• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 9,480 Views, 604 Comments

Rarity Snuggles Everypony (Whether They Like It Or Not) - PropMaster

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

  • ...

The Ultimate Snuggle (Revised)

The six mares and one filly ran headlong towards the too-distant library. Between them and the safety of Twilight’s basement lay the fluffy, snuggly, and downright determined tentacles of the Elder Snugglegod from the edge of the Cuddleverse. Snuggoth would have its snuggles. There was no recourse. The snuggling would have no beginning, and no end.

Rarity took the lead, flanked by her best friends, her trembling sister on her back. She kept her head down, her jaw set in a determined grimace, and she liberally applied her telekinesis, using her sewing techniques against the monstrous appendages. The hideously patterned tentacles were torn apart with special magic made to tear seams and cut cloth. The rumbling roar of an angry god thundered through the air as Rarity’s magic rent a swath of destruction. For once, she outclassed even Twilight Sparkle’s power. For one shining moment, they all felt hope. Rarity was unstoppable.

A tentacle snatched Fluttershy off of Applejack’s back. “Oh! Um, sorry, I’ve been snuggled!” Fluttershy called meekly as a single tentacle held her aloft, gently stroking her mane with the very fluffy tip of its being.

The group ground to a halt. “Hang on, darlin’! We’ll get ya outta there!” Applejack called, leaping into the air and attempting to buck the tentacle. The tentacle zipped out of reach of her strong legs, leaving Applejack to stomp the earth uselessly below it. “Rainbow Dash! Do something!”

“Oh, uh, I’m okay. Really,” Fluttershy said weakly, “I hate to say it, but I think I was slowing everypony down.”

Rainbow Dash slammed into the tentacle from the air, pummeling it with wild abandon. “Yaaaaarggghhhh! Let go, ya melon fudge!”

The tentacle was battered, and hung limp. Fluttershy gave a quick flap of her wings and was free from the weakened limb. “Oh. Well, I guess I can carry on!”

“Darling, Fluttershy, now isn’t the time to give up. We need everypony. All of us! We’ll find some solution, as long as we’re together!” Rarity said, stomping one hoof on the road with determination.

Fluttershy hung her head, nodding. “I’m sorry… it wasn’t so bad, though. I know it’ll be really inconvenient eventually, but… maybe Snuggoth just needs a hug?”

“It’s getting plenty of hugs from all the ponies it’s already snuggled. It will never be satisfied!” Twilight said, gesturing around the mostly-tentacle-covered town.

Rarity tore apart another tentacle with a flash of her magic, and gestured them onward. “We’re nearly there. Let’s hurry. I hate to think of poor Spikey-wikey all alone in the library.”

“Uhh… yeah. I don’t think we have to worry about Spike,” Rainbow Dash said, suddenly, her eyes wide and ears flat.

Everypony turned to look toward the library.

The world was fire.

Tentacles writhed and the Elder Snugglegod roared in anger as its appendages were severed and cauterized by all-consuming flame. The onslaught continued against the fire, though, but to almost no avail. Hundreds of cuddly, snuggly tentacles had been sacrificed against the most worthy opponent that Snuggoth had faced since time immemorial. Not that Snuggoth cared much about time. It had fought this battle a thousand years ago, and yet also tomorrow. Time was a strange thing for Elder Snugglegods. All Snuggoth knew was that, right in this mutable moment, it needed to hug something, and that something was resisting mightily. Very mightily.

Snuggoth had never cared much for fire, but it was rare that anything used fire against it, as the only thing worse than tentacles trying to grab you for a stern snuggling were flaming tentacles trying to grab you for a stern snuggling. That usually ended poorly.


Far below the portal to the edge of the Cuddleverse, this tenacious defender fought for his home, his family, and the pony that he feared he would lose forever. He was massive, towering near the height of the topmost branches of the Ponyville Library. His claws were like seam-rippers, his teeth like dressmaker’s shears, and his breath was an emerald oath of death to the tacky upholstery that surrounded him.

They say greed is the most powerful motivation for dragons, and that is true, in part, but in that moment, it was more than simple greed that motivated Spike. Spike had something to prove, and he wanted to prove this thing, more than he’d ever wanted anything else. His driving emotion was purer than greed, but he harnessed that more base feeling to strengthen him. As tentacles reached for his home, he lashed out again, sending them twisted and shredded to the ground. He put every piece of his weaponry to use, using his immense size to shrug away the tentacles that surrounded him. Flames licked from his mouth as he roared defiance to the god that threatened everything he owned, and in that moment, he owned everything.

More tentacles pushed in, and he leapt to meet them.

Rarity stared up as the massive amethyst-and-emerald drake tore into Snuggoth’s limbs. She felt a flutter of fear, mixed with admiration. A slow smile broke across her face, and she turned to look at Rainbow Dash. “And you doubted him.”

Rainbow Dash gulped audibly as the super-sized Spike’s green flame incinerated dozens of tentacles. “Yeah, and I regret that. I won’t ever doubt Spike’s capacity for… awesomeness… ever again!”

“Look at that! He’s super ginormous! We could ride him into battle!” Pinkie said, laughing happily.

“Woo-ee, Spike’s got a god on the ropes. Never thought I’d see the day. He’s mighty big, too!” Applejack crowed, jumping up and waving her hat with excitement.

“It’s his greed! He must want something very, very badly, to have gotten so massive so quickly!” Twilight said, studying as her assistant decimated a few tentacles with a single swipe of his claws.

“Let’s get going! Spike is doing his due diligence, protecting the Library, and it is up to us to reach him!” Rarity said, forging ahead.

Sweetie Belle cheered from her perch on Rarity’s back, the appearance of Spike’s massive form giving her a much needed morale boost. “Go, Spike!”

As a group, they rushed forward, clearing the last tentacles. Spike whirled as they broke through the snuggling mass of appendages, sensing them approaching his home, but froze when he saw them. He leaned down, his head close to the ground, and regarded them with one massive, reptilian eye. Rarity stepped forward, smiling up at Spike. “Hello, Spikey-wikey! You look exhausted, you poor dear. We’re here, now, so if you want to come inside with us and take a break, you should.”

A rumbling whine echoed from Spike’s throat, and he began to shrink down, slowly at first, but the process accelerated quickly. Rarity could tell something was wrong, so she gestured to Twilight. Twilight stepped forward, trotting to Spike as he shrunk down to his almost-normal size. He was, perhaps, a few inches taller. When he reached his usual form, his eyes were filled with tears, and he rushed to hug Twilight. “Twilight! Twilight!”

Twilight grabbed him, holding him close as her own eyes teared up. “Spike! I’m glad you’re okay!”

“I… I tried so hard, Twilight! Owlowiscious and I were protecting the Library!” He sobbed, clutching at Twilight’s coat, “We were upstairs, and a bunch of tentacles got through, and I tried to fight them, but one… one got Owlowiscious! He got carried off! I’m sorry!”

Twilight gripped the little drake a little tighter. “It’s okay. We’re going to stop this. Let’s get inside, I think the tentacles are regrouping from your… ah… assault.”

Spike nodded, wiping at his eyes, and looked past Twilight to the rest of the girls. Rarity, Sweetie Belle, and Fluttershy were on the verge of tears themselves. Applejack and Rainbow Dash gave Spike proud nods and daring grins. Pinkie smiled, winking at Spike. He felt a weight lift off of his young shoulders. The girls were here. They’d be okay.

Twilight led the girls and Spike inside quickly, shutting and blocking the front door once more with a judicial use of her magic. They headed immediately downstairs, and Twilight shut the heavy door to the basement behind them and enacted her protection spells and wards. They were as safe as they could be, for the moment.

Rarity set Sweetie Belle down and sat next to her sister, exhaling slowly as some of the tension left her. “We’re safe, Sweetie Belle. Just try to rest. I know you must be exhausted.”

“I-I don’t think I can, Rarity. I’m still pretty scared,” Sweetie Belle said quietly.

Rarity smiled, patting her on the shoulder. “Never fear. Spike is here. You saw what he could to to those nasty things. They can’t hurt you.”

This seemed to placate Sweetie Belle, and she nodded, looking at Spike with a new appreciation. Rarity approached the rest of the group, who were examining their subterranean surroundings. The basement was a massive laboratory, filled with equipment and notebooks. The current theme of study seemed to be psychology and relationships. No doubt this was where Twilight and Spike had compiled the list of compatible batchelors for Rarity to snuggle. Indeed, there was a chalkboard with a massive list of names on it, with the majority crossed off. Rarity examined the list briefly, pondering the kind of depth of knowledge it took for a pony to know her well enough to narrow down her choices so quickly. Twilight sat at a stool, peering at a notebook, and Rainbow Dash stood near the door, listening for the sound of intruding tentacles. Applejack had laid down next to Fluttershy, looking exhausted and worried. Fluttershy fretted over her tired friend. Pinkie Pie was bouncing from machine to machine, examining them with glee. Rarity spoke up, first. “So. What is the plan, now?”

Twilight frowned, looking up from her notes. “Well, there must be something we’re missing. Some component. We know that love is a big part of the equation, but without your parents in the mix, and the love between sisters not being the right type of love, we can say that… even if we had found your parents, it wasn’t going to work. Familial love doesn’t work, nor does the love we have for each other. Quantity didn’t have any effect. That leaves… romantic love. But we tried all the eligible bachelors that had the best compatability, and that didn’t work. We need something... purer, maybe?”

Rarity regarded the list of ponies on the blackboard, looking carefully through the crossed-out names. Her eyes slowly moved from the blackboard to Spike, and then back again, a slow glimmer of comprehension at Twilight's words entering her eye. After a moment, she called out to Spike. “Spike, darling. Would you help me?”

Spike nodded, walking over to stand beside Rarity. “Sure! What do you need, Rarity?”

She smiled at the little dragon. “I need you to help me understand how you made this list.”

“O-oh,” Spike said, blushing. “Well… it wasn’t easy. I had to try and figure out the pony that… that you’d like the most, or would be the most compatible with in a short period of time.”

Rarity nodded, encouraging him. “That doesn’t sound easy, but I do appreciate all the hard work you had to put in. How did you manage to narrow it down?”

Spike’s blush deepened. “W-well, I just… I know what you do and don’t like. So I started there. I also remember all the times you’d complain about stallions. Or when you’d daydream about something romantic while I was helping you at the boutique. I… I know a lot about you, I guess.”

Rarity’s smile grew gentle, and she sat down next to Spike, regarding the list carefully. “Tell me.”

“I… I know how much you want an equal. Somepony that won’t just treat you like a mare, but a partner. You want their respect as much as you want their love. You… you want a stallion that holds similar qualities to your friends. Somepony kind like Fluttershy, who will take care of you when you are feeling low. Somepony who is quick with a wink or a laugh, like Pinkie Pie. Somepony who will work hard beside you, like Applejack, and be honest with you, even if sometimes that hurts.” Spike’s eyes closed, and his voice grew confident. Rarity’s gaze slowly drifted from the list to the little dragon beside her, and the rest of the room grew quiet.

“You want somepony that will be loyal to you, above anypony else, like Rainbow Dash, and somepony smart, like Twilight. You want somepony that can appreciate you for who you are, but you also want somepony that can challenge you to do better. Somepony that can tell you what you need to hear, when you need to hear it.”

“While, sometimes, you fantasize about a knight or prince to sweep you off your hooves… you really want somepony that is realistic. Somepony like… like yourself. Generous, and… b-beautiful, outside and inside.”

The room was still. Spike opened his eyes, a blush spreading across his face. “Uh, I…”

Rarity stared around the room, at the shocked and amused faces. Rarity smiled at them all, and laughed quietly. Spike deflated, looking cresfallen. “Sorry, Rarity, I just—”

Rarity put a hoof over his mouth, closing it before he could speak further. “No. Never, ever apologize to me, Spike, not for that.” She inhaled slowly, and then exhaled, her eyes watering slightly. “It was the sweetest, most kind thing that anypony has ever said about me.” She swallowed, a wry smile briefly flashing across her lips. “For the Element of Generosity, I certainly seem to want a lot of things.”

Spike shook his head, suddenly emphatic. “No. You deserve all of that, Rarity!”

Rarity reached out and touched Spike’s cheek gently. “You… you really believe all of that about me, don’t you?”

“O-of course. I…” Spike froze.

Rarity leaned forward, nose to nose with Spike. “Tell me, Spike. Tell me, and mean it. You’ll never, ever get a better chance. It’s the hug-pocalypse, after all. What is there left to lose?”

“You,” Spike breathed.

Rarity’s eyes filled with tears at the sweet words. “Spike… Spike, I think you made a rather dramatic oversight on your list.”

“Y-yeah?” Spike said, swallowing hard, a blush rising to his cheeks.

“You weren’t on it,” she whispered.

Rarity leaned forward and pulled Spike into a tight embrace, holding the dear little dragon close to her heart, and Spike wrapped his arms around her. They stayed like that, cheek to cheek, Spike’s nose buried in Rarity’s fur and her hooves running gently down his back.

“I love you.”

From above came a rumbling sound, like the world was being torn asunder. Rarity and Spike did not move, strong in their embrace. Magical auras suddenly exploded from between them, sending twinkling lights into the air, like a thousand fireflies of different colors were released in the room. The sparkling lights danced around the pair, setting Rarity’s mane to swirl dramatically, and then flew upward and phasing through the ceiling. The shaking slowly stopped.

Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Sweetie Belle sat quietly, holding onto one-another as the tremors finally abated. They smiled, giggling as Spike and Rarity finally broke apart. Spike looked dazed and flushed, but he didn’t stray too far, keeping one hand on Rarity’s chest. Rarity held a hoof over his hand, smiling down at him fondly. “All this time, we should have known the answer,” she said, looking to her friends and sister.

Twilight smiled, wiping at her eyes. “We… should have. We really should have. I feel sort of silly for not thinking of it.”

Applejack chuckled, “Honestly, it should'a been obvious.”

Fluttershy nodded, wiping at her damp cheeks and giggling. “That was… so cute!”

Pinkie Pie pronked in place, “The cutest thing EVER!”

Rainbow Dash blushed. “Meh. It was a’ight.”

Rarity shot Rainbow Dash a glare, pointing a hoof at her. “Don’t give me that bluster, Rainbow Dash! I saw you wiping at some tears a moment ago!” She laughed, holding Spike close to her side. “You can’t just close us off, Rainbow! You’ve been acting dodgy this whole time, and you promised to tell us why!”

“Yeah, yeah! Give a pony a break! Why don’t we go check out what happened outside, first?” Rainbow Dash said, spreading her wings and zipping to the door.

Twilight lowered her protective spells, and Rainbow Dash flew quickly out the door, leading the rest of the group out. The library was in shambles, but not a single scrap of fabric from the cuddly tentacles remained. They stepped, blinking, out into the sunlight. The portal to the edge of the Cuddleverse was gone, and a blue sky had replaced it. The sun shone over Ponyville, revealing the damage and mess. Houses were destroyed, business damaged, windows broken. All around lay exhausted, over-snuggled ponies, groaning and sitting up and stretching out over-worked limbs that had been gregariously snuggled.

“It’s over. We did it!” Twilight cheered, and the rest of the group took up the cry, laughing and hugging each other happily.

Spike stood awkwardly next to Rarity, looking up at her. “So… what does this mean for… us?”Rarity looked down at him and bent down, kissing him demurely on the cheek. “For us… well. I have a newfound respect for you, Spike. You may be young, but you have grown up before my eyes, today, in many ways. I… think some time may be prudent…” Spike looked briefly crestfallen, but Rarity continued quickly, “but, I will still need snuggles from my dragon.”

Spike glanced up. “Your dragon?”

Rarity grinned a fierce grin at him, leaning down to look him in the eyes. “Yes. My dragon. Because, don’t you doubt, you have given yourself to me, and so generously, may I add. You are the sweetest, dearest friend, and your feelings of pure love for me saved us all.”

“What... what about your feelings... for me?” Spike breathed, clutching his hands together.

Rarity bit her lip, exhaling slowly. "Well, there are things to consider, Spike. You can agree, of course, that you are still so young. I can't promise anything, now, but... I can promise that until you're grown, I will wait, and once you are, I will give you a chance that you so rightly deserve."

Spike nodded slowly. "So... not now, but someday?"

Rarity smiled and gave him a nod. Spike blushed and looked away, kicking at the ground with one foot, suddenly pensive, before he looked up at Rarity. "You don't have to wait. I'll take my own time growing up, but I know that when I'm ready, I'll come to you. There's nopony or dragon that loves you more, and if I can prove that to you today, I'll be able to do it again. When we're both ready."

It was Rarity's turn to blush, this time. She giggled, giving Spike a playful shove. "My! So certain of yourself, Mister Spike! Well, I will certainly hold you to your word. After all, that is part your dragon code, is it not?"

Spike puffed out his chest. "Of course! Just you wait and see, Rarity. I'll be sweeping you off your hooves before you know it."

Rarity laughed, giving Spike another hug. "I will look forward to that day, then."

Ponies began to gather around, coats disheveled and manes askew, celebrating the end of the cuddly tyranny of Snuggoth. Out of the crowd stepped two figures in patchy, knit robes. Cookie Crumbles and Hondo Flanks trotted towards Rarity and Sweetie Belle, glancing around sheepishly. Sweetie Belle gasped, and pointed. "Rarity, look! Mom and Dad are all right!"

Rarity turned to regard her parents, scowling as they quickly threw off their cult robes. Sweetie Belle had no such reservations, crying openly as she rushed to slam into Cookie's chest, hugging her mother fiercely. "Mom! Dad!"

"Sweetie Belle! We're so glad you're safe!" Cookie said, hugging her daughter.

Rarity approached, shooting Hondo a glare. "You have a lot to explain. You left my sister, your daughter, alone during this crisis!"

Hondo nodded, looking abashed. "We hoped that if we offered ourselves to Snuggoth, he would spare Sweetie Belle his snuggly wrath."

"We did it to try to protect her, don't'cha know?" Cookie added, holding Sweetie Belle tightly.

Sweetie Belle glared up at her parents. "Don't ever do that again! Promise me!"

"We won't, Sweetie Belle!" they both said, quickly.

"And no more cuteness training!" Rarity added.

"No more!" Hondo said, nodding in agreement.

"You can be as awful as you want, now, Sweetie!" Cookie said, beaming at her daughter.

"You can grow up to be a rebellious teenager!" Hondo said happily.

"Or act like a terrible child! Goodness knows, it'd be a welcome change of pace!" Cookie added with a wink.

"Can..." Sweetie swallowed nervously, "Can... I watch wrestling with you guys, now?"

"Of course, Sweetie."

"Yay!" Sweetie Belle said, giggling happily.

Rarity frowned, eyeing her parents critically for a moment, before joining her sister in pulling them into a hug. "Oh, and burn those tacky robes at once," she added, holding her parents close.

Spike and Twilight stood together, surveying the damaged library. Twilight pulled Spike close to her side, sitting down next to him. "You were very, very brave today, Spike. Not only in protecting the library, but in how you admitted your feelings to Rarity. I'm really proud of you."

Spike chuckled, leaning into Twilight's side. "Aw, it wasn't so bad. It felt great to get that off my chest, ya know?"

A hoot echoed from the crowd of ponies around them, and fluttering from the crowd came a very ruffled looking Owlowiscious. He gave another hoot and flapped his way over to land next to Twilight and Spike. Spike gasped, and then grabbed his feathery companion into a hug. "Owlowiscious! You're okay! I was worried about you!"

"Who," Owlowiscious hooted.

"You, ya big feather duster!" Spike said, laughing.

Twilight smiled, patting Owlowiscious fondly on the head, and turned once more to look at the library. "You know what this means, don't you?"

Spike and Owlowiscious froze in their celebration, looking at Twilight. Twilight's smile widened. "We get to re-organize the whole library!"

Spike and Owlowiscious both shared a glance and a resigned sigh. "No rest for the heroes, eh buddy?"

"Who," Owlowiscious agreed.

Applejack turned on Rainbow Dash. “All right. We beat the snugglegod. We broke the curse. It’s time you ponied up, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash made to leap away, but Applejack caught her by the tail. “Oh no you don’t!” She dragged her back down to the earth and sat on her prismatic tail, grounding her. “Spill, sugarcube.”

Noooooo!” Rainbow Dash whined.

Twilight stepped forward, glancing around at her friends. “I’ll tickle your hooves, Rainbow Dash, I swear I will if you don’t tell!”

Rainbow Dash grew pale. “You wouldn’t!”

Twilight summoned a quill and turned the feathery end towards Rainbow Dash, who blanched and held up a hoof. “Okay! Okay! You win!”“You’ve been so flighty and nervous, darling. It’s obvious that you had some kind of experience while I was visiting ponies in my sleep.” Rarity said, stepping over to speak with Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash covered her face with her hooves, “Ughhhh… It’s so lame, though. Promise not to tell anypony.”

Pinkie Pie raised a hoof, and everypony and dragon present mimicked her as she recited solemnly, “Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Rainbow sighed slowly. “Okay… So… that night, after I went to sleep…”

Rainbow Dash awoke to a warm body draped across her middle. She held back a shriek, sitting bolt-upright as her wings flared open in alarm. “What the—”

Her exclamation died in her throat as her adjusting eyes took in the familiar curled mane and cream coat of one of her best friends. “Rarity?”

“Mmm…” Rarity murmured, clinging onto Rainbow Dash’s waist.

“Uh, hey. You alright? What are you doing in my bed?” Rainbow Dash’s eyes crossed, and she voiced a more immediate concern. “How the heck did you get up here?”

“Hmg… was… ‘mergency…” Rarity seemed to respond, still asleep.

“Uh… that still doesn’t explain…” Rainbow Dash reached down and realized with a small amount of horror that Rarity’s lower legs were dangling through the cloud flooring. The movement caused Rarity’s upper torso to slip slightly, and Rarity’s eyes squeezed a little tighter as she clung to Rainbow Dash in her sleep.

“Ohmygosh!” Rainbow Dash quickly grabbed onto Rarity before she could slip any further, pulling her friend into a more secure, if awkward, position draped across her lap. Rarity sighed happily.

“Okay, now I’m really confused…” Rainbow Dash stared at Rarity, but the sleeping unicorn did not stir, seeming content to be close to Rainbow Dash.

“J-just, hang on, okay? I’m gonna try something...” Rainbow Dash reached out and snagged a few of her blankets, which were made from materials enchanted to prevent them from falling through clouds, and reinforced the bottom of her bed, carefully laying a layer of the enchanted material out. They interacted with the bed as if it were solid ground, creating a barrier between Rarity’s unenchanted form and the cloud surface. Finally, Rainbow Dash shifted Rarity’s lower hooves onto the blankets. They didn’t budge, taking Rarity’s weight with ease. Rainbow Dash sighed with relief as she rolled Rarity off of her, placing the unicorn on the blankets. She quickly stacked some similarly enchanted pillows and cushions around the perimeter of the safe area, an extra barrier between her sleeping friend and a sudden fall.

“All right, safe and sound,” murmured Rainbow Dash.

Rarity lay in the middle of the little nest of pillows. She frowned in her sleep, her hooves reaching out and feeling around for some missing element, before she curled into a ball, her body shaking. Rainbow Dash glanced around her room, noting the lack of extra blankets—she’d used all of them to make the secure area for Rarity. With a sigh, Rainbow Dash stepped into the blanketed area and lay down next to Rarity. Rarity reacted immediately, rolling over and curling into her side, her shivers subsiding almost immediately. Rainbow Dash giggled. “Okay, okay. Sheesh. I can’t believe you. Breaking into my house, somehow, and managing to get to my bed without falling through the floor.”

“Mmnh… stay…for dinner...” breathed Rarity.

Rainbow Dash blushed slightly. “Uh… yeah. Okay.”

Rarity’s forehooves suddenly reached out, wrapping themselves around Rainbow Dash’s waist, and she found herself pulled into a close embrace. Rainbow Dash’s blush deepened. “Yeah. Not weird at all.”

Rarity’s hot breath tickled Rainbow Dash’s ears, and Rainbow giggled. “Yeah, okay, maybe this is weird. Too weird. I like you, Rarity, but this is… pretty intimate.”

Rarity’s snuggling intensified, as did Rainbow Dash’s discomfort. “O-okay… I’m getting mixed signals, here…”

“Hnn… tell me about it…” Rarity murmured.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes widened. “R-really?”

Rarity didn’t respond, seeming content to cling to her side. Rainbow Dash exhaled slowly. “Sure. I’ll tell you about it…” an uncertain grin spread across her face as she eyed her friend.


Rainbow Dash was a blubbering mess, holding a book full of photographs in her hooves as she sobbed tearily over the pictures. The album was full of pictures of her and her friends, playing together, doing sports, having fun. “I’m… I’m…”

Rainbow Dash threw her head back and wailed, “I’m so lonely! Rarity, you don’t even know! I want to hang out with everypony all the time, but I gotta stay cool and aloof, so I can’t do it as much as I want without ruining my image! Everypony expects me to be… awesome! All the time! Like I could go around the friggin’ world for them! And really, I just want somepony to give me a hug and tell me that I’m a petite, pretty pegasus pony! Sometimes, I wanna be cherished, Rarity! Like a girly, sissy, princess!”

Rainbow Dash sobbed, clutching her friend, and exhaling slowly as her friend snuggled her and listened intently. “I… I really needed to say that. Like, you have no idea.”

She curled into Rarity, hugging her friend close. “I still don’t know how you got up here, but I’m glad I could tell you that.”

A few yawns and warm sighs later, and Rainbow Dash was fast asleep.

All her friends stared at her, and then broke down laughing. Rainbow covered her face with her hooves again. “You guys suck!”

And then they all piled onto her and gave her a snuggle.

Author's Note:

... And that is it.

Whew. What a ride it has been. A lot of halts and stops, here, but we're finally done!

I'm glad everybody enjoyed this story as much as they did, and I hope the conclusion is satisfactory to you all. I had a blast writing this story, as silly as it was. Until next time!

Comments ( 54 )

That ending chapter was everything I could have hoped for.

And absolutely nopony was ever even vaguely concerned about the hundreds of thousands of Earth Ponies and Unicorns that were suddenly plummeting down toward terra firma as the patchwork terror left the world.

After all, the few pegasaii that weren't suffering shock caught enough for there to still be viable breeding numbers..



I guess nopony was aware of the gravity of the situation? :facehoof:

7993881 bad Joke you should feel ashamed:ajbemused:

Awwww, Rainbow... <3

Rarity has to take you on spa days now.

Now I can only imagine Luna bursting through the window of Twilight's residence just seconds after she cleans up after Dashie flying into her window :rainbowlaugh:

At least they acknowledged how obvious the solution should have been.:facehoof: And it actually makes sense for it to have been primarily Spike's own blind spot of low self-esteem.

That was both sweet and awesome, though.


Did Twilight ever join the snuggle testing?

Ah shit, Sparity. Spike's not even on the character list, for fuck's sake.

that ending tho'

What we need is the List of Spike!!!

Meanwhile, on a lonely hill sat a colorful trailer, the doors and folding stage hanging loosely from their hinges. A conical hat and cap covered with warm woolen threads showed where a titanic snuggle had occurred. And the occupant was never heard from again!

:trixieshiftright: Trixie's.. Okay!

7995496 I actually started writing this two years ago, so Trixie wasn't a fixture in Ponyville at the time, and Twilight was freshly a princess but the Library hadn't been destroyed. So there's some anachronisms.


And mad props to you for writing it. The Snuggle is Real, Bronies and Pegasisters!

Everypony expects me to be… awesome! All the time! Like I could go around the friggin’ world for them!

She should totally try that sometime. Maybe start a doom-driven eastward journey full of emotion, action, and adventure. Or just go west. I hear there's zebras there.

7999021 I'll take a peek at it. Thanks!

And it ended in a way that absolutely everyone should have seen coming yet it was still great to witness!

Also that last bit. Good job :rainbowlaugh:

Well, this just proved what I keep saying - hugs (and, by extensions, cuddles) are awesome!

I mostly enjoyed this story but I hated the ending. It was pretty much exactly what I thought it would be when I noticed she didn't snuggle Spike, although the coyness with Rainbow Dash gave me hope it wouldn't be Spike. I despise the Rarity Spike shipping, it ruins everything for me, its just so damn creepy. Reading this and being sure it was going there, made things kind of a slog for an otherwise fun story and well written story. Keep in mind this is a personal thing, but it really does ruin things for me.

8002629 Thanks for reading. Sorry you don't like Sparity, buuuuut this was a story about a Snugglegod from the Edge of the Cuddleverse breaking through to Ponyville due to a curse that makes Rarity snuggle ponies via superpowerful teleportation. Sparity is the least ridiculous thing that happens! :rainbowlaugh:


Yeah, and that bit was great. Then it just capped with my most hated fandom thing.


Hey everybody. I have massively re-written the ending of this story. Feel free to update comments or add new ones. Thanks again for reading and enjoying. The changes begin after the characters leave the basement of the library, so the beginning and middle of the chapter is still the same, but the rest after that is pretty different.

For those of you that are anti-Sparity, you might be happy to know that I've toned down the Sparity by a significant margin. It's not gone, but it's more... show accurate? It feels more like the characters, now, at any rate, which makes me happy.

.... I can't tell what you've changed. Was this a cunning ploy to increase the number of views? Still good though, despite, or possibly because of, whatever changes you've made.

8009031 Starting from when they leave the basement of the library. The little Rainbow Dash stinger at the end is still there, but the ending prior to that ties up a bunch of loose ends, including what happened to Rarity's parents and Owlowicious.

:raritycry: Oh those hideous robes!
:moustache: on it
:unsuresweetie: Does this mean I can be normal again?
:derpytongue2: explain normal
:moustache: Nope nope nope nope nope :raritystarry: a stich in tongue sorry :facehoof:

8009011 Hah, yeah, you toned it down. By a huge margin. I personally liked the way had Spike and Rarity before the revision, but this is indeed way more show accurate.
Good job on both cases though :twilightsmile:


Errrhhhhh, its better since now it avoids the pedo angle, but I still don't really like it. As I said, I hate sparity. Part of it is the age thing, but part of it is also its kinda written like Spike is a 'nice guy' like hes just trying to be there for her so he can get into her pants or whatever the 12 year old equivalent of that is. As I said, its a personal thing.

Oh that was much better. Not so abrupt, addressed Sparity's inherent issues. I know my earlier comment was rather surly. Thanks for a fun story and a lighthearted response to my earlier grumbling.

8009943 Well, ya can't make all the people happy all the time. Thanks!

8009993 Yeah, I appreciate the effort but its my own issue.

Well, this is still pretty cute, though Rarity's parents and Owlowiscious showing up in rapid succession felt a bit like laying on the Mega Happy Ending really thickly.

Turns out a magical seamstress is also pretty good at fighting fabric tentacles.

Holy crap, Spike!

“I… I tried so hard, Twilight! Owlowiscious and I were protecting the Library!” He sobbed, clutching at Twilight’s coat, “We were upstairs, and a bunch of tentacles got through, and I tried to fight them, but one… one got Owlowiscious! He got carried off! I’m sorry!”

Owlowiscious, nooooo!

Huh, so Spike. Makes sense given all the other options that didn't pan out.

Rarity approached, shooting Hondo a glare. "You have a lot to explain. You left my sister, your daughter, alone during this crisis!"

Hondo nodded, looking abashed. "We hoped that if we offered ourselves to Snuggoth, he would spare Sweetie Belle his snuggly wrath."

"We did it to try to protect her, don't'cha know?" Cookie added, holding Sweetie Belle tightly.

Yeah, I figured they had some sort of reason.

Owlowiscious survived the snuggling!

Spike and Owlowiscious froze in their celebration, looking at Twilight. Twilight's smile widened. "We get to re-organize the whole library!"


I mean, I didn't mind the original ending, but this one does feel a littpe more polished, which is good.

It is a fitting end to the snuggle tale of olde.

xDDD That ending tho.

I highly enjoyed this tale. Twas quite humorous, fairly action-packed, and sweetly romantic.

Most excellent.

Well, this apocalypse was awesome!

One of the problems I've had with fan apocalypses, is that they just don't fit in the FIM universe. This is the first fan made apocalypse story that I've seen that really fits in the universe. This could actually be the basis for a show arc.

In my opinion, you have created the best apocalypse ever!

Flames licked from his mouth as he roared defiance to the god that threatened everything he owned, and in that moment, he owned everything.


The USS Sparity sails into the sunset again!:twilightsmile::scootangel::raritystarry:

Fun fic!
Glad to have been riding the story from the beginning:scootangel:, but regretful that I was too tardy to watch the ending writing sprint.:ajsleepy:

Fun and enjoyable times!:scootangel:

Until next time!:raritywink:

"Can..." Sweetie swallowed nervously, "Can... I watch wrestling with you guys, now?"

"Of course, Sweetie."




Well, I went through this entire story after reading your fluttercord one, and I enjoyed every bit of the plot. The Random tag fits so well, I can't. The ending with Rainbow Dash's "secret" was perfect.

By the time Twilight made the romantic candidates list, I figured this was going to be how the story would end. I'm not into Sparity myself, but I really appreciate the angle you took. I've always wanted to see an episode show how Spike likes Rarity for who she is, not only her looks. You did this really well!
Also, for the most part, everybody speaks and acts in-character, that this fic almost felt like an actual episode. Kudos!

:D Thank you! I had a lot of fun with this one. It's great to try and write as close to the "style" of the show as possible, and then get comments like this.

Beautiful.... So beautiful.....

this has been unread in my list of 60 google chrome tabs on my iPhone for such a long time. I've always got dozens of tabs ready so I can read something at random in an instant. I clicked this expecting a silly quirky comedy fic that had to do with sleepwalking or something, and probably some light fluff. instead I got a MOTHERF*CKING LOVECRAFTIAN APOCALYPSE.

and one that was so fantastically well written, too. I'm so glad I read it all in one block. all of the characters were masterfully captured, the tone stayed tongue-in-cheek the entire time, the jokes were on point and perfectly saturated, the plot had nigh on perfect pacing (with plenty of twists and turns and red herrings and subplots adequately explaining what was necessary yet leaving me hungry for more), self-awareness was abound, and it was just descriptive enough that I could perfectly visualize it in my head but not too much so that it was dry and dull and made me want to stab myself.

I loved it. every single second spent reading this gave me a feeling rare among all but the greatest fics I've read. green, fractured sunlight, the nlac has to deal with what?, and now rarity snuggles everypony. I'm definitely going to be editing my favorites list on my profile immediately, that's for sure.

Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed my writing. If you enjoyed this, I highly recommend you take a peek at a few of my other stories, like Overpinking It.

This story was so worth the read! It’s adorable, it’s hilarious, and it’s written really well and has quite the plotline for a comedy piece! I was expecting something entirely different for Rainbow’s “secret”, and kind of concerned, but I was pleasantly surprised by what it was. It was very “friendship is magic” - esque. Great job on this one, and thank you for writing it! I really enjoyed it.

Glas you enjoyed it, this is still a favourite of mine.

rarity ( not the curse ) 1
cuddlethulu 0 technically 7
equestria 1
spike its over 9000 :moustache:

Dear author, your fic is awesome, and may I translate it into Chinese to make more people can see it? I will credit you and attach the link to my translation.

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