• Published 6th Jun 2014
  • 9,480 Views, 604 Comments

Rarity Snuggles Everypony (Whether They Like It Or Not) - PropMaster

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

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The Royal Snuggle

It was late, and all the girls had ended up staying over at Twilight’s home to spend the night in a show of solidarity for Rarity. Twilight pulled out her extra pillows and blankets, maneuvered mattresses and futons from the confines of the storage closet, and together with the help of her friends set up an impromptu sleepover party on the first floor of the library. They told stories and chatted, eating snacks prepared by the always-eager Spike, and enjoyed each other’s company. Finally, the night deepened, eyes drooped, and with yawning smiles and hugs they all settled down to sleep.

All except Twilight, who sat quietly in a corner with scroll and quill in hoof, watching Rarity carefully. Rarity did not fall directly asleep, taking several minutes to shift herself and become comfortable. Her breathing slowly evened out, her chest rising and falling, and the still veil of deep sleep eventually covered the unicorn. Twilight smiled slightly, shifting into a more comfortable position as she watched Rarity, her quill scratching across the parchment as she began taking notes. She noted everything she could think of, from ambient light in the room (very low), to temperature (pleasantly warm), and even the number of involuntary ear or tail twitches (eight, thus far). The night continued on, Twilight’s ink began to run low, and she finally paused, rubbing at one eye with her hoof. “This is taking longer than I expected,” she murmured to herself.

When she glanced back up at Rarity, the unicorn was gone. Twilight blinked, rubbing her eyes again, and stood up, looking around the room. “Th-that’s impossible. I looked away for less than a second,” she muttered, trotting around the room and searching swiftly, before checking the nearby bathroom, which was empty.

Twilight returned to the main room, stomping a hoof. “Girls, Rarity is gone!”

The sleeping mares all grumbled, rolling over in their sleep. Twilight rolled her eyes and used her magic to light all the lights in the room. The girls all groaned, some sitting up and rubbing at their eyes.

“What is it, Twi?” said Applejack, suppressing a yawn.

“Rarity disappeared. I looked away for only a second, and when I looked back, she was gone. Like, not just ‘sleepwalked away’ gone, but gone without a trace gone!”

The distress in Twilight’s voice, coupled with the bright light, brought the rest of Twilight’s friends out of their sleepy states, and they all gathered together, staring at Twilight earnestly. “What should we do?” asked Fluttershy.

“Organize a search party?” suggested Rainbow Dash.

Twilight frowned. “I’m not sure, but I need to analyze the room, first. Give me a minute.”

Twilight sat down next to the mattress Rarity had been sleeping on, staring at intently as her horn began to shimmer. Her wings spread open slowly as she focused, trying to find any magical trace. Twilight felt something, very briefly, that tickled her magical senses like a wooly knit sweater, before an overwhelming sense of dread suddenly overcame her. Twilight jumped back with a gasp, staring at the mattress. The feeling of dread disappeared, leaving her shaken, and she closed her wings tightly around herself. “I don’t know what’s happening to Rarity, but this is definitely not normal sleepwalking. Something magical is affecting her, and it’s… not good magic, either.”

Fluttershy gasped, clapping her hooves over her muzzle in shock. Rainbow Dash and Applejack exchanged concerned glances. Pinkie frowned, asking “So, by not good, you mean…?”

“Probably evil. Yes.”

Pinkie Pie gasped as well, fluffy mane quivering, before she giggled and trotted in place, “Ohh, Twilight, that gave me a chill!”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “So, we should probably start searching for Rarity, and soon. Let’s go wake up Mayor Mare, she can help organize the—”

“Wait!” Spike suddenly declared as he appeared at the top of the stairs, waving a scroll in the air. “I just was woken up by a scroll from Princess Luna!”

Twilight frowned, glancing up at Spike. “Princess Luna? Bring it here, Spike.”

Spike dashed down the stairs, offering the scroll to Twilight. Twilight unrolled the scroll and read aloud, “Dearest Princess Twilight Sparkle, We request thy presence in Canterlot post-haste, concerning the whereabouts of thy friend, Lady Rarity. It is urgent that thou attend unto this matter with the utmost speed. Send a reply via thy dragon familiar, and I will come for thee at once, as well as any others thou carest to gather. With respect, Princess Luna.”

Twilight’s ears perked up, and she frowned at the rest of the girls. “It sounds like Princess Luna knows something about Rarity. Spike, give me just one moment to write a reply, and then send it back.”

Twilight retrieved her quill, and tore a small section off her scroll, writing a hasty note on it before handing it to Spike. Spike took the letter and folded it neatly, before inhaling and breathing out a small puff of emerald flame. The magical fire caught the note and whisked it away, disappearing out a window and into the starry night.

The girls only had to wait a few minutes before a smoky shade poured through the same window the note had left from. They all took a step back as the shadows coalesced in the center of the room, and Princess Luna materialized, a concerned look on the alicorn’s face. “Princess Twilight,” she said, with a small nod.

Twilight resisted the urge to bow, returning the nod. “Princess Luna. You have information about my friend, Rarity?”

“Indubitably,” Luna said, glancing around to the assembled group. “Greetings, Fair Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.”

They all bowed respectfully, but Luna waved a hoof, her stoic expression faltering into a slight blush as she bid them to stand. “Rise, mine friends. Thou needst not bow to me. If we must follow all courtly courtesy, we shall be at this all night.”

Fluttershy stepped forward, uncharacteristically speaking first, worry evident in her face and tone. “P-Princess Luna, do you know where Rarity is? We are awfully worried about her. Twilight said something about evil magic…”

Luna nodded. “Thou art correct, we sensed these same magics within Canterlot palace. As custodian of the night, I dutifully investigated, and discovered an… awkward circumstance, which requires… the utmost in tact and diplomacy.”

Twilight sighed. “Where is Rarity?”

Luna glanced around, before stepping forward and whispering with urgency, “She hath appeared in the bedchamber of mine sister.”

Twilight blinked, her mouth opening into a round ‘o’ of surprise. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie all giggled slightly, and Luna shot them a glare. “As funny as it may seem, the situation is far more dire than one would assume. Mine sister, Celestia, is a notoriously light sleeper… and when she is awoken before a certain hour, she is prone to mood swings most terrible to behold!”

Twilight frowned, one eyebrow raising slightly. “That’s funny, I don’t ever remember her being like that.”

Luna gave Twilight a deadpan stare, “When thou were a filly, she made certain to only wake thee after she had consumed her morning tea, in order to appear at her best for her prized pupil.”

Twilight blushed. “How do you know that for sure? You weren’t even around when I was a filly!”

Luna chuckled dryly, “Indeed, this is true, but think to thyself: art thou the first of Celestia’s pupils, or the most recent in a long line dating back thousands of years? Celestia’s age may be difficult to comprehend, but she has many a habit that has become second nature to her over the years. Especially involving her pupils. She’d prefer thou never knew of her… lack of enthusiasm for being awoken early.”

Luna’s gaze turned serious once more. “And this is why we must extract the Lady Rarity from mine sister’s bedchamber at once, before your friend inadvertently awakens her and invokes her wrath!”

Twilight carefully pushed open the doorway to Celestia’s bedroom, holding her breath as the hinges creaked gently. Warm air breezed past her face, causing her to blink and squint into the dark room. Shapes materialized out of the shadow: first a table with stacks of papers and scrolls, then an overstuffed chair, and finally her objective. Celestia’s bed was a large four-poster affair with white lace curtains that concealed the bed, giving only the vaguest of outlines of a large, winged shape in the center of the mattress.

With a nervous flutter of her wings, Twilight closed the door and turned into the hallway. A half-dozen Royal Guards stood at nervous attention, standing at their usual posts, but their eyes flickered towards the four mares and two princesses that were gathered outside Celestia’s bedchamber. Twilight didn’t spare the guards a second glance, looking to Luna. “I don’t see Rarity.”

“Thy friend is there, Twilight Sparkle,” Luna replied. “She rests next to mine sister.”

Twilight sighed. “The only way we’re going to find out for sure is if we go in and check behind the curtains of the bed. She must be there.”

She turned to her friends, speaking quietly, “I’m going to go in alone and check things out, and once I’ve found Rarity we can figure out a way to get her out without disturbing Celestia.”

“Magic is not an option. Mine sister is very sensitive to magics being used nearby; any use of the arcane arts may awaken her.”

Twilight gave Luna a nod, smiling nervously. “Wish me luck?”

“You’re gonna have to be pretty sneaky, Twi. I could go scout it out instead,” Rainbow Dash said, smirking confidently. “After all, I pull sneaky pranks all the time. I’m probably way quieter than you.”

Twilight frowned, “You’re probably right… but I think if something happens and we wake her up, Celestia will be more understanding if it was me, rather than one of you. Right?”

Rainbow Dash scowled, crossing her arms. “Yeah, I guess.”

“She’s right, Rainbow. What would ya do if you woke up the Princess? If she hates gettin’ woken up early, I’d imagine she’d be willin’ to hear Twilight out before… y’ know…” Applejack hesitated.

Fluttershy giggled softly, “Banishing her?”

“Or locking her up?” added Pinkie Pie.

“Or locking me up in the place she banishes me?” Twilight finished, snickering.

The girls shared a quiet laugh. Princess Luna’s ears lowered slightly. “Er, we do not understand.”

Rainbow Dash nudged the confused princess. “Ah, it’s a long story.”

Luna smiled uncertainly. “We… er… I would like to feel included in… your merriment.”

Twilight smiled, “Maybe after we've rescued Rarity, we’ll fill you in. For now, though, eyes on the prize?”

Luna gave a cautious nod to Twilight, gesturing towards the door to Celestia's bedroom. Exhaling slowly, Twilight turned back toward the door and pushed it open again, stepping softly into the room. She sunk low, careful to place her hooves so as not to make any noise as she crept across the stone-tiled floor space towards the rug that would muffle her movements further. She shuffled silently over the rug, and reached the edge of the large bed. Twilight parted the curtains, revealing Princess Celestia. The princess lay on her back, wings spread open wide, with her legs sticking out at odd angles. Atop Celestia lay Rarity, slumbering peacefully with her forelegs wrapped around Celestia’s mane like a blanket, covering most of her body with the shimmering locks. Celestia’s mouth hung open, an undignified line of drool running down the side of her muzzle. Twilight stifled a giggle, and carefully considered the situation. Rarity was deeply entangled with Princess Celestia’s mane, and removing her would be very difficult.

Twilight shifted closer and gently began untangling the ethereal locks of mane from Rarity’s hooves. Celestia shifted slightly, grumbling something unintelligible and smacking her lips together. Rarity moved as well, rolling over onto her other side and creating new set of tangles. Twilight sighed, rubbing one hoof against the side of her head as she pondered a better way to remove Rarity. If Celestia was as sensitive to magic in close proximity as Luna said, she’d have to find a way to manually disentangle Rarity and move her away.

“How’s it going, Twilight?” whispered Pinkie Pie from directly next to Twilight.

Twilight leapt and nearly screamed in surprise, her wings flaring open in bewilderment, and she barely managed to keep herself from collapsing onto Princess Celestia’s hind legs. “Pinkie!” she hissed, glaring, “How did you get in here?”

“Same way you did, silly. Ooh, Rarity’s all tangled up. That’s what’s taking so long!” Pinkie Pie leaned in, examining Celestia’s mane.

“Yes, that’s why it’s taking so long. Now get out, before you wake Celestia up!”

“She looks so happy!”

Twilight frowned, staring at Pinkie Pie. “Who?”

Pinkie beamed at Celestia and Rarity. “Well, they both do, really, but I meant Celestia. I’m sure she’s lonely all the time, because she’s the Princess, and she can’t have lots and lots of friends and parties because she has to do Princess-y things all the time and take care of all of us little ponies.”

Twilight turned her attention to Celestia, trying to see what Pinkie Pie was seeing, but all she saw was the open mouth and drool. Perfectly relaxed and deeply sleeping. “I… guess?”

“She’s always by herself, but Rarity’s there with her, now, and she’s happier!” Pinkie turned to smile at Twilight.

“So, what you’re saying is…?” Twilight said, hoping for a somewhat coherent response.

“We can’t just take Rarity. We need to switch her, and I know just how to do it!” Pinkie exclaimed, retrieving a brown, dusty fedora from nowhere and plopping it on her head.

Twilight was just about to ask what Pinkie intended to switch Rarity with, when she suddenly found herself scooped up into Pinkie Pie’s hooves. Pinkie’s eyes narrowed, bouncing Twilight in a manner that indicated that she was judging her weight, and Twilight tried not to struggle. “Pinkie, what are you—”

“Shh!” Pinkie shushed Twilight.

Twilight was about to jump out of Pinkie Pie’s grasp, when suddenly something happened. Twilight felt a sensation of very fast movement, and she found herself spontaneously lying on top of Princess Celestia, where Rarity had just been moments before. Her eyes widened, mouth dropping open in surprise, and she turned to look at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie held Rarity in her hooves, where Twilight had just been. Pinkie gave Twilight a wink, tipped the brim of the fedora, and then snuck away with Rarity, leaving Twilight in bed with Celestia.

Twilight shifted as gently as she could, trying to slide off of Princess Celestia, but two hooves firmly grasped her and pulled her in close. Twilight found herself on the receiving end of a cuddly embrace from Celestia. She winced, squirming slightly, but Celestia’s grasp only tightened. Celestia hummed happily, hugging Twilight to her chest as a smile stretched across her face.

With a sigh of resignation, Twilight did her best to make herself comfortable. She obviously was going to be stuck for a while.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long hiatus, folks, but we're back on track once more! I've finally settled into my job, and things are going really well, so expect to see this story update more regularly.