that, I-I just have so much, um, important wizard work to do around here. So sorry."

"Sunburst, I know you're busy, but surely you heard what I just said," Starlight protested. "This is serious!"

"Oh, I heard you alright," Sunburst sheepishly replied. "But-but like I said, when you're an important wizard, the work just piles up. I can't help that."

"Sunburst!" Starlight scolded, all but pleading with him. "Please! You're the only one who can make things right! This isn't like when we were young, when some grown-up could always clean up whatever mess we made! The entire empire's in danger!"

Sunburst sighed. "She's not going to let up until she knows the truth. I just wish it was under more pleasant circumstances." He thought to himself, then he looked Starlight square in the eyes and told her. "Look, Starlight, it's not that I don't want to help, because I do. But I just can't. I wish I could."

"W-what do you mean?" Starlight asked.

With a gulp, Sunburst confessed. "Fixing an ancient relic? I-I can't even come close to doing something like that! Believe me, I've tried."

"But, I don't understand," Starlight replied to Sunburst. "I thought you were an important wizard! How can you not know how to fix something like the Crystal Heart?! You always said you wanted to be a big, important wizard. And now, here you are in all your wizardly glory."

"Well, you were wrong, okay?!" Sunburst angrily confessed! "The truth is: I'm not an important wizard! In fact, I'm not even a wizard at all!"

"WHAT?!" Starlight gasped, taken aback at Sunburst's statement!

"You heard me!" Sunburst snapped! "I'm nothing but a washed up former magic student! I'm not the important wizard I wanted to be! Now go ahead, have your laugh!"

Author's Note:

Not much to say other than I wanted to expand on a few pieces of dialogue here.

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