• Published 6th Jun 2014
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Rarity Snuggles Everypony (Whether They Like It Or Not) - PropMaster

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

  • ...

The Snuggly Plan

The six mares raced through the streets of Ponyville as dozens of quilted tentacles ensnared hapless ponies, pulling them into the air to grip them in their wooly, cuddly embrace. The caught ponies initially panicked, but soon calmed down as they realized it… wasn’t all that awful. The tentacles were very clingy, however, and refused to let go.

“So, explain this plan to me once more, Twilight,” Rarity said, narrowly avoiding a grasping, polka-dotted appendage with a sideways hop. The tentacles were not particularly fast, simply persistent, and a whole group were already slowly snaking after the rushing mares.

“Well, according to the research Celestia, Luna, and I did, we managed to find a way to avert the hug-pocalypse. You, being the Chosen Snuggly One of Hug-Snuggoth, have to find your special somepony and cuddle them,” Twilight explained, ducking under a particularly grabby swede tentacle.

Rarity nodded, “Right. So, finding a special somepony… not too terribly difficult, I suppose. I’ve only spent my entire life waiting for a stallion to sweep me off my hooves. This plan is awful, Twilight, simply awful.”

“Is it as awful as these tacky tentacles, Rarity?” Pinkie said, bouncing over one particularly puce-colored knit appendage and pronking between two others, sending the grasping tentacles crashing into one another softly.

Nothing is as awful as those, Pinkie,” Rarity intoned, her mouth set in a stern line of disapproval.

“Well, then, sounds like you’re gonna have to suck it up, Rarity!” Rainbow Dash said, looping around a tentacle and entangling it in a tree as it tried to follow her acrobatic maneuvers. Rainbow Dash swerved, bucking a tentacle away in mid-air as it started encircling Fluttershy, who seemed largely unconcerned by the quilted and knit graspers that wound gently towards her.

“So, how are we gonna go about findin’ Rarity a beau before the whole of Equestria is… snuggled to death?” Applejack asked, bucking away a tentacle as it tried snuggling her tail.

Twilight smiled, zapping a tentacle as it swerved into her path. “I’m glad you asked! I’ve had Spike working to compile a list of eligible bachelor stallions in Ponyville that could possibly be a match for Rarity, based on several scientific formulae and deep knowledge of Rarity’s likes and dislikes. We just need to go to the library, get the formula, and go find that special somepony.”

Rarity scowled. “You’re leaving my romantic choices up to science?”

“Well, Rarity, if your standards weren’t so high, we wouldn’t be having this problem at all, so yes, it’s time for science,” Twilight said in a perturbed tone.

Fluttershy stepped in as Rarity prepared a snippy rebuttal. “Can we just focus on getting this adorable menace dealt with, please? Rarity, I understand your frustration, but we need to give Twilight’s plan a chance. After all, what if it works out? You’ll have a special somepony to spend your days with!”

Rarity sighed, sidestepping a grabby tentacle. “I suppose you’re right. Very well. To the library!”

“What do you mean, there are only three possible matches?” Twilight said, staring at the list in Spike’s outstretched claws, one eyelid twitching.

“Well, I did the math just like you said, and combined it with my exhaustive knowledge of everything Rarity likes and doesn’t like, and cross-referenced it with all the stallions in Ponyville, and there are only three!” Spike explained, shrinking away from Twilight’s gaze.

Rarity frowned. “I’ll admit, it seems a bit far-fetched that there are only three, darling.”

Spike shook his head. “There are only three, Rarity. I’m sorry, but you’ve got really high standards, and I knew that you’d be choosy no matter what the standard formula said, so I narrowed down the list to the best possible candidates for stallions that can… can be your special somepony,” Spike said, his head drooping slightly.

Twilight sighed, looking over the list. “Well, I know you did your best, Spike. Are you sure you haven’t forgotten anypony?”

Spike nodded. “I’m sorry, I tried thinking of everything to give Rarity the best chances of finding th-the one.”

Rarity smiled kindly at Spike. “That’s sweet of you, Spikey-wikey.”

Spike blushed. “Thanks, Rarity. I… hope you’re happy with one of them.”

Twilight tucked the list under her wing, and turned to the rest of the girls. “Are we ready?”

The other five mares nodded, murmuring their assent. Twilight turned to Spike. “Spike, you should come along. I don’t want anything happening to you while we’re out finding these three ponies.”

Spike shook his head emphatically. “No, I’d really, really rather not. No offense, but I’ll leave the stallion-finding to you six.” He puffed up his chest and a small smirk found its way onto his deflated features. “I’ll stay here and protect the library from the tentacles. They might not be too dangerous,” Spike said, gesturing towards a nearby window, where several fuzzy appendages tried to gently snuggle their way through the glass, “but I’m sure they could knock books off the shelves if they put their minds to it.”

Twilight giggled, and gave Spike a hug. “I know I can count on you to keep our home safe, Spike.”

Rarity smiled at Spike. “Be brave, Spike!”

“I will, Rarity! I hope everything works out for the best!” Spike said, smiling up at her.

With that, the six mares left the Library, entering the snuggly streets of Ponyville.

Twilight halted the group suddenly, stopping outside of Quills and Sofas. Rarity looked quizzically up at the storefront, currently being boarded up by the brown-maned owner, Davenport. “We’re here,” Twilight said, gesturing towards Davenport.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “Davenport? He’s a fine enough fellow, I suppose, but… special somepony material?”

Davenport spared a glance over his shoulder and noticed the Elements of Harmony standing behind him. “Heya, girls. Here to save the day from the impending, itchy doom?”

“Not a fan of knit sweaters, I guess?” said Rainbow Dash with a smirk, as she backhooved a tentacle and sent it flying away.

“I’m allergic, I’m afraid. Just lookin’ at the thing is making me itchy. Glad you’re here, though! We all know we can count on you girls to fix… whatever is going on,” Davenport said, pausing in his hammering to whack a tentacle with his tool chest.

Rarity grabbed Twilight and cast a glance at Davenport. “Twilight, explain. What does your fancy science say is a reason for me to want to spend my days cuddling... Davenport?”

Twilight gestured to the list. “Spike has some notes, here. They say that Davenport is a business-stallion, so he’ll be able to understand your struggles as a businessmare. It also says that he’s a bit of a romantic, or so Spike gathered from his love of loveseats. Spike also noted that he’s sensible and friendly, and would take good care of you.”

Rarity smiled, casting an appraising eye towards Davenport. “Spike said all that? Well… I suppose there’s no harm in giving it a chance.”

Rarity trotted over to Davenport and cleared her throat, bringing his attention away from his work. Davenport smiled at Rarity. “Hello, Miss Rarity. Do you need something?”

Rarity considered Davenport for a moment before she spoke, her tone firm and businesslike. “Mister Davenport, we’ve done business a few times, and you seem like you have a good head on your shoulders, so I’d like to explain to you what, exactly, I need from you.”

Davenport glanced towards the five other mares, whom were alternating between battling away tentacles and listening in on their conversation. “Well, certainly. What can I do for you?”

“The cause of all this calamity, I’m afraid, is my lack of a… special somepony. I’ve apparently been placed under a curse, which necessitates that I find somepony to… well, be my special somepony immediately. Princess Twilight has run some sort of fancy science to determine that you’re an eligible candidate, thanks to your strong business sense and sensible, genial nature. So, with that said, would you be amenable to… giving me a hug?” Rarity blushed slightly at the final declaration, but quickly covered it over with her best businessmare poker face; friendly inscrutability at it’s finest.

Davenport considered this information, frowning and running a hoof over his chin. “Well, that’s… certainly some story. But, you’ve always been a good customer, and you girls have done a lot for Equestria, so I believe you. As for finding a special somepony…” Davenport’s businesslike visage faltered under the weight of a sudden blush, “A… wait, you mean… me? I’m flattered, Miss Rarity!”

Rarity laughed airily, waving a hoof in the air. “Yes, of course you are, but really, Mister Davenport, time is of the essence… so, for the sake of Equestria, would you kindly shut up and snuggle me?”

Davenport blinked, stammered, and balked. Rarity rolled her eyes and grabbed Davenport, pulling him into a hug. “Really, Mister Davenport. Just take it like a stallion.”

Davenport grinned goofily, returning the hug. Rarity and Davenport embraced for several long, awkward minutes, while Twilight stared up at the portal. The colorful anomaly, if anything, grew larger, extruding even more tentacles over Ponyville, a few even reaching the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack glanced worriedly at the tentacles cuddling her apple trees. Finally, Twilight stepped over to Rarity and Davenport, both of whom were blushing furiously and not making any significant eye contact with one another. “It’s no good, Rarity. Davenport, you seem nice, but you’re not what we’re looking for.”

Rarity immediately released Davenport from the embrace, coughing inelegantly as she retreated from the stumbling, dazed stallion. Davenport smiled happily. “Happy to be of—augh!”

A tentacle caught Davenport in his weakened state and swooped him into the air, snuggling him with wild abandon. Davenport’s voice weakly echoed, “It’s so itchy!” before he disappeared into the mass of snuggled ponies. The girls left Davenport to his fate, only Fluttershy briefly hesitating, as they rushed on towards the next eligible pony.

“No. Absolutely not,” Rarity said, staring at the next stallion on the list.

“What? Spike’s noted down that he’s very romantic, loves excitement, and is extremely charming,” Twilight said.

Rainbow Dash chuckled, adding, “Yeah, and he’s a total player. I can’t even believe he’s on the list, but I guess Spike wouldn’t know about that little detail.”

“He seems…nice,” Fluttershy said uncertainly.

“Well, he’s certainly boisterous,” Applejack stated, watching the stallion.

“Are we playing the adjective game? Thunderlane is, uh, calamitous? No, he’s expressive! Stupendous! Am I winning?” Pinkie Pie babbled, giggling.

Thunderlane was buzzing circles around a group of tentacles, dodging their gentle flailing as he tangled them together and left them in a knot on the street. Rainbow Dash let out a huff, muttering under her breath something about could do that in twenty seconds flat, but Rarity ignored her, concentrating on the pegasus stallion. He was good looking enough, in the pegasus sense; lithe and built like an athlete. His mane and coat were groomed well, with a good sense of style. He was certainly more attractive than Davenport. “Spike saw something that we didn’t, obviously. He’s got the look, but his reputation precedes him…”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “C’mon, Rarity, it’s for the good of Equestria.”

Rarity sighed. “Fiiiine.” The mare adjusted her mane, cleared her throat, and called up at the circling Thunderlane. “Excuse me, Thunderlane! Could I have a word?”

Thunderlane glanced around and spotted Rarity waving up at him, and he flew in for a quick landing in front of her, breathing hard and wiping away some sweat. “Hey, Rarity. You and the girls out to stop this mess?”

“Indeed, which is why I wanted to talk with you,” Rarity looked him over surreptitiously, before carrying on with a small smile of approval. “There’s no easy way to say this, but I’ve been cursed, and in order to break that curse, I need to find a special somepony. Twilight’s used science to choose the most eligible candidates, and you’re one of them. Would you mind giving me a hug?”

Thunderlane blinked, staring at Rarity for a moment before smirking. “Sure, I’ll bite. What’s the catch?”

“You’ll have to spend the rest of your days snuggling me,” Rarity said wryly, “or an elder god from the edge of the cuddleverse will snuggle Equestria to death.”

Thunderlane glanced nervously between Rarity and her five friends standing a few feet away, staring at him expectantly. He swallowed, hard. “Well, I’ve never considered myself much of a one-mare-stallion, but if it’s for the good of Equestria…”

“You’ve snuggled mares for less, Thunderlane. So, are we going to do this, or should you get back to fighting cuddly appendages?” Rarity asked, her nose wrinkling in disgust at the ‘one-mare-stallion’ comment.

Thunderlane shrugged and grabbed Rarity, sweeping her off her feet and into a tight hug. Rarity giggled at his enthusiasm, despite her misgivings, and returned the hug. Twilight stared up at the swirling, multi-hued vortex as a few more tentacles spilled onto Equestrian soil, cuddling everything in sight. Twilight cleared her throat after another minute, “Well, doesn’t look like Thunderlane is the one.”

Thunderlane unceremoniously dropped Rarity, leaving her sputtering in rage. “Well, that was fun, but I’ve got to get back to rescuing my little brother. Poor Rumble’s in that mess somewhere,” Thunderlane gestured to a group of tentacles that were snuggling something.

“You left your younger sibling in that mess to snuggle me?!” Rarity said, aghast.

“Yeah. Don’t worry, Rumble would totally understand,” Thunderlane said with a smirk, and he flew off towards the entangled tentacles.

Rarity stood up, brushing herself off, and glared after Thunderlane. “The nerve. I’m certainly glad he wasn’t the one.”

“I think we all are,” Applejack said, shaking her head.

“Well, two down, one to go, I suppose,” Twilight said, blasting away a wooly tangle of plush tentacles, “Last stop is at Sweet Apple Acres.”

Applejack blinked. “Wait, what?”

Applejack glared daggers at Twilight and Rarity as the approached Big Macintosh. The large stallion was laconically going about his business, tidying up the orchard. One tentacle had grasped onto his midsection, and had unceremoniously been dragged by Big Macintosh through a quarter mile of apple trees, entangling slowly until it was well and truly stuck. Big Macintosh gave a final heave, and the tentacle released its grip, snapping backwards and away, and slowly beginning to snuggle an apple tree instead. Twilight smiled up at Big Macintosh. “Hey there, Big Macintosh!”

Big Mac gave Twilight a nod, and carried on cleaning. Twilight glanced at Rarity, shrugged, and stepped in front of the stallion, forcing him to stop. “Can we bother you for a moment?”

Big Mac blinked at her, cast a glance around the orchard covered in snuggling tentacles, and then shrugged. “Eeyup.”

Rarity stepped forward, blushing up at the huge stallion. “This is really rather awkward, but I’ve got something I need to ask you, and it’s not exactly the most… normal request. Do you mind?”

Big Mac squinted down at Rarity, blinking slowly. “Eenope.”

“We-he-hell,” Rarity began, giggling nervously, “I seem to have fallen under a curse. You’ve noticed the horrible portal and… affectionate tentacles, yes?”

Big Mac stared at her for a moment, face deadpan. “Eeyup.”

Applejack, meanwhile, trotted up and grabbed Twilight, pulling her aside. “Twilight, ya mind tellin’ me why mah brother is on that list?”

“Well, Spike noted that Big Macintosh is kind, a hard worker, and strong, not to mention good looking. He’s pretty much ideal, except for the fact that he and Rarity are basically complete opposites when it comes to social graces,” Twilight said.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Yeah, an’ that’s the problem. Rarity and Big Mac would never get along well.”

“Well, Applejack, you know what they say. Opposites attract!” Twilight giggled, turning back to watch Big Mac and Rarity.

“Stupid science,” Applejack grumbled.

Rarity, meanwhile, was stumbling over herself. “Th-that is, to say, in order for this curse to…to be broken, I, well…”

Big Mac stared at her expectantly with his deep, green eyes. Rarity stammered to a halt, covering her face and giggling helplessly. Big Mac sighed and pulled off his ever-present yoke and collar, setting it aside. He reached down and swept Rarity off her feet into a romantic dip, and kissed her full on the mouth.

Applejack and Twilight’s jaws dropped. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie began to cheer, whistling and clapping. Fluttershy blushed and hid behind her mane. Rarity froze for a brief moment, eyes wide in shock, before she melted into the embrace. After a long moment, Big Macintosh set Rarity back down gently, keeping a hoof on her shoulder until her knees stopped shaking. Rarity fanned herself with a hoof for a moment, before she spoke up. “Well, while I appreciate the enthusiasm, I actually only needed a hug.”

Big Macintosh blinked, staring at Rarity, before a blush spread across his face. He kicked the dirt sheepishly with one big hoof. “Well, shucks, Miss Rarity. I guess I assumed that, like any curse on a pretty mare, it’d have to be broken with a kiss.”

Rarity giggled, and glanced up at the portal in the sky. It continued to widen, nearing Canterlot. “Well, I suppose that it didn’t work. Thank you, Mister Apple, that was quite pleasant, but apparently it wasn’t what I needed.”

Big Mac chuckled, pulling back on his yoke and collar. “Eeyup.”

Twilight snapped out of her shock, staring up at the sky and the widening anomaly. “But… but science! This had to work!”

Applejack guffawed, patting Twilight on the back. “Well, your fancy science don’t mean nothin’ when it comes to matters of the heart. Ha!”

Twilight sighed, crumpling up the list and tossing it on the ground. “Well, I guess it’s on to plan C.”

“Plan C?” Rarity asked, trotting up to meet Twilight and Applejack, still flushed from her encounter with Big Macintosh.

“Quantity over quality!” Twilight declared, and spun to face the girls. “Everypony, gather as many ponies as you can, and get them all to the town hall! We’ve got some snuggling to do!”

Rarity stared at Twilight. “You can’t be serious.”

Twilight returned the stare evenly. “Of course I am. The fate of Equestria hangs in the balance. Rarity, you’re going to have to snuggle everypony, whether they like it or not!”

“Title drop!” squealed Pinkie Pie, as she pronked away through the snuggling tentacles.

“Let’s do this!” Rainbow Dash said, zooming towards Cloudsdale.

“Um… this plan sounds… nice?” Fluttershy said, heading towards her house.

“This plan is plumb silly, and I just wanted to state that for th’ record,” Applejack said as she gallopped towards Ponyville.

Rarity swallowed hard. “... Oh dear.”

Author's Note:

Well, after a massive delay due to life, the universe, and everything... here's another chapter of this! Apologies for the (extremely) long wait, but I really want to finish this story, so I'll be doing my best to get this finished up over the next few weeks.

Special thanks to ShortSkirtsandExplosions for editing help and spurring me to go and write this chapter. He's a true, true friend.