• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 97: Celestial Permission

With a little help from his sister, Shining Armor was able to store a projection of the map for him to take to Princess Celestia in Canterlot. "I figure, if Princess Celestia could use crystals to store images of the Crystal Empire, that was a trick worth learning. Beats Zecora's memory potion." He had explained to his friends, and then he immediately had Spike send word to Celestia of his arrival. Despite the situation, Shining still intended to go through the proper channels. Nothing about this yet conveyed the sort of urgency that would justify breaking with procedure.

"It's just so weird, what are the odds that map would surface with the castle, and that village would be the first thing it would direct us to?" Shining thought to himself, as he flew to Canterlot. "Could it be the remaints of whatever magic was used to build that castle out of thin air?"

Whatever the circumstances, Shining was hopeful that Princess Celestia (or perhaps Princess Luna if she was awake at this time of day) might know something about that village and whether or not it was worth investigating.

Commander Silverbolt was waiting for Shining when he arrived (command of the royal guards usually fell to him if Shining or Flash was not around). "Greetings, Captain. Splendid to see you again." He formally greeted, bowing his head in respect.

"At ease, Silverbolt, there's no need for such formalities," Shining decreed, and changed the subject. "Has Princess Celestia been briefed of the circumstances for my visit?"

Silverbolt nodded. "She's waiting for you in the throne room, and per your orders she has cleared all royal duties for the time. Kibitz has been assigned the responsibility of tending to the nobility and civilians. The meeting shall be strictly confidential, as you wish."

"Thank you, Silverbolt. And how has the royal guard fared in my absence?" Shining inquired, as the two ponies walked to the throne room. "I know the Tirek ordeal came out of nowhere, but what about everything else?"

"Nothing to report, Captain Armor," Silverbolt firmly replied. "All has been quiet, perhaps too quiet."

"Maybe, but I'd rather not look this gift horse in the mouth." Shining commented, as he reached the throne room door.

"Right, but it never hurts to be vigilant, just a little," Silverbolt replied, and turned to leave. "Whatever you discuss with the princess though, I pray it will not spell trouble for Equestria."

"I hope so too." Shining thought, but he thought it to himself. He didn't want to run the risk of jinxing anything. Taking a few deep breaths, he entered the throne room.

Shining didn't hesitate to immediately show Celestia the crystal displaying the projection of the map. Pointing a hoof to the town surrounded by the cuties marks of himself and his friends, he asked. "Do you recognize this town at all, Princess?"

Celestia eyed the displayed map cautiously, and examined it very carefully. For a few moments she said nothing, she stepped back and put a hoof to her chin, deep in thought. But at last, she shook her head and told Shining. "Alas, I know nothing about this town. There are no records of such a town existing, or any permits or charters that were recently brought before me. Yet I must assume that it does exist, as every other city and town across all of Equestria I can see as clear as day."

"What do you make of those glowing cutie marks? Especially since the cutie marks of my friends and I started glowing the instant we sat in those thrones, and my mark at least didn't stop glowing until I left," Shining asked with worry. "The map seems to be guiding, no 'calling' us to that village. But why?"

"I wish I could help you on that, but I sense this is something you and your friends will have to find out for yourself," Celestia instructed. "I will say this much, the location of that village gives me cause for concern. As it is located right next to the mountains, it could be the perfect hiding spot for a weapon, or even a movement against me."

"But why would anypony be opposed to your rule?" Shining asked the princess. "I know you've had plenty of enemies, but it seems like we've taken care of all of them by now. Unless you're telling me there are more?"

Celestia sighed, and spoke seriously. "Even the best of ponies make mistakes, Shining. There will always be those that disagree with you, and they won't always be vocal about it. Some threats lurk in broad daylight, making no effort to hide their intentions. But others dwell in the shadows, plotting their moves in secret, and daring only to strike when they believe they have the advantage. Even some of my former students have not left me on the best of terms, as I'm sure you're aware with Sunset Shimmer, perhaps my second greatest failure."

Shining nodded, remembering his own encounters with the disgruntled mare. "But in the end, she was able to turn her life around and give up her evil ways. From what my sister has told me from her visits to the world Sunset calls home, Sunset is fast becoming a teacher in her own right."

Celestia smiled briefly at this comment. "Indeed, and it warms my heart to see a former student of mine come back to the light. And not a day goes by where I don't long for a chance to see her," Her smile faded though, as she added. "But not all stories have a happy ending. You saw with the likes of Sombra and Tirek how they chose to harden their hearts and reject the light. In all my years, I know my methods haven't been popular with everyone, and there are many who would see fit to overthrow me if given the chance."

"And you believe that's what this mysterious village is all about?" Shining inquired.

"Perhaps, but then again perhaps not," Celestia explained. "It's imperative that you and your friends answer that 'call'. Go to that village and see for yourselves what it's like. This will be a strictly off the books, covert investigation. You will go as you are now, Equestria's first alicorn prince. And your friends shall go as whatever they wish to be known as. But be careful, if you get into any trouble, neither Luna or I will be able to bail you out. And if anything leads back to us, we'll deny any involvement. I may not be thrilled with the idea of having to throw you under the bus, but without knowing whether that village is friend or foe, I dare not risk making another enemy."

"Then I guess that's that," Shining nodded in agreement, focusing his magic on the crystal. The projection soon shut off. "I won't let you down, princess! Whoever or whatever's lurking in that village, my friends and I can handle it. We haven't met a threat yet that we couldn't overcome in the end."

"I know you won't disappoint me, Shining," Celestia smiled. "From the day you joined the ranks of my royal guard, I knew you had potential. Though even I couldn't have forseen that it would lead to this, you going off on missions on your own, and without needing me to inform you first. If you discover anything of importance, don't hesitate to inform me of the details when you get back."

"Will do!" Shining nodded, and he raced out of the throne room without another word. In the back of his mind however, there was a nagging question that wouldn't leave him be. "Would the map truly call on my friends and if I that village was friendly to Equestria? What reason could it possibly have for telling us of that village's existence?"

Author's Note:

I decided to toss in some references to Friends Forever #38 and the Equestria Girls franchise (in case you're wondering, the events play out only slightly differently in this universe. Twilight still chases after and befriends Sunset Shimmer, first to get Shining's crown back, and then with permission from Shining to stop The Dazzlings as he is still recovering from the fight with Tirek).

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