• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 9,480 Views, 604 Comments

Rarity Snuggles Everypony (Whether They Like It Or Not) - PropMaster

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

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Applejack groaned as she stepped into the farmhouse, pausing only long enough to stomp the dirt from her horseshoes. She went straight for a basin of cool water in the kitchen, grabbing a towel and wiping down her face and hooves. The cold water shocked her system, leaving her feeling more alert than she had moments before.

“Whew. What a day, huh, Big Mac?” Applejack breathed, glancing at her brother as he strode into the kitchen alongside her.

“Eeyup,” sighed Big Macintosh, as he slid by Applejack and grabbed the towel from her offering hooves.

“Well, it’s a good thing we got everythin’ in the south field cleared up. Seein’ as we worked into the night, we don’t have anything more to do there tomorrow. Nothing more to worry ‘bout except a few weeds and a rare vampire fruit bat,” Applejack said, trotting over to the dinner table and sliding into a chair with a small groan as the soreness in her back and haunches was relieved.

“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh agreed, folding the dirty towel and placing it back beside the basin. He sat down across from Applejack, rubbing the back of his neck with his hooves and grumbling.

“Sore, huh? Yeah, me too.”

Applejack leaned back in her chair, rocking herself with one hoof on the ground, feeling her eyelids droop. Big Mac leaned forward on the table, exhaling slowly. Applejack allowed the quiet moment to stretch for a bit, before she spoke up again. “So, tomorrow, cleaning out the north field and getting all the grass trimmed down low, so the wagons don’t have to struggle through snags or bumps we didn’t see.”

Big Macintosh nodded slowly, holding up his head in his hooves and leaning ever-harder on the table, until he put too much weight on it and the table scooted forward. The sliding table bumped the leaning Applejack, knocking her off balance. With flailing hooves, she fell backwards over her chair. “Ow!”

Big Mac snorted, standing up and offering his sister a hoof up with a laconic grin. “Sorry ‘bout that, Applejack.”

“Ya big galoot,” Applejack groused, unable to suppress a smirk of her own, “though I guess I deserve that. Shouldn’t ‘a kept workin’ so dang late.”

Applejack took Big Macintosh’s offered hoof and got off the floor, brushing herself off, and turning to head for the stairs. “I’m gonna turn in. You come to bed soon, we’ve got more to do in the mornin’.”

Big Mac gave Applejack a nod, and she slowly moved up the stairs, wincing at the top step and stretching out her rear legs. Creeping silently, she peeked into Applebloom’s room. The filly was sleeping soundly, light snores breaking the silence. Applejack watched her slumber for a moment before closing the door quietly. She peered into Granny’s room next, the elder mare slumbering with wheezing grunts that made Applejack chuckle silently. All was well.

Applejack staggered into her room and closed the door behind her with a soft click, and then moved over to the opposite wall. The deep purple hues of oncoming night filtered through the window, which Applejack opened slowly, relishing the influx of cool air that made her eyes close in delight. She smiled, pulled off her hat and held it to her chest, opened her emerald eyes and looked up at the stars.

“Hey ma. Hey pa.”

Applejack cleared her throat after a brief pause. “Mac an’ I got the south fields all set today. Worked extra hard to get it done, but I reckon we won’t have to worry ‘bout it for a few weeks or so. We can focus our work elsewhere. Feels good to get everythin’ squared away somewhere.”

Applejack’s eyes cast down for a moment, her serene smile becoming a slight frown. “It’s been a bit tough, lately, bein’ between harvests an’ all, but we’ve saved enough from last season, and we’re makin’ it through fine enough.”

She paused, leaning down to nuzzle the brim of her hat, and her smile returned. “I think things are gonna take a turn for the better, though. Cider season’s a’comin’, and we’re gonna rake in the bits. We managed to store enough to make a dozen extra barrels this time around, on top of our usual quota, so we’ll be sittin’ pretty soon. Don’t you worry none.”

Her eyes rose back up to the night sky once more, and a yawn escaped her trembling lips. “Shoot, look at me. I’m plum tuckered out!” Applejack chuckled gently. “I’m gonna turn in and get some rest, so I can be ready for tomorrow’s work.”

She slowly set the hat back on her head, adjusting the brim with one hoof in a habitual gesture before tipping it in a courteous manner towards the nighttime tapestry. “G’night. I love you, forever an’ always.”

Applejack’s eyes snapped open as she felt hooves wrap around her shoulders, and she grit her teeth, her entire body tensing like a coiled spring. Somepony else was in her bed, uninvited, and that was completely out of line. Her voice was soft at first, but grew in intensity and volume as she spoke, “Ah’ thought I told ya…”

“Mmm, th’... earthy…” breathed a voice behind her.

That did it. Applejack twisted in bed, rolling out of the tight grasp of the pony behind her, and bucked hard with her back legs. “Varmit! I told ya once, I told ya a thousand times, Ra—”

Applejack froze mid-sentence as she noticed the white-coated mare crumpled in a heap on the side of her room. “R-rarity?”

Rarity stood up shakily, blinking around the room. “I… what? Where…?”

Applejack stared at her for a moment. “Uh… Rarity? What are y’ doin’ in my room?”

Applejack? But… there must be some… I don’t…” Rarity’s eyes darted around the room. “What am I doing in your room?”

“Ah don’t rightly know, sugarcube. Figured since you were the intruder, an’ me bein’ the intrudee, I’d ask you first.”

“I don’t understand, darling! I was in my room at the boutique when I went to bed!” Rarity sat down with a wince, rubbing her side. “Goodness, and my flank is sore. Celestia knows what that could indicate, but it doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence.”

Applejack winced, rolling out of bed to stand in front of her friend with a sheepish grin. “That was me. I hit you harder than cider on a Friday. Ah’m awful sorry about that, I’m just… a little defensive when it comes t’ surprise mares in mah bed.”

Rarity chuckled blearily. “I suppose I’d react in a similar fashion… oh, but this is odd. How could I have possibly gotten into your room?”

“Maybe we should ask Twilight? She always seems to have an answer t’ the unexplainable, and Ah’d sure like an explanation for this.” Applejack said.

Rarity nodded, “That seems like as good a plan as any… but perhaps we should ask tomorrow? It is rather late.”

Applejack glanced at the open window and frowned at the moon that was disappearing below the horizon. “True enough. Want me to walk you back to the boutique? I’d feel awful if something happened to ya in the dark on the way home.”

Rarity smiled sheepishly, ears folding down. “I-If it wouldn’t be too much trouble?”

Applejack offered a hoof. “Least I can do.”

Rarity took Applejack’s hoof gratefully, rising to her hooves and shaking her head. “I’m awfully sorry about this, Applejack, it just doesn’t make any sense. Hopefully Twilight will have some insight.”

Applejack retrieved her hat from the hanger on the wall and smiled at her friend. “I guess we’ll see tomorrow.”

Author's Note:

And now the story really begins.