• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,593 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter 26; The Dark of Night

A good night was not to be had by either party that night. For Captain Feathers, her sister, and Commander Flyer, it meant flying through bone-numbing cold while also fighting the fatigue of only a half night of sleep. For Applejack and Rainbow Dash, the darkness was of a different sort.

"Come on RD, tell meh."

Rainbow lay facing the other direction. Applejack groaned as she tried to get some reaction out of Rainbow Dash. She was surly and unreasonable one moment, the next, sulking. Applejack knew Dash's pain, shoot, she still felt it. But this lashing out and being moody about every little thing was beginning to wear on her already fatigued nerves. "Dash, none of us can help unless ya tell us what's the matter."

Again, there was no response from her roommate. Applejack considered ringing the bell to call for Twilight, but since there was no way to know if this was serious or just Rainbow Dash's way of saying she needed to be alone, she decided not to press the issue to that extent. That, however, didn't rule out option three: go over there and knock some sense into Rainbow Stupid Dash.

The problem with that idea was that, after such a long, eventful day, Applejack wasn't sure she could push her body one more time to pass her pain tolerance or energy allotment and check on her friend.

The sun was down, and the crickets chirped outside. In the distance they could hear Owlicious out hunting.

Rainbow Dash groaned and shifted stiffly under the covers.

"RD. Are. Ya. Alright?" Applejack asked louder.

Rainbow Dash froze, then grunted something. Applejack sighed with relief, "Come on RD-"


Applejack rolled her eyes. "This be quite the time ta be-"

"Shut it, AJ!" Dash growled.

"Alright, what's eatin ya, Rainbow Dash?!" Applejack growled.

Rainbow Dash said nothing, but rolled back so she faced the door away from Applejack.

"Dash, ah know it hurts-"

"I said, shut it, Applejack!"

"Not doin'," the earth mare shot back firmly. "Ya've been a pill since-" she paused, thinking back. "For a while now."

"Really," Dash deadpanned.

"Yes, what's eatin at ya?" Applejack pried.

"Wouldn't you want to know?!"

Applejack sighed, "Dash, ah know how bad this hurts, how humiliatin' it is. Ah also know what it is to not be able ta do things fer myself. Ah know yer Loyalty, but-"

"Don't even bring the Elements into this," Dash snapped.

"Did Fluttershy's words mean nothin to ya, or are ya just gunna be a stupid, stubborn mule and end up worse off still?!"

"There couldn't possibly be anything worse than this," Dash growled.

Applejack took a deep breath. "Yes Dash, there is. Ya could be dead."

Rolling over, Rainbow Dash glared at Applejack. "Really? From a pulled muscle?"

"Nah, from fallin' out o' the sky!" Applejack stated.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Wasn’t the first time," she stated.

"Dyin' or fallin?" inquired Applejack.

"Which do you think?" Rainbow Dash growled. "Now if you don't mind, I'd like to go back to sleep."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Ya weren't sleepin’," Applejack stated.

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow Dash glanced back at Applejack and gave the most pained expression on her face. "How would you know that?"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Because of the way yer' holdin' yerself," she said smugly.

Dash sighed, "Just shut up alright? Just- just leave me alone."

"RD, there's somethin' botherin' ya," she stated flatly.

"You said that," Rainbow Dash complained.

With a sigh, Applejack nodded. "Ah know. Rainbow, are ya feelin' alright?"

The pegasus didn't answer for a moment. "I'm fine!" she finally hissed.

Applejack glanced to the cord once more. Then, despite her better judgement, she rolled out of bed to stand shakily on the floor. Applejack was exhausted—beyond exhausted, but Rainbow Dash was... She couldn't put a hoof on it. She thought back to that day at the hospital, so short a time ago. How much better it had made her feel just to have somepony be there with her, to not feel alone with all that pain raging up and down her body. That day had been rough on her: surgery, hospital, wagon ride, and all that poking and prodding the doctor did hadn’t helped in the slightest.

This day wasn't that, but she was still suffering from the pain, and the stitches in her belly tugging and pulling uncomfortably on her skin as she moved didn’t help either Rainbow Dash was in the same boat she was in, except maybe even worse.

Rainbow Dash had spent the entire night before in a limbo-land between reality and oblivion. She blamed herself for everything that had happened. She had both wings tethered to her sides because of bone fractures and was visibly bruised from head to hoof. On top of that, today she had pushed herself into Applejack's own situation. Rainbow was now also dealing with a belly that felt as though it had a knife in it every time she moved.

Rainbow, Applejack knew, felt guilty for what she had put them through, and if she reasoned right, she was kicking herself for yelling at Scootaloo. It had not been brought back up for the remainder of the the fillies' stay, but Dash was avoiding the topic like any pegasus would avoid the feather flu.

At last she reached the other bed. Eight feet was a long way when you could only move a hoof a couple of inches at a time. "Rainbow?" Applejack whispered, laying a hoof on the blue mare's shoulder.

Rainbow Dash tensed, but didn't roll over. "Leave me alone AJ!" The voice was shaky, and hardly over a whisper.

Knowing better, Applejack rolled Dash over herself. The pain laced through her body like lighting through a cloudy sky. She gasped sharply, biting her lip as she tried to shake off the pain once more. "Not- doin'," she replied, the pain not escaping her tone.

"AJ, Twilight told both of us to stay in our own beds and not to be heroines," Rainbow Dash pointed out. "Go back to bed and leave me alone."

"Can't," Applejack said, sitting down.

Rainbow Dash froze, then slowly looked back over her shoulder. Applejack looked awful. Her face was so pale, her body had broken out in a light sweat, but there was still a level of duty to her eyes and posture. This was not lost on Dash. Rainbow's eyes widened. "Applejack? Are you alright? I told you not to come over here!"

Applejack didn't budge. "Dash, we need ta talk."

"You need to recover!" Rainbow snapped back, reaching to the cord.

"No RD," Applejack weakly stopped her. "We both do, but neither one of us are gunna if you ain't gunna start talkin' ta us! Ya can't keep worrin' about the rest of us, and then not takin' the time ya need ta heal yerself or allowin' us ta be worried about ya!"

Dash rolled her eyes. "Look who's talking! Little Miss ‘I'm going to walk over here and-’"

Applejack didn't let her finish. She placed a hoof in Dash's mouth. Her eyes were so filled with pain, it nearly broke through that rough exterior the latter always wore.

Rainbow removed the hoof. "AJ, please! I- I can't keep watching you do this!"

"And- and how do ya think ah feel?" She threw back, swaying slightly. Applejack closed her eyes in order to regain her balance.

"That's not the point!" Rainbow growled. "Applejack, this is all my fault. None of this-"

"RD!" Applejack swayed again. She gritted her teeth ever so slightly, taking a sharp intake of breath before she continued, "It is both of our faults. It ain't no more mah fault than it is yer fault. So what if ya were loosin'?! It ain't like ah didn't know how you would react!"

Rainbow gulped, but nodded. "It was still my choice!" Her voice was growing shriller by the moment.

"Ah-" As another bolt of piercing pain laced through her body, Applejack closed her eyes and leaned against the bed for support.

Rainbow's eyes widened with fear. "Not again," she whispered. "Oh Celestia!" She reached for the bell as Applejack crumpled to the floor. "AJ!" she nearly yelled, carefully getting out of the bed to check on her friend. "AJ! Can you hear me?" She sat down beside Applejack's head, uncertain on what she could do. Despite the pain Dash herself felt, she reached behind her and pulled the scarlet cord once again.

Applejack's body glistened in the moonlight with sweat. She gasped and groaned, her eyes not once opening.

Within moments, Twilight came through the door and immediately noticed two empty beds. She froze. "Rainbow Dash? Applejack?" she called.

"Here!" Dash said, lifting her head.

Twilight thundered around the bed and down at her two friends. "What-what happened?" she asked with concern as her magic locked onto Applejack and levitated her back to her bed. "The truth, Dash!"

Rainbow watched with concern as she started to walk over to Twilight.

Twilight had other ideas. Once she had tucked Applejack in, she lifted Rainbow and put her back in her bed. "Don't even think about it! I don't need this from you too. What was she doing over there?"

Dash bit her lip. "Checking on me," she said.

Twilight froze, then looked between them. "Alright, I'll get an explanation after I get Applejack through this."

The lights went on, medicine came out, and Twilight focused all of her mental energy to trying to pull Applejack out of the pain-induced fog.

Slowly, completely drained, Applejack opened her eyes. "Twi-"

"What were you doing over there?!" Twilight panicked.

Applejack re-closed her eyes. "Checkin' Dash," she replied weakly.

Dash looked uneasy. "Twilight, don't be mad at her. Really, she asked me a question and I wouldn't answer! It's all my faul-"

Twilight could strangle both of them, she could bang her head against the wall, she could cry. But she did none of these things. She simply sat down. Closing her own eyes, she sighed, a tear leaking from one eye. "Girls-" She took a deep breath, looking both mares in the eye in turn. "I don't know what to do anymore, but I told you both not to get up unless I was there to help you!"

Sorrow and fatigue was written on both of their faces. "I know neither one of you get this, but you need rest!" Twilight continued. "Now, do either one of you need something to drink?"

They both shook their heads.

"Go to the bathroom?"

Blushing, they shook their heads once more.

Twilight sighed. "Alright, now that that is established. Go to sleep, both of you. And unless I am here, don't get up!" She then spun and left the two once more.

Rainbow sighed loudly once Twilight had left. “I’m sorry Applejack,” she whispered loudly.

Applejack smiled weakly. “Ain’t yer fault, but it’d help if ya tell meh what’s goin’ on in that head of yer’s.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Twilight’s right, we need sleep.”

Applejack glared. “Ah told ya what mah problem is, now you tell me yers. Ah wouldn't be so worried if ah knew. Why did ya snap at Scootaloo? She's yer sister!"

Rainbow took a shaky breath. "I-I don't know AJ," she said. "I just- I just don't know! Fluttershy is right, she didn't deserve it. Still-still I snapped at Scoots and she didn't deserve a word I said to her. She's the most awesome sis a pony could ask for. Do you see those moves she pulls on her scooter?"

Applejack smiled and nodded wearily from across the room. "Ah know Dash. Why, just the other day, she was able to jump that scooter so high it went right over the river! But yer' gettin off topic. Why'd ya snap?"

Dash sighed and shook her head. "I don't know AJ. I simply don't know."

Applejack nodded. "Alright, ya were playin’ Cloud Wars, right?"

Dash nodded.

"Ya were winnin', then started zonin' out on us."

Again Dash nodded.

"Twilight mentioned ya looked tired, and Scootaloo decided ta put up the game. Alright RD, what gives?" Applejack summed up.

Dash sighed, "I don't know! Yes I was tired, yes I was sore, no Scootaloo didn't deserve that, but I don't know." Rainbow Dash threw a lone game piece that she found in her bed across the room.

"Feel better?" Applejack asked.

Shaking her head, Dash groaned. "No! I just hurt worse! I don't get it AJ! I sit up, I fall asleep, roll over, I fall asleep! I nearly fell when Twilight helped to the restroom a bit ago. And eating! Pinkie fed me like a foal. I don't get it AJ! I just want to go home! I just want to sleep in a comfortable bed! I just want to wake up and find all of this is but a dream! A wicked, cruel dream Luna came up with."

Applejack nodded, sighing herself. "Ah understand Rainbow, really ah do. This hasn't been any easier on me. Ah've been goin' through the exact same thing, right down ta Pinkie's foal treatment."

Rainbow Dash nodded and sighed deeply. "I knew I shouldn’t have told you."

"Now hey there Rainbow Dash!" said Applejack, pushing herself up slightly so she could look Dash in the eye. "That is not what ah meant! Ya need ta talk about this, or else we're gonna lose ya again."

Rainbow squirmed. She whispered something unintelligible that Applejack couldn't quite catch.

"Rainbow Dash?" the earth mare asked, concerned.

Dash sighed deeply. "Sorry AJ, I'm- I- I don't know! How am I going to tell Scoot? Shoot! When she came over, I was asleep! Asleep! I don't know what-" She buried her face in her hooves, curling into a ball. "I just want this to end! I just want it to be over! She doesn't deserve a sister like me!" she blubbered.

Applejack felt trapped. "Maybe we ought ta get Twilight."

Dash said nothing, so Applejack rang the bell. Within moments, Twilight reappeared, disgruntled and a little vexed. However, her demeanor completely changed the moment she spotted Rainbow Dash crying into the blankets. Twilight looked to Applejack, her eyes widening. "What happened this time?"

"She just needs company," Applejack supplied. "But ah can't get out of bed."

Twilight threw both forehooves in the air, but walked over to Rainbow's bed. Sitting down, she pulled Dash into an uncomfortable hug. Twilight wasn't Fluttershy, nor was she Pinkie Pie; she and Applejack were probably the two worst ponies for dealing with a situation like this. Finally, Twilight found her voice. "Dash?" she gulped. "Tell me what hurts."

Dash wiped a tear from her eye. "Can I tell you what doesn't?"

Twilight nodded. "I am just trying to figure out what's going on. First AJ is passed out on your side of the room, now you are crying like a filly. Girls, you are scaring me."

Applejack looked away. "Sorry Twi, ah- ah just couldn't allow- let- permit Dash, that is-"

"Just say it!" exclaimed Twilight, completely exasperated.

Dash took a shaky breath. "I want this all to end! I want to go home!" With another volley of tears, she attempted to pull away.

Twilight didn't let her. She pulled the frightened pegasus closer. "Rainbow, oh Rainbow," she soothed gently. "It's alright."

"No," Dash stated firmly. "It's not alright! I'm not alright! I've hurt Applejack, I've worried you guys, I've let down Ponyville, I've yelled, scratched and annoyed you guys. Then to top it all off, I yelled at Scootaloo!" Dash was once more overtaken by her sorrow.

Twilight held Dash close and rocked her back and forth, slowly becoming more and more comfortable with what would normally be Fluttershy's role. Twilight glanced to Applejack, who, now that Dash was being dealt with, could hardly be called awake. Twilight sighed. "Rainbow Dash, I don't think Scootaloo is mad at you."

"How could she not be?" Dash blubbered. "I was the worst sister to her in all of Equestria! How could she not hate me for what I said?!"

Twilight sighed, "First, Scootaloo already knew you weren't yourself. She probably didn't expect that reaction, especially towards her, but I think she knew you didn't mean it."

Rainbow didn't answer.

"Dash, when I was younger, Shining once broke his leg during training," Twilight began. "He came home and it didn't take long before I figured out something was wrong. Shining pulled the tough stallion act on me, but all that did was make me more and more concerned. I didn't actually feel better about it till he sat me down and told me the whole story and told me how I could help him. That's all I really wanted. I wanted to be there for my BBBFF, and I didn't know how. Shining-" Twilight half grinned, "Shining became a better brother that day, not because he shined his armor to make himself look better, but because he let me see his cracks."

Dash sniffed.

"Rainbow, I don't think the answer to your problem with Scoots is to continue to beat yourself up, but it's to show her that you are weak right now and allow her to help you feel stronger," Twilight supplied.

Dash thought back to the night she'd decided to be Scoots’ honorary big sister. That night on the cliff when she had let her guard down just long enough to help Scootaloo with her fear of the headless horse. Dash nodded. "I-I think you're right Twilight. Th-thanks."

Twilight hugged Dash again. "What are friends for?" she said.

Dash cringed as Twilight hit a sore place in her coat. "Owww!"

"Sorry," Twilight apologized, trying to be gentler. "I think you need to sleep now," she said, tucking Dash back in.

Rainbow Dash nodded, the tears still somewhat streaming down her cheeks. "I- I don't know if I can sleep, Twilight! Like, what if I have another nightmare?"

Twilight groaned. "Alright, I'll stay here till you are both asleep."

Rainbow Dash looked down at the girdle Rarity had made for her, trying to avert her eyes from Twilight's gaze. "I don't want to be a burden. All this is my fault. I think I still ought to suffer-"

Twilight grabbed Rainbow's chin and pulled it so Dash had to look her in the eye. "Listen Dash, are you hurt? Yes. But please quit beating yourself up over it. It's not helping."

Rainbow Dash sighed, "I'll try not to."


The countryside fell away behind them, the land painted in various shades of greys and blacks, as they flew under the light of the full moon.

"Tosh felm ta lack?" Lilly said, as she flew so her head was just beside her sister's.

"Pelm folco," Catstitch said back.

Steady tried to ignore them. They'd been at this for hours. He'd mustered up the courage once to ask them what they were saying. This, however, had been met with a, "Twin stuff, if we wanted you to know, we'd speak Equestrian."

Steady was annoyed beyond words. He was tired, sore, and annoyed that his question hadn't been answered. Well... not entirely answered. A different question that he'd been asking for years finally had its answer. Why did the twins have different accents? This had, in fact, been answered. Not directly, but he had a hypothesis that he was now ready to present to Lilly next time he caught her in a mood to actually answer questions.

The entire time the twins had been talking, he'd discovered both twins’ accents had disappeared, their voices taking on a completely new accent that was a mix of both, and a bit new. Steady had heard of twins creating a language that they understood, but nopony else could figure out. They obviously had it. He'd also heard that twins with this language had a hard time learning the common language so they could communicate with the rest of the world. This too matched up, as Lilly had often complained about pony's 'words' being confusing or hard to say. And he also remembered her telling him how she had been teased for her 'lisp'. He had never heard this so-called 'lisp' of hers, but he suspected it wasn't a lisp at all. Rather, it was this mixing with-

"I think he's out." Lilly flew backwards, her nose inches from his, her body directly beneath him. "Zhonock to Steady!" she giggled.

Steady shook his head to clear it, then blinked.

"Aye!" Cat said, her accent returning as if it had never left. "Ah be feelin' him weaken."

Lilly nodded as she maneuvered back into her normal flight position, just over his left wing. "Master Fantom's place isn't too far from here. Steads, do you think you can make it another five minutes?"


"I'll take that as a yes," Lilly stated with a nod.

Steady blinked, then almost panicked as Lilly dove into what she'd previously told him was Suicide Gorge.

"Follow her!" Cat scolded. "Neigh be there another way that can get ye through alive."

Steady did not hesitate. He followed his captain's example exactly. Diving in and out of tight places, around cliffs and rock formations, and through passes that almost made him hesitate. Somehow he didn't fall. Somehow the 'echo effect' didn't catch him and cast him and his passenger both to the rocks below.

Just as suddenly Lilly had taken that dive, she pulled up and came to a rest on a cliff's shelf. Then she did the strangest thing any pegasus could ever do: she howled. Lilly pointed her nose to that bright blue moon and let out the saddest, loneliest wolf howl Steady had ever heard.

Moments later, she was answered. Just as long, just as sad. The voice was deeper, almost masculine.

Steady alighted on the cliff beside her. "Captain?"

"Midnight Journey says ‘come on,’" Lilly answered before he could say anything else.

"Who?" Steady asked.

Lilly was gone, however. Catstitch laughed. "Come on Commander," she said from his back. "That's the Master's apprentice. Best not to keep him waiting."

Steady was left confused and lost as they wove through more and more dangerous places. He began to wonder why anypony would even want to live there. The landscape was harsh, and he doubted anypony could get up there without a set of wings. He concluded then that 'The Master' and ‘Midnight Journey' must both be bat ponies. Lilly had already said there were not many pegasi in the mountains, therefore the likelihood that they were not was high.

As they grew closer, he began to see two figures with capes and a small fire behind them. Lilly landed and bowed low. Steady landed, then Cat climbed down from his back and did likewise. "Master," they both said simply.

"Rise, children." The master's voice was deep and shaky with old age. "I am but an old stallion, not one of the great ones."

Lilly was the first to speak. "Master, we seek a moment's rest and a warm fire to warm ourselves by."

The younger one snorted. "Really Motivation, speak plainly. You are cold, wet, tired, and should have stopped to rest hours ago."

The older one kicked him. "Respect, Midnight," he admonished. "We welcome thee to our abode. Who doth be thy friend?"

Lilly beckoned to Steady, who still stood near the cliff's edge. "Master," Lilly said. "This doth be my second, Commander Steady Flyer."

"I should have recognized thee by thy flight style that thou art a son of Fast Flyer."

Steady's eyebrows shot straight up, both of them. "You knew my great-grandfather?" he exclaimed, astonished.

With a tired nod, the older stallion smiled. "Aye my child. I did know thy father's father's father. A great and mighty warrior was he."

"Oh enough of-" Midnight started.

"Son, pay thy respects."

The colt rolled his eyes as he threw back the hood to his cloak. The colt's face was disfigured with scars, one ear nearly half missing. His eyes were a rich chocolate brown, his coat a grey and his mane a navy blue. "Ppft," he snorted.

Lilly whacked him upside the head. "Middy!" she scolded. "Tolf, tolf."

The colt rolled his eyes.

"So Master, how's things?" Lilly said, dropping formalities and throwing both forehooves about his neck. "Kish, I missed you."

The elderly stallion smiled and ruffled Lilly's tightly braided mane, the loose strands flying out and blowing into her face. "I've missed you too, my faithful student."

Lilly giggled. "Fantom!" she complained, tucking tufts of mane back behind her ears. "Stop that!"

The old stallion smiled. "You'll do Feathers, how's the Flying Arrow coming?"

Lilly's face lit up. "We DID it!" she exclaimed, flapping her wings slightly.

The old stallion's face lit up. "Praise the Dear Mother! I knew thou couldst. I knew that if anypony could, it wouldst be thee."

"I didn't do it alone, Steady helped, and Arrow. And each one of the fif-"

Master Fantom started laughing. "Oh child. Well, let’s get you inside. Thou and thy friends need rest and food. Midnight Journey, get thy friends some soup made up."

The colt disappeared into the cave. "Now children, let's get thee inside, come." Fantom beckoned and led the travelers.

The air inside the cave was stuffy, and had a harsh odor to it. Steady wrinkled his nose. "Captain?"

Lilly paused where she was chatting with her friend and looked back. "Yeah?"

Steady bit his lip, his ears folding down.

Lilly shook her head. "Come on Steady, they don't bite... well, not usually."

Steady blinked. Master Fantom smiled, and the twins started giggling.

With Lilly and Catstitch both distracted, Steady stepped back to allow them space. Suddenly he was thrust against the cave wall.

"What is she to ya?" Midnight Journey said, his eyes boring holes into Steady as the colt half his own size held him firm.

Steady relaxed once he realized it was just Midnight holding him. "I do not understand," he said simply.

"Don't give me that!" Midnight growled. "I see the way she looks at you!"

Steady blinked. "Lilly is my captain, nothing more. She wishes not for a relationship, so I will not press her into one."

The colt rolled his eyes. "Yeah, RIGHT! You are hiding something, loser!" The wing came out from under the cloak, and to Steady's surprise, it not only was a pegasus’ wing, but it had a three toed claw at the mid joint. To his terror, each claw had a six inch knife of a nail at the end. "You want to start talking?"

Steady found himself almost at a lost for words. "I could ask the same question of you," Steady finally said, not wishing to draw attention to himself. But in the back of his head he was groaning that, for the third time that day, he'd been captured. First by fillies, then by a gang of colts, now by a single stallion half his size. He started considering maybe extra workout sessions might be called for.

"What she is to me is none of your concern," Midnight said.

Steady relaxed even further. "Then that is my answer for you."

Midnight growled, but let go. "Just understand, if you hurt her, I will kill you."

Steady gulped. Who was this colt?

"Middy!" Lilly called, "How's that grub coming?"

Midnight Journey quickly made his way back to the stew pot and checked it. "Almost warm enough," he said.

"Good!" Lilly said. "I'm starved."

Steady rubbed his sore neck. Claws? Had that been his imagination, or did he see claws at the end of those wings?

"Commander?" Steady was jerked back away from his thoughts by the old stallion's voice. "Might I speak with you?"

Lilly and Catstitch were examining some things in the cave. Master Fantom now stood beside him. Steady nodded quietly.

"Good, I will have a word with Midnight later."

"You- you saw?" Steady gulped.

Master Fantom nodded gravely. "Jealousy, a jealous heart can make a stallion go mad."

"I don't know if I understand."

"I'm sure you do, or will." The older stallion placed a wing over Steady's. "Midnight was Lilly's first crush, and vise versa. That was back when they were five and four. Many, many moons ago. However, they don't walk paths that can merge. She is also destined to be our leader, he is but a lowly wolf foal. Their union would be frowned upon by all, and her respect would be lost. However, you don't hold that distinction. Your ears are whole, you are not under our laws, and you work with her daily, so he is jealous."

Steady nodded. "May I speak freely-" he paused, "Master... Fantom? That is your name."

The older stallion nodded. "No, it is not my name. It is, however, what I'm called. I don't wish for to be found by my former colleagues, I have put that life behind me. So my name is known only to me. The ponies that can get here call me Suicide Fantom."

Steady raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"You're not local, so I don't expect you to know our stories, but we don't call ponies with feathered wings pegasi. It is considered rude. We call ourselves phantoms, pieces of wind and sky."

"Then what about the 'Suicide' part?" Steady inquired.

The old stallion smiled. "I'm sure Lilly had told you what this place is called."

"Suicide Gorge?" he asked.

He nodded. “Now, I suspect you had another question, son. You are free to speak.”

Steady looked uncomfortable. “His-his wings have-” he paused, “claws?”

With a laugh like thunder, Master Fantom guffawed. He revealed his own wings from under the dark cloak and flipped back the hood. Fantom was white with a grayish blue mane and tail and a long fluffy beard. But on his wings were also claws. “We are winter pegasi. Unlike you lowland pegasi who require trained snow crafters to dust thy lands and slopes with such complicated six sided structures, we can use our own magic to create our snow. It is different—two sided cylinders rather than six sided crystals.”

Steady raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t know. Winter Pegasi?”

The elder nodded. “Aye, but remember to call them Winter Phantoms if thou takest to anypony else. Thou dost not want to find thyself in that argument. Where was I? Ahh yes, most O’ the Winter Phantoms have claws on their wings like me and my assistant hast. That, and our wings be bigger so we can navigate the icy winds more swiftly, and are more heavily feathered to protect us from the cold,” he explained. “Our hooves are also bigger to prevent sinking in the snow.”

“I have another question,” Steady said. “If I may speak freely.”

Fantom chuckled. “Speak Commander.”

Steady bit his lip, then looked him straight in the eye. “I mean no disrespect, but would the Phantoms have anything to do with the Windigos?”

“Hey Freight Train!” Lilly called from across the cave. “I know he’s one of the funner ponies to pick their brain, but we’ve gotta’ eat and get going. You don’t want to still be in this cavern once the sun comes up. It won’t be possible to get out. The air currents will be too strong.”

Master Fantom nodded towards Lilly. “Thy lady be calling.”

Steady wisely said nothing to this comment, but raised one eyebrow, then switched it to the other before shaking his head and turning and seating himself on Lilly’s right side. Lilly held her spoon in her left wing and it nestled in the place where the other two had claws.

With a glare Midnight was careful to not allow Lilly to see, he handed Steady a bowl of gruel. He then turned and handed his mentor a bowl as well before scooping himself some.

“Soooo-” Lilly smiled up at Steady. “What were you picking his mind on?”

Steady raised an eyebrow. “I was not ‘picking his mind,’ Captain. I was trying to understand the claws-”

Lilly died laughing. “No, that’s picking his mind. Fascinating isn’t it?” she smirked up at him.

Steady nodded, “Indeed.”

Catstitch, on Lilly’s other side, placed a hoof over her own mouth to stifle a giggle. “What dida’ ah say Sis? Steady be a wee bit curious.”

Chuckling, Lilly nodded. “Not a little!”

Steady pretended to be absorbed with eating his dinner.

Both twins laughed heartily, Lilly slapping Steady hard on the back. “Oh fiddlesticks, you crack me up!”

Steady almost spewed his dinner across the room from the blow. He turned and glared at Lilly.

“Oopsie!” she stated.

Their meal was eaten with haste. Lilly and the Master continued to talk, exchanging questions, some of Lilly’s being only half thought up. Steady kept his focus mainly on Midnight Journey, who glared at him the entire dinner, reminding Steady every moment that he was on the black list for stealing his mare.

Finally they were finished. It hadn’t been a large meal, as it was unwise to fly on an overly full stomach, and their wings had been thawed out enough that they could now go and continue their journey.

Fantom rose, went to the back of the cave, and retrieved a harp and set it before Lilly, a smug look playing on his old features. “Lilting Songbird, bard of hills, as is tradition, I request a song.”

Lilly was taken aback. Quickly though, she regained her composure and nodded. “Master of this house and leader of the Midnight Fighters, I grant thy wish. What shall be thy listening pleasure for this evening?”

Fantom sat down. “Surprise me.”

The pink pegasus- er, phantom? Steady wasn’t sure at the moment, ran both wings over the strings. They each played clear into the night. “I have three, two I be working on, and one I finished. It be an old poem I found and- the music just felt right.”

Master Fantom smiled. “A new one,” he said.

Lilly nodded. “Alright. Mind you, it’s not done yet.” She tested the strings once more, then began to play.

In my heart,

There’s a melody,

In my heart,

There’s a song to sing.

In my heart there’s a song,

Won’t you sing-a-long,

There’s a melody of love.

In my heart,

It be a new thing,

In my heart,

It’s why I sing.

In my heart there’s a song,

Won’t you sing-a-long

There’s a melody of love.

The song was a haunted one, with a steady, flowing rhythm. It fluctuated between a marching tune and a flying one.

In my heart,

I know not what to say,

In my heart,

Oh why I feel this way.

In my heart there’s a song,

Won’t you sing-a-long,

There’s the melody of love.

Of love, of love!

In my heart there’s a song,

Won’t you sing-a-long.

It’s this melody called love.

In my heart,

I know not what to feel.

In my heart,

Or how to deal.

In my heart be this thing,

And it makes me sing.

It’s the melody of love.

O’ Love.

Her voice rose on the last note, hitting an insanely high note. This, however, from the lilting tune, fit into the song nicely. She played a few ending notes, then laid the instrument in her lap. “It’s a work in progress,” she said quietly. “Got the idea from a book.” She sighed heavily as she returned the instrument to its owner.

Master Fantom smiled. “Thank you, Lilting Songbird, for your talent.”

Lilly lowered her eyes, her face flushed, breathing hard. “I’m nothing. Anypony could have created that. We really still need to get going, before the sun comes up.”

They walked out on the cliff's edge. Lilly returned the saddlebags to her back as Catstitch mounted Steady. Lilly did a few flips and spins before turning back to the sky and to Ponyville.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, thanks for reading.

I have to admit, it's been a while since I wrote this. But as you can imagine, I had a bit of fun on the world building front. Well... actually on both parts, but for different reasons.

Looks like Rainbow isn't quite past things yet, nor do I think she will any time soon. Oh man homesickness... talk about a kink.

So Shining broke a leg once upon a time... anybody want me to do a one shot of it?

Lilly and Catstitch have a special 'Twin' language. Actually... this is kinda a trade mark of mine. My favorite twin set of each book will have their language. I've always loved creating language, and accents, and since a twin set that used to babysit me had one... It kinda stuck with me.

I wonder how Midnight lost half his ear. Probably won't be explored in this story on exact, but the how, and why is explored in a upcoming chapter. No, his ear is not the result of Lilly's temper. But she was involved.

The song indeed I wrote, and I do have music for. However, I've not been able to record it yet. Hopefully soon I'll get that done for you guys. But don't hold your breath, I'm quite busy till November.

Any questions? Please ask them in the comment section below. That way if it's not answered in a future chapter already (Chapter 31 is almost finished on my end.:trollestia:) I can slip it in somewhere.

Chapter 27, Icky Mornings will be released. on October 10th. After that, hold tight, for I have two shorts. The first is a Pinkie centered one shot, Librarian Pinkie Pie. And it'll be coming out October 24. The second is "Moonlit Battles At Pegasus Falls." Lilly and her cousin Sony are the main in that one. Taking place about 10 years before the events of this book. It will be coming out on Halloween night, and is my attempt at a dark fic. It's previous Title was "Zombie Wars of the Foal Mountains" to give you guys a clue on what it's about. More info will be given on my blog as we near the publication dates.

I hope to see you in the comments.

Cowgirl Out.

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