• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 142: Chrysalis' Ruse

Shining was unaware of what was going on in Starlight's old village, right now he was busy leading the troops as they fended off the invading changeling forces near the Crystal Empire.

Word had already come out that the princesses were holding the line in Canterlot, but there was no sign of Chrysalis. So that meant the queen had to be with the force trying to take the Crystal Empire. Something Shining wouldn't let happen!

But a nagging thought kept lingering in his mind and refused to let him be. "This is almost too easy." He thought out loud.

Flash Sentry smirked, as he barreled effortlessly through a horde of changelings and knocked them aside. "That Chrysalis underestimated us. She thought the old 'divide and conquer' strategy would work," He boasted. "If she were smart, she'd have poured all her forces into an attack on Canterlot while we're stuck here. Instead, she thought she could catch us off guard if she sent a smaller force to Canterlot as a distraction. She's probably getting senile in her old age."

"I don't know about that, Flash," Shining nervously commented. "Chrysalis is many things, but stupid isn't one of them. It's not like her to do something like this without an alterior motive."

"Whatever her plan is, it won't work!" Flash vowed, as he landed next to Shining and helped him fend off a few more changeling drones. "With Thorax on our side, we've been able to learn all of the tricks Chrysalis would use. When Old Queen Cheeselegs shows her ugly face in our presence, we'll have her! Simple as that!"

"I wouldn't be so sure if I were you." An echoey voice hissed. And soon, who should appear amidst the skirmish but the queen of the changelings herself?

"Chrysalis!" Shining hissed back, his eyes glaring at the queen. "You've got some nerve showing your face around here."

Chrysalis only laughed and tried to play it off. "Oh, what's wrong, Shining Armor? You don't look happy to see me. And here I thought we had something."

"Never! You kidnapped Cadence and tricked me into thinking you were her! Not to mention the fact that you almost ruined my wedding!" Shining snapped, casting daggers at Chrysalis.

"Permission to run her through, Captain?" Flash asked as he readied his spear.

Shining shook his head. "No. I want her alive, she needs to be made an example of. Striking her down here and now will only make her a martyr and she doesn't deserve martyrdom."

"Oh, why the harsh words, prince?" Chrysalis delivered the last line with a noticeable. "Surely we can work something out. What happened at the wedding was unfortunate, but it's hardly a reason for us to come to blows."

"Cut the theatrics!" Shining snapped. "I know you wouldn't come here just to get under my fur! You obviously have some kind of plan! What do you want from me?!"

"And here I was hoping we'd get to have a nice chat, maybe catch up on what's happened in our lives since last we met," Chrysalis snickered, before she cleared her throat. "But if you really wanna play it that way, who I am to disagree? I did originally come here to get Thorax, no one betrays the hive and gets away with it!"

"Joke's on you, Thorax tipped us off to your invasion. Your plan failed," Flash boasted. "Now come quietly, and you won't get hurt."

Chrysalis shook her head and fired off a beam of green magic at Flash, knocking his spear away. "Shining Armor really should put you on a tighter leash. I hate blabber mouths," Chrysalis snarled and then turned her attention back to the prince. "So sorry for the rude interruption. Now where were we? Oh yes I remember, I was about to unveil my cunning ruse."

Shining did his best to maintain his composure. He would not be rattled so easily. "What are you talking about?! If you're referring to the invasion of Canterlot, that too was thwarted!" He retorted.

But Chrysalis only tsked. "Temper, temper, prince. You didn't let me finish. Did you really think I'd be dumb enough to go for such an obvious two pronged invasion on two obvious and heavily guarded targets? If so, then you clearly don't know me at all."

"Enough of your games, out with it!" Shining demanded! "I have half a mind to blast your sorry hide halfway across Equestria right now!"

"Oh, you wouldn't want to do that, would you, Prince?" Chrysalis taunted. "'Cause if you did, you'd never see your precious daughter again."

"What are you talking ab- wait, are you talking about Flurry?!" Shining gasped, turning to Flash! "I thought I told you to ensure Flurry Heart was well protected, Flash!"

"I did, Captain, I left her in capable hooves! I even double checked the guards to be sure they were who they said they were!" Flash protested. "Somehow, Chrysalis must've managed to slip past them undetected."

Chrysalis laughed. "And that's not all. I also sent a few of my more capable drones to Ponyville. Boy were you dumb, Shining Armor. You were so fixated on the Crystal Empire and Canterlot, you never thought to provide security for your other home town. Your sister and your friends never saw it coming."

"You didn't." Shining snorted.

"Oh, but I did!" Chrysalis boasted. "I would've liked to capture Thorax as well, but capturing your friends and your loved ones was a nice consolation prize. And best of all, the princesses have no idea. By the time they realize what's going on, it'll be too late."

Shining growled and kicked at the snow with a hoof! "How could I be so foolish?! I should've known this was a trap!
But like a fool, I walked right into it!" He mentally kicked himself for his ignorance! "Flurry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to be captured because of me. Some Daddy I turned out to be." Then he turned to the changeling queen and demanded. "You let Flurry Heart, my friends, and my sister go right now! It's me you want!"

"Oh, but I'd have expected a written invitation to have been turned down," Chrysalis taunted. "However, if you come quietly with me back to the hive, I promise that no harm will come to anypony you care about. Resist me, and I can't exactly gurantee their safety."

"Captain, don't do it! Give me five minutes alone with this scumbag and I'll make her talk!" Flash vowed! "Army or no army, she's no match for the royal guards!"

But Shining shook his head and ordered. "Stand down, Flash Sentry! Chrysalis holds the winning hand here! We can't risk the well being of the innocent on the off chance we can call Chrysalis's bluff," Turning to the changeling queen, he then added. "I'll come along if that's what you want. But not until you promise to leave the others alone. Because if you lay so much as one hoof on them, I'll chase you all the way back to your hive and free everypony even if I have to tear the place apart piece by piece! You got that?"

"Fine, have it your way, Prince. I'll enjoy making you suffer," Chrysalis boasted, as she approached Shining. "And draining the love from you will demoralize the rest. A nice little bonus if I do say so myself." And she led her captive away.

"Captain!" Flash cried out! "You're making a mistake!"

But Shining turned and shook his head. "I'm sorry, Flash, but I have to do this. This is the only way I can ensure my friends, my sister, and my daughter don't get hurt," He then instructed. "Go find Thorax and get him as far away from here as you can, tell him to find help!"

"But... but..." Flash stammered.

"I gave you an order, Flash! And I expect you to obey it!" Shining commanded! "Go on, go! Quickly now!"

Flash reluctantly obeyed, though not before casting a dagger at Chrysalis. "You won't get away with this, you disgusting vermin! Somehow, someway, you'll pay!"

Shining watched as Flash flew off to find Thorax, and the rest of the royal guards continued fighting off the changelings. He sighed, as he thought to himself. "I'm sorry Thorax, Starlight, but it looks like you two are on your own here. There's nothing I can do now."

Author's Note:

Rather than have the princesses (and Shining Armor) be captured like they were in the original episode, I decided to have the changeling invasion be a ruse for Chrysalis to steal Flurry Heart and capture Twilight and Shining's friends in Ponyville.

I also needed someone to replace Sunburst, who in the original episode is said to be the one who sent Thorax to get help.

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