• Published 26th Sep 2014
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Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Fifteen: Discussions


“Twilight, please, let’s not wake her-”

“Ah ain’t asleep.”

Twilight sighed, closing her eyes. “Please tell me this is one of Dash’s pranks.”

“I’m sorry Darling,” Rarity sighed. “I’m certain it’s not. Discord-”


“Twi!” Applejack sighed, rolling over painfully. She sat up, locking a stern look upon Twilight. “Easy, sugarcube.”

“I thought that was my line,” Twilight groaned, sitting down hard on the floor. “Dash?”

Rarity nodded. “Down for the count... Discord started telling Dash what he’d been up to, and the poor darling simply lost it! If Pinkie hadn’t been there, she would not only have injured the muscles worse, but flown right out the window again!”

Twilight face hoofed. “RAINBOW DASH!” she growled.

“Easy sugarcube, there ain’t nuthin’ we can do about it now. Ya know Rainbow Dash has always been impulsive.”

Twilight’s body sagged. “Tell me it’s a joke! Tell me I’m dreaming!” Her eyes pleaded with Rarity. “I-we...” She closed her eyes.

Applejack slipped out of the bed and slowly made her way to Twilight’s side. She sat down beside her. “Don’t worry Twi’, we’ll get through this too.”

“I wish I had your confidence,” Twilight groaned. “Because right now, I don’t see how.”

Rarity sat on Applejack’s other side, ready to catch if the orange mare’s strength suddenly failed. “Twilight, Rainbow Dash is hurting. She needs the medicine.”

Pain was in Twilight’s eyes. “But-”

“Eenope! Ah’m comin’. RD obviously can’t get ta me now, so ah’m goin’ ta her.”

Twilight tensed. “But-!”

“Twi, ya can carry me back, but Dash needs us, all of us. And until ah get a chance ta talk ta ‘er, ah’m not gunna be happy.”

Rarity studied Applejack. “Really, darling, I don’t think you will be able to make it to the other room.”

“Ah have ta!” Applejack exclaimed, removing her hat and holding it over her heart. “Ah have ta talk ta Rainbow Dash!”

“Applejack, we are supposed to be making sure you rest!” Twilight tried to explain.

“Twilight, neither Dash nor ah am gunna settle down ‘till ya let us see one another. Ah was content ta let her come ta me as long as she was in the better condition, but that ain’t the case no more. Ah need ya ta let meh do this! PLEASE!”

Twilight felt as though she had just gotten stuck under a rock pile.... and on top of Tirek’s head. “Applejack, I don’t-”

“Ah know Twi, there’s a risk!” Applejack confirmed. “But ah’m willin’ ta take it. Ah think this is one thing that is necessary.”

“I don’t know! I don’t want anything else to happen!” Twilight exclaimed.

Rarity laid a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Sorry to disagree, Twilight, but I think Applejack is right.”

“I-” Twilight groaned. “I DON’T KNOW!”

“Listen Twi,” Applejack sighed. “Ah need ta talk ta Dash, and she needs ta talk ta me. Ya could always...” She looked uncomfortable. “Teleport me and mah bed directly over there.”

Twilight paused. “Where?”

Applejack shrugged, still very uncomfortable with her idea. “Ah know the room is large en-”

Rarity’s face brightened. “Leave that to me, darling! Just in five minutes, place the bed where the bookshelf is sitting right now!”

Twilight blinked. “But-”

“I’ll take the medication over there now. Let Fluttershy administer it so you can get Applejack prepared and over there. I’ll get a space cleaned out.”

“Sound’s good, Rar’es.” Applejack growled. “Just don’t teleport me inta a wall,.”


“Dashie, stay with us! Please! I have a party planned!” Pinkie struggled to keep the tremor of fear out of her voice. Giggle at ghosties, laugh at monsters, but this was beyond everything Granny Pie had taught her. She had tried, she had been trying.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes were clouded with pain. “Not- planning Pinkie.” She rasped. “We will... We will get through this.” She laughed painfully. “I’m loyalty, I won’t leave you gals. I’m too awesome!”

Pinkie tried to plaster a fake smile on her face, but it quickly dropped, her hair deflating worse. “Dashie... do you want a cupcake?”

“Pinkie-” Rainbow Dash shook her head. “I’ll tell you what, when I’m out, we’ll go flying.”

“How are you going to do that Dashie?” Pinkie inquired distressedly. “I can’t exactly fly.”

“I’m certain you’ll figure it out.” Rainbow smiled sadly.

“I’m back!” Rarity sang. “Fluttershy, here is the medicine, Twilight will be along in a minute. Applejack is coming too.”

Fluttershy took the bundle from Rarity and turned back to Rainbow Dash, preparing the medication for the pegasus.

Pinkie felt devastated. She glanced about the solemn group, completely at a loss to bring her one purpose to it: a smile. What was there to smile about? They were alive, but even then, was it truly a blessing?

“Pinkie, darling, I need your help,” Rarity cooed, breaking Pinkie Pie from her rambling thoughts.

Pinkie stood. “Okeie Dokie Lokie!” She tried to force her hair to its normal poofy form, but it only helped a little.

“Applejack has convinced Twilight to teleport her and her bed over here. The problem is, this room is poorly laid out, so we need to move that book case to that wall, then move the shelf... and that over there.” She pointed to a bureau. “Not to mention these bags- Just for a little while. I am unsure of how much room Applejack’s bed will take up.”

Rainbow Dash glanced wearily over at Rarity, a cocky grin touching the corners of her mouth. “While you are at it, why don’t you get rid of the carpet?”

“Rug,” Rarity corrected.

Pinkie Pie saluted. “Alright...” Somehow, in a way only Pinkie could do, everything was maneuvered as Rarity had instructed. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Celestia, and Luna didn’t even have the time to blink before Pinkie had the job done.

“Anything else?” Pinkie asked, grinning from ear to ear, finally feeling as though she had done something.

“One thing,” Dash asked. “How did you do that?”


Twilight gazed at the clock. “Four minutes... almost there.”

“Twi, relax,” Applejack said around a piece of straw she was chewing on. She had moved back to her bed per Twilight’s request; this had taken most of the previous three minutes.

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “You aren’t nervous?”

“Nah, yer’ a princess. Ah might not like the idea on mah farm, but ah well. Anythin’ fer Dash at this point.”

Twilight sighed, “But what about you?”

“Ah said this will help the both of us. Ah need ta talk ta her. And I’m certain she needs ta talk ta me.”

Twilight nodded. “But what if the magic hurts you? Or you don’t take the move well?”

“Ah had work done on a muscle, not mah heart.” Applejack smirked, removing the straw from her mouth to glare at Twilight. “Twilight, come here.”

Twilight glanced up, but walked over.

“What’s wrong, Sugarcube?” asked Applejack.

Twilight bit her lip. “You shouldn’t really have to worry about it. You are here to rest, not worry about me... or anypony else.”

Applejack shook her head. “Twilight, ya can’t run from yer problems, especially if the problem is ya. There is something botherin’ ya, ah can see it in yer face. Would ya mind tellin’ meh?”

Twilight sighed. “I really don’t know what’s wrong.”

“Yer’ frettin, that’s what.” Applejack said plainly.

Twilight chuckled sadly. “I guess that’s one way to put it. I’m glad you are feeling stronger, but...”

Applejack nodded. “Ah’ve got mahself inta a fix, ain’t that the truth.” She sighed deeply. “But, we can’t hide. We got ta face em’ charge em’ and fix them.”

“This is something you can’t charge,” Twilight scolded. “You need rest.”

Applejack smiled. “Yah, ah know, and so do ya.”

Twilight raised her eyebrow. “Is it that obvious?”

“Nah, just a fact o’ life.”

Twilight chuckled. “Yep, I’m surprised you are finally accepting help.”

Applejack sighed. “Twi, there comes a point when ah pony has exhausted their own ability, and there is nothin’ else.”

“We’ll get through this.”


Twilight glanced at the clock. “Time for transport. I think I’ll go see what the room looks like, then I’ll be back in a minute and we’ll both head over.”

Applejack nodded. “Alright, let’s get goin’.”

Twilight trotted out, and within just a couple of seconds, she was back. Applejack closed her eyes. As the magic hit her, she gritted her teeth, trying to keep her stomach from churning.


Twilight pictured in her mind the complete room as she focused everything on the spell. She had told everypony to stay where the were to secure the safety of everypony else. The book case, bureau, bed, night stand, the rugs, each of their four friends, and the two princesses; Twilight could see it all in her mind’s eye. Now she added Applejack’s bed and herself to the picture, tucking it neatly beside Dash’s. A pang of sadness went through her, which she swallowed to finish the spell. Teleportation was a spell only very skilled unicorns could do, and she didn’t want to mess up.

Taking a deep breath, she felt her body poof out of existence, moving swiftly through time and space towards the desired place where she would arrive. The molecules mixed and mingled as they went with everything else in the matter stream towards their destination in Rainbow Dash’s room.

Finally, Twilight started finalizing the spell. She pictured in her mind how everything was supposed to be and shaped it carefully, making sure nothing was out of place. Finally, she had all four hooves firmly planted in Dash’s room. She opened her eyes and glanced about.

Twilight almost sagged from relief, not that she was unsure she could do it, but she was afraid of how Applejack would take it physically.

As Applejack slowly opened her own eyes, Twilight could see extreme fatigue in them. She’d celebrated too soon. “Ah said be gentle!”

Pinkie hopped across the room, somehow not making the floor tremor in the least. Twilight said nothing.

“Good to see you AJ!” Pinkie giggled, giving her a bear hug.

“Uh-” Applejack paused. “Nevermind, good ta’ see ya too, Pinkie.”

“Feeling better?” Pinkie asked.

Applejack nodded, but now that she had caught her breath, and reoriented herself. Her attention was directed to one thing, as was Twilight's: Dash.

“Rainbow?” Applejack’s accent was thick with concern.

“Heh, I’m better than you were,” Dash said weakly.

“Not funny RD! What happened?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah Rainbow, what-” Twilight was stopped by an icy stare coming from Dash.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Rainbow grunted.

Twilight walked over to sit beside her mentor, Princess Celestia. “Princess?” Her eyes were filled with pain.

Celestia sighed. “I think you girls now have a lot more to talk about.”

“Well,” Applejack grunted. “How many times have we gone back... what six days... Is that all the longer it’s been?”

Pinkie Pie nodded. “Six days since you tried to prove who was the bestest of the bestest!”

“I can’t believe it,” Twilight sighed.

“Well,” Fluttershy sighed. “Day one, they were competing. Day two, hospital. Day three out. Day four-”

“Discord started playin’ tricks, and Pinkie decided to pretend to be ah pillow pile,” Applejack stated.

“Pinkie did what?” Dash exclaimed painfully.

“Ya’ don’t want ta’ know,” Applejack chuckled.

“Day four-” Twilight reminded.

“That was yesterday, darling,” Rarity cooed. “Remember, Zecora came.”

“So, we are only on day five?” Fluttershy whispered.

“I could have sworn it was six!” Pinkie chirped. “Oh well, anypony want cake?”

Applejack and Dash made a face. “Nah,” Applejack sighed. “Ah ain’t exactly up ta sweets.”

Pinkie pulled a huge cake out of nowhere, then ate the whole thing herself. Dash smiled weakly, “Aw, Pinkie, you are so random!”

Pinkie Pie smiled. “Nah, you just can’t predict me.”

“Pinkie, that is the same thing,” Rarity chuckled.

Pinkie Pie shrugged. “Alright, we need to talk.” She was suddenly in everypony’s faces. “So talk!” She ordered to each pony in turn.

“We’re tryin’!” Applejack chuckled.

“The beginning?” Celestia helped.

“We have been watching all of thy dreams,” Luna said. “We know that all of thy dreams have been troubled.”

Murmurs of uneasy agreement slipped through the room.

Applejack sighed. “Dash, uh... ya know... remember that night in the hospital?”

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “It was only a few days ago.”

“Ah said somethin’ that hurt ya.”

Dash’s ears drooped. “Nah, it’s-”

“Ain’t alright!” Applejack finished. “Truth or not, it’s plaguing yer’ dreams!”

“But AJ, you are helpless, and it’s all my fault!” Dash replied weakly.

“No, it ain’t. Ah was ahead of ya. Ah know ya hate coming in second ta me.”

Dash nodded. “I hate losing, but I shouldn’t-”

Applejack closed her eyes. “Look Dash, Ah’m sorry.”

“For what? It’s all my fault!”

“Ah thought we settled this RD,” Applejack growled. “We’re both at fault! Ah’ll admit, ya need ta work on that... losing gracefully.” Applejack smirked.

“Are you saying I don’t know how to lose?”


“RAINBOW!” Fluttershy said firmly, holding Dash down. “You are going to make it worse.”


“Fluttershy is right, Rainbow Dash. Thou needest to rest, and Applejack’s words are troubling thou, even at this moment.”

Dash looked incredibly uncomfortable. “No it isn’t! I’m Rainbow Daring Dash, I’m not afraid of anything.”

“Well,” Pinkie chirped up. “Except for large crowds, failing a stunt, big creepy castles, the everfree forest, failing you-”

“PINKIE!” everypony in the room cried at once.


“Pinkie is right,” Twilight said, coming to sit beside Dash’s bed. “You do fear a few things, and that is nothing to be ashamed of. We all have things that we fear and things that make us strong. It’s part of who we are.”

“Heh, RD,” Applejack muttered. “Ah’ve been struggling with this too. Shoot, ah’m findin’ ah need help ta do the smallest of tasks. Ya know ah’m independent.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry I’ve put you-”

“RAINBOW! Shoot, ah could have done that without yer naggin! One of em catch some o’ mah apples in a tree, then ah get mad and yank a couple o’ vines out. Or overfill a cart, or work more than mah body can take. The truth is, the fact that it happened as it did is irrelevant. It’s time to move on.”

“How?” Dash asked, visibly getting weaker and weaker. Her body was beginning to look moist, and her pupils began to shrink.

“Ah think it’d be best if we stop tryin’ ta take this on all by ourselves. Ah think puttin’ us in two different rooms was a bad idea.”

“Why do you say that Applejack?” Rarity asked.

“Well, as ah figure it, we got hurt together, and ah know ah’ve been really worried about her and can do nothin’ about it.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “Ditto.”

“Therefore, the way ah see it,” Applejack knocked her hat down from the bedpost, “the best way for us not ta hurt ourselves worryin’ is ta keep us together, at least for a while.”

“They did have you in the same room in the hospital,” Twilight stated. “I thought it was just for convenience.”

Applejack nodded. “That’s another thing. You girls don’t need ta be interuptin’ yer lives ta watch us. Havin’ ta keep the entire group here isn’t helpin’. Rarity, Ah know ya have a big order coming up. How’s it comin’?”

Rarity blushed. “It’s due in three days, and I haven’t even started.”

“See! Flutters, how’s the animals?”

“I’d rather not talk about it,” Fluttershy whispered.

Applejack collapsed against the pillows, suddenly feeling weary once more. “Twi, Ah also don’t think ah can take another one of those... spells... ta get me back mah room, nor do ah think ah’m strong enough ta walk right now.”

Princess Celestia looked about the group of downtrodden ponies. “My dear little ponies, this isn’t easy.”

“Ain’t that the truth,” Applejack sighed.

“Princess, I don’t know what to do!” Twilight sighed. “This is the first time I’ve seen it in real life. Even the doctor said he hadn’t seen it...”

Luna laid a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Thou art lucky, for there is another pegasus in Equestria who has gone through this.”

“Why didn’t ya tell us this before, Princess?” Applejack exclaimed.

Luna looked to Celestia. “The pegasus Luna speaks of... She is.” Celestia looked to Luna.

Luna sighed, “We do fear that even if we get her here, she will find a way out of it.”

The group was silent. “Ah don’t get it. It’s embarrassin’,” Applejack observed. “But if another pony needed mah knowledge to get better, ah’d help.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I... maybe?”

“I wish it was easy as all that,” Celestia stated. “We will do everything in our power, even pulling a few strings.”

Luna nodded. “She needs this as much as thou doth.”

“Oh my, if she doesn’t want to, I guess it’s alright if she doesn’t tell,” Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Fluttershy, I know this seems harsh, but we need the information.”

“I just don’t want her to-” Fluttershy paused. “I don’t want-” She sat down at a loss for words.

Luna nodded. “We think this will be best.”

“How do you know?” Fluttershy stated firmly.

Luna looked uncomfortable. “We have met with the mare on occasion for royal duties. Her sister is one of our ambassadors...”

Both of Twilight’s eyebrows went up. “Really? So this isn’t just anypony?”

Celestia shook her head. “She herself is a Captain in a part of the military.”

“Wonderbolts?” Dash asked.

“No, a science division... but equally important. In fact, Dash, I do believe you know her. But speaking of the Wonderbolts, they have been informed, and you might get a visit.”

Dash looked even weaker than she had the moment before. “Great.”


Spike collapsed against a tree. “DONE!” he exclaimed.

Angel lept from where he was and landed on the little dragon’s head. Thumping a few times, he took off for town.

“Tell me he didn’t just do that!” Spike groaned.

Flash laughed. “He did.”

“Let’s get home. How does she ever handle him?”

Flash Sentry shook his head, kneeling down to allow Spike to mount. “You’ve known them longer than I have.”

Spike nodded, mounting. “Winona I get, Owlicious I’m...” He sighed. “...alright with. Opal does her thing. But Angel basically runs all of our lives.”

Flash chuckled. “And is about to ruin ours.” He pointed to the disappearing rabbit.

Spike growled. “Again.”


Spike blushed. “Did I ever tell you about the time I got to pet sit all the animals?”

Flash raised both eyebrows. “Nope.”

Spike felt his cheeks warm. “I don’t know if I really want to tell it...”

Flash chuckled. “Did I ever tell you-” Flash suddenly paused. Spike could feel his back tighten.

“Tell me what?”

“A story?”

“You’ve told me a lot of stories.”

“The story of my first Nosebleed Watch two years ago in Canterlot.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “What’s the Nosebleed Watch?”

“It’s the watch during the dead of night. Many new recruits get it. It’s a hard one because you are fighting to stay awake,” he said before taking off after the fleeing bunny.

“What happened?” Spike asked.

“Well, I fell asleep.”

Spike couldn’t help himself, he started roaring with laughter. “Th-that’s funny!” he chuckled.

Flash nodded. “It was a warm day, shortly before the Summer Sun Celebration. Many important personages were arriving from all over Equestria...


“LISTEN UP!” the drill sergeant called. “Your duty is to protect this city and the ponies dwelling within. That means that while on duty, you are awake, alert, and paying attention.”

The young Private Flash raised a hoof. “Aren’t alert and paying attention the same thing?”

The drill sergeant paused mid-march and span on the orange guard. “PRIVATE! I DON”T NEED YOU TO TELL ME ABOUT WORDS!” he belted in his face.

“Sir, yes Sir,” Flash stuttered helplessly.

“We have important ponies arriving over the next three days. Your duty is to make sure only the ponies who need to be here are here. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?”

“Sir yes, Sir!” the line of young privates chirped.

“And You, Mister ‘I know Grammar so well’.... You get the Nosebleed Watch at the train station. STAY AWAKE!”

Flash gulped. “SIR YES SIR!” he chirped edgily.


“It was later that night, and one other guard and I stood at the train station. I’m unsure of at what point I actually fell asleep, but next thing I knew, I was really cold,” Flash said. “I opened my eyes to find myself in a bank of snow.”

“Snow? In summer?”

Flash nodded. “I looked over to find my partner in a similar situation. It was a warm day, so it melted fast. We must have woken up within seconds of getting doused, but I never did see the pegasus who did it, for by the time I was awake, the pony responsible was gone.”

“That was another mystery. I did report it to my superior, and surprisingly enough, he said that I had already received my punishment for falling asleep on the job.”

Flash shrugged. “Neither do I, but that is what happened.”

“Did you ever get any clues on who did it?”

Flash sighed. “I know the Mountain Mares were due in that day, but I never saw them.”

“Mountain Mares?” Spike asked.

“Supposedly the leaders of the Foal Mountain Tribes. I’ve never seen them, never met them before. It’s like they exist in word only, or are invisible.”

Spike shivered. “Invisible. I wonder if they are Zombie Ponies?”

“Spike, what did Twilight tell you about Zombie Ponies?” Flash chastised. “They don’t exist.”

“Sorry Flash. But they could be ghosts.”

“Or they could just not like being seen. I’m a guard, not a royal. I don’t get to meet all of the Princesses’ friends.”

“That could be it. I now want to ask Twilight though. I wonder if she knows who the Mountain Mares are, or if she knows how a snow cloud appeared at the end of spring.”

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading.

Alright, first off, yes, here is where I introduce the next section of the story. Where I tell the true story behind this one in an equally fictional manner. I promise to keep this interesting, and not have a Mary Sue... Trust me, my OC has tons of problems. I am going to strive to make this as interesting... especially since it's going to take more than one chapter to do. Hold onto your seats, and get ready for a ride. :trollestia:

The Wonderbolts are on there way... so everypony prepare.

The 'Nose Bleed' Watch is baced off of the real military term "Balls Watch" I just didn't feel like tossing that word into the story. So I used a more polite term for it.

Alright, Chapter 16 is actually finished, however, I want to give myself a buffer so I can get some other stuff done, so it won't come out till the ninth of April. Be ready folks, Pinkie is breaking rules again. :rainbowlaugh:

Till Then

Cowgirl Out

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