• Published 21st Nov 2013
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My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic: Stallion Edition - SuperPinkBrony12

A fic where show canon stallions become the Elements of Harmony bearers. Shining Armor is sent to Ponyville per the request of Princess Celestia, and is tasked with making friends. This changes Shining Armor's life forever.

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Chapter 54: The Power of Love

As the changelings lead their massive group of prisoners back to the throne room, Shining Armor and his friends debated their current course of action. Things looked pretty bleak from where they were standing, but Shining Armor in particular didn't want to give up hope.

"What's the big deal, Shining Armor?" Soarin asked "Why did you surrender to the changelings? They threatened to hurt our friends, and your sister, but there was no gurantee they'd keep their word if you gave up. We could've easily freed them."

"That's not a risk I'm comfortable with taking, and I know it's a risk you wouldn't want to take either, Soarin," Shining Armor replied "You talk a big game, and I respect that greately. But you would've done the same thing if you were in a similar situation. If there's one thing I learned from those poker nights started by Captain Gleaming Shield, it's that you must know when to hold em, and know when to fold em."

"A valueable lesson to have learned, and you know me all too well, Shining Armor," Soarin admitted "The truth is, I don't think I could've brought myself to endanger Spitfire, Fleetfoot, and all our friends. Even Fleetfoot would've given up in that situation, and she's arrogant to a fault. It just burns me up! The Elements were right there, and they were our only hope of stopping Chrysalis! But somehow, the changelings beat us to them, and now we've lost!"

"It's not over yet!" Big Macintosh growled "Somehow, someway, we'll stop that evil queen!"

"Quiet back there!" one of the changelings hissed angrily "We ordered you to come quietly!"

"Don't make us have to hurt you! Chrysalis wants you all in one piece," another changeling added, then he chuckled evily "Especially you, Shining Armor. Our queen has big plans for you!"

"And she thinks I'm just going to co-operate after everything she's done? Fat chance!" Shining Armor said defiantly.

"Oh, she knows that all too well," the changeling replied fiendishly "But she also knows just how to fix that. Your love will make a tasty treat for us all."

"She got the best of me once before, I won't make that mistake again," Shining Armor said angrily "And there is nothing she could say or do to control me."

"We'll just see about that." the other changeling hissed, and nothing more was said.

In the throne room, Queen Chrysalis was waiting impatiently. She had already dealt with Princess Celestia and Princess Cadence, and had already dispatched changelings to keep Princess Luna occupied until she could properly dealt with as well. Only Shining Armor, Twilight, and their friends, remained a threat to her entire operation.

At last, she was rewarded with the sound of the throne room door opening. Shining Armor, Twilight, and their friends, were escorted in by an army of changelings.

"Did you forget about my little changeling army, Shining Armor? Shame on you!" Queen Chrysalis taunted "You fool! I KNEW you and your friends would try to use The Elements of Harmony against me, that was one of the first things I learned after I took Cadence's place. All I had to do, was send an army to keep you busy, while another army rounded up your sister and her friends, as well as Soarin's fellow Wonderbolts, and we can't forget Fancy Pant's wife."

"Just leave them alone, Chrysalis!" Shining Armor demanded "It's me you want!"

"Right you are, my love!" Queen Chrysalis purred "But just look around you, and you'll realize the reality of the situation. I'm not taking any chances, anyone who could possibly stand against me must be exterminated!"

Shining Armor looked up, and gasped in horror. There was Princess Celestia, hanging from the ceiling, while trapped inside a massive cacoon from which she could not escape (despite her best efforts). And off to the side of the alter stood Princess Cadence, her legs glued to the floor by a thick green goo.

"I couldn't stop her." Princess Cadence said sadly.

"You never even stood a chance!" Queen Chrysalis gloated "I am an all mighty queen, you are a mere princess of an empire that has been lost for almost 1,000 years by now. Anypony with half a brain would've realized they were beaten, but you had to be Miss. Goody Twohorseshoes and spoil everything! Escaping from that crystal cave, exposing me as an imposter, letting Shining Armor temporarily escape my clutches, and almost runining my lovely plans! And what plans they are!"

"You won't win, Chrysalis! Evil never wins!" Princess Cadence shouted angrily "Somehow, someway, you'll lose!"

"Oh please, spare me your heroic stupidity, it will do you no good!" Queen Chrysalis hissed, and turned her attention back to Shining Armor "Now then, if there are no more 'interruptions' I'd like to proceed with the ceremony. I think we were at the part where the bride and groom get declared wife and husband, and kiss."

"You're stupid and ugly! Who would ever want to kiss you?!" Scootaloo asked, gagging in disgust "At least when my parents kiss it's supposed to be romantic, and they look good. You look like an overgrown bug that somehow grew a brain!"

"You'll pay for that insult, child!" Queen Chrysalis snapped "Speak up again without permission, and you'll end up in a cacoon, just like Princess Celestia."

"You wouldn't dare!" Scootaloo replied.

"Wanna bet?!" Queen Chrysalis asked, lighting up her horn "I wouldn't try my luck if I were you. I'm in a very bad mood."

"Don't bother arguing with her, Scootaloo," Rumble whispered "It's not worth it."

"Yeah. Besides, somethin' tells me she ain't bluffin'." Apple Bloom added nervously.

Scootaloo sighed, but reluctantly remained silent.

"Now, where were we before we were so rudely 'interrupted'?" Queen Chrysalis asked, as she once again returned her full attention to Shining Armor "Oh yes, I remember. Come forth, Shining Armor, and accept your destiny as my new king. It's so much better than settling for the title of prince of some random empire that nopony but Celestia gives a flying feather about!"

"I'll never join the likes of you!" Shining Armor replied with a shake of his head.

"I wasn't asking, Shining Armor," Queen Chrysalis smirked, and used her magic to force Shining Armor towards her position at the top of the alter. "Your decision has already been made for you. Either join me of your own free will, and we can put an end to all this suffering, or resist, and I'll see to it that one of your friends suffers an unfortunate 'accident'."

"You're crazy! If your goal is to make me angry, I assure you it's already working!" Shining Armor warned "And when I get angry, bad things happen to creatures like you!"

"Well, I offered you a peaceful solution, but if you'd rather put your friends at risk that's fine by me," Queen Chrysalis said ominously "We shall begin with.... your sister, Twilight Sparkle."

"Don't you dare!" Shining Armor warned "Hurt her, and you'l live to regret it!"

Queen Chrysalis only laughed in response "Your feelings betray you, Shining Armor. It's obvious you care about her well being, and already I can sense the hatred welling up inside you. Go ahead! Strike at me with all your hate, for it is the only way you can hope to be strong enough to stop me. I feed off of love, and as long as you have love in your heart, you cannot defeat me!"

But at that very moment, there was a sudden tremendous roar. "ENOUGH!" bellowed a voice, which quickly commanded attention. All eyes turned to the source of the declaration of defiance, and what they saw surprised them, Chrysalis most of all.

There stood Princess Cadence, having freed herself from the goo, and looking rather unhappily towards the evil queen.

"Impossible! That goo bound your hooves to the floor, and you used up all your magic in your vain attempt to overpower me!" Queen Chrysalis exclaimed, just before she was stricken by a powerful blast from Cadence's horn.

"That silly goo was only strong enough to hold me down because I hadn't tapped into my hidden powers as an alicorn," Princess Cadence explained to Chrysalis "Just like my aunts, I can wield more magical power than any ordinary pony ever could. I did not use all of it at once, because I feared I could not control it. I have spent months practicing, but have never had a chance to see if that was true. However, I finally decided to take that risk, and it seems it paid off."

"Then what are you waiting for? Destroy me, do the deed your aunt couldn't do!" Queen Chrysalis taunted "You know you want to!"

But Princess Cadence shook her head "I despise violence, even more than I despise you at the moment. If I struck you down here and now, I'm no better than you are."

"And that is why you Equestrians are so weak, you believe that love and friendship conquers all." Queen Chrysalis snarled, before she knocked down by another magic blast.

"Alone, my love cannot defeat you. But when joined with the love Shining Armor has for me, it will create a love more powerful than you could ever imagine," Princess Cadence insisted, as Shining Armor began to realize what Cadence was trying to do. "It will drive you out of this city, and ensure that you and your changelings never again threaten Equestria!" Then, she turned to Shining Armor "Now's our only chance! We must hurry, or we'll miss our window!"

"But Cadence, Chrysalis all but drained me of my love, I don't have the strength left to repel her and the changelings," Shining Armor replied "Even if the love I have left is powerful, it couldn't possibly be enough to defeat her. She'll just feed off of it, and grow stronger."

"Don't be afraid, Shining Armor, my love will give you the strength you need!" Princess Cadence said kindly but seriously, as she approached Shining Armor "Now, follow my lead, and be ready!" And with that, Princess Cadence lit up her horn. After a moment of hesitation, Shining Armor did the same.

Everyone watched, as the magic from the two lovebirds (and hopefully soon to be a married couple) began to flow back and forth, lifting them into the air.

"Come on, B.B.B.F.F," Twilight said nervously to herself "I know you and Cadence can do it!"

As the energy from Cadence's magic began to flow through his veins, restoring his energy, Shining Armor shut his eyes. "Everypony is counting on me," he thought to himself "I can feel their love and concern. The love from my friends, Soarin and The Wonderbolts, Thunderlane, Rumble and his fellow crusaders, Big Macintosh and Braeburn, Fancy Pants and Fleur, all of my sisters friends, Spike, and even Twily herself. Not to mention, Cadence's love. Please, with all the love I feel, let it be strong enough to defeat Queen Chrysalis, and save Equestria!"

"IT'S OVER NOW, FOR THE BOTH OF YOU!" Queen Chrysalis bellowed, as she shot off a beam of magic from her horn, aiming it straight at Princess Cadence in an attempt to bring her down. But to the changeling queen's horror, the beam fizzled out when it made contact with the aura surrounding Shining Armor and Princess Cadence.

"YOU'RE WRONG, CHRYSALIS!!" Shining Armor and Princess Cadence replied at the same time "IT'S ALL OVER, FOR YOU!!" And with that, they unleashed the blinding combination of pink and blue magic in a massive shockwave.

The shockwave slammed into Queen Chrysalis, sending her flying out a nearby window, and repelling every single changeling with her. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" she shrieked "YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" and with those words, the evil queen and her subjects disappeared over the horizon with a twinkle. Hopefully, never to be seen again.

Author's Note:

Since I already changed up when "This Day Aria" was sang, I decided that the reprise wouldn't make much sense. And I certainly didn't want to potray Chrysalis as needlessly stupid for the sake of the plot.

I couldn't think of a believeable way to have Twilight free Princess Cadence, especially since Princess Cadence already freed Shining Armor two chapters earlier. So instead, I had Cadence bust free on her own.

One chapter remains, and then it's onto Season 3 and "The Crystal Empire". But those chapters will not come out until January, or possibly even Feburary. My entent is to finish "The Crystal Empire" by chapter 64, and then devote chapter 65 to "Magical Mystery Cure". I will try to tackle the aftermath of "Keep Calm and Flutter On" from a different angle, as a stand alone fanfic. But we'll see how that goes.

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