• Published 26th Sep 2014
  • 2,592 Views, 699 Comments

Most Daring Pony - CowgirlVK

Rainbow Dash and Applejack are at it again; Head to head trying to figure out who is the most Daring pony.... only this time something goes wrong and the challenge, who is the most graceful in defeat.

  • ...

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Chapter Three: Rocky Start

For the last two hours, Doctor Stables had been in and out checking on Applejack. Dash sighed, trying to melt into her Daring Do Book while ignoring the discussion between the doctor, Applejack, and Twilight. The pain medication was beginning to wear off and the Doctor had decided to run more tests before giving her more.

Dash covered her ears and closed her eyes as Applejack screamed.

"Easy, Miss Applejack. If it hurts, don't force it," the doctor calmly said.

Dash could feel Applejack's eyes burn through the doctor and straight into her back. Dash tried to think about other things, but to no avail. Dash gazed around the room. Rarity had both Fluttershy and Pinkie on either side of her cowering in a corner. Pinkie's hair was almost flat. "Pinkie?" Dash croaked.

Pinkie zipped over. "What Dashie?"

"Could you three please go..." Dash thought for a moment. "Get a party ready at Twilight's for when AJ gets out? Try to come back in, say, two hours though."

Rarity smiled. "Good plan," she said.

"Oh, and take Spike so you can go ahead and get AJ's room ready. And..." Dash blushed. "I am kind of in the mood for a cupcake. Would you girls please bring me back one? AJ too, she wouldn't like being out on something like that."

Pinkie nodded, her hair spring back to it's normal poof.

Applejack groaned loudly.

Dash could see Fluttershy once more folding in on herself. "Hey Flutters. Could I have a hug?"

The two embraced for a moment.

"Tank's hungry, could you feed him for me?" Dash whispered into her ear. The question had the desired effect. She nodded.

Dash did not take another full breath until the four had left. She then turned her attention to Applejack."Doc," she said. "Ah can, ah will make it. Ah ain't gunna be treated like a baby if ah can help it. Please let me up," she said firmly.

The doctor scratched the back of his head. "Okay, but take it slow. Don't rush your body. It won't like you very much if you do."

Applejack glared, and with the help of Twilight, sat up. Dash could see both concern and desperation written on her face as she eyed the floor. Finally Applejack slid off the bed. Doctor Stable and Twilight both caught her with their magic as her hooves hit the floor and fought for stability. Dash saw the Doctor release his grasp as Twilight moved in beside the orange mare.

"Don't let go," he told Twilight.

She nodded and slowly the two made their way to the small bathroom in the corner.

A pang of sadness and guilt ran through Dash as she watched Applejack hobble stiffly but proudly across the length of the room. Upon the door closing, Dash looked up to find the doctor towering over her. "Hi!" she said, startled.

Doctor Stable smiled. "Twilight said that you all came to the conclusion that the two of you were both injured originally by the same event?"

Dash nodded. "Yeah, I challenged her to yank a vine out of a tree in the back of her property. She told me Big Mac had already declared them stuck a year before... Well there are two less now."

The doctor sighed then shook his head, “Miss Dash! What will I do with you!” he sighed once more, “Well, now I need to check to make sure you don’t have a hernia as well.”

"Didn't you already check for that?" Dash asked, confused.

"No," explained the doctor. "When you came in, we only checked for broken bones, internal bleeding, or a concussion."

"Oh," Dash's heart sank. "I..." she opened and closed her mouth a couple of times, trying to muster the courage to tell him exactly how she felt. "You see Doc... It was... like... you know..." Dash scratched the back of her head.

"Why don't you just give me your version on what happened when you fell out of the sky this morning?" he helped.

"I... Um... You see..." Deep breath. "It was like this: I knew from the time I got up this morning that something was off. I was sore, a bit sick to my stomach, but not bad."

"Please describe to me 'sick to your stomach.'"

Dash thought for a moment. "It was like I needed to burp, but couldn't. It wasn't very bad, but definitely noticeable."

"And after you started working, did it get worse or better?"

Dash blushed. "Worse, a lot worse. I took it slow while nopony else was there but... I really hate my team thinking I'm weak. Being weak is sappy!"

Doctor Stables frowned. "At what point did you feel the most queasy?"

Dash thought back. "About fifteen minutes or so before that twister got the best of me. I called a break and lay down. We were all tired."

"Is that when your team suggested you go home?"

Dash nodded.

"If you would guess, what do you think your wing power was measuring at?"

Dash shrugged. "Who knows, probably between ten and thirteen."

"Your papers say your normal is around sixteen."

"We all have weak days."

Just then the bathroom door opened and Twilight and Applejack started making their way back across the room. Dash was shocked once more on how haggard the latter looked. Applejack looked a lot worse than she had a few minutes before. She barely moved, her face was pale, almost a white, and her body was drenched in sweat. Twilight kept both a wing and a magic aura around her friend to keep her upright.

"Are you sure you don't want me to just pick you up and put you back in bed?" Twilight asked concernedly.

"No Twi...Ah must make it... Ah don't want help... It is only ten feet... not ten miles."

Doctor Stable left Dash to attend Applejack in getting back into bed.

Applejack suddenly swooned, eyes half closing, jaw clenched, head almost to her ankles. Without hesitation, the doctor picked her up in his magic and carried the half asleep mare to her bed.

"NO, ah can make it!" she protested weakly.

"Miss Applejack, your honor is satisfied. You walked there on your own. Now I am not going to allow you to overexert yourself in the name of personal pride," he said, tucking her in.

She had had her eyes closed during the flight to the bed, but once there, she opened them and glared at the doctor. Dash could see a deep pain in the look.

"Come on AJ," Twilight said soothingly. "Just let it go."

"Ah said ah would make it and ah intended to. He made a liar out of me," she protested while trying to sit up.

"Miss Applejack, I did not make a liar out of you. You said you would make it on your own. You said nothing about getting back. Now, didn't you promise your sister not to argue with me concerning your health?"

Applejack stopped struggling and plopped against the pillows exhausted. "Yeah, ah guess I did."

"Alright Applejack, I am going to go ahead and call a nurse to get you those pain meds. I want you to sleep alright. You can't heal without rest."

Applejack nodded as her eyes closed. Her sides heaved as though she had just run a marathon. The doctor shook his head and turned to fetch said nurse. "Alright Dash," he said upon returning. "Where were we?"

"Uh... we all have bad days?" Dash said after some thought.

Doctor Stable glanced down his clipboard then nodded. "Alright Dash, do you feel queasy now?"

Dash thought for a moment. "Not at this moment, but I did a little after I got out of bed and walked around a bit a little while ago."

The Doctor nodded. "Alright Dash, I am going to feel around. If it hurts, let me know."

Dash nodded. She bit her lip to keep from laughing as he hit a few of her ticklish places. Then without warning, the cyan pegasus almost erupted out of the bed as the doctor hit a tender spot. Doctor Stable held her down with his magic. "Ow!" she groaned.

"You OK?" inquired Twilight.

Dash nodded, her eyes tightly shut.

"Shall we continue?"

Dash nodded "Guess we have to."

After five more minutes of prodding, the doctor found three other tender spots on Dash's abdomen.

"Alright Miss Dash, we’re all done."

Rainbow Dash nodded. "So, Doc. What's the verdict?"

"Well Miss Dash, you got lucky. Two weeks rest, and two more to get back into your normal routine, and you shouldn't have any problems."

"I hear a but in there," observed Twilight.

The doctor nodded. "If you don't rest, you will be in Miss Applejack's position before you know it."

Rainbow Dash glanced at the doctor, then at Twilight, then back at the doctor. "You mean!"

He nodded. "Yep, no flying, no tricks, no overdoing."

Dash ran a hoof through her colorful mane. "G---, That's going to be hard," she said.

"Not if we turn it into a game," Twilight said thoughtfully.


Fluttershy felt useless. She sat on her throne, watching as Pinkie and Rarity spruced up the throne room for the party. Whenever that would be. After feeding Tank, she had returned to help to find Rarity and Pinkie going a million miles a second sprucing up the place. She wondered if they had even noticed her yet.

Fluttershy decided to head upstairs to find the (not so) baby dragon. Friendship Castle was huge. The shy mare trotted from door to door while calling softly to the dragon. Suddenly, she ran right into a walking pile linens. Pillow cases, sheets, and quilts went everywhere, and under it all was Spike.

Fluttershy gasped. "Oh dear, I am so sorry Spike. Are you alright?"

Spike nodded. "Of course."

"I was wondering... that is if you need me... if that is… Do you need any help? Because Rarity and Pinkie don't . If you don't need me, I guess I can go home. But if you do-" Fluttershy rambled.

Spike held up a claw. "Yeah, I need help." Spike gathered up the linens into two piles. “These go to the first two rooms on the right."

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. "Why two? I thought you were-"

"Only keeping Applejack?" Spike shook his head. "Yeah, Twilight wants to talk Dash into staying here as well until she can fly again."

Fluttershy nodded. "Alright, I'll get Dash’s room, you can get Applejack's." She looked down at the white sheets. "Do you have any other colors?"

Spike nodded. "Twilight wanted white. I don't know why."

Fluttershy didn't argue, but she scooped up the stack of linens and followed Spike. They left the piles outside and inspected both rooms. "I think," Fluttershy mused. "We should put Applejack closer to the stairs so she doesn't half to walk as far when we need to have a meeting or something."

Spike nodded. "I was thinking the same thing."

"So shall we get started?" she asked.

Spike nodded. "Fluttershy," he said hesitantly.


"Could you help me with the fitted sheets? They are still a little difficult."


Fluttershy fetched the stack of linens for Applejack's room and found the fitted sheet. By this time, Spike had removed the eight pillows from the bed. They each chose a side and, after laying the fitted sheet right side up, proceeded to tuck the sheet over the corners by working diagonally from each other. Once done, they went to Dash's room and duplicated the process.

"Uh... Do you two need any help?"

Spike and Fluttershy both jumped. Spike grinned widely. "Flash!" he exclaimed. "Please, could you go get Applejack's stuff from the entry room and bring it up here?"

The Captain of the guard nodded and left. Fluttershy smiled. "I was wondering how we were going to get all those apples up here."

Spike shrugged. "With all the re-shelving of books those guards do, I think carrying apples would be a welcome change. You have no idea how much Twilight has them shelve books!"

Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, I think I have an idea," she said. "I can remembering re-shelving Twilight's hoard a time or two."

A tear ran down Spike cheek. Fluttershy scooped up the small dragon in her wings and held him close. "I am sorry Spike, I forgot how tender that topic is for you."

Spike nodded. "I like the castle, but did he have to destroy my home?"

Fluttershy held the dragon closer rocking him back and forth. She did not know how to respond. She too felt a sense of loss every time she saw what remained of Ponyville Library. But to Spike, that was his home. Even months later, the topic was... touchy to say the least.

"Come on Spike. We still have work to do. We can't break down. We have to be strong for Applejack."

The dragon nodded. "Alright. I suppose I need to get back to AJ's room and get it finished."

Fluttershy nodded.


(An hour and a half later)

A tear rolled down Applejack's cheek as she tried to get comfortable. The doctor had given her enough pain medication to take the edge off, but not enough to take it fully away. She lay against the pillows, heaving. Blurry images floated around her. The voices were muffled as though they were miles away. "Twi?" she croaked.

No response. Seconds seemed as years. "Twi?"

"Easy AJ, I'm here. What do you need?"

"Water," Applejack croaked.

Within seconds, there was a cup pressed against her hooves. She felt shaky as she tried to lift it to her lips, but only succeeded in almost spilling it down her front. Twilight steadied her with her own hooves and helped her drink. Applejack drained the cup and then collapsed against the pillows once more heaving. She groaned and curled up on her side.

"You alright AJ?" Twilight asked.

"Too cold, too fast," Applejack replied through her teeth.

"You want me to call the doctor?"

Applejack shook her head.

Twilight sighed. "Applejack, you are the most stubborn pony I know."

"Then you haven't met Big Mac," Applejack grunted taking deep breaths.

Twilight smiled. "Feel any better?"

Applejack nodded. "How much longer until the doctor will give me more?"

"As soon as you ask for it." Twilight responded. "You heard what the doctor said. He wants you to feel enough to keep you out of trouble, but not so much that that you are in a daze."

Applejack didn't answer.

"Applejack, how do you feel? Do you need more?"

Applejack suddenly stretched out as a muscle spasm surged through her. Within seconds, two nurses and the Doctor were in the room. Everything was a blur of movement around her.

"Breathe, Applejack. You must breathe," a nurse said as she stroked her mane. "In, out, in, out."

Applejack gasped like a fish out of water. Each breath sent ripples of pain throughout her entire body. She was unaware of anything else but the nurse who demanded her whole attention. Slowly, the pain died down and the images began to vanish. Her tunnel hearing cleared up and she was able to make out what the doctor was saying. He dismissed the nurses and glared over his glasses at her. "Miss Applejack, didn't I say to let us know if the pain became too much?"

She nodded. "Sorry Doc. Ah forgot."

He shook his head. "How do you feel now?"

"Much better."

"Doctor," Twilight intervened. "I think it was more my fault. She asked for a glass of water and I guess I made it too cold for her. I had no idea that would happen."

"That's alright Twilight. I should have warned you. Her stomach is going to be a bit cranky while the muscles heal. It is the reason we have been feeding her a little bit every hour on the hour."

"Ah have been wondering that Doctor," Applejack said. "So Doc, when do you think I can get out of here?"

The doctor sighed and scratched the back of his head. "Really, that depends on you. You don't need to be in a hospital to recover from this type of injury. What you need is rest. But right now, you are not strong enough to travel, so we will keep you here until I think you’re ready. So at the earliest, tomorrow afternoon. Latest, the day after that."

"But what about those muscle spasms?" Twilight asked. "Yeah, I think I can remind her to breath and massage those taut muscles, but you just gave her a medication as well."

"A simple, fast acting pain killer."

Twilight nodded. "I see."

"Hey AJ, why don't we see if we can get out of here together?" Dash said while looking up from her book.

The doctor thought for a second. "I suppose if you behave, Miss Applejack, and get a good night's sleep, you might be strong enough to travel come morning."

Applejack sighed. The words 'strong enough' pained her. She was an earth pony. Not only that, she was one of the strongest earth ponies in Ponyville. Not strong enough! The anger and frustration must have shown because Twilight wrapped a wing around her friend. "Come on AJ, you aren't fighting this battle alone. Just take it easy for now, and you will go farther in the long run."

Applejack nodded. "Ah know. Doc, ah take your challenge."

The doctor nodded. "Well then, I shall leave you ladies to your mending and we will see tomorrow morning how you are."

AJ watched as the doctor left. "Ya know Twilight."


"Ah am bored."

Twilight thought for a few minutes. "Your brother did ask if you would write up the list of things that you did every day," she said, fetching a scroll and quill from her saddle bag.

Applejack nodded. "Ah guess ah could do that."

"Darling, we're back!" Rarity sang as she entered the room with Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Spike.

"I was wondering when you would get back," Dash said.

Rarity smiled. "I want you three to close your eyes and not open them until we tell you to."

"Why?" asked Dash.

"Ah got my eyes closed," Applejack said.

"Me too," added Twilight.

Dash rolled her eyes. "Alright, me too I guess."

"I'll tell you when you can open them," Rarity cooed.

Applejack could feel something being laid beside her.

"Alrightie, on the count of three," cheered Pinkie. "One-two-BANANA!"

"Pinkie, that ain't a three," Applejack remarked, her eyes still closed.

"THREE!!!" Pinkie cheered.

Applejack opened her eyes and swallowed hard. "My HAT!" she exclaimed.


Rainbow Dash slowly realized she was awake. She glanced around the dark hospital room for any clues. Everything was as it should be, right down to Applejack's uneaten cupcake. Dash smiled. Applejack had been so excited over seeing her hat again, the whole notion of the cupcake had gone to the bedside table.

Dash kept looking, turning her attention to the quiet hall. No help there. She turned her attention back to her roommate and best friend. The orange mare lay with her back to Dash and her hat over her face.

Dash eased herself out of bed and walked over to Applejack. Applejack groaned as she got closer. Dash bit her lip. The doctor had given Applejack enough painkiller that it should have knocked her out. "Applejack?" she whispered. "Are you ... Are you awake?"

Dash noticed a few muscles in the orange mare's back tighten. She walked around the bed to face her friend. "AJ?"

A muffled sob came from under the brown hat. Dash's eyes grew wide with concern and fright. "AJ, are you hurting again? Do I need to go get a nurse so she can give you more medication?"

"No, it ain't that."

"Come on AJ, I'm worried."

"You! You! YOU, worried!" Applejack exclaimed, tearing the hat from over her face. "News flash, my cocky friend. You did this to me! Now ah can't help my family, and ah can't do my job! SHOOT! Ah can't even help myself. Ah can feel every vibration, every step anypony makes. It hurts to be hungry. It hurts to be full. It hurts to do my business. Dash, I have come home after one of our missions feeling better than I do right now! I thought I was going to die from the pain just walking to the little filly's room!" At this Applejack broke down into another volley of tears.

Tears were in Dash's eyes too now. "AJ, Please. I... Don't know... How to put this... I'm sorry." Dash watched helplessly as Applejack cried. Applejack never cried. She was strong! Dash suddenly realized what was bothering her friend. Applejack had lost the one thing she had the most pride in: Her strength. Her face went pale thinking about it. If she had lost her wings, how would she feel? Yeah, both of them were wrapped up, but only for two weeks. Applejack was not supposed to use her strength for two months.

"AJ, come on, we have to stick together. It isn't going to be easy, but please, lean on us like we have always leaned on you." Dash suddenly realized she had said the wrong thing when Applejack rolled over pushing her hat further onto her face. "AJ! Please talk to me!"

Applejack didn't move. Dash walked back around the bed and pulled her into a hug. The orange mare lay limply against her still balling her eyes out. "I am not leaving you right now AJ. You need me, and I never leave my friends hanging."

"Thanks Rainbow," Applejack choked.

Dash eased up beside her in the bed to make it more comfortable for the both of them. She was careful not jar her into another pain attack. Dash was shocked by her friend's lack of strength as Applejack tightened the hug. Dash removed the smelly hat from over Applejack's face and placed it on the bedside table to allow her to pull the orange mare closer.

"Don't ya think this is a little sappy?" Applejack choked through her tears.

Dash pulled back and lifted her friend's chin to look into her eyes. "AJ, we got into this mess together. So what type of Element of Loyalty would I be if I left you to face the consequences alone?"

Applejack said nothing, but Dash could feel her relax for maybe the first time that day. Dash stayed there until she was certain Applejack was asleep again then gently she eased herself out from around her friend, onto the floor, and back onto her own bed.

Author's Note:

I want to thank all of you for reading. I hope you are enjoying this story.

Chapter Four will be published On December 11th of 2014.

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