• Published 26th Sep 2014
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Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 29: My Teacher, My Captain

Twilight, after waking up and quickly helping with the installment of the new bed. Decided to slip downstairs to await their mysterious guests. The time was drawing close as the sun marched to the center of the sky. She glanced out the window into the streets, then realized that since she did not know who was going to show up, it was somewhat pointless to watch for them.

Returning to her throne, she sat down, leaning against the table. Her eyes slowly traced the map; Canterlot, Cloudsdale which was currently near Trottingham, the Pie family rock farm. Who were these ponies? Why didn’t Celestia tell them more? Twilight shook it off, her eyes going upwards to the chandelier above her head. So many adventures, so very many adventures, and here was yet another one.

“Um, Twilight?”

Twilight looked up, Fluttershy stood just inside the door, “Hey Fluttershy.” Twilight said softly.

“Um, are you alright?” the pegasus asked.

Twilight nodded, “I’m just tired; it was a long night. Why are you down here?”

Fluttershy looked at the floor for a moment, before entering the rest of the way and sitting down on her throne. “Um, I got bored, and you were alone so I decided to excuse myself from the conversation.”

Twilight nodded, “I wonder where they are coming from.”

Fluttershy shrugged. “Well, Dash knew her back when we were younger. That narrows it down a bit, but not a whole lot. I’d say they’re from Cloudsdale. Also, that is where most of the science divisions are in Equestria.”

Twilight nodded, “Pegasi research facilities, there are also some in Canterlot”

Fluttershy shook her head, “Then why is she coming today, why not yesterday?”

“The princesses both said that it would be tricky to get here here...” Twilight rapped a hoof against the table. “Alright, I don’t know where she is coming from, or even who she is. I don’t even know if it is a ‘she.’ For all we know it’s a he.”

“I think,” Fluttershy said, “Princess Luna said she.”

With a groan, Twilight studied the map, “I just wish we knew who was coming. It’d be-”

With that, a knock was heard.

“Come in!” Twilight called.

A guard entered and saluted. “Princess Twilight, the ‘guests’ have arrived.”

He stepped back as two mares and a stallion entered.

Fluttershy gasped, “Miss Feathers!” She cried lunging to one of the two mares.

“Flutterfly!” The mare said, catching her in an embrace.

“You are alive!” Fluttershy exclaimed, “I can’t believe it! We’ve not seen you in seven years!”

The pink pegasus nodded, pulling away, “I know. I’ve been busy.”

“Oh! Introductions! Miss-”

“Actually,” Lilly said, “It’s captain now.”

Fluttershy’s face lit up, “Captain! Were you the one-”

The other mare suddenly stepped forward shaking her head vigorously, “No, she doesn’t know” she mouthed.

Fluttershy gulped, catching herself, “The one who... Princess Celestia sent to deal with our problem?”

Lilly nodded, “Indeed." Her ears flicked back. "I just wish she'd tell me what it's all about. I know two of you got hurt, and Dashity is one of them. Alright, introductions. I’m Captain Lilly Feathers of Bravo Squad at Windy Wings Therapy and Science Center of Fillydelphia. This is my second, Commander Steady Flyer, and my twin Catstitch.”

Fluttershy smiled, “I’m Fluttershy, and this is Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“Fluttershy?” Lilly asked, raising both eyebrows.

“It’s a long story.” Fluttershy explained.

Lilly nodded, “I never thought I’d see the day when one of my students would adopt the bully taunt as their name.”

Fluttershy smiled, "I never expected to see you again. Your grandmother said that she didn't know where you were when we went hunting six years ago."

Lilly's ears flicked back. "Long story there too."

Catstitch walked up close and punched her twin in the ribs. "Are ye gonna be the only one that talks?"

Lilly's face flushed red, "I did it again, didn't I?" she groaned.

Catstitch nodded.

"Begging your pardon, Princess."

Twilight shrugged, "It's alright, you obviously know Fluttershy well. And please, Twilight is fine."

Lilly nodded, "Alright Twilight, and yes, Fluttershy was in my class back when she was in school."

"A teacher?" Twilight asked.

"Aye," Cat said, joining the conversation. "So, Magic, what did ye do before ye became 'Magic’?"

"I was a librarian." Twilight answered.

Lilly sighed, "Like Mom."

"Your mother is a librarian?" Twilight asked, half smiling.

"Indeed.” Lilly confirmed, “It's kinda how I entered science. It was either that or reshelve all the books. If you started reading... you could disappear."

Twilight chuckled. "I know what you mean, I've inflicted that job onto Spike a time or two."

"And the rest of us." Fluttershy added meekly.

Catstitch nodded, "If ye want ta find the book again, ye have ta put it back."

"So," Twilight asked, "What's your mother's name? I know most of the librarians in Equestria. I've been to enough of the libraries."

"I doubt you have." Lilly said, "Mom doesn't leave our little nook of Equestia often. Her name is Grace Research."

"Grace Research!" Twilight exclaimed, "Like, one of Celestia's best teachers at her school ever?! Who vanished without a trace twenty years ago?!"

Lilly nodded, "Now you know why I was trying to be a teacher."

"I can't believe it!" Twilight continued to express her excitement, "All the books said she had disappeared out of Equestria!"

Fluttershy was completely lost. "Uh...." She glanced back at the stallion. He was still standing there, almost at attention, like a soldier. He was almost absent from the world. "So, why are you here... uh… I’m so very sorry, I've forgotten your name.."

The stallion smiled, "Steady. My name is Steady Flyer. My captain could not be permitted to travel so great a distance without an escort. As well as that, her sister could not fly with her, so they needed a way to transport her. I supplied that transportation." With that, he fell silent.

Fluttershy blinked, "I see." She turned back to the conversation. Now they were discussing Lilly's father's mother. Who also just so happened to be a librarian. the former librarian of Cloudsdale, to be exact. Fluttershy returned to the group. "We really should be moving." she said.

Lilly facehoofed. "Ugh! I almost forgot. We can only stay three hours, which should be plenty of time if we get started now. The other Princesses are expecting me for a briefing on a recent scientific breakthrough this evening." She explained.

"Then really you should. Oh, the Wonderbolts are upstairs visiting." Fluttershy commented absently.

Suddenly Lilly acquired a very impish look.

"Neigh." Cat said firmly.

"I've not even told you my idea!" Lilly protested.

"Lil' ye came here to help Miss Dash. Neigh ta pour salt in a wound of an old rival."

"Not my intention. I just want to prove her wrong. You see, last time we met, Spitfire said she could spot me in any crowd, anywhere... I just want to make sure she doesn't mistake me for my twin." Lilly said smugly.

"Neigh! We neigh gunna do it! It's mean, and would take up too much time." Catstitch hissed.

Lilly smirked, then pulled the hairbands from her own braids. "Yes sis, we are. And no, we won't. If we take up too much time, the princesses can wait. They are the ones who sprung this on me on the last moment."


"And then," Soarin said, "Next thing I knew, the couch was inside out in the middle of the room."

Rarity gasped. "Oh dear!"

"I'm not kidding!" Soarin exclaimed, "I couldn't believe it."

Spitfire rolled her eyes, "No, you were going ballistic on how amazing it was."

Rainbow Dash smiled weakly, "Sounds like quite the adventure."

Soarin rubbed Dash's forehoof gently with his own, "Not as adventurous as other times, but Discord sure caused problems."

"Discord was..." Rarity's lips pressed together, as she thought of the word.

"Bein' a pill." Applejack supplied.

"Not the phrase I'd use, but yes."

"You could say that again." Rainbow Dash muttered, "I can think of a few stronger words to take the place of that one though."

"For me?" Discord asked, appearing between the two beds. "I can think of a few as well; coward, hypocrite, poor friend, monster... those do describe my past actions."

Rainbow sighed, "Yeah Discord, they obviously can. Another is nuisance. Or how about pest?"

"Pest!" Discord gasped dramatically, "Who, me?" he glanced about the room of glaring faces. "Fine, you are correct, I do take that role from time to time."

"Really?" Applejack stated, "You don't say."

Discord wrung his tail between both forelimbs. "Yes, indeed I do..." He wiped away an invisible tear. "Oh well, it is who I am after all. Now... any other- oh dear."

"What is it, Discord?" Rarity asked. Discord's face had gone white as a sheet. All the ponies in the room followed his gaze. He was looking straight at the closed door.

"Your company has arrived." he said.

Pinkie leapt from her chair. "Really?!"

Discord grabbed her back leg. "Wait, they are planning something. Don't get in their way."

Pinkie stepped back, and they all waited. Then, the doorknob slowly turned, the door swinging open. Twilight stood in the doorway, looking a tad uneasy. Fluttershy walked in next with a large grey stallion. The stallion positoned himself by the door, standing at attention as Fluttershy and Twilight walked to stand between the two beds. Once there, two, identical pink mares entered, wearing brown cloaks covering their entire backs, hiding their Cutie Marks from view.

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "It can't be!"

Fluttershy nodded, "It is."

"Well I'll be!" Applejack beamed. "If it ain't the Persimmon Twins."

Lilly and Catstitch were completely in sync. It was almost unnerving how they were moving. Either of them could be mistaken for the other’s shadow. Both mare's manes were done identically, and with the cloak hiding Lilly's wings, it was impossible to tell who was who. The only difference was shade. Only Rarity would have been able to distinguish that.

Spitfire's face reddened for a moment. Then she looked smug. "Captain Feathers?" She said, then glanced between the two, studying them closely as they answered.

"Captain Fire." They said as one. Their voices were completely in tune to one another’s.

Spitfire frowned. "How are you?" she asked.

"We are well." They answered again, still unphased.

"Oh my!" Discord spoke up from the bed, "Don't worry, I have a sound bubble up, we can say anything and they won't be able to hear. My, this is going to be fun. I've heard stories, but I've never seen them actually do it."

"What are they doing?" Rarity asked.

Discord grinned, "Trolling Spitfire, of course." He said with a proud air. "They are good, quite good."

Rarity gasped, "They must stop! What if-"

Twilight shook her head, "It seems the two captains have know one another for a while. Spitfire challenged Captain Feathers to this..." she interrupted. "I was told not to intervene. This just has to play out."

"Okay, I give up." Applejack said. "Who is who?"

"First I want to know," Rarity held up a hoof. "Who are they?"

"Captain Lilly Feathers is the smaller, lighter colored one on the right. Lady Catstitch is the larger, darker one on the left." Twilight answered.

"They are the ones Celestia sent?" Rarity asked.

"Yes." Twilight confirmed. "Catstitch didn't tell me much, but from what she said, Celestia gave her twin as much information as she gave us. She is quite clueless on the mission. Something about, 'probably wouldn't even come if she knew.'"

"That is what Celestia told us." Applejack said.

"Shh!" Discord snapped, "You are going to miss this!"

They all quieted down to listen.

"The Flying Arrow has had it's large scale test. My report will be on your desk within the week." Again, they were completely in sync.

Spitfire was becoming more and more agitated. "How about that other study? B2? That report is late." She reminded them.

Again, neither twin missed a beat. "It is not late, it is due in five more days. I have a report almost ready, it will be on your desk at that time."

"That's a tad spooky." Applejack commented.

Fluttershy nodded, "I agree."

"It's superdifferous!" Pinkie shouted.

"Lilly," Spitfire made her choice, turning to Catstitch. "Will you just drop the act. You are beginning to annoy me." She spat.

Both mares cocked their heads to the side, neither one even attempting to raise their eyebrow. "Indeed, Captain. There is smoke coming from your ears." They said together once more.

"Really?!" Spitfire said, "You don't want to deal with me mad."

"Captain, I could have you demoted, kicked from the Wonderbolts completely. You already ride a thin line with that attitude of yours. If your replacement was ready, you would already be gone." Not a flaw in the speech.

"Ouch!" Discord cringed. "I sure hope she's bluffing there. But I know she isn't."

Twilight glanced up, "She ranks higher than Spitfire?" she asked, shocked at the revelation.

"Not in the Wonderbolts... exactly." Discord explained. "I didn't ever catch how it worked, but I know it is true."

"Oh my." Fluttershy said, "No wonder she wasn't worried."

"You are bluffing." Spitfire shot back.

"Am I?" The twins said together.

Spitfire's mouth pressed together, and without a second of warning, she created a fire ball and hurled it towards the twins.

Catstitch immediately stepped away from her twin. Lilly caught the ball neatly in a forehoof. As they watched, a layer of ice slowly encroached around the flame, freezing it mid-flicker. "Am I?" Lilly repeated, "You picked the wrong twin again, Spitty. Better luck next time."

Spitfire stomped. "Just do me a favor Silly Weather. Make sure you get that little beast back to my place to clean up the mess he made."

Lilly shrugged, juggling the ice ball between hooves, "Alright, it's the least I can do since I won.” she paused, “Again."

Spitfire's teeth ground together, "Be sure he does."

"On one condition..."

The yellow captain paused, and glanced back. "What?" she asked, irritably.

"You forgot the magic word." Lilly said, coyly. "You keep forgetting that word. You forget, Captain, I outrank you."

Spitfire snorted, "What word is that?"

"Humm and thank you, they're called the magic words." Lilly began to sing.

"PLEASE!" Spitfire fumed, filling in the blank.

"Please what?" Lilly asked.

"Please get that- that- BEAST to come clean up his mess. Come, team." She ordered, not waiting for Lilly to answer.

"Soarin." Lilly called.

Soarin paused. "Steady will need your assistance later. Stay behind."

Soarin glanced at Spitfire. The yellow mare grit her teeth. "Do as she said, and return to the headquarters when she is done with you." She then, was gone, Fleetfoot hot on her heels.

Soarin sighed. "Are you two ever going to bury the hatchet?"

Lilly smiled, tossing Soarin the ball, "What hatchet? I hold no grudge against her. She's just fun to get angry. Besides, not everypony I can do " She pointed to the flame that was still frozen in all it's glory in a block of ice. "that with. Go stand with Steady."

Soarin saluted. "Yes Ma’am!" he said.

Lilly and Cat both shook off their cloaks and left them beside Steady. Turning to one another, they both started snickering. "Oh my, that was fun." Lilly said, as they passed into the sound bubble. Within, seven blank stares, and one amused, awaited them.

"HOW?!" Dash yelled. "How did you- fire- Captain? Outrank?"

"It is kinda hard to believe, darling." Rarity said.

"That was a mighty impressive display of Pegasus Magic right there!" Applejack added.

"That. Was. AMAZING!" Pinkie cheered.

Catstitch chuckled, "She's still be hittin' us with a load o' bricks." her highlander birr, now that she wasn't matching her twin, was back in full force.

Lilly smiled, "Yep." She whispered back. "Alright, one question at a time. How? Pegasus magic, Why? Because Spitty asked for it. Also because Cat mentioned the other day she wanted to see if we could still do it. And yes, Pinkamena, it is pretty impressive. But no need to break eardrums. And Generosity, it is indeed hard to believe."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! How did you know Rarity was Generosity?" Rainbow Dash questioned.

Lilly shrugged, "Well, I know that Magic and Generosity went to the Unicorns. If Magic turned into an Alicorn, that left the other Unicorn as Generosity... easy as that. Alright, we started this off wrong. Sorry about me indulging myself, but that was too hard to resist." she smirked as she glanced back over her shoulder at the door.

"Ah told ye it’d be a bad idea, Moti." Catstitch whispered in her ear.

Lilly's smile vanished, her ears flopped down, "I know, but we can't both be the 'good' twin."

Catstitch rolled her eyes. "Aye, that we can."

"No, we can't." Lilly said back. "Alright, before I get overwhelmed by the fact there are more ponies in here than I'm used to working with on my own, let's get started. I know some of you know us, but for those who don't, I'm Captain Lilly Feathers, and my twin sister Catstitch. That dashing young stallion is Steady Flyer. He was just my 'body guard' on the way here. Don't mind him. He's got a duty to perform here in a moment, as soon as I get answers. Yes, I know who each one of you are, and don't ask. It's a long story.” she paused for a second, “I'm beginning to ramble, so I'm going to shut up now if I can."

Rainbow Dash burst out laughing, "Oh man, Miss- I mean, Cap-"

"Lilly works." Lilly stated.

Dash smirked. "Alright Lilly, I hated those rules anyway. By the way, WHERE WERE YOU?! Six years ago, we went looking for you. A librarian of all ponies answered your house door and said you were currently unavailable. When I pressed, she said she didn't know where you were, or even if you'd ever return! I know you graduated a blank flank, but come o-"

Lilly sighed, "That's not the issue right now-"

"No, Lilly! It is an issue! If you know who we are, I'm sure you know what my element is."

Lilly looked at the floor, "Loyalty."

Rainbow Dash nodded, "Lilly! Where were you? I was worried sick! If it hadn't been for you, I would not have graduated!"

Lilly looked away. "I would- prefer... not to speak about it." Her voice was strained. "Please, Dash, I was not myself."

"Lilly!" Rainbow said, becoming more tense, "I was-"

Suddenly Lilly rushed past all of them, "Breathe, Dash, You need to relax now!" Her voice again had the air of a commander.

No sooner had she said it, Dash's body became tense. Lilly didn't hesitate, she laid a wing on Dash's barrel. "Just breathe, Rainbow Dash." she ordered.

The others were too stunned to move, too fast, this was all happening too fast. Every moment presented more, and more questions, but not giving much, if any answers.

"Cold!" Dash hissed.

"It'd be over faster if you'd just relax." Lilly stated. "And wouldn't hurt half as badly. Man, you are beat up! What happened to you, Rainbow?"

Rainbow took several deep breaths, trying to relax. "I- I"

"Deep breaths. No answers until you have gotten control of yourself." Lilly ordered.

After a long drawn out silence, Rainbow Dash did. "I took on a twister I couldn't quite handle." she answered.

Lilly raised both eyebrows. "That doesn't correspond with your injuries, Dash."

Rainbow Dash looked up, "How do you know? Did Celestia send you-"

Lilly shook her head, "No Rainbow, it's an old method that I was taught by a Pegasus master. That is how I know. Now, you didn't answer my question. Unless that was a brute of a beast - which this town shows no sign oft - the strained muscles and tendons in your body appeared out of nowhere. What did you do? Bruises, I can believe, the rest of it... not on your life."

"Well-" Rainbow looked to Applejack.

"That's another thing." Lilly said. "If it was just you that was hurt, I might be able to believe your story. But Jacklin has the same pattern to her injuries for the most part, as you do. What happened?"

"Jacklin?" Rainbow Dash blinked.

"Pa called me that." Applejack told them. "Haven't used it since he-"

Lilly's face fell, "Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Nah, that was a while ago. Ah'm alright now."

Lilly didn't believe her, but at that moment, had more important issues to deal with. "Rainbow, what happened? Or do I have to ask Honesty?"

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. Applejack nodded for Dash to continue. "Um-"

"Look Rainbow, I don't want to be firm. But I can't help you, unless-" She took a deep breath. "Unless I have an idea of what happened. Right now I'm working in the dark. I don't like that. I can't do anything in darkness."

Rainbow Dash smirked. "Really?"

Lilly's face became firm, "Now!" She ordered.

"Well," Dash began. "Applejack and I were doing a... contest. And, you see.... we... um... She was ahead."

Lilly rolled her eyes. "You challenged her to something you weren't sure you could do?"

Rainbow Dash nodded, looking straight at the blankets. "Yes, I did. You see there were these vines-"

Lilly's face suddenly went beet red. "LUNA!" she stomped. "Blast that mare clean to the moon." She marched to the other side of the room, her head down. "I told you NO!" She ranted.

Cat moved in, resting a hoof on Lilly's shoulder, "Lilly, please, They need your help."

Lilly pushed the hoof off. "You knew!" she said, glaring into her twin's eyes. "You knew! Didn't you? Don't lie to me, Cat!"

Catstitch's gaze didn't waver. "Aye, that' a' did." she answered.

"How! How? HOW?!? How could you?" Lilly hissed between her teeth.

Twilight pulled Spike close as Discord erected another barrier. "This could get ugly." he stated.

Author's Note:

Surprise surprise!

Yep, this chapter is here 4 days early! :yay::yay::yay: McAwesome is taking a vaccation so Gany (Who will have her slot in the next chapter) Has been kind enough to get this out promptly. And Shadow was also made sure I had a fast turn around on the edits, but he normally does so that's not a huge surprise.

Oh boy this was a chapter I had been looking forward to writing. That scene between her, and Spitty was something I just loved doing up. Their rilvery dates back to school days... And I promise to tell that in a later chapter. Believe me, it's a dozy.

Thank you all for reading, please don't be afraid to leave your thoughts in the comments. Chapter 30 Live's too short, will be out on December 12th... China's Birthday if I remember right.

Though the fifth I'll be publishing chapter 3 of Squeaky Picnic. After a 6 month hiatus.

Till then,

Cowgirl out.

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